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Chapter 36: Chapter 35

It seems the situation has completely derailed, from me picking up a package to the Tohno heads brother, who I just learnt is names Shiki, is now being interrogated by the girls.

"Elder brother, what does she mean by you killed her"

"Also how did you kill me, so perfectly to. You had the trained precision of a serial killer"

"Haha did you really get killed by this pathetic human, that's the best joke I've heard in a while"

"No that didn't happen, it was just a dream. I didn't kill anyone, I just fainted in the park and was brought here"

Because I know this situation won't end quickly, I decide I need to end it before it can escalate out of control.

"OK ENOUGH. So lest start from the beginning. First Shiki killed Arcueid, now how did he do it and why. So feel like answering"

"I didn't kill anyone"

"That's a lie. For starters, she said you killed her, secondly the fact that you recognised her when you saw her and finally I saw you do it. So now why and how"

"But I didn't"

"Stop. First, get out of denial land and face reality. Answer the questions, after then we can understand the situation"



Contrary to expectations, it was Akiha who interrupted him. Seeing her reaction I get an idea of what going on.

"I see so it's some kind of bloodline thing, the moment he saw her is bloodline acted up and killed her on instinct. Now is the how, or at least it should be. I have an idea of the how, if those mystic eye killing glasses are anything to go by, Shiki posses a pair of mystic eyes"

"Mystic Eyes"

At that he clenches his fists while looking down, trying to deny reality.

"You have a very bad habit of denying reality. It's happened, nothing is going to change it. accept it and move on"

"I don't"

"There you go again, you do realise you are denying that you deny reality, that saying something coming from me. So mystic eyes, what do they do"

"I s***i**s***"


"I said, I see the lines. When I trace the lines, things break"

I'm sorry did I just hear what I thought I just heard.


"Yes lines"

"Show me"

"Show me what happens when you trace the lines, I need to see it"

To make sure I go and grab a big rock from outside.

"Do it"

After a bit of confusion, hesitation and finally reluctant acceptance I see him take off his glasses and pull out a knife. I stand right behind him and watch, having activated my own mystic eyes of death perception, I see him cut perfectly along the lines.

With one final cut, the rock breaks into pieces.

"It really is the mystic eyes of death perception"


The mystic eyes of death perception, powerful mystic eyes that allow you to see the imperfections in the world, the death of an object. By tracing the lines you cause death to the target no matter what it is. Well that answers how you killed her"

Looking at Akiha, it's clear she is not happy with the situation. First she finds out her brother killed someone, then that he has mystic eyes and that they have been exposed.

I can guess she's trying to figure out what to do. U could make her sweat a bit, but I'm not that mean.

" Okay all my questions are answered. That's my package"

I say while pointing to the briefcase the maid is holding. Seeing me Akiha nods.

"Yes, it is"

"In that case, I'm sure dad has already paid for it, so we will be taking our leave. Before I forget, don't worry I won't tell anyone anything. While the mystic eyes of death perception are impressive, I have no use for them. If it will make you feel better and stop thinking up ways to kill and silence us we can sign a geas to make you feel better. I know how obsessive people of the moonlit world are about secrecy"

Seeing how it turned out I can see the relied on her face, Akiha then whispers something to the maid who leaves the room.

"I thank you for understanding. It will be basic, we don't speak anything that conversation and attack the other party for what we learnt during the conversation"

"I'm fine with that"

Shortly after our conversation the maid returns with some equipment. Akiha quickly gets to work writing the contract. After we all check it over we sign it before saying our farewells.

"Well then, goodbye miss Tohno. It was a pleasure meeting you"

"I as well. For how much longer will you be in this city"

"Apparently Nrvnqsr Chaos is in town, I promised Arcueid to help her kill ham. After that I'm leaving town"

"I see. I would like to help, however I am unable to do anything to him"

"It's fine, not many are"

With that we leave the Tohno mansion. After leaving we make our way to the centre of town.

"Lunch time. Arcueid, how long have you been here, know any good places"

"No, not really"

"Ok, what about you Altrouge, any ideas"


"Fou, any ideas"


"Expected as much. Let's just look around and have what looks good"

Walking through the city I can feel someone looking at us. Finding the source of the stare I see a blue haired highschool girl, she seems to be shocked by the sight of us. No doubt she's part of the moonlit world and recognises the girls.

She's ether an executioner from the church or an enforcer from the clock tower. Both of which are annoyances I don't want to deal with. So long as she minds her own business and doesn't bother us were all good.

I thought I fixed my problem, but no, I never learn do I. WHY DO I KEEP TEMPTING MURPHY.

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