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Chapter 39: Chapter Thirty: Hellcat Part One

When Genma called Yugito and Naruto's down, the crowd erupted into loud cheers, mainly because many were eager to see the Senju heir fight again.

But as excited as the audience were for the upcoming match, none were more excited than the two participants, who turned and smirked at one another when they heard their names being called.

"Looks like we're up Yugito-chan" Naruto said who pleased that he was now facing Yugito.

"So it seems" an equally pleased Yugito, since this was the match she had been waiting for this match ever since the preliminaries ended.

"You ready?"

"Tsk, do you even have to ask?" Yugito replied, where she and her fellow blonde just smile, and walked to the stairway and made their way down to the Arena to begin their rematch.

Disclaimer: I do not and will not ever own Naruto or any of its Characters! I only own the Characters I created myself.

-In the Audience-

"Well this certainly will be an entertaining fight wouldn't you agree Enrai-sama" the Fire Daimyo said where he turned back to his counterpart from Kaminari no Kuni (Lightning Country), who was sitting behind him and his family.

"That it should Kasai-sama" the Lightning Daimyo replied with a nod.

The Lightning Daimyo was a dark-skinned man with a beard and silver framed glasses. He wore a loose fitting kimono and dark coloured cloak over it, along with the customary head-gear of the Daimyo of the five great nations.

"Perhaps we could make things a little more interesting?" the Fire Daimyo suggested with an amused smile.

"Oh and how exactly would we do that?" the dark skinned Daimyo asked with a raised eyebrow.

"By adding a small wager to the outcome of the match" that elderly Daimyo answered with the same amused smirk.

"Oh and how much are you willing to wager on the boy?"

"How about eighty million ryo?"

Upon hearing the amount, the guards of the two Daimyo's turned to gap at elderly man, at how he was willing to bet a large fortune on Naruto winning.

Naturally even the Lightning Daimyo was surprised by the about his counterpart from Hi no Kuni (Fire Country) was willing to risk on Naruto."

"I must say Enrai-sama I'm rather surprised by this, it is not like you to be so sure of someone, you must have a great deal of fate in the boy" commented the Lightning Daimyo.

"I owe young Naruto-kun the life of my Granddaughter here and I have fate in his skill, he was trained by both his mother and Jiriayia-kun. Who as you know are two of the Densetsu no Sannin (Legendary Three Ninjas)."

"Hmmm, Yes I see your point; very well I accept your bet, I too have a great deal of fate in the girl Yugito. The Yondaime Raikage himself, praises the girl as one of the most promising Genin that Kumo has ever produce. She has gone through many years of specialize training and has been trained by Bee-san who is the strongest Shinobi in Kumo."

"I see, well it should be a very exciting battle between two such skilled and young Shinobi" the Fire Daimyo said.

"It doesn't matter how strong she is, Naruto-kun will still win" Rurichiyo declared as she joined the conversation.

"My, my, your Granddaughter seems rather sure of the boy" the Dark skinned Daimyo remarked.

"Yes she is, as Rurichiyo-chan is rather fond of young Naruto-kun" the Elderly Daimyo replied as he smiled down at his Granddaughter who turned away to hide her blush.

"Well this should be an interesting fight" Kakashi commented. Who had finally been allowed to get up from the floor by Kushina, but had to stand since the red-head stated he still did not deserve to have a seat.

"Indeed" Yamato remarked.

"If Naruto is right about this girl, he won't have it easy" Asuma stated.

"Maybe, but he should be able to handle himself pretty well" Kushina replied, since they had trained Naruto for the sole purpose of standing up to Yugito and Gaara should they use their Biju's Chakra.

"Looks like we've just made it in time Samui" an injured Omoi said. Who had just arrived thanks to his female teammate helping him to the stands, where they were now seated next to their sensei.

"Yes, we have, this battle should be very cool" the busty blonde teen replied.

"Looks like Senju is up again, maybe he will show a bit more of his abilities this time against that Kumo girl?" Akatsuchi said.

"We'll see soon enough" Kurotsuchi replied, as they waited for Naruto and Yugito arrive in the arena.

"Let's see if all the rumors about you are true Hell Cat" Mai thought with a serious look as she waited for the match to start.

"It seems the match Orochimaru-sama has been waiting for is finally about to appear, now we will see how much Naruto-kun has improved this past month" a disguised Kabuto thought in the stands.

"Now let's see how well you fair against her Senju" a recovering Sai thought, who had just come from the medic's after they treated his wound.

Not far from where Sai was standing the Kiri Genin Saito sat alone waiting for his sensei to return who had left to check on his team-mates. But when the Kiri swordsman returned, the young Genin was surprised to see he was not alone.

"Haku, Chojuro, what are you two doing here?" Saito asked when he saw his team-mates

"We came to watch the match" Haku replied, as Zabuza helped her to her seat, while Chojuro sat next to her.

