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Chapter 13: [Chapter:13][The Escape, finale.]

(Ara ara~ Looks like your lucky~~)

Grace's lips twitched.

'You're a loli, not an onee-san. What are you going 'Ara ara' for?'

Though, he had to admit, Dea-chan had a point.

He was, indeed, lucky.

Why, you ask?

Because, at the moment, most of his group, or rather, all the non combatants, had boarded the bus, while, he, Saeko, and for some reason, Rei, were fighting those of 'them' that were approaching them.

But that's not the point. The point is, there were at least seven others, oh, wait, one of them just tripped and fell and got mounted by some female zombies, so 6 others, excluding the ones in the original, that seemed to have survived.

"Looks like you really are lucky, Shido, you get to entertain me and net me more rewards before you die like the trash you are."

Grace couldn't help but smile at the thought. He had hoped it would be the case, when he gave that announcement, and he was now quite ecstatic as he didn't need to abandon the next event and its rewards.

"Let's see, unfortunately, that towel guy died, but that girl Naomi survived, so that's one."

He muttered as he looked at the group that was quickly approaching them, their only fighter, a guy with a long metal pole, shoving 'them' aside as he ran.

Then he looked at Shido's group.

"That will discount Shido…but I still need two more people to discount that Delinquent and that Spy Guy."

(Why do you need them? The delinquent guy is needed to light the fuse, but that Spy Guy and the other guy are unnecessary right?)

Grace blinked at the rather ruthless words spoken by the little loli atop his head, before nodding.

"Now that you mention it, that's right. Those two other men aren't needed, only Shido and that delinquent for the next event."

Thus, with a small grin which unnerved those watching him 'dispose' of 'them' and excited the similarly smiling purple haired sword chick, Grace rushes forward towards Naomi's group, taking care of the 'them' that chased after them.

"Quick! Run to the bus! And don't make too much sound!"

Those in the group, including the teary Naomi, looked at him gratefully before clamping their mouths shut and sprinting to the bus through the path he carved out.

'That's six.', he thought, as he saw Naomi board the bus and his quest count change to (6/10).

He then glanced at Shido's group, and noticed that, unfortunately, that glasses guy had already tripped.

"Too bad, but this is good too."

Grace smiled lightly, and shouted,

"Hey! What are you doing!?"

That served to attract the attention of not only 'them', who he quickly dispatched of, but also those in the bus looking at the scene warily, who promptly turned their heads to where Grace was focused on even as his body fought on auto pilot.

And the scene was precisely when Shido stomped the face of glasses boy when he clutched Shido's leg and asked for help, and the trash's condescending smile as he looked down on the poor student as though looking at an insect.

Of course, Grace made sure that his shout was only loud enough for those in the bus, that was closer to him, to hear it, as he didn't want Shido to realise he was being seen and change his actions.

"Perfect. Don't worry, glasses boy, I'll be sure to avenge you in the next event."

Dea-chan looked at Grace strangely as she could 'see' all the ways he was planning of humiliating and mentally breaking the certified Golden Trash as revenge for some stranger.

But then she chuckled softly.

(As I thought, I really like being with you, Grace-kun.)

"Hmm? Did you say something?"

(Nope~~! Nothing at all~~)

Grace tilted his head in confusion, making Dea-chan clutch his hair in panic as she was almost flung to the side and then hit his head pouting.

(Hey! Don't turn your head so suddenly!)

Grace felt his lips twitch, but decided to ignore the little firefly.

Then, after making sure that Shido and most of his group had boarded the bus, he grinned as he sees his next two targets.

"No hard feelings, buddies, but I kind of need you to die. Like, right now."

Flicking his left palm, four long nails that he had 'borrowed' from Kohta's ammo box without the fatty's knowledge appeared between his fingers.

Now, obviously, Grace wasn't going to shoot those nails with his hand and pierce their knees or something like that. He wasn't a yet Superhuman after all.

But then again, why would he do so when he had a much easier alternative?

