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Chapter 9: Chapter 9

There was just chaos everywhere.

A dark ominous cloud just took its place in the sky and glowed green inside. It was downright terrifying. Green lightning struck in the midst of the clouds and chains came down hitting the sea of people below.

Amongst those people Stephanie flew towards the person who seemed to be the person responsible.

She was bloody just like everyone else on the battlefield.

“Do it now!” Stephanie yelled.

Eyes turned to Danny who just stood there looking, not moving. Not doing anything and Stephanie was tossed back like she wasn’t a supernatural.

The woman who caused all the destruction turned to Danny and smiled like a cat.

It was Clara in all black and a very weird crown.

She moved a hand and everything went dark.

Elizabeth woke up with a gasp and went into a coughing fit.

Her husband opened his eyes and placed a hand on her shoulder which had her at peace.

“What happened?” he asked.

“I saw something” she replied.

“What?” she asked.

“Destruction of home world by that friend of Danny. The Savan” she explained.

“Lizzy, you know you don’t actually see the future. You see multiple outcomes and it depends on every decision one takes. So you just saw one that someone took a particular decision” he said lying on his back.

“Yeah, but what if it happens?” she asked lying back.

“You’re just stressed because we’re going on vacation and we’re leaving Danny alone” he said closing his eyes.

“You’re probably right” she murmured and just like that she was asleep.

The next morning came soon enough and there was already a car to take them to the airport.

“So you’re sure you’re okay by yourself?” her mother asked.

“Yes” Danny replied tiredly.

“She’s okay Elizabeth” her dad said already making his way to the car.

“Take care and if anything call okay” her mother said hugging her barely awake daughter.

She let go and made her way to the car and they were off.

Danny turned and yawned. She looked at the maid and the driver and smiled.

Now that her parents were gone, she could do what she always wanted to do.

She was asleep as soon as her knees made contact with the bed. She could finally sleep in for once in her life.

Her parents were always in her business about her waking up early. Too much sleep rots the mind, not enough rots the mind. They made sure she got the adequate amount of sleep which still wasn’t enough.

She closed her eyes in bliss. Enjoying the cool air on her skin and she might have laid there for hours until she felt weight on her back.

She opened her eyes to meet gold.

“What do you want Clara?” Danny asked pushing the cat off her and turning the other way.

“Watching you sleep. You have a cute butt” she said lifting her shirt up.

Danny would have kicked her over the balcony, but cats always landed on their feet.

“Leave” she whined trying to chase her sleep which was leaving her.

“No. I waited a long time for this and we are going to do this” the Savan said determined.


“Vacation!” she squealed her ears popping out.

“No thanks I pass” she yawned turning over to her side. Her sleep was back.

“Why?” she whined. I’ve been waiting for your parents for forever to leave so we can go on vacation to home world”.

“I don’t want to” she said.

“Don’t you want to get in touch with your roots? See Tempa? Going now will be so awesome”.

“Nah” she said barely awake.

“Flying round on Willow isn’t the same as exploring” she said poking her in her fleshy behind.

Danny was asleep.

“Just agree come on. Everyone is going to be there. Me, you and Stephanie”.

No response.

“And Kieran” she whispered.

Danny didn’t move.

“Come on!” she yelled placing both hands on her friend.

“Ah!” Danny yelled pushing her friend off her rubbing her now red arms.

“Will you?” she asked.

“Fine” she whispered.

“I know you are only coming because of Kieran. You’ve being influenced by the…..” she shivered. “Humans” she said making a face.

“Don’t say it like that. You have no problem when they flirt with you and it’s no problem when they take you…..”

“Enough Danny” she said getting off the bed.

“Now get ready and we’ll leave” she said.

“What about packing?” she asked stretching.

“We can’t take human garb there. I’ll get you something” she said.

“Aren’t you wearing human clothes?” Danny attacked.

“If you want me to dress like my home planet I will, but the humans will arrest me for public indecency and I might get teased for starting Halloween early”. “Get ready” she ushered her into the bathroom.

“How you strike fear into the hearts of your enemies is through your war cry” the instructor said.

Stephanie listened attentively.

“That cry can make your opponent wet their loins, cower in fear and surrender. You just have to choose which one”.

“I’d like for my enemies to cower in fear at the mere sight of me!” her sister said standing on her feet and clenching both fists making ice sprout out of the snow covered ground.

“Give it a rest, would you” she murmured.

“No don’t…” her brother tried, but her sister turned to her.

“What was that baby sister?” she asked her eyes a shimmering blue.

“Nothing” she murmured.

“Good. On with the lecture Sir Hale” she said.

“Now I want you to fill your stomach with air, spread your legs a little and let it all out”.

