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Chapter 3: Chapter 2 the Deity of oaths and the birth of the rulers of the night

As we got welcomed amidst the Titans and and the Primordials, Ouranos thundering voice spoke "You may celebrate with a feast, the Hesperides had delivered as the golden apples and the ambrosia squeezed from them"

Which made the Titans and a few Giant, Cyclopes, and Hecatoncheires cheer in delight.

Ouranos followed with "Since I ,Gaia, and Tartarus got a more pressing duties to attend to, we leave you to your celebration"

And as Ouranos, Gaia and Tartarus left Damianos and Hecate was cheerfully ushered by Eros as we changed venue to a banquet hall.

Arriving at the place Damianos could see that this place was pretty normal sized, appropriate for humans he judged ever since he got here things are in pretty Titanic portions everytime except during his time with Hecate.

Looking back to where they come from since Damianos wanted to see if the Titans could fit in the door, Shocked was an understatement for Damianos as he saw the Titans shape shifted to a human appearance and size.

He could see the male Titans being so muscular and big bodied men while the women are the epitome of beauty.

As Damianos stared at the Titans, Eros cheekily elbowed and ask him mischievously "Found someone you want? come on don't be afraid of telling ole Eros, I don't judge"

Snapping out Damianos replied "Ohhh, sorry, yes I'm a little bit attracted to the Titaness"

whistling Eros offered "You want me to to whisper to them, I guarantee you, you'll get the best loving and sex from them" Puffing his chest in confidence then winking at Damianos.

"As much as possible, I don't want any power to help me persuade them, I wanted love to be given on their own volition, but if all else failed I'll be counting on you" Damianos said as he jokingly added the last one Eros eyed him suspiciously and scanned him from head to toe.

"You seem pretty wise, not unlike most beings, I've come across to, well then you can count on Eros for requests regarding love and sex!" declared Eros as the the doors in the opposite end where they entered opened revealing creatures Damianos would recognize as satyrs, holding primitive musical instruments they provided sounds so soothing that Damianos felt as if he were on a meadow with a flowing breeze.

"Ahh satyrs, my loyal patrons, I gotta go greet them" Eros says as he added "such horny creatures, get it?" Eros laughing as he made his way towards them.

Soon the doors that the Satyrs came through opened and revealed nymphs carrying food while the Naiads are carrying pitchers full of golden beverages.

"well then,shall we get acquainted to the people, I'll probably spend the rest of eternity with" Damianos said to himself as he cracks his fingers and neck to bolster his confidence.

As Damianos neared a Titan whom he recognizes as Oceanus, he was suddenly intercepted by a Titaness who introduced herself "Hello Damianos, my name is Rhea, the Titaness of fertility, you might know me as the only one who didn't gave you any gifts"

Damianos seeing the timid Titaness in front of him "It's alright, you might have a pretty good reason not to, right?" he replied which relieved the Titaness.

"You see, Father, our King Ouranos doesn't wanted the both of you to immediately spawn creatures and beings, if you decide to copulate with anyone, knowing my uncle Eros he will definitely make the both of you fall in love and have sex" Rhea explained as he took a glance at Eros who's talking to an old Satyr.

"I see, well then don't worry, I won't hold grudges for being the only one to not give me something" Damianos assured Rhea who was delighted that she hugged Damianos tightly.

"uhhh Rhea, as much as I like you, my male parts are starting to love you" Damianos whispered to Rhea as he felt the soft chest and smelled the alluring scent that made his soldier slowly wake up.

"Ohhhh, sorry about that, I remembered uncle Eros gave you the gift of unrivaled prowess in sex, I seemed to have awakened a monster" Rhea mischievously replied as she released Damianos from her hug.

"well I can't really do anything about that, you see it's only natural to get attracted to such a beautiful Titaness" Damianos said to Rhea as he too noticed the huge bulge threatening to spear through the chiton he's wearing.

Blushing Rhea replied "Umm, thank you" as she stepped closer to Damianos removing all distance as she stealthily grasped Damianos member who was slowly standing up.