"But shouldn't you both be resting?"

"We're fine Saito-kun, I can assure you" the female ice user answered, while Chojuro nodded.

Naturally Saito was not convinced where he then looked to his sensei who said "Don't look at me, I tried but convince them, but the two of them wouldn't let me leave until I agreed to take them with me."

At this Saito could only sigh, since if Zabuza couldn't convince Haku to stay in the medical ward then no-one could.

Not far from the Kiri team, Team nine (aka team Gai) also received an unexpected arrival, in the form of a still badly injured Hyuga Neji, who slowly limped to where they were sitting.

"Would it be alright for me to take this seat?" Neji asked.

"Neji?" said Gai in surprise.

"Neji?!" repeated both Lee and Tenten together in surprise, when they saw their team-mate.

"Neji, what are you doing here? You should be in the medical ward recovering" Tenten said.

"I am fine, the medics treated most of my injuries, they said I mainly have to take it easy and rest" the male Hyuga replied. After which Tenten and Gai quickly got out of their seat and helped him to an empty set behind Lee.

"Neji, I think you should return to the medical ward, you need rest" Gai said after he and Tenten helped the Hyuga Prodigy to his seat.

"I will be fine Gai-sensei, besides this is a match I wish to see, as the medics have been keeping me updated with the rest of the matches while I was in the ward."

"So you know who left then?" Tenten asked, as she and Gai too their seats again.

"Yes, and I believe this match will not be one to miss and that this Nii Yugito will prove to be a difficult opponent for Naruto-san to fight" Neji said.

Naturally when Gai and the others heard Neji call Naruto by his name, instead of his surname, they were surprised and wondered what could have cause such a sudden change in him.

"What do you mean by that Neji-kun?" Lee asked. "What would you make think that this Nii Yugito would prove to be such a challenge to Naruto-kun."

"On my way here I overheard two Kumo Shinobi talking, who were discussing the upcoming match. From what I heard Ni Yugito is regarded as one of the strongest Shinobi Kumo has produced in years, and is stronger than the female Ranton (Storm Release) user."

"Wait! She's stronger than that Samui girl" Tenten said is surprise as she, Gai and Lee had seen her battle with Haku and both of them were not only very skilled but powerful as well.

"Yes, and from what I've heard, she is already among their most powerful Shinobi; they even refer to her as Kumo Jigoku no Neko (Kumo's Hell Cat)."

"Clearly the girl has been hiding her true strength, just like that Ranton user girl did" commented Gai.

"They haven't been the only ones, near the end of my battle with Naruto-san I sensed that he was holding something back" Neji said.

This of course did not surprise the others, since during both Temari's and Neji's battle, Naruto mainly used a hand full of techniques and defeated them by tricking them or figuring out their weaknesses.

"Well this looks like it will be an interesting match" the Daimyo of Taki no Kuni (Waterfall Country) said as he looked at the pamphlet with the stats of Naruto, Yugito and the other finalist.

"Hmph yes, although I still think you are fool for betting on that girl, when the obvious choice would be the Senji heir" the Grass Daimyo said.

"Although he is obvious choice, you can't say for certain that he will win. I'm expecting something from this Kumo girl, I know I'm right about this" the Waterfall Daimyo said.

At this the Grass Daimyo laughed, "No, in the world of fighting…Something always happens…It is unpredictable."

After saying this, the Grass Daimyo glanced to his bodyguards who just nodded and quickly left.

-In the Kage Box-

"I do hope your son is ready to fight Tsunade-sama, because I can assure you Yugito will not hold back when the battle starts and she has yet to show her true abilities" the Raikage said.

At this the Slug princess just smirked, "I would be more worried about your Kunoichi than my son Raikage-sama. He is more than capable of handling your Kunoichi and anything else she can throw at him, because like her, he has yet to show his true abilities."

"You got that right!" Jiraiya said with a grin, "If your girl isn't careful the brat will wipe the floor with her."

"Hmph, you seem quite certain of that" the Raikage commented, who despite being certain that Yugito would win, felt a slight twig of concern.

"I am" said Tsunade with a confident smirk. "In fact I'm so certain of it that I have bet all my winnings on Naru-chan winning not only this fight but the one after it as well."

When the others heard this, the Raikage smirked, since this almost assured Yugito's victory over Naruto. As Tsunade reputation for gambling was legendary, where she had the worst luck in the world and would nearly always lose, which was why they called her the Densetsu no Kamo (The Legendary Sucker).

At the same time a look of concern appeared on both Jiraiya and the Sandaime's faces.

"Eh hime, don't you think you should take a break from gambling? Since you've already won quite a bit from betting on the kid" Jiraiya said.

