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Chapter 3: CHAPTER 3


Revenge for an unknown sin


Just as the knob rolled to the left, the man's attention was instantly caught as he raised his head up to look at the door.

A dreadful musical harmony played into the scene, starting calmly and slowly racing for its peak. The harmony sounded like the plays of a violin.

The man behind the door slowly unwrapped himself before pushing his feet out of the bed. He reached for his sandals which matched his nightwear before quietly tapping a cupboard by the bedside. An eye wear was seen on it which he instantly grabbed.

He rushed to the wardrobe which was by the extreme left corner of the room, grabbed the handle and unveiled what was behind. Stacks of weapons, including short guns, what seemed to be gun powders, swords of various sizes and even little knives as well. 

Just then, the door knob twisted again. It seemed the creature purposely did so, to frighten him up. He faced the door with a crease on his forehead before grabbing a weapon. He took the blade which his eyes fell upon first. It was wrapped in a sheath with a little design that seemed like a flag, it was a white line, going through the middle of a square, horizontally and vertically at the same given point forming what seemed to be an unperfected cross.

He lifted the sword from the scabbard as he held it tight with both hands, trying to get a comfort grip on the handle of the blade. 

The door instantly blasted open right when the man caught grip of his blade. The lady on the other hand instantly woke up with a loud scream on seeing the creature with a masked face. 

The face seen earlier, got masked by an obviously crafted replica of an unidentified and non-existent creation. The mask was pale and its eyes were glared of blue flames.

The figure masked, was indeed still and had no intent of motion. 

The man saw the moment as an opportunity to shoot his first strike. Imprudently, he rushed towards the creature, with hope that he'd have a slice and make it bleed.

His actions, indeed, was to no avail as the masked creature effortlessly body-swerved by swiftly stepping to the side and adjusting the position of his whole body. A result was a damage caused on himself as he ran to the edge of the wall and clashed his forehead against it. Although, It caused no much damage as it was seen. 

He came rushing again, and again and again, and all his efforts were classed as nothingness compared to the masked creature who swiftly veered away from all his attacks. The masked creature on the other given end had no intent as it seemed, to attack yet. 

The figure under the mask stood still at the moment, with his face down casted. 

The man panted heavily as he stood up from his fall while attempting an attack. The man sought a weakness and thought that the masked creature's sudden stealth was one. He pointed out his blade as he rushed to the creature. 

To his great shock, the masked figure pulled off a stunt that the man didn't see coming. A dramatic scene was caught as the camera flowed in various angles towards the creature. He stretched out his hands as he raised his face up. Instantly, the man stopped moving. All his motions were completely dormant. 

Only his eyes could move and his blood, (resulting in the earlier damage of clashing his head) could drip. 

The creature calmly withdrew his hand into his cloak and walked over to the wife of the man who curled herself in fright. He aggressively lifted her up, by her hair with one hand, (being his right) and with the other hand, a dagger spilled out of the void in the wide space left around the wrist area of his garment. 

It didn't drop, it was tightly fixed to the murky gloom of his apparel.

She struggled to get her hair off his grip but unfortunately, he easily ripped off the facial skin attached to hair and he flung her over to the corner of the room, to die slowly. 

On her face, all seen were her muscle lightly entombed by blood, her eyeballs and her teeth. She yelled in pain as she patted her bloody face. 

He dropped her hair and walked over to the man. Before him, the masked figure took off the mask he wore and unveiled his face. To the reveal, it was one of the last faces he saw before the lights faded.

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