As Rhea slowly massage his soldier, Damianos was stunned at turn of events that is happening right now.

Whispering sultrily to his ear "Damianos, I'm amused to say that this one liked me very much, what do you say we meet later?"

Damianos who was feeling Rhea's hand slowly going up and down his now elongated serpented replied "Uhhh, yeaaah, sure we can meet"

Rhea satisfied kissed him on the cheeks as she went her way to talk to some Nymphs and Naiads.

"Rhea is wild, hehehe got laid in my first party in this place" Damianos muttered as he smiled and adjusted his saluting soldier.

Turning his gaze around Damianos could see Eros giving him a thumbs up from both his hands as he hovered beside an old Satyr who was smiling at him.

Ignoring Eros, Damianos proceeded to acquaint himself to the Titans as well as the Giants, Cyclopes, and Hecatoncheires representatives.

Drinking some Ambrosia offered by a Naiad, Damianos felt as if he drunk the best beverage in existence, he described the taste as Sweet but taste like wine laced with enough drugs to get you addicted.

As he ate some of the food given by the nymphs, he could also tell that a lot of them was seasoned with ambrosia.

As the party came to a close Damianos and Hecate was directed to their new homes by the Nymphs.

As they separated Damianos spoke "Hecate, as much as I resent you for putting me here, I admit that I couldn't hold a grudge after you, since you gave me a new life to look forward to"

Hecate shocked that Damianos broke the spell meant for him to forget everything and act as if everything is alright couldn't speak as she stand there.

"Sure, sorry for doing that, I just couldn't risk you messing up everything I've done to get this" Hecate apologized once she knew the spell she put on Damianos has been broken.

"Alright, today marks my freedom from you, I hope that will be my compensation for my unconsenting bewitchment" Damianos told Hecate with finality as he went to his own Section of the palace reserved for him.

As Hecate saw Damianos off she muttered "My creation quickly asked for independence, I hope he'll be alright"

Damianos reaching his residence couldn't help but stare at how huge and ornate the Adamantine doors.

"My Lord, please register your essence through at the doors, so that it may be officially be yours and be your first domain" the Nymph instructed him as he followed, placing his hands over the center of the door and pouring his magic and divinity.

As the door was filled with magic and divine energy from Damianos, it glowed with a variety of colors and soon opened after the whirling of mechanism which Damianos thought ' So cool '

After entering Damianos could see a futuristic design he could only see at Sci-fi movies like Tron legacy.

Gasping the Nymph stared in awe as she looked around "It's true, your mind is truly unfathomable my Lord Damianos, as Lord Ouranos has judged, you are unique" as she praised Damianos who was confused.

"What do you mean?" the confused Damianos ask the Nymph who replied "My Lord Ouranos, has described you to all of his subject as the most unique creature ever created"

"Ohhhh, I guess that something to be proud of" Damianos unsure as he thinks of being treated as a trophy.

After Touring his home inside the Palace of primordials Damianos ask the Nymph "Why is my home, my place like this?"

"My Lord Damianos, all homes of those living here have their places enchanted to fit their mentality and powers, it was designed by Lord Iapetus and built by the Cyclopes that way" The Nymph answered as Damianos thought ' I see, in my previous life I was in a modern times and I'm suited for that life, still why such futuristic design '

As the Nymph was about to exit his home, Another one entered bearing the command of Lord Ouranos for Damianos to be in his throne room.

As Damianos headed towards the throne room, he noticed how things shifted from Human size to Titanic sizes.

Soon Damianos was in the middle of an expanse of the hallway he deduced might be 20 kilometers wide and 40 kilometers high with the ceiling composed of the Cosmos.

The Nymph escorting him told Damianos that he must thought of being as tall as the Titans as he followed the Nymphs instructions, Damianos found himself growing as tall as 1700 feet tall.

Now that he's Titan sized Damianos could barely hear and see his escort Nymph who's waving for him to continue.

Damianos understanding the Nymph continued his way through the Hallway who now seemed normal instead of a Gigantic expanse that seems stretch forever.