"What are you talking about Jiraiya? I'm on a streak right now, I haven't lost yet!"

"Yea and that's my point, remember what happens when you win at gambling" the Toad Sage reminded. Since given the amount Tsunade had won already, Jiraiya half expected the sky to fall on their heads, as Tsunade's luck never failed when she was winning.

"Hmph, this is completely different, I told you when I bet on Naru-chan I never lose, his good luck is stronger than my bad luck" Tsunade replied with scoff. Since she was already counting the money she would win in her head.

"Yea, well let's not tempt fate okay" Jiraiya pleaded.

"Tsk, It's too late, I've already placed the beat" Tsunade replied as she showed the ticket to the Toad Sage. Who just sighed and silently prayed to the Heavens that something bad wouldn't happen.

"Well regardless, I am personally looking forward to this match, as I'm certain it will prove even more entertaining than their other matches" the Mizukage said with a smile. "Don't you agree Kazekage-sama, Hokage-sama?"

"I do indeed Mizukage-sama" the old Hokage said with a smile.

"As do I" the Kazekage said, "In fact I expect great things from young Senju Naruto."

When the Suna Kage said this, both the Sandaime Hokage and the two Sannin frowned, since now the Kazekage was showing a keen interest in Naruto and it worried them.

-With Naruto and Yugito-

As the two Genin walked down the hall to the stairs that would lead them to the arena floor, they were suddenly confronted by two Kusa Chunin, who were blocking their path.

The two Shinobi each wore the symbol of their village around the heads and wore matching yellow shirts and strip grey scarfs.

"Hey girl, we want a word with you?" said one of the Kusa-nins, who wore a pair of dark sunglasses.

Narrowing her eyes, the blonde girl just scoffed and said "Sorry but I don't have time to talk, as I have a match to get to." After which she tried to move around the two Shinobi, but was stopped by the other Kusa Shinobi, who stepped in front of her and blocked her path.

"Despite what you Genin think, low level tournaments like this Chunin exam are only really good for betting" the Kusa Shinobi said. "And many of the Feudal Lords and Daimyo's have come here just for that reason."

"So what, it's none of our concern?" Yugito replied with a frown, as she had already guessed what the two Shinobi were trying to do.

"Actually it does…" the Kusa-nin replied, "Since we want you to do something for us."

"And what's that?"

"It's simple…" the Kusa-nin with the sunglasses said, with an arrogant smirk "We want you to lose the match."

"Yea our Daimyo has bet quite a sum of money on your opponent here winning the match" the other Kusa-nin said.

When the two blondes heard this they glared angrily at the two foreign Shinobi.

"Screw you" Yugito said angrily.

"Yea, tell your boss to go fuck himself, we aren't going to let you, him or anyone else dictate out match" Naruto replied.

"I suggest that you stay out of this punk, in fact you should be thanking us" the Kusa-nin wearing sunglasses snapped, "Since we're making sure that you win."

"I don't want your help, this is "our" match and we will fight it fairly" Naruto replied, as he began to channel his Chakra to his fists.

"Agreed." Yugito narrowed her eyes.

"Heh, these kids just don't get it Shiba" the sun-glass wearing Shinobi said.

"Maybe we should teach them a lesson in manners Midori and show them how they should treat their superiors" the Shinobi named Shiba said as he took out a Kunai from underneath his vest.

"Yea, I think your right" Midori replied with a cocky grin. But before he or his partner could do anything, Naruto slammed the back of his left fist into the side of the wall, creating a massive five foot hole in the wall.

When Naruto did this, Midori fell to the ground in shock, where his sunglasses fell forward, allowing Naruto to see the shock and scared look in his eyes.

At the same time, his partner Shiba found himself unable to do anything, where within the blink of an eye, Yugito disappeared and reappeared behind him, with her now claw-like hand wrapped itself around his neck.

"Now then who exactly are our superiors?" Yugito asked, with a toothy grin, which showed her fang-like teeth.

This of course freaked the two Shinobi out, since it made her appearance that more demonic looking, especially with her now bright yellow slitted eyes.

"I suggest that the two of you push off, before Yugito-chan and I decided to paint the hall with your hides" Naruto said with a dangerous look in his eyes. After which he then began to crack his knuckles in a similar manner that his mother would do.

"Shit, these brats are monsters!" Midori thought with fear, before he took off running, with his partner, (who Yugito let go off), following quickly behind him.

Once the two Kusa Shinobi left, the two blondes smirked at one another.

"Not bad Yugito-chan, you really scared the crap out of that guy, when you appear behind him looking like that" said a smirking Naruto, before the female blonde returned to her normal state.

"You're not so bad yourself Naruto" Yugito replied with a smirk of her own, "I think that sun-glass wearing guy wet himself when he saw you punch through the wall like that."

"You think?"

