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100% One Piece: A Totally Different Law / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Ope-Ope No Mi

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Ope-Ope No Mi

A/N: As I said in the stories introduction this One Piece fic will be slightly AU in several regards. One being the timeline. Don't expect it to be exact.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter.


'To think, I would end up becoming Law of all people.' I thought.

The man with a broken devil fruit, a sharp mind, and the hidden name of D.

All things that made him one of top five male One Piece characters.

When he and his crew got defeated by Blackbeard I couldn't tell you how upset I was at Oda for making that event a part of the story.

I mean I know Law wouldn't have been able to defeat Blackbeard because of plot armor on his part, since he was Luffy's to defeat, but Oda didn't have to have him and his crew get utterly bodied.

He could've at least allowed them to escape with their ship intact.

But he didn't.


It looks like I have become Law during a very turbulent time in his life.

Since from what I can see from Laws' memories it seems he just escaped from Minion Island.

Where he ate the Ope-Ope No Mi and could do nothing as Doflamingo and his "family" murdered Corazon/Rosiante. His adoptive father figure.

Recalling those memories I felt several emotions rise within me. The most prominent two being guilt and anger. Guilt at not being able to save Corazon and anger at Doflamingo for killing him.

As my emotions calmed down I suddenly felt myself starting to plot the downfall of the Donquixote family.

Telling me that along with the original Laws memories I got some of his feelings and personality as well.

Which is actually fine by me.

So long as they don't dictate the overall path in this new life I've received.

One which I plan to enjoy to the fullest.

But first things first.

I need to cure myself of Amber Lead Syndrome, or else this second life of mine will be extremely short.

That is a fact.

So it's time to get to work.

Looking around in the small boat I was in, the one the original Law and Corazon used to travel to Minion Island in the first place, I started looking for anything useful.

In doing so I found a small bag filled with fruits, veggies, and some jerky. I also found a hunting knife.

Combine that with the feathered coat of Corazons' which I am currently wearing, which is keeping me from freezing to death, and I'd say I'm off to a pretty decent start.

I just hope it only gets better from here.


My hopes of things only getting better came true.

Since after spending a day at sea I found myself run a ground on an island.

Specifically Swallow Island.

The same place the original Law ended up in the original story.

Grabbing everything of value off the small boat I disembarked from it and then started making my way into the forest ahead of me.

Once inside I began looking for a safe place to spend the night.

Though I didn't have any luck at first that eventually changed when I stumbled across a small cave.

Drawing the hunting knife from its sheathe, since I had no idea what might be inside of the cave, I entered it.

Once I did so I looked around for ten minutes and when I saw nothing called the cave home I decided to make it my base camp for the night.

After doing so I got settled. I then began focusing all of my attention of curing myself of Amber Lead Syndrome.

First I recalled everything the original Law had learned about the disease from his biological father.

Amber Lead Syndrome is a non-contagious hereditary disease caused by a build up of Amber Lead in the body. A mineral that is extremely poisonous in high quantities.

So to cure myself of the Amber Lead Syndrome I simply need to remove all of the Amber Lead in my body.

"Ok then." I spoke. I then tried to activate my devil fruit powers.

Only for nothing to happen.

After five minutes passed I switched to a different approach of just trying to will the powers to activate, and instead decided to use the same method the original Law did in the original story.

Holding out my right hand I spoke. "Room!"

Only for nothing to happen once again.

Making me realize this was not going to be easy.

But since my life literally hangs in the balance there is no way I am giving up.

Thus I continued trying to activate my devil fruit powers.

Finally becoming able to do so on the 669th attempt.

"Room!" I cried.

Then a few seconds after I did a small transparent spherical dome two meters (6ft.) in diameter appeared around me.

"Yes." I cheered. "Step one, complete. Now, onto step two." I spoke.

I then began experimenting with my powers until I figured out how to push the Amber Lead out of my body.


A chunk of Amber Lead went as I used the hunting knife in conjunction with my devil fruit powers to remove it from my body.

I then did the same with the rest of my body. Immediately canceling my [Room] afterwards.

Since keeping that thing going is not easy.

It was a constant drain on my stamina.

Not to mention that was a small [Room]. I don't even want to know the stamina consumption cost to create the size of some of the Room's I saw in the original story.

Law truly was a beast.

A beast who I have now have the potential to become for I am him.

Which is exactly what I'm going to do.

And more.

Putting a smile on my face I pulled the heavy fur coat around my body and then lied down.

Since after the day I had a good night's rest is just the thing I need.

Then tomorrow I can begin my journey toward the top.

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