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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

I woke up in my cosy bed, and for several minutes I had forgotten the conversation that happened only a few hours ago. The sun was shining brightly through the gaps in my curtains and I knew it must have been well past 9am.

I turned over and grabbed my phone. Sure enough it was in fact 10:30am. I hate sleeping in, so I sprang out of bed and headed for the shower. I let the warm water cascade down my body as I contemplated what Gary had told me. I couldn't believe that it had almost been 24hours since I found out I was adopted. Strangely, it didn't seem to affect me anymore. I was more concerned with finding out I was a werewolf.

Gary had told me how werewolves generally kept to themselves. They were proud and noble in their ways. He told me about the leader of the pack, the one he had called Peter. Peter was an Alpha meaning he oversaw the pack. He administrated the pack along side his partner, the Luna. Luna Kara had been Alpha Peter's mate and they had a son. Second in charge had been the Beta and then the Gamma. They all lived in what was called a Pack house. Everyone else was an Omega. There were also a group of Elders who oversaw the boundaries and pack laws. I found it all to be fascinating and I wanted to learn more but by the time we had finished talking it had been 5:30am.

It was a typical Sunday. The sound of children playing in the park opposite our house and the smell of people preparing barbeques was comforting. A type of normal almost. While drying myself off I decided that I would get more information out of Gary and Mary. After all they did owe me. If they refused, I vowed to leave this house after I turn 18 and find a pack, any pack for myself.

I had slipped on my favourite floral knee-length dress. It had bright blue daisies on a dark midnight background. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I loved how this dress made me feel. Feminine and beautiful. I ran my hands down my body with the intention of smoothing out any wrinkles but stopped when I came to one of the daisies. I had never noticed how intense the different blues were. They were layered deep and exotic. I glanced at my eyes in the mirror and noticed the grey-blue they had been had changed to a deep blue that almost glowed. Instinctively, I put my hand over my mouth. I didn't know what was happening to me, but I could guess it was something to do with my Werewolf genes. My body felt warmer, my skin appeared clearer almost, my hair was shiny, and my nails appeared longer.

I began to panic; I didn't know if any of this was normal. Gary had mentioned werewolves my age tended to go through a change of sorts, but he failed to elaborate, instead he sent me to bed. I needed answers. I grabbed my phone and raced down the stairs and searched through the house. No one was here. F**k.

I went to the kitchen and found a note that sat next to a creamy coloured envelope.


Your Mother and I have gone to the Markets. You might still be asleep by the time we get back but on the off chance you wake up I have left a letter your biological Mother wrote to you for your 18th Birthday.

Love Dad xxx.

I picked up the envelope and turned it over in my hand. I could feel something heavy inside it. A necklace and ring slipped out onto the counter. The ring was a simple band and rose gold in colour. Around the band, the phases of the moon had been etched into the surface. The necklace was a similar rose gold colour and featured a wolf howling at a sapphire moon. They were very beautiful.

I looked at the envelope. I was torn between reading it and throwing it away. If our early morning conversation had taught me anything it was that I was grateful to have adoptive parents like Gary and Mary. Did I really need to get caught up in a world I knew nothing about? I was happy, wasn't I?

I flipped open the letter and began to read.

My Darling Daughter,

The moment that Pack doctor told me I was having a girl I felt blessed by the Moon Goddess. I enclose in this letter my ring and necklace that were passed down from my Mother and her Mother before her. Know that you are special and unique by blood alone.

I hope you have been raised well in a loving and supportive family. It pains me that we can not spend our lives together. The Moon Goddess has other plans. I need you to be safe my daughter, safe from the evils that have forced me to run.

I have made my way to a doctor's house. His name is Gary. My friend, Doctor Sven, speaks highly of him and I know I can trust him. There is no one else I can trust right now.

Please my darling, be safe. There are those of our kind that will want to hurt you. Know that I will always love you.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY my Darling. I Love you.


My cheeks are damp as the tears silently spilled onto my face. My Mother loved me. I wish I knew what she looked like, how she smelt, how she laughed or even how she cried. I knew I had a piece missing from me, was this it?

"Sophie?" A voice called from behind me.

I spun around to see Mary standing inside the kitchen doorway. From behind her I could see Gary who was down the hall trudging towards us, his arms carrying two brown paper bags.

I burst into tears and Mary rushed to me.

"Oh, Sophie my angel. It's alright. Everything will be ok."

Mary was shorter than me, but her hug still felt right, like I was supposed to fit with her head at my shoulder and her hand reaching up to stroke my hair.

"What's wrong Poppit?" Gary asked, rushing to put down the bags and join in the hug.