As Damianos reached the Throne room guarded by the fully armored and armed Hecatoncheires, The Hecatoncheires with their many arm's pushed the doors made of reinforced Adamantine open.

As Damianos entered the Throne room, he could see that it was the same place they we're given gifts by the Primordials and Titans.

He saw Ouranos seated in the highest throne, Damianos could see that even seated Ouranos was at least 4 times his current size.

As he stopped 10 paces and kneeled in front of the Throne, Ouranos speaking in a much normal but majestic voice in contrast to Damianos earlier encounters with him has surprised Damianos, he deduced that it might be due to the difference in size.

"I have called you hear, to give your purpose to My kingdom and the wider world"

Damianos who heard Ouranos could only say "Your will is my will!" as per primordial etiquette.

"You shall be the aide of Hecate the patron God of Magic and the patron God of contracts,deals, agreement, and oaths" Ouranos says as he designated Damianos task.

"Forgive me for asking a question" Damianos replied as he felt the authority wrap and integrate with his Divine energy.

"Continue" Ouranos jutted his chin as he beckoned for Damianos to continue.

"What does my service entail? forgive me for being ignorant" Damianos ask as he lowered his head further.

"You are forgiven, your work will consist of managing magical contracts, deals, agreements and oaths, as well as the mundane ones the mortals in my Kingdom do everyday" Ouranos explained the work Damianos must do from this day onwards.

"What about the breakers of such promises?" Damianos ask Ouranos who got the King of the primordials thinking.

"Well then, I Grant you the authority to punish those who have sinned by breaking the promises they made in your name, as well as the power to do so" Ouranos declared as power seeped through Damianos.

radiating power Damianos was feeling of the equivalent of adrenaline for humans, Damianos cheerfully pledged "I swear to uphold the honor of being granted such a station by your neverending wisdom, may your reign last forever Lord Ouranos"

Ouranos satisfied by Damianos pledged of loyalty and determination he beckoned for him to go.

Allowed by Ouranos to leave, Damianos left with a skip on his steps as he headed back towards his home amongst the Primordials and Titans.

As he headed back towards his room, Damianos saw Rhea waiting for him in front of the door.

Noticing that Damianos had arrived Rhea quickly hugged him as she whispered "Shall we continue?"

Smiling Damianos picked Rhea who giggled as she was carried inside Damianos home.

{AN: Lemon scenes are next, for those who don't want to read it you may skip it, anyway this is my first time writing lemons so I'd appreciate feedback}

[R-18 scene]

As Damianos carried Rhea towards the bed room, he shifted his face to have a mouth and nose as well as ears so that he can savor the experience of fucking a Titaness in detail.

As Damianos tossed Rhea to the silken bed as soft as cotton, laughing daintily Rhea beckoned Damianos to approach using her fingers.

Taking a good look at her Damianos could see the slight semblance of Eva green on her face contours.

crawling towards Rhea, Damianos quickly pounced on her, as they kissed Damianos snaked his hands across Rhea's body.

Moaning Rhea stopped the kiss "ohhhh, Damianos make me feel good, Ohhh"Moaning more As she felt Damianos kissed her neck as he undid her dress.

successfully unclipping the Dress of Rhea, Damianos stopped and kneeled back as he removes his chiton revealing a lean muscled Greek body they'd sculpt at marbles.

Rhea opening her eyes, looked at Damianos with glazed sultry eyes, as Damianos revealed his lean body to Rhea she almost orgasm in excitement,since most of the male Titans are big bodied and burly and this will be the first it would seem.

Looking down Rhea could only gasped at the huge and raging monster that's hanging off him, She could only thought at how this long and thick pole would ravish her.

Leaning once again Damianos would kiss Rhea with tongue for a second before he concentrated on her boobs, as he suck and dance his tongue at Rhea's nipples while simultaneously massaging and slightly pinching and tugging at her nipples sent Rhea to Heaven as she released a massive orgasm.

