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Chapter 3: Chapter Three

I woke up in the car with Tayler, again. Also, again, he looked pissed at something.

"Okay. Everytime I wake up today you seem like you wanna punch something. What's up?" I joked but he didn't seem up to it.

"You are concussed. It's all that pricks fault. I wish I'd have hurt him worse." His hand slammed down onto the wheel and he groaned.

I didn't say anything after that. I just sat trying to remember what happened. I remember Tay saying he was taking me to the hospital and him driving while I read the first few pages of the book but nothing after that. Did he take me to the hospital or are we still on the way? How long was I out for?

"Where are we going now, Tayler?" I asked, wondering if we'd been to the hospital.

"You're going home. To rest. Your mom can take it from here." He spoke harshly. I've obviously made him mad having to do all this, he probably has plans.

"Sorry you had to do this, by the way."

He said nothing. The rest of the drive was so silent it was driving me insane. He pulled up outside of my house and turned off the engine, still not speaking.

"Do we just not talk anymore then, Tayler? I get that you gave up on our friendship but we've known each other our whole lives."

"Just go inside, Rob. I don't have the energy for this."

"For me, you mean?"

"No, Robi-"

I got out of the car and slammed the door behind me, not wanting to speak to him anymore. I've given up, if he has then why shouldn't I? As I was walking up the path to my house, Tayler opened the car door and shouted my name. I turned around but chose not to say anything until he did.

"None of this is because of you, okay? I'm not angry right now because of you, I didn't end our friendship because of you." He seemed sincere but I was still so pissed at him. He made me feel like shit doing that.

"Then why, Tayler? Huh? What's your pathetic excuse for hurting me this past month?" My voice was harsh but I didn't care, I had to know.

He sighed and dropped his head, "I wish I could tell you, Tay. Trust me. You're the one person I'd die to tell but I just can't. I know that if anything it'll just make things worse."

"How, Tayler? I need a legitimate reason why you hate me all of a sudden and can't stand to be around me anymore." Tears welled up in my eyes but I tilted my head back and urged them to go away. I have to stay strong.

"I don't hate you, Robin. You know I don't, I-" His head turned away and he rested it on top of the steering wheel. He didn't continue.

"So what? You just don't care enough to still be there for me? Do I not matter to you enough anymore, Tayler?" The tears fell and I didn't try to stop them this time, I knew I wouldn't be able to, "What did I do wrong?"

He sighed but didn't say a word.

"I'm broken, Tayler. I'm not okay, and it's all because of you. Please, just tell me why you don't want me around anymore." I could barely speak through my tears. I needed something. Some sort of closure, anything.

"I don't know what to tell you, Robin. I honestly don't." He shut the car door and drove off. I stood there just watching him leave, again. I cried and cried on my knees in front of my house until my mom came home and found me there, still sobbing. She put her arm around my shoulders and helped me into the house. I followed her in and sat down on the couch as we got to the living room. I slipped my shoes off and brought my knees up to my chest. My mom walked into the kitchen and came back a few minutes later with a cup of tea for me.

"You wanna talk about it or no?"

I shook my head, lightly and she smiled at me and sat down next me, throwing a blanket over both of us.

"Your principal called and told me what happened today. How's your head?" She reached up and swiped my hair away from the cut on my head.

"Fine, I have a concussion though. Gotta rest a few days."

She nodded and picked up the remote. I knew she was angry about what happened but she hid it, she always did. After putting on a movie, I sunk into the sofa next to my mom and drank my tea, not up for conversation or anything.

I'm not sure when I fell asleep but I woke up to voices in the hallway. I changed my position on the sofa so I could hear.

"I know you did, hunny. She's fine, don't worry." My mom's soft voice spoke from out in the hallway.

"Can you let me know if anything else happens?" Why is Tayler here? "I know she won't be at school for a few days but I still wanna keep an eye on her."

"You can still come around whenever you want to. I'm not sure what happened between you two but I know she still cares about you."

"I'm not sure she'd be happy about that, Elaina. She hates me." I could hear the pain in his voice.

My mom sighed before talking again, "In her defence, you stopped talking to her for no reason. You didn't give her any reason as to why you didn't want to be friends with her anymore. You just upped and left, so Robin doesn't hate you. She's just angry."

"I have a reason, I just can't tell her it because then I'll lose her properly." Tayler was crying. His voice didn't change much but I could always tell.

"What is it? I'm sure you won't lose her, Tayler."

"I'm in love with her."

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