As much as I resented that they kept my adoption a secret I needed them right now, they were the only family I knew, and I was scared.

"My eyes…." Was all I could splutter out.

"What about your eyes?" Mary asked pulling away from me slightly. She studied my face while wiping away my tears with her thumbs.

"They are different…so much is different." I stammered again.

Mary looked at Gary and he let out a sigh.

"It's the change Poppit. You're coming of age." He hugged me tightly as Mary moved out of the way.

She had noticed the letter and the jewellery on the counter and began to read.

"You gave her the letter?" Her voice shaky.

"Of course. Sophie needed to read what her Mother had written her." Gary placed a gentle kiss on my forehead which released more silent tears from my eyes.

"I'm her Mother!" Mary cried.

"You know that's not what I meant Love. Of course you're her Mother." He let go of me and all the strength and heat his warm embraced supplied vanished.

"I thought giving her the letter would give her some answers. Answers to questions we can't answer." He enveloped her in a hug and grabbed the letter from her shaking hand.

"You're right." She agreed. "Sophie, I hope you understand how important you are to us. Please don't hate us for keeping you safe. I just..." Tears welled in her eyes and she looked away.

"I don't hate you Mum. I don't hate you or Dad." I smiled a watery smile.

Gary looked up from reading the note and smiled as well.

"I just need answers. No more lies. I thought the letter would give me what I wanted but its just created more questions." I reached for Mary and Gary's hands. "Will you help me?"

They nodded before giving each other a knowing look. My mouth felt dry. I needed water. Grabbing a glass, I turned back round to see Gary's eye light up reading the letter.

"So that's it." He said.

"What do you mean?" Mary asked trying to peer at the letter.

"I always wondered whether it was by chance your biological Mother came to us or whether she was sent." He smiled handing back the letter to Mary who placed it on the counter as if it had a disease.

"We need more details Dad." I said impatiently.

"Dr Sven was the doctor I left in charge when I left the Pack Hospital." Before I could ask anymore, he disappeared into the living room.

Mary started fiddling with the bags.

"I better put this stuff away." She scolded

"I can help." I offered.

We worked silently before my stomach started to grumble. I could smell the freshly cut deli meats at the bottom of one of the bags.

"I feel like a sandwich. Do you want one Mum?" I said breaking the silence.

"I'll make it for you angel and one for your Father, wherever he's gone off to" I could hear the annoyance in her voice.

"Ham or Salami?" She asked holding up two packets.

"Both." I smirked. Mary chuckled.

"Gary!" She yelled, "I'm making sandwiches. Do you want ham or salami?" As she finished Gary bustled back into the kitchen carrying three books.

"No need to shout woman." He said brazenly before pecking Mary on the cheek. "Salami sounds great."

He turned to face me and placed the three books on the counter. I walked over and studied the books. One was an atlas the other two were leather-bound journals.

"This is all the information I have on werewolves." He smiled. "This atlas details the local of different packs and their territories. They have most likely changed now as its been 18 years but the boundaries rarely move."

He opened the atlas and pointed to one of the maps.

"This is the Blue Moon Pack's territory." He explained.

The map showed what looked like a badly drawn circle with mountains on one side and a large lake on the other.

"Packs like to make their territories in areas that humans can rarely get to."

He flipped to another page which showed a smaller territory along with two others.

"Here is the Forest Moon Pack situated to the west of Blue Moon. And here to the east is Golden Sun." He pointed to each. "These three territories are situated within a boundary that is controlled by the elders. You would find it hadn't changed."

His finger pointed to a red line that circled the three territories. This was fascinating. I studied the maps taking in the different areas.

"Gary!" Mary yelled as she placed my sandwich in front of me. "She's not going anywhere near the boundary!" Her gaze pierced Gary's and his smiled faded.

"I'm talking metaphorically my love." He reached out and grabbed her hand stroking it while smiling at her supportively.

My adoptive parents truly loved each other. They were not werewolves, so they did not have a mate bond but their dedication towards each other was inspirational. Yes they argued and possibly drove each other mad at times but they never let that control their love. I hoped that one day I would love just as passionately and caring as they did.

"What's in the other books?" I asked.

"I'm hoping these books will have the contact details for Dr Sven." He patted the journals while Mary glared at him.

"I know I was all for her knowing but don't you think we're going at it a little hard." Mary was speaking to Gary as if I wasn't in the room.

"You know as well as I do Mary that she will be 18 in a couple of days. I think its best that we prepare her as much as we can. And if I can get in contact with Dr Sven perhaps he can shed some more light on Sophie's biological Mother." He smiled encouragingly.

