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Chapter 8: The 8th Son of The Wretched and Divine

3 days later

As Ryker and Kiyoshi were talking about the attack that had happened just a few days earlier they pondered on why the Cloaked guy actually attacked.

Ryker: Maybe it has something to do with this miasma.

Kiyoshi: You noticed?

Ryker: No, Hera told me about when she came over to get her hat. She also told me that it had been getting worse over time.

This comment confuses Kiyoshi at first and leaves him in disbelief. Then he suddenly makes the realization that she wouldn't joke about that because of Ryker's past.

Ryker: Maybe that has something to do with the recent animal attacks.

Kiyoshi: What do you mean?

Ryker: Well, there have been a lot of reports that people's pets have been really paranoid in this area as of late.

Kiyoshi: Now that you mention it my dogs have been really skittish recently.

Ryker: You have dogs? I took you for a cat person.

Kiyoshi: Who do you think I am? Both are equally amazing.

Ryker: Nah buddy, Cats are the better pet.

Kiyoshi: You are just simply uneducated.

Ryker: Nah I think I just have an opinion

Kiyoshi: That's right, an incorrect one.

Ryker: You too, One simply cannot comprehend what cats are and how grand they are. They are amazing animals and this is not to be disputed.

Kiyoshi: I never disagreed with you, but dogs are easily one of the if not THE most loyal animals on Earth.


Kiyoshi: What?

Ryker: What the hell are we arguing about?

Kiyoshi: Not really sure, I know I won though.

Ryker: Like hell you did.

Shut the hell up out there!!

Emelia: You went from talking about paranoia to geeking over dogs and cats

Ryker: Looks away* Who called the tsundere?

Emelia: I will have your head if you call me that one more time.

Kiyoshi: Oh no.

Ryker: Good to know I'm loved.

Emelia: Shut it twerp!

Ryker: Yeah shut it Kiyoshi.

Kiyoshi: Wait what, when I did I get involved.

Emelia: I Swear to God

Ryker: Infinite Baka mode initiated.

She then proceeded to yell at a 15 year old for 10 or so minutes before he finally decided that he was bored and got back on topic.

Ryker: OK OK I get it, but back to my original point. The Miasma probably has something to do with the paranoia.

Kiyoshi: You make a good point but I think it seems too perfect.

Ryker: What do you mean?

Kiyoshi: I get the feeling that we are being toyed with somehow.

Ryker: What do you mean by that?

Emelia: Why do you say that?

Kiyoshi: Ryker, this is going to be hard to accept but, I get the feeling you might be the catalyst.



Kiyoshi: I don't want that to be the case but I think that Miasma may be here because of the rumor's that you are the Leviathan's son. I hope you're not and to be honest even Yasu hopes you aren't but it's possible that he believes you to be the lost Leviathan.

Ryker: The 8th Son of the Wretched and Divine. Sounds scary enough.

Kiyoshi: How do you know that name?

Ryker: Because it's printed on my sword.

Kiyoshi/Emelia: Wha- what's the name of this sword.

Ryker: The Repulsor, why?

The two siblings turn to look at each other in silence and just as Emelia begins speaking, they are interrupted by Ryker's phone ringing in emergency mode.

On the phone it reads in Demon language: "Alert, Alert Emergency call incoming"

Ryker picks up the phone to hear screams and what sounds like someone praying for mercy.

Yasu: Are you there? Can you hear me!?

Ryker: What the hell is happening and why did you call me?!

Yasu: Listen, is Kiyoshi there with you?

Ryker: Yeah he's right here I'll tell him what you need him to know just say it.

Yasu: He just needs to hear it. There's a guy here in a purple cloak saying he demands we hand you over.

Ryker: you hear that Kiyoshi?

Kiyoshi: Yeah loud and clear.

Ryker: I'm going.

Emelia: Hell no you aren't. You are gonna need help if he's giving Yasu any trouble.

Ryker: NO, stay here I'm not getting you people hurt again.

Ryker takes off towards the outskirts of town where Yasu was currently at. Kiyoshi and his sister hopelessly dash after their friend but lose him faster than he had gotten up.

Kiyoshi: dammit he's gone.

Emelia: You said he was fast but not that fast. He just disappeared. I never even saw him get up off the couch.

Kiyoshi: doesn't matter if he's way ahead of us we need to get there and help either way, Let's get a move on.

Emelia: Got it

Ryker arrives in a destroyed part of town that he had grown up in with his old childhood friends.

Ryker: You're-

Back at Kiyoshi's location

As Kiyoshi rides atop the power lines at high speeds not far behind his sister who was flying with her expertise in multiple magic types.

Kiyoshi: Hey sis can you charge me with a Lightning Rod attack.

Emelia: Are you dumb, I'm way stronger than you at Electro magic

Kiyoshi: I can feel my Intervention about to kick, when it does I need you to hit me with a weak lightning attack and launch me as far as you can with a wind blast.

Emelia: Mom always said you had some crazy ideas but this is just suicide.

Kiyoshi: Trust me I'll be fine. I'm not gonna let myself use my lacking agility as an excuse to get everybody killed.

Emelia: You better survive or I'll kill you.

Kiyoshi: Sure, no problem. Get ready!

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