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Chapter 14: Soul Society Final

"That way, Zaraki-san."

Tightly gripping the back of Zaraki's Kimono, Orihime pointed her finger towards the Sōkyoku Hill from where one could feel the crash of different spiritual pressures.

"No! That way, Ken-chan!"

But before Zaraki could even move in that direction, his little pink-haired vice-captain stopped him from doing so and pointed in a completely opposite direction.

"But Yachiru, that is the wrong direction." The orange-haired girl voiced her worry.

"That is the right direction, I know it! Big boobs no nothing!" Yachiru pouted and said before she gripped Orihime's hair and pulled them.

"Ouch ouch ouch! It hurts, Yachiru!"

"That is what you get for lying, fat pig!"

With the fight breaking out behind his back, Zaraki doesn't seem to mind it in the least as he keeps going in the direction pointed by them.

"You should let young lady Inoue lead the way, vice-captain. Your sense of direction sucks."

Running behind his captain, the third-seat of 11th division, the wannabe of Saitama, Ikkaku said.

"Huh?" Yachiru turned towards him with disgust evident on her face, "What would you know, baldy! Spit*" Her saliva flew and landed directly onto his bald head, making Ikkaku's brow twitch violently.

"This is it," With anger, he started to draw his sword, "I'll break that child's face."

"Stop it, Ikkaku!" His friend, Yumichika Ayasegawa, hurriedly stopped him, "If you did so, you will get beaten instead!"

"What did you say!?" Feeling insulted, Ikkaku shouted towards his friend as they entered their own bickering.

Zaraki, who was walking in the front, frowned, "What are you guys fighting for? If you want to fight so much, then I am pleased to accompany you."

Everyone became quiet, hearing him.

"Orihime was it? Where is the spiritual pressure coming from?" Zaraki asked.

"Em… one is coming from that big Hill and the other from the other side of it." Slightly focusing, Inoue answered.

Zaraki didn't answer as he started to run in the direction of Sōkyoku Hill with a large grin on his face, 'Wait for me!'


Some miles away from Sōkyoku Hill, the whole area was devastated by black burn marks and ashes.

There were constant sounds of sword clashing resounding everywhere. With every clang sound, a part of the environment would be destroyed.

Sometimes it is pavement, sometimes buildings or somethings trees; whatever came in the way of the two contestants would be destroyed.

Masato, with Est in his hand, would [Skip] from one place to another while Yamamoto followed after him with his sword releasing an intense heat.

Whenever their swords would collide, a shockwave of spiritual pressure would be produced rendering others to get close to such a fight.

Masato gritted his teeth as he felt the fatigue taking over his body from the constant fighting that has been going on for an hour now, and with his CON stat being the weakest, it didn't help him in the least.

It was already surprising that he was able to hold against Yamamoto for an hour of pure sword fighting.

Thankfully he had the skill <<Knight's Strategy>>, <<Haki>>, and <<God's Sight>> that helped him create flaws in Yamamoto's flow; otherwise, it would have been unprecedentedly hard for him to fight with Yamamoto in a sword fight.

During this whole fight, he has not used <<MEoD>> even once. First, he had no plan for killing Yamamoto. Second, he wanted not to rely on it too much but try to level his other skill up.

Of course, that didn't mean he would not use it during fights. Just that, this fight was not to death… at least, for Masato, it was not; so, he had no plan of using his eyes in it.

But the good thing was the fighting with Yamamoto for an hour as leveled up his sword skill quite a lot, same with his <<Knight's Strategy>> that has reached level 10.

Level 10 in just one hour! It would have taken him a long time normally as; first, it was a major skill that made it hard to level up. Second, he wouldn't be fighting with opponents of the Yamamoto level during his training.

So, Masato was quite satisfied with this fight even though he was at the beating side with how torn his clothes looked. After all, his gamer body made it impossible to receive any normal scars.

As long as they are not conceptual, Masato was pretty sure that it was impossible to wound him. Draining his HP was another thing though.


Sparks left the contact point of the two swords as Masato and Yamamoto distanced themselves from each other. Both said nothing as they just silently stared at each other.

There was no visible damage to Yamamoto, just some little scars here and there; otherwise, he was alright.

