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Chapter 3: Bus Ride

After he was done eating almost all the food his mother had prepared for him, Chris immediately escaped from the clutches of his extremely worried mother. Afraid of what might she do next, it will surely be something exaggerated and he does not want to be at the receiving end of it.

He also did not stay up late, he just advanced three skills to basic before he called it a day, and he sleeps. As he still has a class tomorrow, and he was a little bit excited to see his friends he had not seen for over 4 years in his previous life.

As he studied in the National Capital Region for his college and his classmates just enrolled in nearby cities. He was also the one who studied the furthest from home and was not able to go home for five years. Even before his death, he was not able to return home.


Morning came, Chris was already awake and was doing a morning exercise he had come up with. Although he intends to stay low-key, that does not mean that he wants to be bullied. Although it did not happen last year, that does not mean it wouldn't happen this year.

Chris had always been cautious, and this had been a topic of his friends for a time now. He just doesn't want to take any risk, even if they're saying that the greater the risk, the greater the rewards.

After his morning exercise, Chris took a shower and change into his uniform. Pick up his bag and then went downstairs to eat breakfast with his parents.

"Good morning, Chris."

His mother greeted him as soon as he reached the kitchen, his father was also there, drinking his coffee while reading a newspaper. His father just nodded at him and then continued to read.

"Morning mom, dad."

Chris greeted them both as he sat and eat.

He wanted to prepare breakfast earlier when he woke up, but he found out that his mother was already awake. It was at 5 am so it was not really surprising as his mother likes to wake up very early.

What she does early in the morning is none other than cleaning the house, even though it was already spotlessly clean. Tend to her flower garden like a mother tending to her baby, his mother loves her flower as much as she loves Chris. His father comes second.

Which is not surprising as this what most mothers all over the world think, they would always prioritize their children more than their husband. It is just how they are.

Chris finished eating breakfast as he bid farewell to his parents and went to the nearby bus stop.

At the bus stop, there were already people waiting. Students, workers who commute and some civilians were lining up. Chris also saw his cousin queuing at the end of the line.

His cousin's name is Kyrie, although Chris can be said to be tall, about 170 cm in height, Kyrie was much taller than him reaching about 180 cm. He was also a basketball player in school and was also the team captain. With his height, experience, and skills, it was no wonder he would be the team captain. He can also be called a school hunk because of his looks and the fact that he plays basketball and knows to play the guitar.

And yes, he's your typical fuckboy. He had change girlfriends a dozen times last year which is already his best record, this year he aims to reach 15. Chris at that time hearing his goal didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Chris's looks are slightly superior to Kyrie, but he is the silent type and is an introvert so only a few girls know him. Adding the fact that he likes to wear hoodies hiding his features, it is no wonder why only his classmates know him.

He immediately walks towards him and queued behind him. Kyrie didn't notice him, and he did not intend to tell him. He wants to prank him a little as this is what friends do, a sign of greeting.

A bus soon came as they started boarding, as it was early in the morning, the bus was empty, so they were able to all board. He sat behind Kyrie, sitting beside a girl, who also seems to be from his school.

Chris didn't recognize her so she must be the first year, she was the cute and soft type of girl. She also looks like a shy person. Although she can be rated 9/10 in his own standard, Chris did not intend to strike up a conversation with her.

He leaned back and closed his eyes, wore his earphone, and began to listen to the podcast teaching how to speak Tzenapian. And the reason why he is learning this language is that this is apparently the Japanese of this reality.

And Chris in his previous life had always wanted to learn Japanese, but because of his lazy personality and being too busy at that time. He had forgotten to allocate some time to learn this and you know the rest, he died.

As Chris close his eyes, the girl beside him was secretly looking at him from time to time.

Her name was Silphia Norman, a first-year student in Chris' school. She was excited to attend her second day in school when she finds herself sitting beside a hunk. Which she had no idea until she caught a glimpse of his face when Chris put on his earphones.

Like most girls in her age, she was curious about any handsome boys she meets. Though not to the extent that she will date them on the first day, it is just interesting to know their personalities. Her mother has always said this to her, "Not all boys are boys, some are wolves."

Although she had no idea what that really meant, she thinks that her mother is telling was telling her that boys are dangerous.

But sitting next to this hunk inexplicably gives her warmth and security, like her every problem will be solved by him. And she does not have to worry about anything at all. And that is when her curiosity started, she began to ask herself.

'What's his name?'

'What year is he?'

'What is his favorite color?'

'Does he have a girlfriend?'

Silphia shook her head as she drove thoughts away, her face was a little bit red. She berated herself for being too shameful.

'Why am I thinking so much about him?' She thought as she glances beside her.

Chris's eyes were still close as he was listening to Tzenapian and even though he was wearing the hood of his hoodie, Silphia can't help but remember the face she had seen behind this hood. Her face flushed red again as she turns her head to look at the scenery outside. And began to distract herself.

The school was about 20 minutes away from their house, if there's no traffic then 15 minutes is enough if the bus runs fast. There was also a bus stop near the school, so when it stopped all the students got out of the bus.

At this time, Chris had also got off the bus. Still silently following his cousin Kyrie who seems to be grumbling about being too early or something.

Chris finally decided to ask him this time. Taking off his hood, he asked: "So why are you so early today?"

His question startled Kyrie as he jumped forward in surprise and hurriedly looked back. When he saw him smiling at him, Kyrie cursed.

"Fuck dude, my heart almost came out. I thought no one was following me."

Chris laughed, "You were too busy complaining that you didn't even see me at the bus."

"The fuck?! You were also riding the same bus as me? You didn't even say hi."


"It's too late now you stupid!"

"Okay, okay. Let's get inside first, you're attracting too much attention." Chris said as he realized that some passerby was looking at them while some were rudely pointing and laughing.

Kyrie also realized this, but his thoughts were different. He snorted and smugly said, "Let them see the great me!"

"Okay suit yourself," Chris said as he walks away while putting back his hood.

"I'm just kidding. Wait for me!" Kyrie runs after Chris.

Not far away from them, Silphia saw everything. And by everything, she means Chris's face. Her heart was instantly conquered by his looks and smile. Even though she had no idea what's his personality is, she knows that he must not be a bad person.

'NO! He must not be a bad person' Silphia said with conviction in her heart.

She hurriedly followed them, without knowing that she had become someone who she loathes, a stalker.

Riskh Riskh

I know. This chapter is all over the place.

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