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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: The Clumsy Maid

A skinny and frail man was sent hurtling by a boot to the face, falling to the ground. An ominous figure circled around the frail body. This man was wearing a lab coat, glasses and his hair was white with a few stray strands of black. This man: Alfred Frinz. Frinz picked up the frail body by the hair and began punching his face.

"GOD… DAMN… FAILED… EXPERIMENTS!" screamed Frinz as he continuously slammed his fists into the failures face. Once Frinz had relinquished all his rage, the frail body's face had been beaten beyond recognition, blood and teeth covered Frinz's hand.

"There you are sir," said another man walking into the room.

"What is it Yami, my faithful assistant?" Frinz asked.

"Those two guards you sent out have been eradicated," replied Yami.

"Of course, they were," Frinz said. "Oh well, soon we won't need soldier's or guards, we will have my children to do the work for us." Frinz and Yami looked around the room and saw mutated human bodies screaming in pain alone in their separate cells.

"These creatures are the ultimate fighting weapon, it's just a matter of taming them to work for us," said Frinz.

"What of the one that escaped?" Yami asked.

"Well seeing as the formulas, we gave her give enhanced regenerative abilities it will be hard to kill her, so we will need to capture her and bring her back."


The large stone door slowly opened revealing a dark hall with large stone columns lined along the side. At the end of the hall was a large stone arc with a pile of scrap cloth below it and a small campfire beside it.

"So, is this where you have been living this whole time?" Kurono asked. Seili nodded. Kurono looked around. Must've been a temple for worshipping a god from hundreds of years ago Kurono thought. Only god I know of is the goddess Muko. I know plenty of people in the south of Cheusta still worship her, but it is a dying religion. I think the leader of the southern army still worships her.

"Sorry," Seili said.

"Sorry for what?" Kurono asked.

"I don't have another bed," Seili responded.

"That's okay, I can sleep on the floor," Kurono replied looking at the stone floor. "I've slept in worse places before."

Kurono lit the fire for himself as well for Seili to sleep alongside it.

"Seili, do you know what this place is?" Kurono asked.

"No," Seili replied.

"Okay," Kurono rolled over and began thinking.

It is said that the goddess Muko created Cheusta and its people. We are all to thank her for it, there are people who receive messages from her and follow through with the orders she gives them. People have used this as an excuse for starting wars throughout history, saying it was the 'goddesses will' but that's bullshit. Oh well, no use dwelling over it.

"You got all of your stuff?" Kurono asked. Seili nodded. "We're gonna go to the mansion I grew up in, there I can search a map of Pilbate and look for any possible laboratories used for experiments."

"Okay," Seili replied.

"We might be there for a few nights, and this all depends on if my father is there or not. If he is, we cannot go there, and we'll have to leave."

"Why?" Seili asked.

"My father is a commander for the northern army which means, we are enemies."

Seili left the temple and was waiting as Kurono packed the last of his things. As Kurono left a bright blinding light shone from the stone archway. Kurono covered his eyes with his arm.

"Kurono," said a voice coming from the arch. "Listen to my words and follow my orders, it will lead you to where your heart truly desires to go."

"Who are you?" Kurono asked.

"That is not required. Do not free those who are asking to be freed."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"You will soon see."

"Are you… the goddess!?"

"That is not for you to know."

"Why should I trust you then?"

"I know what you truly want, the desire deep in your heart. The desire to lead Cheusta-"

"You don't know my desires; you can't lead me."

"Betrayal, love, tragedy, sadness. You will experience all of these. That is the path you must take."

"Whatever, I got to go home and eat, you are wasting my time, seeya," Kurono said as he walked out of the temple.

"I hope Fujika is there," Kurono stated out load for all to hear as they were walking over the rolling hills of the Cheustian countryside.

"Who's that?" Seili asked.

"She was my attendant growing up, or my maid, whatever you want to call it," Kurono explained.

"Do not free those who are asking to be freed." The words replayed in Kurono's head. What does that mean? Who was that voice? If it was the goddess Muko then why didn't she say that?

"The weather is better than it was yesterday," Nozomi said to Kadri as they walked through the busy streets of Pilbate.

"I agree ma'am," said Kadri.

"You don't need to call me ma'am," Nozomi replied.

"What should I call you then?" Kadri asked.

"Hmm, how about master?" Nozomi jested.

"Oh, okay."

"I was joking, just call me Nozomi. We're fellow soldiers so we don't need titles for each other."

"But you're a captain and I'm just a soldier."

"I don't care about my rank, and you just did a mission with two captains a week ago. Kurono and me. We are captains but nobody called us that. You don't have to call us by our titles, we are all equal in this army. Isn't that Bumei?" Nozomi looked at the soldier walking with them. The soldier was a female in chainmail armour with wavy, shoulder length blonde hair.

"Yes Nozomi," Bumei replied.

"Bumei and I used to spar together," Nozomi explained.

"Best days of my life," Bumei said.

"That's probably an exaggeration," Nozomi whispered to Kadri. She had to lean down a bit to get to Kadri's ear. Kadri giggled.

"Hey, Nozomi," Kadri said.

"Yeah?" Nozomi asked.

"Are you and Kurono… together?" Kadri asked. Nozomi suddenly got really embarrassed.

"That's going off topic. You shouldn't be worried about that at your age!" Nozomi said.

"But I'm fifteen," Kadri said.

"Oh yeah, maybe you should be," Nozomi said.