I took a bite of my sandwich as they stared at each other with intent.

"Wouldn't you be more upset knowing she ran away seeking answers for herself and wound-up dead?"

Mary and I flinched at the thought.

"I think you both need to tell me everything you know." I said bringing their focus back onto me. "Because with or without your help I need to know what happened to my biological family." I felt a power growing inside me.

"You're right." Mary agreed. "I'll put the kettle on. We can have some tea. You and your Father should head towards the living room. I won't be a moment."

"Come on Poppit." Gary picked up the pile of books and tucked them under one arm while with the other he placed around my shoulder.

He steered me towards the Living room along the corridor that were lined with photos of me at various ages. I wondered how different my life would have been if I had grown up in a pack. I was thankful to have two amazing adoptive parents who were willing to help me learn about my family. I knew it must be difficult for them. I also understood that there were gaps that they wouldn't be able to help me with and I was a little worried what I would have to do to get the answers.

Sitting on my favourite chair that had always been conveniently positioned on an angle to the television I waited for Gary to sort himself out. I tried to think of the best questions that would give me the most information. I knew Gary would try to contact Dr Sven, but 18 years was a long time. I closed my eyes and concentrated at the sounds around me. I could hear the kettle beginning to bubble, Mary adding sugar to our teacups and Gary's heartbeat, which was unusually fast.

Opening my eyes, I saw Gary watching me.

"Everything ok?" I asked.

"Yes, I was just watching you." He retreated his gaze to one of the leather-bound journals that had thin straps wrapped around it.

"Dad, I need to know exactly what these changes are. You mentioned it briefly early this morning and I worry that what I'm experiencing isn't normal."

Gary stopped fiddling and leaned back into his chair. He let out a long breathe of air before leaning forward again this time with his gaze fixed on me.

"I would have to guess you have experienced some of them already. The most obvious of changes are smell, taste, hearing and sight. Have any of these changed for you?"

I nodded. "My sense of smell has increased, my hearing even my sight."

"Good. These are normal transitions for before coming of age."

Mary bustled in with a tray carrying 3 cups, the tea pot and a plate of biscuits.

"You mentioned your eyes." Mary commented as she placed the tray down on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

"Yes the colour has gotten deeper and I think I can see more colours. Is that normal?"

"That is a little strange, but I wouldn't say unusual. Some wolves' eyes go different colour simply because their roles within the pack change. I'm not 100% sure why your eyes have changed to a deeper colour but that might be something Dr Sven can answer."

While Mary was passing me my tea, Gary stole a biscuit from the plate. I suppressed a laugh at him attempt to keep the situation light-hearted.

"Gary I'm not blind." Mary commented.

All three of us started to laugh at Gary. I took a sip of my tea and welcomed the sweet warmth like one of Gary's hugs.

"Are there any other changes. Changes not to do with the senses?"

"Have you told her about her wolf?" Mary asked.

"My what?" Did she just say wolf?

Mary took a biscuit and looked at Gary who just sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

"There's a reason the sense of the human counterpart change." Mary began. "When you turn 18 your wolf counterpart emerges."

I envisioned a wolf tracking me down and pouncing on me to merge with my human self. It felt wrong and unnatural but part of me was excited.

"So a physical wolf tracks me down and then becomes one with me?" I had to ask.

"No angel." Mary soothed. "Your wolf is already inside you. She is awakening, hence why your senses are changing. Turning 18 activates your wolf counterpart and from that moment on you and her will co-exist together."

I didn't understand. How could there be a wolf inside me? How would I know if it was friendly or not?

"It won't be like some horror movie will it?" I asked.

My hands began to shake, and the cup wobbled. I carefully place it down on the coffee table and breathed in deeply.

"No definitely not." Gary said reassuringly. "You co-exist. In human form you are in control but will still be able to hear your wolf. While in wolf form, she will be in control but can still hear you. Your wolf will be your best friend. She will be way better at all this than we are, especially when you first shift."

We sat in silence as I realised that in a couple of days I would get to meet my wolf. I wanted to know what we'd look like, if she had a name, had she known me all my life? The silence was broken by the sound of the telephone.

"Oh dear." Mary said getting up from the sofa. "That'll be Marg. She's determined to get me in the quilters club." She huffed past us.

"I know you want to talk more Sophie but I think that's enough for now." He walked over to me and knelt down. "I will email my friend now and see if he can shed any light on your situation."

He patted my shoulder and went towards the kitchen. I sat for a moment longer reflecting on what Mary and Gary had been able to share with me. Part of me was scared to meet the wolf waking inside me while the other part of me was excited and couldn't wait to get to know her.

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