/ Teen / Daddy , I (don't) need you

Daddy , I (don't) need you Original

Daddy , I (don't) need you

Teen 18 Chapters 20.7K Views
Author: AreumBear141

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About Table of Contents


Eriana is a girl who had lived alone since she was in school . Nobody knows who were her parents , her background , everything about her is mysterious . She's known as a loner and her only bestfriend is a headphone ? She lived her life being alone and eventually she had to get used for it until ......

" Riana , lets go home with me ... "

A man who looked much older than her suddenly came into her life . He still looks handsome though it looks like he is a middle-aged man , he wears a black suit with a loose tie and his eyes seems soft and full with emotions when he looks at her . He seems nice ? His next words shocked her than ever though ..

" I'm your dad , your biological dad . "

The world seems wanted to play a prank on her ?! Suddenly she has a dad ?! The loner Eriana suddenly had to deal with this so called dad ...


I've decided to publish my sec story here too
before , I published this story in another .

Anyway , please enjoyy

and I'm sorry for my lack of vocabulary ಥ‿ಥ
Like I said bfore , english is not my first language ಥ╭╮ಥ


General Audiences


  1. the_Winchesters
    the_Winchesters Contributed 3
  2. mini27
    mini27 Contributed 1
  3. Raine10
    Raine10 Contributed 1

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Hi Author Are you going to update this story or its dropped. Looking forward to the progressof the story.

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Author AreumBear141