"So, are you?"

"No, and we never will be!"

"Are you sure?"


"Okay," Kadri giggled once again.

Kurono knocked on a pair of large wooden double doors. The double doors belonged to a large mansion with a metal barred fence around it.

"What is taking so long?" Kurono said. "You know what, I'll just open it myself." Kurono began opening one of the large doors but as he did, he felt something. He peered around the door and saw a girl in a maid outfit on the ground. She had long, pale pink hair in a wide ponytail with the fringe swept slightly to one side. She was about one year younger than Kurono and a little bit shorter. The inside of the mansion was large with tall ceilings and a staircase in the middle of the entrance hall. The way Fujika was positioned on the ground allowed Kurono to see up her skirt.

"Fujika?" Kurono asked.

"Master?" The maid replied in shock.

"Are those your panties?" Kurono asked. Fujika instantly got embarrassed, covered them and stood up.

"What are you doing here mas-" Fujika said but was interrupted by Kurono hugging her tightly. Kurono's eyes were shut tight as he hugged her.

"I missed you, best friend," Kurono said. Kurono then let go of her. "Let's go make some tea," Kurono suggested.

"It's good to be back," Kurono said. "I guess father isn't here, which is good." Kurono and Seili were sitting in a small room with four chairs and a table in the middle. There were shelves filled with books against the walls. It was the mansion's sitting room.

Fujika came into the room carrying a tray of tea but tripped on her way in. Kurono quickly reacted and saved the falling maid from hitting the ground but could not save the tea set from hitting the ground and breaking spilling tea everywhere.

"Oh, I am so sorry master!" Fujika exclaimed as she hurried around trying to clean up her mess.

"It's fine Fujika, I can clean it up," Kurono replied.

"But it is my job, and I made the mess so I should clean it up," Fujika said. Kurono saw bandages on multiple of Fujika's fingers. Cut herself cooking, of course He thought.

"It's fine Fujika, I insist," Kurono said.

"No master," Fujika replied.

"Well at least let me help," Kurono said as he walked out the room to get a cleaning cloth. "And stop calling me master."

While Kurono and Fujika rushed around cleaning up the mess Seili was crouched on a large chair with her hood on sucking on a large lollipop watching.

"Okay, now let me go prepare the tea," Kurono said once they had finished cleaning.

"No master, I will prepare the tea," said Fujika.

"No, you take a seat, I don't want you breaking another tea set," said Kurono.


"Our army of monsters is slowly growing," Frinz said as he looked around his laboratory.

"Should we make it so they can infect others?" Yami asked.

"What do you mean?" Frinz asked.

"Well, I was recently reading a story about undead people with an infection who could infect other people when they bit them," Yami explained.

"What an interesting idea," Frinz complimented Yami. "I'll get started on the formula now and it should be done by tonight."

"You work awfully fast sir," Yami said.

"I know, one of my best attributes."

Kurono reached into the cupboard to grab another antique tea set. He began brewing the tea and as he waited, he looked around the kitchen. He remembered multiple times he tried to take food while his mother was cooking or times he cooked with his mother and Fujika. Kurono always roped Fujika into things they shouldn't have been doing.

"It's hurt," the young Kurono said as he held the injured white rabbit.

"We should help it," said the young Fujika.

"I agree." Kurono and Fujika ran out from the tree they were sitting under and the two young children rushed inside. Kurono went to his mother in the kitchen and showed her the injured rabbit.

"Can we help it?" Kurono asked.

"Of course, do you two want to help me bandage it up?" Kurono's mother, Amai, suggested.

"Yeah!" Kurono and Fujika both exclaimed.

The three caring people bandaged up the rabbit then let it back out.

Later that night, Kurono looked around the corner of the kitchen and saw his father hitting his mother. He didn't hear what his father was saying, all he could hear was his mother screaming.

These memories rushed through Kurono's head. He got distracted when he saw a blood stain on one of the aprons. It was at the top of the apron so an unusual spot if the one wearing the apron had only cut themselves. Kurono continued looking around the room and spotted more bloodstains. He then continued looking around until he saw a door he had never seen before. There was a lock on the door so Kurono pulled out his sword and bashed the lock until it broke. He opened the door and inside was many bottles with a letter in front of all of them. The letter said:

To Mr Sakume.

The formula you asked for.

From yours truly:

Dr. Alfred Frinz.

"Sorry it took so long," Kurono said as he walked back into the room holding a tray with a tea set on it. Kurono placed the tea set down and sat in one of the chairs.

"Seili, you can sleep in the guest bedroom tonight, if you go up the stairs and to the left it's the last door on your left," Kurono said.

Seili nodded, still sucking on her lollipop.

"Fujika, is the study still intact?" Kurono asked.

"Yes master, it is messy though," Fujika replied.

"Of course, it is, oh well, I will still use it," Kurono said.

"The formula is finished!" Frinz announced.

"Good job sir," Yami said.

"Now we just have to inject them with it," Frinz said.

"Sir, may I ask?"

"Yes Yami?"

"What is this contraption?" Yami pointed to a syringe that was inserted in a crossbow like weapon.

"Oh, that shoots a poisonous chemical that is inside of the syringes towards enemies in battle. I keep it there for self-defence, just in case anything was to happen," Frinz explained.

"Smart idea sir," Yami stated.

"Oh, and before I forget, this is for you, take it when the time is right," Frinz handed Yami a separate syringe.

"Of course, sir."

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