"Your turn, Dea-chan."

He had an invisible partner that could fly, after all.


And Dea-chan, although reluctant to leave her bed, didn't mind either. She was having the time of her life seeing and experiencing first hand what it feels like to be a character in a Multiverse fanfic, and she didn't mind working a little as exchange for the opportunity!

(Leave it to me!)

Thus, with a proud smile, and patting her nonexistent chest, the little loli flashed to Grace's hand, picked up one of the four nails which was understandably just a little smaller than her entire body, and flew to the spy guy.

Dea-chan held the nail with both her hands, the pointy end forward as she flew faster than sound despite not actually making any sound, and…



With a sudden scream, the spy guy fell face first, his leg bleeding, and before he could even react and stand back up or look at the source of the pain, he felt several hands on his body.

"No! No! Nooo!"

Grace, however, smiled as he saw his quest count go up from (6/10) to (7/10). And his smile became even wider when he saw his Golden Points increase from 3, one more due to the towel guy's death, to 4!

"Good job, now the next one."

Dea-chan quickly flashed back to Grace and took another nail before flashing to the 'Yes Guy', and pierced the nail right through his knee cap.


This time, the poor guy didn't even have the time to shout as several female zombies pounced on him, mounting his body, as one that rode his legs extended her mouth to the part in the middle of his legs before…

"Ooh, poor guy. I don't know whether to call him lucky or unlucky."

Dea-chan, who had returned after completing her mission, smiled as she dove into Grace's hair while commenting.

(Ah, they were such fine survivors, till they took a nail to their knees.)

Grace smiled at the reference, before he looked around.

"That's eight, and now I have 5 Golden Points."

He paused, as his smile widened.

"And of course, there are exactly two more survivors for me to save."

Then he rushed over to where two nameless male students were running from the hoard of 'them' behind them that that had unexpectedly increased.

"To the bus! Now!"

""Th-thank you!""

The two, who looked extremely similar to each other if not for one of them having blue hair and the other green, thanked him as they ran to the bus.

At some point, Grace realised that he was quite far away from the bus.

"They won't leave me here and escape, will they?"

He chuckled as he saw Saeko move to his position slowly, yet surely, and Takashi, Hisashi, and that guy with the pole take her place in protecting the bus. He also saw Koshta aim his modified nail gun to his position and shoot.


"Damn that's a good aim. I know which card I'm taking after Saeko's sword skills."

He muttered to himself as he saw the fatty, from nearly a hundred metres away, snipe 'them' and put holes right through their foreheads with a modified nail gun of all things.

"Most pistols don't have an accurate aim beyond sixty metres."

Dea-chan nodded her head too.

(But I recommend taking a look at Shido's Cards first. As the main antagonist of the series, he is sure to have a few good skills or abilities.)

Grace nodded, just as he and Saeko met up.

"Thanks for coming for me.", he said to the elegantly smiling purple head as the two moved to the bus slowly, almost as though they were taking a stroll through a park, even as they left tens of permanently unmoving corpses behind.

"You're welcome."

Saeko gave him an unexpectedly beautiful smile, almost making Grace go into a daze before he, too, smiled back.

And in just several seconds, the two meet back up with the four, Rei, Takashi, Hisashi, and the pole guy Yamada, that were busy taking care of all of 'them' that approached the bus.

"Get in! We'll take care of it from here!"

The four nodded at Grace's words as they boarded the bus.

Grace then looked at Saeko.

"You don't kind me taking the decision for you, I hope?"

"Not at all.", Saeko gave him an almost thankful smile, almost since she managed to hide it quickly, though it didn't escape Grace's and Dea-chan's eyes.

'Of course you won't, I'm sure your ecstatic over getting to fight and kill more. Well not like I'm different.'

Grace smiled as he moved to dispose more of them, especially aiming for one particular male zombie.

'Getting Points for ever kill is nice and all, but I need that Golden Point..'