"Yea, I can practically smell the urine, in fact I think he shit himself at the same time" Yugito said as she scrunched up her nose at the stench.

"Heh, well let's get going, everyone must be getting impatient" Naruto said with a smile, where Yugito just nodded and the two of them made their way down to the arena, laughing and joking over what happened with the two Kusa-nins.

After waiting a few minutes the two Genin walked out into the open arena, where they were greeted with a thunderous cheer from the audience.

Slowly the two Genin walked towards Genma, who simply nodded to them, after which they walked a few meters away from one another, leaving a large space between them.

When they walked far enough away from one another, they turned around to face each other.

Once they had stopped and were opposite each other, Genma then spoke "If both of you are now ready, we will begin the first match of Round three."

When the two Genin nodded, Genma just nodded back and raised his arm up and simply said "Go!" as he swung his arm down.

Despite Genma yelling "Go!" neither Genin moved forward or attempted to draw their Katana. Instead they kept their distance and stared at one another few minutes.

As the Genin continued to stare at one another the tension in the air became apparent to everyone, especially to the audience who were waiting to see who would make the first move.

-Enter Ben-To OST 14-I Gotta Turn It On-

After another few minutes of staring at each other, Naruto suddenly spoke, "So Yugito-chan, shall we get started?"

"I thought you'd never ask" the blonde girl replied with smirk after which both she and Naruto drew their Katana and fell into their individual Sword stances.

Within moments of doing this, the two Genin raced forward at top speed until their Katana's clashed with one another.

After his Katana made contact with Yugito's, Naruto brought his Katana back and then spun around to Yugito's unguarded left side. Naruto then attempted and horizontal slash, which Yugito narrowly avoided by spinning around to Naruto's left and made the same attempt on his unguarded side.

Catching a glimpse of what Yugito was doing from the corner of his eye Naruto quickly jumped to his right side. Narrowly escaping the slash and putting some distance between the two, although received a slight cut of his new coat.

After evading Yugito's slash, Naruto immediately spun around to face the Blonde girl, where he then moved forward to reengage her.

For the next two few minutes the two blonde Shinobi fought in a fierce battle of steel, with each moving with impressive speed.

To the non-Shinobi members of the audience, the two blondes were blurs, moving from one end of the field to the next, appearing only for a second to clash swords before disappearing in a blur again. The Shinobi members of the audience on the other hand were able to keep up and follow with their movements, where many of them were impressed with the two Genin speed and movements.

As the fight progressed, Naruto jumped back to avoid another one of Yugito's downward sword slashes. After which he then moved forward and tried to use the Mizu no Atsuen (Rolling Water) technique to catch the Kumo Kunoichi off-guard (1). But Yugito was prepared for this, as she had watched Naruto's fights in the preliminaries closely and saw him switch his sword from his right hand to his left in mid-swing.

Ignoring Naruto's faint swing, Yugito jumped back at the last possible second to avoid the real swing by jumping backwards.

After avoiding Naruto's attack, Yugito then moved forward to take advantage of an opening that now appeared after Naruto missed her. But just as she swung her Katana down on Naruto, the blonde Senju jumped backwards to avoid the slash and keep some distance between them. He then used the Nagareru Mizu (Following Water) technique to pass his Katana from his left hand to his right behind his back in an attempt to surprise the girl.

But just as he swung his sword, Yugito brought her Katana up to block his slash, where she then pushed Naruto back. Who then disappeared in a blur, preventing Yugito from striking back at him.

Naruto then reappeared behind the female jinchūriki and tried to slash her from behind, only for him to cut through air when Yugito disappeared in the same manner he did.

This continued for several where the two blondes would move around the arena at high speed trying to avoid the others attack, while trying to slash at the other at the same time.

As the fight progressed some of the audience began to see sparks erupting from the two Katana when they clashed with each other.

After dodging another one of Naruto's slashes Yugito picked up several shuriken from the ground that were left there from a previous battle and threw them at Naruto. Who was then force to deflect them with his Katana, allowing Yugito to race up to him and use the Kumo-Ryū Mikazukigiri(Cloud-Style Three Days' Moon Beheading) technique.

Seeing what Yugito was doing, Naruto was narrowly able to avoid the deadly slash by jumping into the air. But what Naruto didn't know was that this was what Yugito wanted, as he was now opened to attack while in mid-air. She then used the Kumo-Ryū Omotegiri (Cloud-Style Front Beheading) technique to slash at him.

But just as she cut the blonde boy, "Naruto" reverted into a large wooden log, revealing he had replaced himself using Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Replacement Technique).

Realizing that Naruto had tricked her, she then quickly began to scan the arena for any sign of the Senju heir.