But Masato had most of his clothes damaged and his breath heavy.

"I can see why you are able to kill Tosen." Standing in the inferno of fire, Yamamoto said, "With those skills, it is indeed possible to fight any captain in Gotei 13 and even defeat them."

"It is really sad that you are our enemy," Lamenting it, Yamamoto continued, "If you were to be a part of Soul Society, then it would have helped us; I would have even taken you as my disciple."

Masato silently listened to him while thinking how Chinese Yamamoto sounded just now. He was wondering if Yamamoto would suddenly start to call Soul Society his sect and Seireitei its Holy Ground.

"Let's end this now. I think we've dragged it long enough." Raising his sword, pointing at Masato, Yamamoto said.

Masato's body tensed with him being at the receiving end of the burning sword. He could feel the heat crawling at his skin while being pointed by that burning sword.

He gripped Est tightly and took his fighting posture. While his eyes focused on Yamamoto, he was currently looking at his status screen, more specifically, at his HP that was reaching below 1000 now.

Thankfully it was regenerating rapidly due to his <<High Regeneration (Hollow)>> skill.

'Let's do it then, Est.'

'Yes, Master!'

Taking a deep breath, Masato changed his Mana into pure spiritual energy and started to feed it to Est at a rapid pace.

Shing* A blinding silver light completely covered Est, making it look as if it was made up of only silver energy. The concentration of energy at Est was so dense that it started to make the space around her distort.

If one looked at her, then they would be able to see that the space around her was waving in a random manner, almost about to be destroyed.

"Let's do this, Yamamoto old man!" With a shout, Masato angled Est at his back before Skipping the distance between them and appeared in front of Yamamoto with Est held high, pointing towards the sky.

<<Howling Property Resonance>>

With a shout, he slashed Est vertically downward with all his strength. A Sling sound was heard as Est traveled towards Yamamoto, cutting the space and creating a fissure during its wake.

Yamamoto felt the momentum of Masato's attack but it didn't deter him in the least. He also poured his spiritual energy into his Zanpakuto and counter-slash it towards Est.

An intense heat was produced, burning what was left of Masato's clothes. Thankfully, his privates were still protected.

Masato could feel the heat on his skin. To him, it felt like he was standing in front of the lava as the heat was enough to burn his skin just by standing close to it.

Since it was pure heat, his <<Absorption Barrier>> couldn't stop it from approaching Masato and even if it did have the ability to do so, Masato didn't have the energy to sustain it currently.

Boom* Clang* Boom* As both swords collided with each other, they created a loud blast that covered the area of one mile with them as the center.

Space broke, everything burned, destroyed, and changed to ashes; Masato and Yamamoto were in the center of all of this.

<<Magic Nullification>>

A low voice left Masato's voice and a voice akin to something cracking was heard.

Yamamoto looked surprised as he felt his connection with his Zanpakuto cut off for a second, but it was enough as all forms of spiritual energy that was fed to it dissipated as if never there.

Magic Nullification - another of Est's abilities that nullifies any form of spirit magic or spirit-based ability. And coincidently, Shinigami uses spiritual energy to live and fight.

Again, it was also another ability that was the nemesis of Shinigami.

Ka-tch* Just then, another crack was heard but this time it was not of spirit magic being nullified, but Yamamoto's Zanpakuto. He saw as within the split second his connection was cut off, his Zanpakuto suddenly morphed and broke into different pieces before dissipating.

Crrrr!* Sound of flesh being cut apart resounds in the 'silent' surroundings. A large horrendous wound made from his (Yamamoto) shoulder till his waist as blood spurt out of it in a gushing manner.

Masato used Skip to distance himself from Yamamoto so as to not let the blood fall on him. He stared at Yamamoto who was silently looking at his broken sword.

At some distance away from them, Ukitake and Kyoraku (and his vice-captain), had their eyes widened to the extreme. Their mind is still processing what just transpired right before their eyes.

Even though everything has happened right in front of them and they have witnessed it all, they still couldn't believe that Masato was able to not only destroy Yamamoto's sword but also give him such a wound.

