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Chapter 3: CHAPTER TWO

The allspark, The Creator and Origin of all Transformers. Maker of All Cybertronians. The Artifact that created the gods of These gigantic, Synthetic Beings.

It is said that Before time even came to existence, A cube Covered with glyphs and symbols Floated Around the dark, Black space of the whole universe. Drifting Across Countless galaxies. Bearing the ability to Give Lifeless Technologies Life, the Cube, Allspark, Was said to be the Origin of all Synthetic being.

According to the lore that Megano had read before, the "one", The Ancient Being that created Unicron Before Subdividing him to create His twin brother, Primus, Was said to be the one that created The Ancient Artifact. With the Twin gods of The transformers Serving as the guardians of the cube, The Ancient "One" Left Them to their Own Accord.

Due to Some reasons, Both Primus and Unicron Entered What seemed to be a Near eternal Slumber or hibernation. With Primus Being said to be the Home planet Of the Transformers, Cybertron. And Unicron due to his Very humongous Body, Was wrapped by Soil and Water, Thus Forming the Home planet of the humans, Earth.

After watching The Ending of The Latest transformers Movie, Transformers: The last Knight, It was proven that Unicron Was indeed the Original form of the home planet of the humans, Earth.

when the First Cybertronian war Between the two factions, Autobots and Decepticons, Erupted, The Transformers Tasked in guarding The Allspark was left with no other choice but to Sent The Allspark drifting across the space When they saw that They are losing the war against The Ruthless decepticons.

Many Cybertronians Was obviously against their actions as they've all viewed The Allspark as their god. The Creator of all Autobots and Decepticons. So sending it Drifting across the space, All alone without any Guardians Guarding or standing beside it, It was like they, The loyal Children and Creation of their "God", Was abandoning it.

but When the Tasked guardians that sent the allspark drifting across The space stated the possibilities Of Megatron, The ruthless Leader of the decepticons, Getting his hands over the Divine artifact Allspark, Even the Protesters Couldn't help but shiver from such thoughts.

So, With the Allspark Missing and the Autobots retreating, Megatron was left with no choice As losing the allspark will spoil his Plans So He decided to pursue the Artifact, Leaving Starscream and the Others In-charge in the campaign of Conquering Cybertron, Thus resulting to the Current time lines and events of the Following movies of Michael Bay's Life action Transformers Movies.

With the Cube of Allspark Hovering above his Claws, Megano Decided to use the analysing Function of his system to Learn more about it. With his Blue optics glowing brighter, A wave of Information and numbers began to Fly Out of the cube before arranging themselves Infront of him.

• Name: Allspark

• Rank: Mythical

•Ability: Able to Produce one Cybertronian Per week. Cooldown time: one week.

•Ability 2: Able to turn Lifeless machinations Into Synthetic Beings Called Cybertronians.

• Description: Long before time even came into existence, The Allspark, Covered with Glyphs and Alien looking designs was already drifting across the space. It is said that The cube was The true Creator of all beings. The true origin Of the Transformers but for ho had created the artifact? No one knows.

Megano's Lip plates couldn't Help but Drop in astonishment after reading the Abilities Of the Allspark. Yes, He already knew the ability of the allspark to turn Lifeless Machinations and technologies Into Cybertronian being but Since Because of his current predicament, It was impossible To turn here into A Cybertronian Since the allspark doesn't have the ability to Convert An organic Species into synthetic Being's like him. Not unless A vending machines will come running to him but such Thoughts was only possible in dreams.

However, With the Ability to create a Single Cybertronian Itself per week, The Problem of loneliness can be solved In no time.

With Excitement Beginning to Creep up to his Spark, Megano took Huge amount of efforts to stop himself From dancing like a crackhead because of Excitement.

Coughing With his Metallic throat, Megano Let the Allspark hover in front of him before placing both of his hands Infront of him. Chanting The Spells That was Taught to him by the system to activate the Godly artifact, megano now began the Summoning Ritual of the allspark.

The animals around the vicinity immediately Fled from the Area with fear as the Allspark began to Emit Sparks of lightning. Numerous Rays of blue and white light Started Piercing out for the cube As the said artifact Began trembling and shaking.

Anxiety and nervousness Gripped his heart as megano watched The Allspark shake. His Mind Completely at the peak of high alert just I case something Went south during the Summoning Ritual. However, During all of these commotions and Possibilities of dangers, Megano have never stopped Chanting And held his ground Firmly.

After a while, The shaking of the Cube grew in intensity as it even began Letting out strange, Alien like sounds That made megano Even more nervous. Then, with a Puff like sound, The Cracklings of lightnings, The Blinding rays of blue and white lights, And the strange Alien like sounds all came to a stop.