She course did not have to wait long as she caught a glimpse of reflective light from the blade of a Katana out of the corner of her left eye, where she immediately spun around and narrowly blocked a deadly sword strike from Naruto. Who then forced Yugito on the defensive with a series of rapid attacks, forcing her back.

Seeing that she was at a disadvantage Yugito decided to turn the tables on her opponent, where she channelled Chakra into her nails on her right hand, turning them into long claws. After which she then went of the offensive and began to force Naruto back, where she blocked one of his strikes with her Katana and attempted to slash at his left side with her claws.

When Naruto saw this, he acted fast and jumped away barely avoiding the slash, although received another large slash on the edge of his coat.

Knowing he would be at a disadvantage fighting like this, given how Yugito claws were just as strong and as sharp as any Kunai. Naruto quickly took out a Kunai from his utility belt to help him even up the odds between him and Yugito.

For the next ten minutes the two Genin moved around the arena as they fought, each trying to gain some advantage over the other. As the fight continued Naruto was able to hold his own for a while with his Katana and Kunai. He had seen how Yugito fought using both her clawed hand and her Katana when she fought Sai and knew how she fought.

After deflecting one of Yugito's sword stabs with his Katana, Naruto threw his Kunai at the blonde girl's head, distracting her momentarily as she evaded the Kunai. This then allowed Naruto to gain the advantage and start going on the offensive.

Not wanting this to happen, Yugito tried to force Naruto on the defensive by swinging her clawed at hand his head.

Seeing this Naruto ducked under the swipe and attempted to cut Yugito legs from under her with his sword. But before he could finish his swing Yugito preformed a backwards flip to avoid the sword swipe and at the same time kick Naruto underneath his chin, causing the blonde boy to fall backwards.

Recovering quickly both blondes raced towards one another at top speed and engaged each other in a fierce fury of steel. As they fought, Yugito was able to knock Naruto's Katana out of his hand. But for her trouble she left an opening that Naruto exploited, allowing him to hit her with a strong punch in the stomach, causing her to skid several feet back across the ground and double over slightly in pain from the punch.

Wasting no time, Naruto then charged up his right fist with Chakra and moved in to deliver the final blow. But just as Naruto was about to hit the blonde Kunoichi, Yugito jumped into the air and performed a perfect mid-air flip over Naruto, avoiding the punch and at the same time kicking the Senju heir in the back of the head, causing him to fall forward.

But as he fell forward, Naruto brought his hands up, allowing him to flip back onto his feet. After which he then spun around and threw several Shuriken he took out from his utility belt and threw them at Yugito, who had just turned around after landing back on the ground, forcing her move away.

Once he had driven Yugito back, Naruto immediately raced over to his Katana and picked it up, where he then reengaged Yugito with his Katana.

For several more minutes the two blonde sword users fought intensely with one another as they clashed sword, each one given little ground to the other. But after one final clash of swords, the two blondes broke apart and jump back from one another to assess the damage done and what to do next.

-End Ben-To OST 14-I Gotta Turn It On-

-In the Audience-

"So strong" Hinata muttered when she saw how fiercely Naruto and Yugito were fighting.

"Agreed" commented Yamato.

"Man, neither of them is playing around" said Kiba.

"Trust me you haven't seen anything yet" Kushina said with a knowing smile.

"Wait! Are you saying that aren't being serious?" Ino asked.

"Oh they are being serious; they're just not giving it their all. Right now they're just feeling each other out, testing their speed and reaction time. But the real fight will begin soon."

Not far from where Kushina and the others were sitting, Killer Bee and his students were also discussing the match.

"Naruto sure has come a long way when his comes to using a sword. There was a time when he couldn't even last thirty seconds against Yugito. But look at him now?" Omoi said as he, Killer Bee and Samui watch the fight.

"Yes." said Samui as she looked down at Naruto and Yugito.

"Jegga-jack this ain't no joke, this battle will kick and haaaailll ass… oh yeah!" commented Killer Bee.

"Hey Samui, is it just me or is Yugito smiling?" Omoi asked as he stared at his female team-mate.

"She is" Samui replied as looked at her fellow blonde. "Although I can't say I'm surprised, you know how much Yugito has wanted a rematch with Naruto. This is the battle she has been waiting and training for ever since Naruto first fought her."

"Your right." Omoi said as he nodded, since Yugito had been training hard for the past two years, all so that she could become stronger and defeat Naruto should they ever fight again.

-In the Arena-

Down in the arena the two blonde Genin continued to stare at one another, waiting to see who would make the next move.

After a few minutes Naruto suddenly spoke, "Hey Yugito-chan how about we take things up a notch?"

"Fine by me, just don't blame me when things get too hot for you to handle" the blonde female replied with a confident smirk, which Naruto returned before taking out another Kunai.

-Enter Naruto Shippuuden OST 2 Sunspot-

After a few moments the two Genin once again raced towards one another at top speed. After clashing blades for a brief moment, the two Genin reappeared at opposite ends of the arena.