Remember, Yamamoto was the strongest Shinigami in Soul Society for a reason. Even if Ukitake and Kyoraku were to fight him together, it would still not result in such a situation.

That's why they were surprised.

"C-commander!" Nanao shouted, horrified, "Captain, we should help him!"

"Help him?" Kyoraku shook his head and sighed, "Do you think the Commander will lose just because he is wounded or that he lost his sword?"

Nanao became silent. Of course, she didn't think Yamamoto would lose, just that the situation didn't look so pleasing for him.

"Look, he is making his move."

Hearing her captain, she looked up towards Yamamato who was looking at his sword before he laughed. Yes, he laughed loudly as if seeing the most pleasing thing in the world.

His laugh was enough to creep out anyone with how there was a mortal wound on him and blood kept leaving his body.

"How long has it been?" He questioned himself while looking at the wound. With a single thought passing his mind, his spiritual energy burned and sealed the wound completely.

He looked towards Masato and asked, "Is that another ability of your sword? To nullify the connection between Zanpakuto and the wielder, even nullifying any form of the manifestation of Zanpakuto's ability."

Masato remained silent for a second before he nodded, "Indeed. It is another ability of my Zanpakuto, <<Magic Nullification>> that nullifies any form of spiritual energy-based attack or process."

"Cheat…" Ukitake and Kyoraku took a deep breath. Nullifying anything related to spiritual energy? Doesn't that mean nothing could stop him in Soul Society? No kind of barrier or anything.

After all, everything in Soul Society is based on Spiritual Energy. Even the connection of Zanpakuto depended on spiritual energy.

"Terrifying… first, an ability to bend and destroy any form of blade weapon, then an ability to nullify any form of spiritual-based attack." Yamamoto looked at Est and said, "It really is a terrifying sword, especially if it is in the hand of an enemy."

Surrounding air suddenly stagnated after Yamamoto said that.

"First you attack someone with <<Magic Nullification>> and then <<Howling Property Resonance>> - you can completely beat any Shinigami with such a combo." Yamamoto said as his spiritual energy poured into his broken sword, mending it again, "As I've thought… Masato Oosuki, you are dangerous to be kept alive as the enemy of Soul Society!"

Zing! Boom!** A huge amount of spiritual energy was released from Yamamoto, destroying the structure around him completely. Everything around him was completely blown away as he looked towards Masato, "Are you ready to get serious now, Masato Oosuki?"

'Are you kidding me…' Masato thought as he looked at Yamamoto that was releasing such dense spiritual energy, 'Surely, even though his spiritual energy is stuck at 20k, the density has already surpassed even 40 or 50k!'

Masato's spiritual pressure was also dense, denser than any other captain but if he matched it with Yamamoto? Then it was simply asking for a beating.

If Masato required 10 points of energy to execute something of 10 points, Yamamoto's current control and density over his spiritual pressure allowed him to execute the same ability with 1 point! 1 point using an ability of 10 points worth!

This was one of the reasons why he was considered the strongest Shinigami in Soul Society.

'Guess living for more than two millennia and fighting in wars make one a difficult opponent that even system points can't overcome.'

Indeed. As said before, the system was only there to help him in achieving something that would take one hundred or even thousands of years to master; the system made such road easy for the gamer and let him do it in the shortest time possible - as long as the gamer kept on grinding, he would reaching even the heights of higher beings!

It only bridges the gap between a genius and The Gamer, but it didn't make him omnipotent over a night.

The Gamer would still need to fight and learn, he would still need to experience; the system only increased the speed of learning.

After all, even if it would increase the basic attributes of a human, that doesn't mean that it would teach how to use the increased strength and what decision would be best in what situation.

But this still didn't make Masato quiver in fear. It was alright. Even if the system didn't make him overpowered overnight, it still gave him abilities that would make one shed a tear of blood if they knew about it.

'Even if experience can't be bridged, the ability can help in doing so!'

"Are you ready, Masato Oosuki?" Yamamoto asked, looking at Masato who was smirking.

"Heh! Don't worry, old man. I have been ready since the day I was born." It was not wrong in a sense.

Looking at his MP, CON, and HP - Masato took three different bottles out of his inventory before pouring them down to his throat. In one single breath, he drank all three portions, and his MP, CON, and HP reached back to normal.