Seeing Rhea orgasm Damianos followed by tracing his tongue until he is at her cave moist with nectar from the orgasm.

wetting his lips Damianos thought ' time to write some ABC's ' as he teased by kissing Rhea's thighs as he approached her oyster.

Rhea who's still feeling the earth shattering orgasm caused by Damianos as he administered her chest, feeling Damianos tongue who's slowly besieging her moist folds as he approached.

As she widened her legs inviting him in, Rhea could only widened her eyes at the new sensation she hadn't felt since she started having sex.

Feeling Damianos mouth as he suck and slurp while lapping at her folds sent Rhea cross eyed as she blot out all sensation to concentrate on this new electrifying feeling.

Damianos looking at Rhea's face who'd gone past reasoning as she went extreme Ahegao face on him.

As he continued Rhea had orgasmed 4 times especially for the letters J,M,W and Z.

As he finished giving cunnilingus, Damianos sat as he waited for Rhea to gain consciousness.

As Rhea slowly sat and snapping out of the extreme euphoria she was experiencing, she saw Damianos waiting for her, Approaching him she thought that he was waiting for her to ride her.

but as she was stopped, she saw Damianos signalling with his eyes towards his member engorged with excitement.

Taking the cue she grasp his pole as she was unsure of what to do, looking once more at Damianos face to look for guidance.

Guiding her, he directed her head near his pole as she looked one last time for confirmation.

Seeing Damianos beckoned, Rhea could only nod as she lick and soon swallowed Damianos engorged member who twitched inside her mouth as she took him in.

Bobbing up and down Damianos could see Rhea was very new for this, as he sometimes felt some teeth scrape her soldier but nonetheless she learned quickly and was providing Damianos pleasure as she routinely look at him taking enjoyment as she saw Damianos grunting in pleasure.

Stopping her Damianos had judged it's time for them to connect, as he laid Rhea down he could see Rhea's anticipation as he opened her legs.

As he take aim Damianos speared through Rhea's depths as he founded the entrance causing Rhea to gasp and claw his back where she's holding.

Kissing Rhea as she get herself used to his invading pole, Damianos started thrusting as Rhea whispered for him to continue, at first was the slow and steady that soon evolve to rapid and deep attacks.

Rhea feeling a new heights of pleasure could only scream as they had sex all night.







[R-18 scene ends]

[Next day]

As the light shines through my room, Damianos could see the sleeping Rhea who got a smile plastered on her face as she slept.

cleansing himself by willing it Damianos hadn't forgotten to kill all of his Divine semen inside Rhea, since he hadn't plan on having children and he's pretty sure a careful family planning could avoid tragedy's such as what will happen in the future.

As he conjured a new clothes out of thin air, Damianos kissed Rhea's forehead before he went out exploring.

As Damianos explored the place, he could see that this place was a huge island, Asking one of the nymphs caring for plant life around the Island.

Damianos learned it was named as the Island of creation and this is the center of Ouranos rule and power.

Nodding he went off to explore more of the Island as he snack on one of the golden apples given by the Nymphs.





[ Time skip 50 years ]

Damianos had become the deity to pray for the establishment of contracts,deals, and oaths.

The mortals worshipped him as the patron of Kings, Nobles, merchants and soldiers as the simple act of taking an oath in his name can cement that bond of trust never seen before his appearance, which only bolstered the people's faiths in Ouranos rule.

Although it is not without reason as the breakers of promises are often punished with curses and torture that one cannot escape even in death.

It is not the only things that happened, Damianos night with Rhea had spread the flame of rumours that he's a lover so good that even a Titaness can't put up a fight against him in bed.

Due to this Damianos was always assaulted with suggesting looks from the Nymphs, Naiads, Titaness, Giants, Cyclopes, Hecatoncheires, and even mortals.

Aside from Tethys and Phoebe since they are loyal to their husbands, Damianos had already bedded almost all of the Titaness aside from the 2 and most of the Nymphs and Naiads that service the Palace of the Primordials.

Even Eros started to hang around and even tried to trick Damianos into fucking him by changing genders, all just in order of investigating how Damianos had the females keep coming back for more.