After reappearing the two Genin quickly spun around to face one another where Naruto threw his Kunai at Yugito. Who took a Kunai out from her pouch and threw it, hitting Naruto's projectile dead on and deflecting it. But as soon as this happened Naruto appeared above the Kumo Kunoichi and attempted a downward slash, which she barely blocked.

For the next few minutes the audience watched as the two young Shinobi raced around the arena with tremendous speed, fighting furiously in the hope of gaining the upper hand.

Eventually though Naruto gained the advantage by blocking one of Yugito's sword strikes and pushing her away to the other end of the arena, causing her to drop her Katana. But before he could pursue his advantage, Yugito performed several high speed hand-seals and yelled "Katon: Okibi (Fire Style: Blazing Fire)!"(A) and spat out a large stream of red hot Flames.

"Crap!" Naruto thought when he saw the large Fire Stream flying towards him. Wasting no time Naruto quickly turned his sword sideways and started spinning around and gathering the water left over from Samui's and Haku's battle. (1)

Within seconds a large spinning waterspout erupted around Naruto, shielding him from Yugito's Fire attack and creating a large cloud of steam around Naruto as the hot flames hit the cold water.

After losing sight of Naruto in the steam cloud, Yugito halted her attack and waited for the steam to disperse. But just as the steam began to fade, a large crescent shape blade of Wind erupted from the steam and flew towards her.

Acting quickly Yugito jumped to her right side avoiding the deadly Wind attack which hit the arena wall behind her and left a large slash mark. But as soon as she evaded the attack, she was forced to move again as several Kunai flew towards her.

With no time to waste Yugito jumped back to avoid them, but when they hit the ground she notice that they had exploding notes tied to them, which exploded soon after.

After barely avoiding the explosion and being left slightly singed, Yugito began to search the arena for Naruto, where half of it was still covered in steam.

She of course did not have to wait very long as the steam began to dissipate further and Naruto soon appeared out of the cloud with his Katana in hand and attempted to stab her with it.

Seeing this, Yugito skilfully sidestepped the blonde boy's attack and then hit him in the back of the head with a reverse heel kick, in the hope of knocking him out. But as soon as Naruto hit the ground "he" exploded into a puff of smoke, revealing him to be a Kage Bunshin (Shadow Clone).

When the blonde girl saw this, she quickly turned back to the steam cloud, which had fully dissipated, and saw the real Naruto. Who was busy preforming a long series of hand-seals and gather all the remaining Water in the arena.

Realizing that Naruto was preparing a large scale Water technique, given the long series of hand seals he was doing and the amount of Water he was gathering. Yugito began to preform her own series on hand-seals to counter Naruto's technique.

At roughly the same time both Genin finished their set of hand seals and performed their individual attacks.

"Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu (Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Technique)!" Naruto yelled as large Dragon made out of the Water from around the arena formed over him and flew towards Yugito.

At the same time Yugito finished her hand-seals and thought "Katon: Hitora (Fire Style: Fire Tiger)!"(B) And spat out another long stream of Fire, which took the shape of a Tiger's head.

Within seconds the two powerful attacks collided with one another and caused a massive explosion, where both attacks were negated.

-End Naruto Shippuuden OST 2 Sunspot-

After the explosion, the entire arena quickly became filled with steam, blocking the audience view of the battle. The heat of the flames had been so intense that it and converted Naruto's Water Dragon into steam.

-In the Finalist Box-

"Man this is such a drag…those two blondes really are troublesome" muttered Shikamaru, as he moved back from the railings as he could feel the intense heat of super-heated steam from his position.

Like Shikamaru, many of the other occupants in the finalist box did the same, as like him they could feel heat intense heat of the steam as it rose up.

Others however like Gaara and Sasuke ignored the discomfort of the heat and continued stare into the massive steam cloud, hoping to see any sign of the two blondes.

"Where are they?" Sasuke thought where he activated his Sharingan to try and find Yugito and Naruto, but for some strange reason could see no sign of them.

-In the Audience-

"Unreal, are these two really just Genin?" Izumo asked in shock at seeing two Genin each preforming high level B-rank Jutsu.

"At the very least, in terms of fighting ability they're Chunin level" Kotetsu commented given what they had seen. At the same time, he began to wonder how Naruto and Yugito have the reserves to use Jutsu of those levels.

"Shit not again, first mist, then dust, now steam, how many times do they have to cover the field…we're missing all the action" Kiba complained. Who was really getting into this battle and wanted to see Naruto kick Yugito butt, given how Yugito was the one who defeated him.

"Neji can you see them? What's happening?" Tenten asked when she turned to her teammate, who now had is Byakugan activated in an attempt to see what was happen in the massive steam cloud.