“Go on Sapphire. Show the kingdom how you have been consumed by bloodlust” Stephanie said getting on her feet.

Her brother just sighed and made his way over to the instructor. Away from flying shards and arrows.

“Are you just jealous that you aren’t going for the summit?” she asked.

“No. I just hate you rubbing it in our faces”.

“You really love bringing up arguments don’t you? And for the littlest things”.

“And you are the typical princess” Stephanie said with a small smile.

Sapphire already had a bow in her hand and it was the exact height as her. “You wish it was you”.

“Girls” the instructor tried.

“Your Highness’” Guards said trooping into the room.

“What is it?” Sky asked.

“There’s been a breach!” The head guard said.

“How?” Sapphire asked an arrow forming in her hand.

“I don’t know” they replied. “Whatever it was, it was fast and evaded everything”.

Stephanie rolled her eyes.

“Then keep searching!” Sapphire ordered and they were scurrying out.

She turned back to her sister and she had a smile on her sparkly blue lips. “Dance kitten”.

She shot the arrow above her sister’s shoulder which froze a little skin.

“Whoa!” she heard behind her.

Stephanie turned around to see Clara in all her Savan glory.

Now she was currently evading arrows. Everyone just liked to do everything she said.

“Nice shots Sapphire” she said running, ducking and rolling.

“So cold” Clara shivered as one came so close to her chest.

With a move of a hand there was a wall in front of Sapphire.

“Why are you here?” she asked.

“Danny is here for holiday” she stated.

“I care how?” she asked folding her hands.

“I came to save you. Like you care for summits and you want to spend your whole day practicing war cry?” she asked with a knowing look.

“Go with your friend Stephanie” her sister said walking away.

“I’m busy now Clara. I have duties which you don’t have. Take care of Danny and keep her as far away from me as possible”.

“Boo” she dragged with both thumbs down.

“Will I see you in Tempa?” she asked.

“Sure” she replied.

“Bye Sapphire” she waved and jumped out the window.

“A nice girl isn’t she?” her sister asked.

Stephanie growled.

Danny explored the room she was in. So turns out Clara never stayed on earth. Her house was so….she didn’t have words to describe it.

It had couches and tables and other things like a house would, but the designs were so different. Like she wasn’t sure humans have thought of something like this.

Her TV just floated there and the appliance in her kitchen was just one thing. She just put her hand on a pad and say what she wanted and it would prepare itself.

“I’m back” Clara said dropping bags on the kitchen counter. “You done exploring?” she asked.

“Yeah. What are those?” she asked gesturing to the bags.

“Clothes for you” she replied. “Now get changed let’s go”.

“Why are the clothes so tight?” Danny asked pulling on her shirt so she could breathe.

“I’m a Savan. Ask your president” she replied.

Walking round and flying over was really different. Now she could see everyone and they were just like regular people apart from the colorful tight clothes, weird fashion, eccentric designs, hover boards, hover cars and holograms everywhere of a man in weird glasses it was a little bit like earth.

“So how does it feel to be home?” she asked.

“Weird” she replied simply.

“There’s much for you to learn and luckily we can do that in the museum”.

“Why so excited? It’s just a museum”.

“You seem to think that Earth is like here. It isn’t” she said pulling her to the building.

Danny didn’t complain and followed her.

Getting inside she didn’t expect to see a bronze statue of the man she had been seeing everywhere and it was really huge.

“What’s with this guy?” she whispered.

“He’s your president” she replied.

“Victor Prime” she said. “I’ve never seen his face, but I’m sure he’s hot”.

“How will you see his face when he wears those stupid glasses” Danny said making a face.

“He has laser vision. If he takes it off, he could destroy this planet” she explained.

“Oh!” she exclaimed.

“Let’s go to the hall of heroes” she said pulling on her.

In the hall they were pictures of previous presidents. All leading to Victor Prime. His face looked really good even though looking into his eyes could kill you.

He had a face like the way earth superman had, but softer features.

Underneath the pictures there was a screen showing their achievements. Turned out Victor was a good diplomat and he had protected Tempa a lot of times and he had been successful during every battle and he had received an award for well-liked president and most handsome because he had removed his glasses, but kept his eyes closed and there was a picture of that which made her pause the video.

“Hot isn’t he?” Clara asked behind her.

“Yes” she replied.

“Now hall of the fallen” she said.

“Hall of the fallen?” she asked as they entered.

“It was hall of villains, but everyone here has been defeated and or missing and or in prison” she said.

She looked at the name on the picture above.

“Fire squad” she murmured.

A man and a woman holding their hands and raising it up with smiles and they looked to be on a dragon.

“Who draws this?” she asked.

“Artists maybe” Clara shrugged.