Yamamoto narrowed his eyes but he didn't stop him.

"Let's do it then, old man!"

<<Thunder-God War Cry>>

Boom* *Bribribribribribri* With a loud blast, the sound of a thousand birds filled everyone's ears.

Looking at Masato, who was covered in dense lightning and thunder with two cyclones of lightning covering his both arms, Yamamoto asked, "Is that the ability that Captain Soifon used? Indeed, it is better than her."

"Better?" Masato's rainbow-colored eyes gazed at Yamamoto, stunning him on his place as he had activated them just now, for a split second, "You must be joking if you think that this ability is only better."

As Masato's voice finished, the sound of flesh being torn resounded again in everyone's ear as they looked in the direction of Yamamoto with horrified eyes - Est was piercing the gut of Yamamoto with Masato standing at his back now.

"This ability has already left the word 'better' old man. If you are not careful, then you might die."

Currently, Masato's basic attributes, all have surpassed Yamamoto's, so he was not joking when he said that Yamamoto might die if he is not careful. Of course, it was still on the premises that he didn't use his Bankai.

Sling* Yamamoto's blade made its way towards Masato, cutting him into two but it was only an afterimage. Masato was already standing back at his previous position.

He raised his left hand and pointed his two fingers, clasped together, towards Yamamoto and said <<Thunder-God War Cry: Railgun>>

Screech* The atmosphere cried as highly dense thunder and lightning, in the shape of a beam, made its way towards Yamamoto.

His eyes widened as a large amount of spiritual energy entered his sword as he waved it upward, cutting it into two parts that left from his right and left, melting everything that came in its way.

"It is the beginning, Old man," Masato smirked as more and more railguns left his finger towards Masato, at this rate, it would not be late before the whole Seireitei would be completely destroyed.

Kyoraku and Ukitake looked at the current battle with bated breath. They couldn't believe that a human could become so powerful to the point that even the strongest Shinigami was being overwhelmed by him.

"Just who is he? To be able to push an Old man to such a corner." Kyoraku said while witnessing the battle that would make one filled with disbelief if they were to hear.

"To think that Kido can be used in such a manner." Ukitake said, "If Captain Soifon is able to perfect this technique, will she have the same power?"

He shook his head on his own question, "That is very unlikely to happen." Kyoraku said, "As the ability, he is using has already left the boundary of Kido we have. Just what kind of monster one needs to be to have been able to create such ability with a glance?"

Kyoraku didn't know, and he was aware that neither did Ukitake or anyone else.

Boom* Boom* Boom* Masato kept firing railgun one after another while Yamamoto kept either dodging it or cutting it into two.

Soon, the whole area of about 5 miles around them was completely raised to utter destruction with lava everywhere.

Masato looked towards Yamamoto, whose whole body was tattered with wounds everywhere but he still stood stalwart without any exhaustion.

'Still not enough?'

Seeing that Masato had stopped attacking, Yamamoto also stopped and looked in his direction, "You really are a tough nut to crack, old man."

There was annoyance in Masato's voice now. He was already getting irritated now, "Guess I'll need to slash with an intent to kill, otherwise, you are not going down so easily."

Yamamoto remained silent. Of course, he was aware that until now, Masato had not attacked him with an intent to kill so he was not surprised about what he said.

Boom* Suddenly, the intensity of thunder around him intensified as he looked towards Yamamoto. Taking a deep breath, he positioned his left foot ahead and left one behind before lowering his posture with Est placed at his waist.

He exhaled mist out of his mouth before he slowly said, <<Raikiri>>.

Halt! Everything halted in its place, may it be space, time, sound, wind - neither Kyoraku nor Ukitake saw what happened.

It was Yamamoto who saw it. The sword that shouldn't reach him from such a distance was already in front of him, reading to pierce his heart.

To him, he could feel everything else halting at their places with only the sword that was moving towards his heart.

Without thinking for even a second, he changed his position slightly to save his heart.

Puff* As if something popped, the sword pierced his chest, slightly missing his heart and leaving him behind.

