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Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Want to Make A Bet?

He was already here? The guests started entering the palace today. I mentally filed through all the arrivals.


It was difficult to pinpoint one person from the abundance of guests. There were Grand Duke Chrome and his wife, the Grand Duke Lilteang, the Chancellor and his family from the Northern Kingdom, the children of Duchess Cranthia from Samoneau, Prince Heinley from the Western Kingdom, Emperor Sirim of Blue Bohean…

The problem was that they did not come in twos or threes. Just from the Grand Duke and his wife, there were also the knights, the servants, and escorts, and then multiply that number by several times to account for the other guests. I didn't know if the letter came from a woman or man, if they were young or old, or what status they were. It was almost impossible to determine Queen's owner.

– I don't know who you are.

I considered it a little more and then added,

– Do you know who I am?

I was sure they didn't know. I was one of the countless people living in the palace. As soon as I finished writing the letter, Queen hopped to my side.

"This birdy is quite clever, Your Majesty."

"Even while cleaning his feathers, he seems to be trying to make eye contact with you, Your Majesty."

The ladies-in-waiting burst out laughing when Queen butted his head towards me.


I stroked the bird's head, and he made a pleased sound and half-closed his eyes. I rolled up the note and tied it to the bird's leg, and he fluttered his wings and landed on the bed in a small dance before leaping back out the window.

"What a clever bird…

The owner themselves would have to be quite intelligent to raise a bird like that. What kind of person were they? A young woman of my age like Laura? An elegant old lady or gentleman? A prodigal nobleman? A knight who knows nothing but the sword…

"Do you like birds, Your Majesty?"

Countess Eliza came by my side as I stared silently outside the window.

"Yes. I think they're lovely."

The bird was truly incredible, the person who owned the bird had to be incredible as well. Countess Eliza smiled and spoke in a half-encouraging tone.

"Then why don't you raise one or two birds of that species or any other species?"

"Oh yes. It would be amazing to have a chick from birth."

"Let's bring them together!"

It was tempting, but I thought about it for a moment and shook my head.

"No. Seeing one is different from raising one."

Queen was exceptionally intelligent because of his master's training. It was unclear whether I liked birds, or just Queen himself. If I had an animal, I would make sure I would commit to it before raising it.

"I haven't seen Viscountess Verdi since yesterday. …."

"She had to rush back to her estate."

"…Troubles again?"

The ladies-in-waiting glanced at each other. Unlike the rest of them, Viscountess Verdi had no mansion in the capital, and she frequently returned to her estate due to family matters. The problem was that most of the "family matters" were often unenjoyable news.

"I heard the son was gambling abroad."

"And the Viscount was with a married commoner woman, and the woman's husband sued."

Many aristocrats were like this. Viscountess Verdi's son had a gambling problem and the husband had a woman problem.


Viscountess Verdi was certainly burdened with hardship. I was worried, but I couldn't interfere without her asking me. My consideration would touch her pride. And even if she asks for help, it's not something that I could resolve…

'Everyone has problems.'

I sighed and reach out to close the open window.

* * *

The next day, more guests arrived at the palace, starting with the arrival of the princess of the Southern Kingdom early in the morning. The time passed quickly as I exchanged greetings with her and her security was cleared. Maybe it was because of the rain, but today felt particularly hectic.

It wasn't until I retired to my room in the evening that I found Queen sitting on the window frame, pining pitifully as he waited for me. I opened the window, and he crept into the room, soaking wet and shuddering.

"My goodness. Your master sent you in that rain?"

– !

"You're shaking. I'm sure you have a message."

– …

With my tongue in my cheek in concentration, I wrapped a soft towel around his body and gently dried his feathers. Queen hesitated for a moment, but soon started dozing in my hands. I rubbed him with the towel until he was completely dry, and carefully pulled the note from his leg. The handwriting was smudged by the rain, but this was what it said.

– Then shall we make a bet? The one who finds the other wins.

What was it that I wrote before?

…Ah, I asked the sender who they were. They wanted to make a bet. I went to the desk and wrote a reply.

– What would you bet on?

After I finished, I looked at Queen and back out the window again. The rain was still lashing heavily against the glass, and had been going on for hours. If I sent him out now, wouldn't he catch a cold? Queen was staring at me instead of playing with the towel. I put down my pen, and he tilted his head and flew over to the desk. He seemed to scan the contents of the note then extended his leg as if he wanted me to tie the note.


– ?!

"It's raining now. If I send you now, you will catch a cold."

The bird hesitated as if it really understood me, and I drew him in my arms and patted its head.

"You can sleep with me today. You can go when the rain stops."

– !

Come to think of it…he was a male bird. Did a bird consider a human's gender? Why was he suddenly frozen?

* * *

I took a bath then slipped into a gown, and when I returned to my room I found Queen lying on my bed. I was going to make a separate cushion for him to sleep next to me, but he was flat on his back.


Could a bird sleep on its back like that? Cute.

When I got closer, I marveled even more when I saw that he breathed with his beak slightly parted. He didn't wake up even after I touched him lightly, so I lay on the bed next to him. I kept still, feeling a warmth by my shoulders. Maybe because Queen's body temperature was high even though he was a little far away.

As I stared at him in wonder, Queen opened his eyes. When I saw the purple of his irises, I was somehow reminded of Prince Heinley.

Come to think of it, the Prince also had eyes like an eagle. I reached out and swept the bird's cheek, and his sharply gleaming eyes soon slid close again.

"You're so pretty, Queen."

I spoke in a soft whisper, and the bird stretched its body from wingtip to feet, then covered my arm with its wing.

"Good night, Queen."

* * *

I woke the next day and saw Queen was gone. The window was slightly ajar, as if he had let itself out.