Of course Damianos wasn't just working and fucking during this time, he mastered Alchemy, conjuration, Divination, Enchantment,Healing, Illusions, Necromancy, Summoning, and Transmutation.

each of those branches of magic had strengthen Damianos so much that even if his power is only on a level of a Titan, he was already feared as a Primordial level entity amongst the Pantheon.

Today at a present Damianos was in a dilemma, since due to Eros with the help of Pan the Satyr progenitor spiked Erebos and Nyx Ambrosia's with enough love and sex enhanced potion that it made the two most serious and gloomy Primordials act lovey-dovey and sweet during one of the banquets hosted by Ouranos.

Not only that it threatened the Equilibrium maintaining the balance of Ouranos Kingdom, it even spawned children between the Primordials that threatened Ouranos of a possible coup against him.

After Hecate and Damianos flushed whatever drugs Eros and Pan put inside of Erebos and Nyx, They we're ordered by Ouranos to investigate any possible signs of coup de tat against him starting with the 2 suspects.

The work didn't even stopped there, after Erebos and Nyx woke up from their drug infused consciousness they immediately gave the responsibility of rearing them to Ouranos and Gaia.

Which Ouranos immediately fosted his responsibility towards Gaia, who ask me to designate a role for the poor babes since I was the patron of contracts she asked me to gave them a place in the world.

And as we were investigating, Hecate and Damianos only found that it was only for a good laugh, a prank they both say after Damianos threatened them with Ouranos wrath they named their accomplice's as the Titans, Giants, Cyclopes, and the Hecatoncheires present at the banquet.

Reporting their findings to Ouranos wasn't pleasant as he's furious that he was only worried for nothing immediately ordered for the children to be brought to him.

As Gaia brought the children in front of the Throne room, the first to be brought was Oneiroi, Ouranos assigned him on the task of managing dreams of every living being beside the Primordials,Hecate and Damianos.

The second was Keres whom Ouranos assigned the task of managing the outcome of every gruesome battle aside from the Primordials, Hecate and Damianos.

The Third was the triplets, the eldest being Atropos, Lahkesis, and with the youngest Clotho, Ouranos assigned them with managing the Fates of every living being besides the Primordials, Hecate and Damianos.

The 4th was Hypnos whom Ouranos had assigned to managed the matters concerning sleeping aside from the Primordials, Hecate and Damianos.

The 5th being Thanatos the twin of Hypnos, whom Ouranos assigned the matters of death aside from the Primordials, Hecate and Damianos.

The 6th being Moros whom Ouranos assigned the managing of the approaching Doom of every living being aside from the Primordials Hecate and Damianos.

The 7th being Eris whom Ouranos assigned the management of strife and discord of all living beings aside from the Primordials, Hecate and Damianos.

The 8th being Nemesis whom Ouranos assigned the management of retribution of every living being aside from the Primordials, Hecate and Damianos.

All of them assigned to their powerful tasks are entrusted with tormenting the Titans and their descendants as well as the Giants, Cyclopes and Hecatoncheires.

They were also granted authority to use their powers on the mortals as the result of Ouranos wrath.

Before all of this are taken into effect, Damianos had to write the divine contracts that will facilitate the will of Ouranos.

Of course the 2 perpetrators aren't forgotten, Ouranos banned the liberal use of Eros powers while Pan was demoted from his post as the Palace head musician and had his territory reduced to a single meadow.

As Damianos wrote the contracts he had hidden some clauses using invisible ink he conjured, That allowed him the authority to revoke the will of these children should they go on a rampage and he also added a failsafe condition should they ever be killed the majority of their power and authority would go to Damianos.

As Damianos offered the contract to Ouranos, With great power Ouranos willed the enactment of his orders throughout his kingdom that it was felt even from the neighboring kingdom.


Author here Damianos became the Deity of oaths and what do you think about the Lemon scene is it good? anyway It's my first time writing such scenes so let's just say my virginity has been broken in terms of writing anyway thanks for reading and stay tuned.

Rabidreader Rabidreader

Enjoy and stay tuned

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