Everything felt like a dream as the sword had never left Masato's hand. It was still there, unmoveable. It didn't even move from its initial position and still remained where Masato had put it before.

Cough* Cough* Yamamoto coughed some blood before burning the wound with his flames and looked at Masato with confusion.

"How?" This was the only question in everyone's mind currently.

How? How or when did the sword pierce Yamamoto? How did it cover the distance between them? Was it another of his sword abilities?

Masato remained silent. Of course, he would not disclose his ability; especially those that can be countered after knowing their working.

Though the ability he used was itself not anything special, just a mixture of lightning, space, and time.

Time was the only element Masato was not able to use currently but after he got Shun Shun Rikka, he was able to get a slight touch with time laws.

Currently, he could only increase and decrease his own time - acceleration.

For Raikiri, he first increased his time as much as he could then removed the displacement between him and Yamamoto with space manipulation, and then added lightning speed to his sword slash.

Even though it only needed three steps, the calculation to pull such a technique was already tremendous. Thankfully, he had enough INT to pull this off.

"It seems that I can't hold on any longer," Yamamoto said and raised his sword, pointing at Masato as his spiritual pressure kept on increasing with each passing second.

'Don't tell me…' Masato's eyes widened seeing this.


As those words left his mouth, the surroundings stagnated as the spiritual energy of Yamamoto suddenly started to condense before completely vanishing.

The wind stopped propagating, and the sound vanished as everyone looked at Yamamoto with horror, same with Masato who had warning bells ringing in his mind.

There was one thing he could see in front of him currently - death!

It didn't matter how strong one was or what method he could use, that sword would just slice through it like a hot knife on butter.

And this was even before Yamamoto had released his sword completely! He has still not said the name of his sword yet!

"Zanka no-" Before he could completely say the name, everyone heard a sound in their minds, "Attention to every Captain and Ryoka! This is vice-captain of division 4th, Isane Kotetsu, speaking! On behalf of the Captain Unohana, I am to relay this message to Ryokas and every Captain: Captain of 5th division, Sosuke Aizen, is alive and has betrayed Soul Society with the Captain of 3rd division, Ichimaru Gin, and the late Captain of the 9th division, Kaname Tosen! I repeat--"

Masato, Yamamoto, Kyoraku, and Ukitake; all looked in the direction of Sōkyoku Hill while Masato smirked, "So it started."


'I know Est.'

The white-haired boy looked towards Yamamoto and said, "Are we still fighting, Old Man? Even though all I did was kill a rat for you."

Yamamoto looked at him for a second before he retracted his sword which turned into a cane and knocked on the floor, "Kyoraku, Ukitake!"

Kyoraku and Ukitake appeared beside him before they followed after Yamamoto, towards the Sōkyoku Hill.

As they vanished, Masato fell flat on the ground before switching <<Thunder-God War Cry>> off. A sigh left his mouth before he said in a low voice, "... I almost died there… damn… just how high can one's durability and endurance be… is this the endurance of 2000 VIT?"

From this fight, Masato found one thing for sure… that the system's parameters were not to be trusted at all!


Please don't put the blame for your mistake on the system, Host. The system is pure and innocent since its birth. It is the Host's fault for blindly following System's set parameters. The host should be aware that nothing is absolute in this world, even the most powerful omnipotent beings are not absolute.


Seeing the sudden display in front of his eyes, Masato's brow twitched. He so wanted to punch this screen if only it could produce any result.

Shaking his head, he sighed before looking at Est and caressing her gently, 'Thank you Est. You were of great help in this battle, if not for you, I wouldn't know what to do.'

It was true. Without Est's ability, there was no way for Masato to win a fight with Yamamoto without killing him. So he was really grateful for her.

Est released a gentle light as she said, 'I am Master's sword. Master should use me as you like.'

Masato smiled while saying internally, 'Stop it… I might end up doing something unforgivable… by society, not me.'

After resting for a minute or two, he looked towards Sōkyoku Hill before standing up and changing to a new set of clothes, "Let's go then. I still need to do something before Aizen gets his hands on that thing."


Sōkyoku Hill.

Devastation… everything was destroyed above it. Not like there was anything there, to begin with, but the earth showed the result of a great battle placed there.