This didn’t have a screen underneath. The picture moved and the video played. Fire raining. A lot and a lot of destruction. Sometimes from them and other times on a dragon. Burning other planets of home world and the dead bodies were just too much. The video ended.

“Where are they?” she asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe you can ask Kieran” she murmured.

“You don’t mean….”

“Kieran’s parents” she said. “Two of the most ruthless villains in history”.

“Wow” she said moving to other videos.

She was done with all the videos and she looked round.

“What’s that?” she asked pointing to the end of the room.

“Oh that…….”

Danny was already walking towards the space that was for weapons and other things.

“They didn’t get statues?” Danny asked.

“Yes” she replied.

“What’s all this?” Danny asked pulling the curtain back.

There was a big portrait of a woman sitting on a throne with green flames and also a dark giant cloud behind her glowing green inside.

Looking at the weapons was a very long scythe with two heads. And then clothes held up on a dummy. And then a headgear which looked like what an Indian chief would wear.

“Who was she?” she asked.

“Tresicta” Clara replied.

“She must be really important for her to have a whole side of an exhibit for herself”.

“She was powerful yes. Really powerful”.

“What did she do? How strong was she? How was she defeated?”

“She’s a really old villain so we couldn’t get much about her. She almost destroyed the whole of home world. Everyone joined forces to fight her, Luvina included but that didn’t seem to be enough”.

“She caused a lot of damage that they weren’t sure that they’d ever fix it. She killed just like that and she didn’t bat an eye. She also killed from her own home so I think she just wanted everything gone” she said.

“You sure there isn’t a video?” Danny asked excited.

“You are that excited for a villain?” Clara asked stepping into the elevated stage and walked to the portrait and touched it.

There was a video.

Of butterflies slicing the forces and her blowing up the battle field. Creatures falling from the sky and chains falling and passing through fellow supernaturals. Her just sitting there and laughing the entire time.

Then there was a scream.

“What’s happening?” Danny asked.

Clara looked at the video and the woman was the one screaming. The woman opened her eyes and Clara saw green and her sight was assaulted. There was a big blast which pushed Clara off the stage, but Danny caught her.

“Clara, are you okay?” she asked.

Clara opened her eyes. “Yes I am” she said standing on her feet.

“I think that’s enough history for one day. Why don’t we just go? I’m really hungry” Danny said already pulling her away.

“Yeah. I’m really hungry too” Clara said letting herself be pulled but still looking at the portrait, Still glowing green.

They were out and Clara was back to her normal self.

“Okay there’s this place I know. We can get food there, but you also play games there” she said.

“That sounds like fun. Let’s go” she said pulling on her arm.

“Look who’s enjoying Tempa now”.

“So how do I do this again?” Danny asked.

Clara dropped her milkshake.

“It’s really simple. Like a combination of soccer and lasers. Just kick the ball to the net and make sure Victor Prime doesn’t stop you. If you bump into a hologram you’re out and if you get hit with the lasers you’re out”.

“The lasers aren’t real right?”

“They sting, but they’re not”.

“Okay I can do this” and she was off.

Turned out she couldn’t do it and she failed her first kick and the lasers were really hurtful.

“Better luck next time” Clara said. “You want to go again?” she asked.

“No” she said rubbing her sore back.

“You want to go see Kieran?” she asked.

“No” she said rolling her eyes.

“Okay you are pissed” she said.

“Because it hurts” she said with a pitiful whine.

“I want to go home” she said.

“Earth or here?” Clara asked just to be sure.

“Here! Just take me to your house let me sleep the day away”.

“It’s not night yet” she said.

“Still tired” she said.

“Fine” Clara succumbed.

The ground glowed gold and they were back at her house.

“I’m going to sleep” Danny said making her way to the door.

She didn’t feel like going out if Danny wasn’t there, she wanted her to see home world and earth was nothing compared to here.

She got ready for bed and Danny was nowhere to be seen. Did the lasers hurt that bad or she just wanted to act like a child.

She lay on her bed and the bottom glowed red heating her up. When she closed her eyes she could only see green eyes.

She opened her eyes. She didn’t want to think about what happened earlier but now she was thinking about it. Why though? She had no idea.

She just felt like something was wrong, but nothing was wrong with her.

She sat up and leaned against her headboard.

Luckily she was in Tempa and not in Sava. If you couldn’t sleep, you train, but here was different. She pressed her curved headboard and a compartment opened and she put on glasses and was able to see anything she wanted which would lull her to sleep.

Who did she want to see?

Soon she wasn’t in her bed anymore. She was in the president’s office sitting opposite Victor Prime.

Clara was in her own world that she didn’t know what was happening in her room.

Green eyes looked at the body under the sheets and smiled.

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