"Unfortunately I cannot see them" the Hyuga boy replied.

"They could not have simply disappeared" said Lee, "Are you sure is the steam is not preventing you from seeing them?"

"No" answered Neji, "I can see through the steam perfectly, I simply cannot see them."

"Does that mean that they are…" said Tenten but before she could finish she suddenly heard the sound of metal clashing. After hearing this, her sensei Gai suddenly said, "Look over there!" while pointing straight ahead.

When Tenten and the rest of the others looked in the direction that Gai was pointing, they saw both Naruto and Yugito, swords in hand, battling with one another on top of the arena wall directly opposite the stands, above the arena the steam cloud.

"Where did they come from?" Choji asked in surprise after his sensei Asuma pointed them to him and the others.

"They must have moved out of the arena just before their attacks hit, knowing what would happen" commented Anko.

"But what are they doing up there?" Ino asked.

"Probably because it was the safest place to be until the steam cooled down" Kushina replied, while watching Naruto fight with Yugito on the arena wall.

"Agreed, if they hadn't, more than likely they would've been killed if not badly burned by the super-heated steam" Kurenai added as she and everyone watch the two blondes fight.

-In the Arena-

After appearing on top of the arena wall Yugito and Naruto continued their sword battle. For the first few minutes the two Genin fought furiously trying to push the other back. But neither one gave much ground, proving that they were evenly matched with one another.

As the fight dragged on, Naruto ducked under one of Yugito's slashes and made a swipe at her legs with his Katana in an attempt to cut one of her legs. But missed when she jumped backwards, forcing Naruto to pursue after her where he made another slash at her.

Seeing the slash Yugito quickly brought her Katana up and blocked Naruto's attack and pushed the young Senju back. Thus allowing her to go on the offensive, where she made a stabbing motion at Naruto with her blade. Only to have it be deflected by the blonde boy, who then made another slash at the female jinchūriki forcing her move back and allowing Naruto to go on the offensive again.

This went on for several minutes going back and forth between the two, where each time one would have the advantage. The other would do something that would put the fight back in their favour.

Eventually the fight turned in Naruto's favour again where he saw an opening and delivered s sharp knee kick to her side. Catching the blonde girl off guard and damaging one of her ribs, forcing her to move back.

Not wanting to let the initiative go, Naruto tried to stab Yugto in the arm with a one handed sword thrust, but missed as the female blonde side-stepped the stab. He then tried a side slash, but Yugtio evaded that as well by jumping to the left side near the edge of the wall.

Seeing that Yugito had run out space to move, Naruto turned and attempted a downward slash on Yugito's head. But before his attack could hit, Yugito brought her Katana up and blocked his slash, where she then took a step forward and pushed him back, breaking his stance, leaving him open to attack.

But just as Yugito moved in to deliver the final blow, Naruto used the Nagareru Mizu technique to switch his sword from his right hand to his left, at high speed behind his back. Catching the blonde girl off-guard where she tried to move out of the way of the blade but was slashed on her right arm and forced to move away from Naruto.

"Shit! That was too close…" Yugito thought as she held her bleeding arm, "…if I had been any slower, I might have lost my arm."

Before Yugito could ponder any longer on her injury Naruto moved forward hoping to end the match while Yugito was injured and distracted. But before he could reach the blonde Kunoichi, she jumped up into the air and down into the arena, disappearing into the steam that covered the arena.

Wasting no time, Naruto quickly followed after Yugito into the steam cloud, which had cooled down enough so that it was tolerable.

After landing back on the ground, Naruto immediately began to gather his Chakra and then touch the ground with his two front fingers before using his Chakura no Parusu (Chakra Pulse) technique to find Yugito. (2)

Once he located the Blonde Kumo-nin's position, he began to plan his next move..

After Yugito had bandaged up her wound with some cloth that she tore from her sleeve, she immediately began to assess her situation.

"This is just like when I fought that Kiri Genin Chojuro earlier, when he used Kirigakure no Jutsu (Hidden Mist technique)" Yugito thought as she looked around her surroundings. Before a small smirk appeared on her face as she realised that she could use the same trick she used to defeat Chojuro.

After creating the Lightning clone Yugito had the clone search for Naruto while she hid in the steam and waited for him to attack.

She did not have to wait for very long as Naruto soon appeared from the steam, racing towards the Lightning clone with impressive speed, where he then used the Tachioyogi (Treading Water) technique to impale the Lightning clone with his sword.

After Naruto stabbed the Lightning clone, the clone quickly reverted into Lightning, which travelled down Naruto's sword and into Naruto, electrocuting him.

Taking advantage of the situation, Yugito immediately appeared out from her hiding spot in the steam and slashed at Naruto in the back.

But as soon as she lashed the Senju heir with here Katana, he exploded into a puff of smoke, revealing he had been a shadow clone.