There were giant potholes everywhere with many cuts that looked like they were caused by a sword.

Five people were present there currently with two laid on the ground with blood coming out of them - Renji and Ichigo.

At the other side stood the snake captain, Ichimaru Gin.

In the center stood Aizen with a smile with Rukia's collar grasped in his hands.

"So weak… I thought you would at least be able to entertain me, Kurosaki-san." Aizen said as he walked with Rukia being dragged behind.

"Ugh…" Ichigo could do nothing but release a grunting sound out of his mouth as his body was almost bisected into two, only his spine was holding it together.

It was already a miracle how he was alive.

"Hm? Do you want to say something?" Smiling, Aizen asked, "You shouldn't try to move, Kurosaki-san. Your spine is barely holding your body together, moving more is just increasing the rate of your death." He reminded him of a good-natured uncle.

He raised Rukia as six different branches came out of the earth.

While this was happening, the space at the top of the execution stand waved slightly before Masato appeared there. He looked at the sorry state of Renji and Ichigo before his eyes landed on Aizen and Rukia.

His eyes shone before he smirked. He was not going to let him have Hogyoku this easily.

Aizen, who raised Rukia while explaining the reason why he wanted Rukia, suddenly stopped in his action as he saw Rukia vanished from his hands.

There was no space movement or anyone snatching her from his hands--no, she just simply vanished.

He frowned before he looked towards the execution stand before a smile again adorned his face.

"I've been waiting for you, Masato Oosuki-san."

Masato was standing on the execution stand with Rukia in his hand, looked at Aizen, and replied, "I am flattered, Aizen-san. But it is sad that we have to meet as an enemy. If the situation was different, then I would love to have a cup of tea with you and talk about the soul."

"Masato?!" Rukia suddenly felt relieved being in Masato's hand as she tightly held him.

Masato looked at her and smiled gently while his hand entered her Kimono, widening her eyes, as he took a dagger out.

Aizen smiled, "Indeed. I also have a lot to talk with Masato-san, but sadly time is what I lack currently." As he finished, he was already not at his place but standing in front of Masato, "So I'd appreciate it if you could hand over Kuchiki-san."

Masato's eyes widened as he marveled at Aizen's speed. He really was the strongest person he has met to this date. The speed alone had surpassed Yoruichi by a large margin that even he had difficulty following his figure with his enhanced eyesight.

But thankfully he had skills that helped him detect anything before it even moved from its position. So he was already aware when Aizen would appear in front of him, even though he didn't quite see it with his eyes.

"Oh~." Masato smirked, "Then why don't Aizen-san try taking her from me?"

Aizen frowned as he waved his sword at Masato but it just passed from him as he was still standing there, unharmed.

"Commendable." Aizen said while seeing this, "To change your position into another dimension making attacks from this dimension useless, really is a commendable feat."

Masato's brow twitched as he saw Aizen cracking his ability with one look.

"But if you think that it is enough to save you, then you are highly mistaken, Masato-san." Saying, Aizen again slashed his sword but this time when it reached Masato, it cracked the space before reaching Masato's position.

Masato's eyes widened as he jumped back.

Crrr* A cut appeared on his shoulder as the blood left his body, but it healed right away.

"High regeneration?" Aizen looked surprised, seeing this, "You really are full of surprise, Masato-san. Really makes my hand itch from dissecting you and finding out your secrets."

'He never felt this creepy in anime or any other franchise…' Masato internally said.

He was not going to stop him from taking Rukia anyway but was just playing with him. After all, if he wanted, he could easily run away from here.

Aizen again released a slash but Masato didn't stop it from reaching him and acted like he didn't see it. After all, he needed a full product and not some half-assed shit.

Puff* A hand left the body and Rukia fell on the ground, her eyes widened as she looked towards Masato's hand and shouted his name in horror with tears gathering in her eyes.

'Well, at least it increased the affection of Rukia.' Masato thought as his body fell on the ground, emotionless.

But the hand that was cut from his body turned into polygon fragments and vanished. Instead, a new arm was already back on his body stunning Aizen, Rukia, Gin, and Ichigo.

Even though Aizen wanted to take a part of Masato's soul, he didn't.