"W-what?! What the Scrap?! What the Friggin Scrap is happening?! Ravage? Frenzy? Bastard Starscream where are you?!"

hearing the Series of curses that Came from his Front, Megano Opened his Blue optics and saw What was summoned By the Allspark or "Created". A Decepticon, That's for sure. Bearing the Similarities in appearance with a Vulture, Standing As tall as a Nine year old child, With Two Glowing, Circular Core lien Thingies on each Steel wings, Megano manage to confirm Who was in front of him.

"What the Scrap Is happening?! Why am I H-Lord Megatron?!"

When the creature turned around and Saw the towering being Standing behind it, The Decepticon couldn't help but be stunned and Subconsciously Called out a name. The 'Decepticon' In front of it Bear Many similarities To the Appearance of Lord Megatron, The Leader that his master was Serving.

Yes, The Decepticon that Megano have 'Created' Was none other than one of the loyal Deployer of Soundwave, A high ranking Decepticon Among the ranks Following Megatron and his cause, The Infamous Vulture and trickster of the Cybertronians, Laserbeak.

Laserbeak couldn't believe His Eyes as one and only Lord Megatron was currently Residing Beneath the waves of the ocean. Lying at the Silent depths of the unknown. However, The one that stood before him just looked to much Like Megatron.

Although Laserbeak Hated Megatron's Arrogance, He still couldn't deny that Megatron was still the leader of his Faction, The decepticons.

Squinting his Crimson Decepticon optics to Observe The one before him, Laserbeak saw the sole And massive difference Between this impostor and lord Megatron. His optics. The One before him had A pair of glowing, Blue optics. A huge Contrast To Megatron's Murderous, Decepticon pair of Crimson optics.

"You! You're no Lord Megatron! Who are you, Impostor?! You have the Guts To Impersonate Lord Megatron, Your actions are punishable with DEATH!", with that final declaration, Laserbeak Gave a Loud screech before charging At the Impostor in front of it, Completely Disregarding the huge difference Between their sizes. Guns emerging from the sides of his neck, Laserbeak Bravely Charged Towards Megano.

Snorting In amusement, Megano Activated the retractable Heat Blade and used the Mini shield like attachment To lock the Bullets Shot by Laserbeak.

Seeing that all of his Attacks was useless against the Impostor, Laserbeak was enraged. Spreading His Steel claws and Placing it to the Front, Laserbeak Frenzily started Scartching the Hard, Steel Surface of Megano's Retractable Heat Blade Attachment.

Feeling the Itchiness because of the Stinking bird's Attacks, Megano Started feeling annoyed and when He finally thought that enough was enough, He Gave A strong Push With his Right hand, Sending Laserbeak Back Before he Transformed His Servos Into His Photon Hands cannon and aimed it towards Laserbeak.

Laserbeak was about To Charge back when he saw the Huge Cannon Aimed at him. His Spark was gripped with fear and nervousness as Oil Began to Drop down from his Head as he Kept flapping his wings to remain airborne.

"I've Had enough of your Games, Stinking Bird. Yes, I am no Megatron, But As I have created You with my Power, You are Expected to Follow me and Join my cause, Laserbeak", Said Imposingly By Megano, His Curved Battle Mask Retracting back to their cheek plates As he Aimed his hand cannon At the hovering Laserbeak.

To say that Laserbeak Was confused was an understatement. Especially when he heard Megano say that he have created the decepticon using his own power. But when he saw the thing that was hovering above the Impostor's Left hand, His Crimson Optics couldn't help but Constrict To their Maximum.

"The allspark, That is the allspark! Why do you have the allspark?! Give me the allspark, Traitorous impostor!", Demanded Laserbeak Fiercely.

The allspark was in front of him. If he Manage to Snatch the Allspark from this being, Master Soundwave will obviously be Hopping in happiness!

Filled with new Resolve and Determination, Laserbeak Once again Let out a shriek and was about to charge at megano once again when the hand cannon Aimed at him shifted to the right before letting out a thunderous Gunshot Towards a boulder.

Under the stunned Optics of Laserbeak, The unfortunate Boulder that Became Megano's target of Demonstration Was Reduced to ashes as the raging fire Spread After an Explosion occurred On top of it.

Laserbeak's Metallic Beak couldn't help but Drop at the sheer Destructiveness Of the Impostor's Weapon. Once again, The fear and Nervousness That was Overwhelmed by the Determination after seeing the allspark Resurfaced, Gripping his spark hard as he stared At the hand cannon that was now aimed at him.