Grace, locked onto his target which happens to be the PE teacher with a slightly caved in skull, moves quickly while Saeko takes the other side, just as Kyoko makes the engine roar to life.

And this caused more of 'them' to be attracted over, making Grace click his tongue in annoyance.

"Looks like I won't make it."

With a sigh, he makes his way back to the bus and boards it right after Saeko, and the moment he closes the boor, Kyoko steps on the peddle, making the minibus speed forward and break right through the gates, leaving several of 'them' in less than pitiful states.

(Looks like you missed the guy.)

Dea-chan commented as they left the school behind, but Grace didn't mind.

"I guess it's a good thing I made preparations in advance."

"What preparations?"

He heard a voice just as he muttered that out loud, and turned to see Saya look at him with raised brows.

"Yo, self proclaimed genius."

Saya Takagi gnashes her teeth when he called her that, but held her tongue as she looked at Grace's hateable smile as if saying 'Go on, don't hold back.'.

'Humph! You think I can't control my anger, do you!? Who do you think I am!?'

With a snort, she forced herself to calm her anger and looked at where Grace was looking, at the school they had just managed to escape.

"What preparations are you talking about?"

Grace clicked his tongue when he saw he failed to provoke the pink head, but smiled as he looked at the school, excitement visible in his eyes.

"Self proclaimed genius, do you know that pure Sodium combusts into flames the moment it comes into contact with atmospheric air and oxygen?"

Saya snorted lightly.

"Of course I do! In a comparatively dry atmosphere, sodium burns quietly, giving off a dense white caustic smoke, which can cause choking and coughing. The temperature of burning sodium increases rapidly to more than 800 °C (1,500 °F), and under these conditions the fire is extremely difficult to extinguish. Which is why Sodium is stored while submerged in kerosene or oil in general."

She had a proud expression as she stated her knowledge.

Grace, however, had the same smile, even though it was slightly more pronounced.

"And how long do you suppose a piece of fist sized Sodium would take to begin burning if it still has a layer of oil on its surface?"

"Several seconds to perhaps a minute."

Saya answered, but felt something wrong when she saw that Grace wasn't saying anything else.

"Why are you asking all of this anyway? And you all! Don't yo have anything better to do!?"

She felt rather uncomfortable when everyone, well, nearly everyone in the bus were looking at her strangely from the moment she started pouring her knowledge out.

But at that moment, Grace opened his mouth.

"Kyoko-san, please stop the bus for a moment."


Everyone was rather confused, but Kyoko instinctively stepped on the brake. It was subtle, but it was still proof that most of the original group considered Grace their leader.

Which was something that Shido managed to catch on to, making his face ugly for a moment before a nefarious grin found his way onto his face the next moment.

Grace, on the other hand, ignored them all as he stared at the school with a grin that kept growing bigger.



He ignored them all as he and Dea-chan looked at the campus.



Taking a deep breath, he whispered softly, yet loud enough for all those in the bus to hear.


But nothing happened.


Grace sighed softly.

"Of course I make a fool of my-"


But before he could finish his sentence, the city shook as a loud sound followed by a shockwave hit the minibus, making it sway. Those in the bus were startled and nearly shouted out loud, yet were stunned as they saw it.

The school they had been in, the school they had studied, and the school that they had escaped when it turned into a slaughterhouse.

It had bust into flames.

And while everyone in the bus were stunned, shocked speechless, Grace and Dea-chan, whose plan worked perfectly, were grinning.


[[Quest 'Fickle Fate (10/10)' completed. GP +3. SP +3.]]

[[Quest 'Zombies! (4,069/1,000)' completed. GP +1. SP +1.]]

[[World Quest 'Despair' progress (3/10) —> (4/10).]]

[[Golden Mark eliminated. GP +1.]]

[[Event 'Escape from the Dead!' completed. Calculating rewards now…]]



Points : 1,690 —> 4,069 Silver Points : 0 —> 4

Golden Points : 5 —> 10 Crystal Points : 0


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