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Farmer: The first Farmer: The first original

Farmer: The first

Author: SilentTreatment

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Hit and Go

In the scorching summer sun a young man was slowly walking along the oven like sidewalk. He looked young , no older than 20, with short dark hair , brown eyes and a slim face. He was not that good looking per se, but that was something that a good haircut could definitely fix.

"Haaaa... my fucking back hurts. Ngggg....fuck!" Jason cursed as he stretched to try to alleviate the stiffness on his shoulders and legs, but no matter how he stretched the stiffness could go away. It was natural though, as he had been on his feet for hours and in a bad position to.

"Well, at least I have something to look forward to. Hehehe, there is nothing a good slice of pizza can't fix. Still, this heat...ughh." Jason winced in discomfort as the sun rained down it's blasted UV rays straight at him. It was so bad that the thought of becoming a tree right now wouldn't he a bad idea. Trees liked the sun; he thought.

While he was cherishing that though, a mother and child were in the opposite side of the road. The child seemed to have taken her mother's sunglasses and was looking straight at the sun.

"Mommy, mommy look! I can see the sun, I can see the sun...ahh...

The little girl didn't manage to see the road well because she was looking at the sun, so she fell.

"Baby, are you hurt! Are you okay?!"

"I'm okay...

Jason saw this and only one thing crossed through his mind; 'Little kids really are stupid aren't they?' It was not that he hated little kids or something, in fact he once was a very stupid kid to. He was once so stupid the he thought he could build a helicopter out of bricks and fly in it, that's how stupid he was.

'Haha, the good ol days where everything was new and magicial.' thought Jason as lost interest on the mother-daughter duo and continued on his merry way. He had a decent chunk of road still, but something's weren't ment to be. Unconsciously he noticed that a car was coming down the road, but it was going to fast.

' Fucker, why the hell are you going so fast?! Slow the fuck down!'

Seeing this made him angry, but that was it, he couldn't do anything. He was just expressing his anger internally, something that he was doing a lot more often lately.

"Mommy, mommy look...

"Okay okay, I'm looking. Just wach where you're going.....ahhhhh...

Suddenly he heard a low pitched scream from the side and saw that the woman and her child were now in the middle of the road. The both of them had stopped in fright as the car that was speeding down the road was no more than 10 m away from them.


Without his brain really processing what had happened he ran as fast as he could towards them and gave them a hard push to the side.


A loud sound was heard as the car slammed into him and threw him more than four meters to the side and into the sidewalk. His body sprawled on there with his limbs twisted on different directions was quite a grussome sight for the woman as she immediately fainted.

He wasn't bleeding at all which would be a good thing, but his chest had stopped moving and his eyes had faded.He had definitely died.

The last thing that passed through his mind was not anything deep like the meaning of life, but how the pizza he had ordered would be getting cold. A true crime that was....



Jason suddenly opened his eyes wide and saw white, nothing but rolling white. It was very strange for such a thing to exit, but here he was. He took a good look around , but he didn't notice anything, so he decided to de the next cliche thing he could do.

" anyone here?", spoke he to no one , but someone definitely heard him.

"Well, hello there!"


A man's voice that seemed to come from everywhere at once reached his ears. It was strange, the voice of the man seemed so familiar, but so unfamiliar at the same time. This bothered Jason a lot until he finally remembered....

"Obi Wan....

"Yes, I am your father!"

The voice answered again, but Jason was not amused at the Star Wars reference.

"The fuck! Are you messing with me? Come out..." yelled Jason in anger, but towards the end his voice begun to fade. It wasn't because he was out of breath, but because something had just appeared in front of him. He was scared, but he didn't jump in fright, he just stayed where he was and observed what just appeared in front of him.

It looked like the outline of a human being, but it didn't have any features. It looked like someone had just drawn the outline of a random human on the pure white background. It was very creepy to him.

"What are you? Are you god?"

"And why would you think that? Is it because you just died?"

Jason looked at his hand and then his body and found he looked just like he remembered. It looked like no time had passed as he still felt the same hunger he had been feeling when he was heading home.

"Well...did I die? I mean, I know I was hit by a car, but did I die?"

The beeing in front of him didn't answer, but just put his hands together before he opened them again.


Jason was surprised once again and in front of him apeared what looked like a screen and in it was showing something to familiar, him. He saw his lifeless body kissing the sidewalk while his limbs were in a zigzag manner.

"Does that answer your question? If you're not convinced then...

"No no, I'm convinced. I just didn't expect to die today you know?"

"Haha...was that a joke? That was a joke right? Man, your creatures humor is very strange, but I'm getting the hang of it

Anyway, it's almost time to go. She is coming soon?"

Jason wanted to ask what the hell was he talking about, but he was a little afraid. Still, he gathered the courage and asked.

"She, who is she?"

"You'll see soon enough. She is the other soul that is supposed to come here. Also, no more questions for now. I'll explain everything when she comes."

Jason nodded and didn't speak anymore. He was very sure that he was dead right now, so time was irrelevant for him . But even though he was dead he still didn't feel dead. He still had his body and clothes and was nothing like an undead or a soul. He was lost in those thoughts and was only woken up when a sizzling reached his ears.


As he was trying to figure out what that sound was, a black cocoon apeared not far from them . It was two meters long and looked like it was made of a pitch black glass that was very smooth. Jason could clearly see his refection on it.

"And here she comes."

As he was trying to figure out what just happened, the cocoon disappeared into a fine mist and a young woman was left in it's place. She had long blonde hair, was tall and was wearing a long summer dresses, something Jason would have enjoyed if his boner wasn't already dead.

"Ahhh.... where, where am I? What just happened? I was...I was....

The woman also suddenly woke up like Jason did and immediately started to frantically look around , quickly found the two of them. She didn't waste a second as she got up and headed straight for them.

"Ah, excuse me, do you know where I am? " said the woman with a very confused face as she stretched her hand towards Jason. She seemed to only be talking to Jason though and completely ignored the thing.


"Aaaaahhhh..... what... what....

The girl jumped in fright as suddenly a human shape appeared in front of her. Jason didn't know why she was so scared , until he remembered that he had also experienced the same thing. The thing seemed to be able to turn invisible

"What, what are you? Are you a ghost, a demon, a.....

After she said demon Jason just rolled his eyes, filtered out her next ten guesses and waited for her to run out of options, which took about thirty seconds. It was a little long for Jason's tastes, but he couldn't do anything about it

"No I'm not anything of the above, but let me explain."

The thing pointed at Jason and begun to explain, something Jason was also dying to know.

"You see that guy, he is dead. You are also dead, kapish? "

Jason who was expecting a good explanation from it felt a headache migrate from his head to his whole body. The explanation was so painful to him that he felt it to his soul .

On the other hand the girl was shocked at the revaluation as she stared at herself and Jason.

"I'm dead? No I can't be dead! I was just... just...

She also wasn't able to finish her words as a screen appeared in front of her, showing her as she was driving her car. While driving she was also trying to put some makeup on her face, and because of that she wasn't paying attention to the road. Suddenly a woman and a child appeared on her way and froze, but a man on the other side of the road rushed over and pushed them away in the Nick of time, but also taking the car head on.


The car hit the man and threw him to the sidewalk, but it still didn't stop. The car continued forward Ren more meter, jumping on the sidewalk and somehow flipping over on it's back.



Jason stared wide eyed at the girl while she was also staring at him with a shocked look on her face. It wasn an awkward situation that couldn't be explained with words.


"Are there any questions?"

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