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Chapter 8: Chapter 6

When Kate wasn't training she was in the new lab that was under construction, which luckily was finished the first year. What he did was design an architectural plan to lay the base that his brother would use when he returned, since he used all the space of the cave, in the future his brother would only have to put his special equipment.

For the workers this place was absolutely secret and it was a place that the government was building, a bomb shelter which did not seem strange to them, because according to them they were hired by the government and to get to the place they went in a bus with tinted windows with the which you could not see the outside or know the location of the place. Despite how big Kate was, she separated all the construction by establishing her laboratory under the entrance of the east wing and separated it from the future batcave with a false wall to the rest of the batcave and built several entrances, one in the east wing and others. in different rooms of the mansion although they were hidden. To the workers who participated in the construction, Wayne Enterprises at the end of the construction as a preventive safety measure, I invite them to work in different countries with a better salary and the possibility of taking their family, which was a measure that Kate asked of Alfred to take, this and research the workers beforehand when it comes to finding workers since I select those who would be more likely to accept to move or had no family in the country. She hired an architect since she did not want to supervise the work all day, the architect who hired for the work was a retired architect who was one of my father's best friends according to Alfred, although he was ill, he loved coming out of retirement for such a project and finishing a project like this at the end of his life was something he liked.

Due to this, there was no one left in the country who knew about this construction and because the materials were requested by the black market without the employees knowing, they did not know that what they were building was not for the government or that it would be registered in nowhere.

Kate asked Alfred to steal the plans for the Wayne mansion from the city hall and to place others to change measurements so that she could add rooms in the mansion where things could be hidden, and to erase everything related to a possible basement, or The cave under the mansion if there was any information, since from what he knew and when he observed the cave when he entered it already had indications of being used, he came to find out from what Alfred took from the town hall that the Wayne were transporting slaves to free them through the underground cave.

Being the construction of the immense batcave, Kate decided to locate her laboratory at the entrance and locate a false wall after a certain space so she shouldn't have to see the whole cave since she didn't like the feeling of being in a cave, maybe her brother It would not matter to her, but to her if therefore I separate a part so that the laboratory would have enough space to equip all kinds of equipment and leave an entrance in the form of a false wall in case someone ever finds the entrance and they only see the laboratory now that it was better than leaving a door and preventing them from seeing what was behind it.

When the laboratory was finished he asked Alfred to get the best equipment for the laboratory but to try to make sure no one knew about it which he was able to do with the help of Lucius Fox.

This led to her being able to start her projects that she had planned which could not start without a decent laboratory. Most could not be started due to materials or lack of equipment.

He also had Alfred send him a copy of the current projects and materials that the Wayne company owns as this could save him time if he needed to use materials or improve interesting projects which he did since he could see designs of the future devices that Batman would use although at this moment they are just starting.

Pov kate

At last the laboratory is finished now what remains is to make a list of what I can do before Bruce returns to Gotham and Batman is born, then the main thing was which side to choose if it would be a villain or a hero which was not very difficult to choose Since I would not be a villain, but I did not want to be a hero either, this led me to decide to make not only one suit but several, one that I will use only for heroic acts. Another to carry out murders if they deserve it and one for when he has to steal or carry out such violent acts.

The next day

Wayne Manor Yard

I was out having a snack while I called Alfred to talk about something very important.

"Alfred I think you know that I will leave as Bruce and that I will only be back in 3 years, I wanted you to know several plans before I leave, since I hope you direct them while I am away, while I am here. One of them is the location of the headquarters of the Kane company, as well as a detailed plan of how the company will develop "I told him immediately since I know that Bruce would come in 1999 and we were in 1994, that would leave me only 5 years for everything to start, I should have 3 to travel the world and another to finish my company and other projects. The last one where I will go out to fight crime, since of course the first bat of Gotham would be me, Batman may be "the Batman of Gotham" but I would be whom the villains would not only fear but beg not to cross. And no one could prevent that from happening.

"Miss I know that for this trip whatever I tell you but I hope you take care of yourself while you are not here and rest assured that I will help you and control everything while you are not here, you can count on me" Alfred replied with a smile while thinking the same that they were the brothers.

"Miss you can't go without me" he said while leaving behind a door Mercy with great encouragement

"Miss Kate I think it is better if you take me and not Mercy" behind her came Meiryn with a smile as she watched Mercy

"Girls before deciding on any trip won't you even ask me?" Behind them came Anna with a smile that did not reach her eyes which made Mercy and Meiryn tremble.

Seeing this Alfred and Kate laughed

"Anna please let us accompany Miss Kate" Meiryn quickly said dragging her sister who was just about to kick off the trip, since it was better to face Anna 2 by 2 since she did not know if she could beat her alone.

"Yes, please, we can defend Kate on her journey." Mercy quickly responded.

"For me it is fine if you promise to behave well and be together, and ask Miss Kate"Seeing the girls like this, it was impossible for Anna to say otherwise since she knew that Kate was very important to them and letting her go for 3 years alone was not an option for the girls.

Kate, being watched by the look of the puppy-eyed girls, couldn't help but shudder.

"You know that the trip you are taking is not a game and could be dangerous, are you sure to accompany me?"

Hearing what Kate was like, the girls just smiled and nodded quickly.

"Okay, prepare everything. We will leave at the end of this month, now let me talk to Alfred."

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