"Stop your futile Resistance, Decepticon. Although I may not be as ruthless as your lord, I promise with my Spark that I will not hesitate to blow you into Scraps. Now, Choose, Laserbeak. Swear your loyalty to me, Or be offlined because of your foolish believes and Loyalty towards your Non- existent Lord?", Said Megano's in his Low yet dignified Voice.

After hearing the Impostor's Words, and his manner of speaking, Laserbeak couldn't help but screech in Irritation As the way This Being spoke was just Too similar to the way that blasted Prime Speak. All righteous yet Dominating. Conquering. Laserbeak Hated Such tones.

"But I can grant you freedom"

Those words stunned Laserbeak as the Word said by the Impostor was something he had not heard ever since He was Created by Soundwave.

Laserbeak Knew what the word 'Freedom' Mean but Laserbeak knew that such thing was just too impossible for him and his fellow deployers.

Laserbeak and the others knew that Disobeying Soundwave's Orders and instructions will only result to one outcome. Death. Such thing was very common among the decepticons. Especially for those who was Living at the Furthermost Bottom of the Ranking. just like how His lord Megatron Promoted his Propaganda, Only the strong has the Choice while the weak can never Experience such thing. Just like the law of the jungle. The strong Survives And the weaks shall dies!

Hearing such words come From the being wielding the Great Artifact, The allspark, Laserbeak For the first Time in his entire Life, Began to hesitate.

If he accepted The Impostor's Proposition, He might attain Complete freedom but if things go haywire, And returned To Soundwave's side And he learned about his Hesitation, He might as well be executed. In front of all Decepticons.

"Are your words True and Honorable, Impostor?!", Questioned Laserbeak. His Crimson Decepticonian Optics glaring Sharply At Megano's Glowing optics.

Hearing his words, Megano couldn't help but smile in victory To himself. Megano knew how Laserbeak's Mind Works. This Sneaky and tricky Decepticon was Obviously very smart and knew What was good for him and his future.

Retracting his Hand cannon back, Megano Offered his Right arm towards Laserbeak for him to perch on.

"My words are more Honorable than Primus himself, Laserbeak. Believe in my words when I've said that I will grant you your freedom", Said Megano Calmly.

Seeing his gesture, Laserbeak hesitated for a few moments Before Gritted his beaks. Since I'm already here, Might as well take the risk. Flapping his steel wings, Laserbeak Flew towards Megano And perched On the Being's offered Arm.

"Greetings, My lord. . ."

"Megano, Call me lord megano, My loyal Subordinate, Laserbeak. Come, And we shall see how us, Cybertronians, Conquer this whole new world", Exclaimed Megano.

Hearing His Words, Laserbeak couldn't help but Stare at awe at the Glorious and Dignified stature of his new Master.

Right at that moment, The Allspark Hovering at Megano's Left hand began To Shake. Rays of light began to Spread out from within as the familiar Cracklings of lightnings and Sounds Off Alien like voices once again Reverberated throughout the whole Forest.

Both Megano and Laserbeak Stared in awe at the sudden shift and Changes Around the Divine Artifact. Under the stunned Gazes of the two Cybertronian, A Strong, Fierce Pillar of light suddenly Came crashing into Laserbeak, Shocking the predatory Bird to his core.

Then, As blue and white light Covered his whole, Decepticonian Body, Huge changes began to appear throughout his whole Body. The changes began with the two Glowing Red Circles Located in each of his wings. The Previously Crimson Coloration now began to lighten before changing into a blue one. His Sharp, Vulture like wings began to Thicken and Started Sticking to each other. His Small or petite Body Grew larger as his Vulture like claws now Became like that of a Raptor.

The Most noticeable Changes was His head. His Previously ugly, Terrifying, Vulture like head now Became like that of an Hawk. Sharp And Dignified. Gloriously and dominating, Like a king.

As the light Started to subside, Megano Finally saw the New Appearance of his newly recruited Subordinate. The Previously Despicable, Terrifying and ugly looking Vulture like Decepticon was now Replaced with a Glorious and Righteous Hawk like Cybertronian Predatory bird.

"The Name Laserbeak is A little bit too harsh And is a huge Contrast for your new Appearance, My Subordinate. Let's change it to something more Fitting. Hmmm, How about Ruffian? Yes, The name ruffian does indeed sounds much more dignified. From now here on, You, My Subordinate, Shall now be called ruffian. Ruffian, The Dignified Bastard", Megano Said Calmly.

For the very first time of his life, Laserbeak, No, Ruffian, Now started to regret Being alive.

DaoistCybertron DaoistCybertron

Ehem, Please pardon me if the quality of this chapter is much much more Worse than The Previous chapters

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