"Fuck!" Yugito thought after realizing that she had been tricked by Naruto again, where before she could even start looking for him, he bust out of the ground underneath her.

"Shit…!" Yugito thought when she saw Naruto burst out of the ground swung his Katana at her.

Thanks to her quick cat-like reactions, Yugito was able to jump back and evade a lethal slash from the sword. Although fell to the ground after tripping over a piece of overturn earth and landed on her rear and dropped her Katana.

After landing on the ground, the blonde Kunoichi immediately tried to pick herself up. But before she could get back onto her feet, she found the tip of a blade pointed at her face and a smirking Naruto looking down at her. Although this smirk quickly faded and turned to a look of dumb confusion and surprise, followed by Naruto's face turning bright red.

Confused by the way Naruto was acting and why he wasn't finishing her off, Yugito lowered her eyes to see what Naruto was looking at. When she looked down at herself, she saw that Naruto sword had cut her, and although she received no injury, there was a large diagonal slash on her blouse exposing her right breast slightly.

When Yugito saw this, like Naruto she turned as bright red and quickly covered her chest with her arms and cried "Kyaaaaaa!" from embarrassment and shame.

Both Genin were of course grateful that the steam blocked the audience view of the battle.

Naruto because he knew his mother would go berserk if she saw what just happen, while his godfather would never let him live it down, and Yugito because she would probably die from the humiliation.

"I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry…" an embarrassed Naruto said quickly as he lowered his Katana from Yugito and started waving his arms in denial. "I didn't mean to stare I swear…it was just that eh…I was caught off guard and eehh… don't worry I am a medic so it not like I don't know all about them…. Oh no not like that, I mean…eh…it's just that I've studied them… not yours…I mean, I've studied from books…and eh…not that there is anything wrong with yours...but eeehhh"

Naruto of course would have continued and tried to explain himself, but he knew from all the times watching his mother beat the crap out of Jiraiya for his perverted behaviour, that he was just digging his own grave further. Given how he was too embarrassed to think straight and to form coherent sentences.

Once Naruto stop talking, he soon saw a dark red murderous aura form around her, one that strangely reminded him of the time when he first met and fought Yugito back when she used her Biju's power.

Slowly the blonde Kunoichi got back onto her feet, where she kept her head down, preventing Naruto from seeing her face and lowered her right arm, while keeping her torn top covered with her left arm.

After she was back on her feet, the girl lifted her head and glared murderously at the Senju heir. Who took a step back in concern and gulped, while silently thanking the heavens that Yugito didn't have her sword in her hand right now.

"NNNaaarrruuuutttooo…" Yugito said slowly in a cold angry voice before raising her right fist and smashing it into Naruto's face and yelling "YOU JERK!" as she hit him. But as soon as her fist hit "Naruto" he turned into a wooden log, which then shattered into a thousand piece from Yugito's punch, revealing that Naruto had replaced himself at the last possible second.

When Yugito saw that Naruto had replaced himself, she quickly started to look around for any sign of him. But could find none, after which she then yelled "NARUTO! YOU BASTARD! COME OUT HERE AND FIGHT ME! TAKE YOUR BEATING LIKE A MAN!"

"Hehehe, oh come on Kitten don't be like that, it's not like he meant to do that, although if you ask me you should happy" said the Nibi.

"HAPPY!" Yugito roared inside her mind, "Why the hell should I be happy?! If this steam hadn't been covering the arena, the entire audience would have seen what happen and I would be the laughing stock of both Konoha and Kumo."

"You should be happy because of the reaction you got out of him" the Nibi replied. "Given how he froze and got all embarrassed like that, it's obvious that he find you attractive, which increases your chances. Not to mention it puts you ahead of all those other girls who are after him, since I don't think he has seen any of their assets."

After the Nibi said this, the cat Biju spent the next ten minutes listening to the angry yells of her host denying that she thought of Naruto that way, and stating how he would be lucky to still be alive once she was done with him. She also started to wish that she had been sealed with the Hachibi instead of Nibi, given how her sensei and Nibi were more alike with their perverted behaviours.

At the same time hiding behind a large tree in the steam a worried Naruto let out a tired sigh. "Ah man, I think it might be best if I left her alone, at least until the steam fades away. Maybe by then she might of cooled off…but then again knowing my luck, she might get even more pissed at me."

After finishing arguing with her Biju, Yugito started to take deep breaths since she would have to calm down.

Once she had calm down, she took out some Ninja wire and used it to stitch her blouse up.

By the time she was finished and had picked her Katana up from the ground, the steam had finally dissipated, revealing the arena to both her and the audience above.

At the same time Naruto slowly walked out from behind the tree he had been hiding behind and readied himself for any attack the blonde girl would make.

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