He could do it later as right now, he needed to take care of Rukia before Yamamoto arrived.

So ignoring Masato, he took Rukia and extracted Hogyoku before asking Gin to kill her. But before Gin could, Byakuya saved her from being pierced.

As this was happening, Masato was chilling and looking at the sky, enjoying the nice weather. He has already completed his preparation for stealing Hogyoku so he was just lying there waiting for everything to end.

After Byakuya saves Rukia, other captains finally appear on the scene and stop Aizen from killing him.

Thankfully, Masato has already sent a message to Mamako to not attack Aizen as he was alright or she might not sit well until she killed Aizen.

So when Mamako appeared, she went towards Masato and hugged him, letting him rest on her lap that Masato enjoyed to the fullest. While he was enjoying Mamako's lap, the shit was going down in Soul Society.

Everything happened exactly as in the original except that there was no Tosen in there.

After Aizen left, everyone's tense nerves finally calmed down.

"Masato (Masato-kun)!" Yoruichi and Orihime saw Masato lying on Mamako's lap and hurriedly ran in his direction, thinking if he was hurt.

Rukia also ran in his direction and leaped in his chest before punching him in the gut, "Fool! Idiot! Who told you to come back and save me!? Aizen almost killed you!"

Masato wryly smiled before rubbing her head, "I am alright, no? That amount of damage is not enough to kill me."

He was saying it was true as it only took a small amount of his HP, not even half of it.

"Orihime… you should help Ichigo. He is already at his last breath." Pointing at Ichigo, Masato said.

"Kurosaki-san!" Seeing Ichigo was about to bleed to death, Orihime hurriedly ran in his direction and started to heal him.

While Rukia was tightly hugging him and Mamako looking at this with a hidden smile, Yoruichi looked at him and asked, "Even you were not able to defeat him? Was he that strong?"

"What am I? Saitama?" Masato looked at her and joked, "Well, he was indeed strong. Stronger than any person I've met till now. Even that old man pales in front of him without his sword."

Yoruichi sighed, hearing him. She was already aware of it so she didn't comment and sat beside him.

While this happened, division 4th was moving like a mad lad, healing other wounded people.

"You seem tattered, Brat!"

Hearing the loud shout of a woman, Masato looked towards her and smiled, "Kukaku-san? It's been a while."

"It indeed is." Kukaku nodded while looking at him, "Didn't expect you to be this strong though. It was you who fought with the captain commander, right?"

Hearing her question, everyone looked towards Masato with surprise. Others only knew that he absorbed Sōkyoku but not that he fought with Yamamoto. They were surprised that he fought with a monster like Yamamoto.

They all looked towards Yamamoto and sucked in a deep breath seeing his tattered look.

"Well… even I am surprised that I am this strong." Masato said as indeed he didn't think that he had reached such a high level, "But I guess I can't expect less from me."

Everyone's brow twitched, hearing him.

This was going to be a long day for everyone… except for a certain white-haired boy.


Here ends another chapter of The Gamer.

Well… I know that the ending was kind of… lackluster? But there was nothing much to change in it. Masato was going to let Aizen take Hogyoku anyway so he saw no point in stopping him.

And there was nothing much to change or more like nothing much could be changed. Maybe some dialogue, but everything else would have remained the same and even the end result of Aizen retreating and throwing his glasses.

So, I see all that as just a waste of word count and ignored it.

Other than that, I was thinking about whether I should start the other world arc or not. Masato will be staying in Soul Society for two months and will then go back to the real world.

At that time, he would already be strong enough to have his own standing in the other world. Not only that, he would become strong anyway as long as he is in that world due to certain reasons.

And if anyone is worried about the time of this world and that world, that is also pretty much solvable.

That is why I was asking if I should or not.

Other than that, you can criticize this novel here or in discord but please bring valid reasons. Also, don't message in a review session. Not only it makes you look idiotic, but it also makes me quite annoyed too.

Seriously, just how long does it take to leave a review and not a spam xp collector message. Just create a random empty novel and fill its review session with your daily spam review to get xp.

Anyway, I will delete them anyway. Only valid reviews and spam five starts are welcome.


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