'What a smart bird.'

Even more impressively, he remembered to take the note from my desk.

"Countess Eliza. Did you clear the paper from my desk?"

I asked Countess Eliza just in case.

"No, Your Majesty. Is it gone?"

"Yes, I think Queen must have taken it."

Countess Eliza was also impressed with my story.

I thought about the bet as I made my way to the central palace. Queen was quite intelligent, so his owner had to be as well. Perhaps it was Emperor Sirim from Blue Bohean. I heard he was quite smart. Moreover, as Blue Bohean was a maritime country, it used messenger birds the most compared to other countries…

"Your face looks brighter, Your Majesty."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. I've been worried about your dark moods, but I'm glad the New Year's celebrations seem to cheer you, Your Majesty."

"I see…"

More precisely, it was Queen's presence that lifted my mood, but if it weren't for New Year's, he never would have come to me. Countess Eliza was right in the end.

I worked on my papers with a smile, and as soon as it was lunchtime, I returned to the western palace. I usually took my meals at the central palace, but I was worried that Queen would be waiting for me outside the window like yesterday.


Queen was sitting outside the window again. Fortunately, the weather was clear and he was half-dozing off in the sunshine, instead of shivering in the rain. When I opened the window, Queen quickly came into the room and held out his leg. I pulled out the note and checked it eagerly, and once again saw the familiar handwriting.

– I'll bet Queen.

I looked at Queen. The bird blinked his large eyes and tilted his head, oblivious to the contents of the letter.


– Gu?

"Your master wants to offer you, Queen?"

As soon as I spoke, Queen jumped and flapped his wings. I pulled Queen into my arms and placed him in my lap, and looked down at his magnificent golden plumage.

I wanted to have Queen. I have never seen such a cute, smart and lovely bird before. But…no matter what anyone else said, it was best if he stayed with his master. It would be heartbreaking if I won the bet and Queen was let go. No, that was not the best way to describe it. Queen would be abandoned by his master.

I was not so happy with the competition either. I was curious of course, but worry stopped me. The reason Queen's owner and I could send messages to each other was that we were strangers. Would we be able to talk in this familiar way even after we have discovered each other's identity? I had to be careful to preserve the dignity of my pose as empress, or else this comfortable atmosphere would disappear.

– Gu?

The bird tapped my hand as I sat still, as if he were impatient for me to start writing I hesitated and took Queen to my desk. I set him down, took out a piece of paper, and wrote a lie.

– Hint. I'm a man.

Queen squawked and flapped his wings as soon as he saw my message It sounded like he was laughing, and I felt embarrassed even though he was just a bird. I scratched his cheek, and Queen turned round and round and rubbed his head against my wrist.

"Do you think it's fun to lie to your master?"

– Gu!

I was glad he was having fun. I felt sorry for Queen's master, but…they won't find me if I wrote this lie. That way, we wouldn't be able to find each other, and we could remain faceless friends like now.

"You like this too, don't you, Queen?"

– ?

* * *

It was the day before the New Year's celebrations officially began.

I greeted the last-minute arrivals, and checked on the New Year's proceedings and the special banquet for the last day. I went to the western palace again during lunch hour to see if Queen was there today, but the effort was fruitless. Instead, Viscountess Verdi, who had been away for several days, returned. She still looked quite pale and distressed, but she greeted me.

"If it's no trouble to you, Your Majesty, I…"

"It's alright. Tell me."

"Can I borrow some money? "

The red-faced Viscountess Verdi could not even explain the reason she needed it.

"About five thousand krangs…"

The other ladies-in-waiting and I knew though, however. Perhaps it was for her son or husband. Though Viscountess had hurried back to her estate, she could not pull her family out of the mire. I promised to lend her the money without prying any further, and she repeatedly said she would pay me back and left the room shame-faced.

"I'd rather get divorced."

Laura was unmarried and didn't have much sympathy towards Viscountess Verdi.

"That's as good as throwing away the Lux army."

Countess Eliza was patient in explaining this to Laura, but the young lady still didn't seem to understand.

"But even if she went through a divorce, wouldn't her child be considered illegitimate?"

"While it won't happen immediately, there is the possibility that he'll lose the right to inheritance. That's why she's enduring, Laura."

"So what. If a troublemaker like him becomes heir, he'll only end up sucking his family dry."

"Hush, Laura."

Countess Eliza glared at Laura and she pouted her lips.

"I'm only worried."

* * *

Viscountess Verdi returned to her estate again, but not everyone could eat comfortably. As soon as I finished my lunch, I quickly returned to the central palace. Near the end of my work day, something happened as I was taking a break.

"Your Majesty."

One of the knights came inside my office and gave me an unexpected report.

"Prince Heinley wants to see you."

"Prince Heinley?"

Why him? I went outside and found him looking at a mural with his back to me.

"Ah. Your Majesty."

I approached him, and he turned his head and bowed like a knight again.

"I hope I am not too rude?"

"Not at all. What can I do for you?"

"I was told you would be finished with work around this time. Are you still busy?"

Did he find out my working hours? He was right though, and I replied that I was almost done and he grinned.

"That's great. If you don't mind, could you show me the palace? I'd like to look around, but it's so enormous that I'm afraid I'll get lost."

"Ah, then my lady-in-waiting–"


I was about to give him one of my ladies-in-waiting, but he interrupted me in a low voice.

"I wish for the Queen to do it."

agatharoza agatharoza

This is a free-to-read book. Not to be monetized in any form. Original work was published by Alphatart. This is the English translation of it. My Korean is rather poorly thus forgive any false translation. I just love this book so much that I hope more people will enjoy it and support the author. The English version is being turned into a comic series in Webtoon.

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