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Chapter 38: Legendary Weapon Abilities

A massive globe of quicksilver materialized in midair making the sky shimmer with heat waves before crashing down towards the Godslayer. His sword swung down with enough force that the attack was visible as it cut across the arena causing a huge wave of sand to be thrown out to each side. Wall after wall of silver erupted from the ground to intercept the attack only to be cleaved in half. On the final wall mere inches from the mage the attack's power dwindled and faded. During that time the massive globe of smoldering quicksilver crashed down on her opponent causing the sand to burst into flames before turning to glass.

As the ball of molten metal spread out a figure emerged standing unharmed while one of the gems in his platinum crown pulsed brightly. "Incredible. He even has a Divinity Crown. With… three...four...five! There are five mana gems in that thing too." Aarun was standing up to lean forward. "I can't believe he really has one."

Before Sael could ask what a Divinity Crown was, the Godslayer spun around with his still empowered Behemoth Blade before slashing out at his opponent. Another powerful wave attack pulled along large amounts of the molten silver in its wake before crashing against multiple raised barriers.

Silvery chains erupted from the ground to wrap around the armored fighter. Unlike previous chains these were covered in razor-like blades though when they approached his exposed head they were repelled as another gem flashed. Still the arena was filled with the horrid sound of countless blades scraping against his metal armor.

"I'm glad the ones you used weren't blade like that! Thanks for that." Sael finally snuck a word in.

"No need to thank me. Unlike my sister most of my abilities are supportive. She adapted one of my spells to be more… lethal. I've never bothered as it isn't really my style." Aarun never took his eyes off the battle in front of him.

Just as in the past a spectral image of the Godslayer was seen emerging from his body to grow several times before shrinking back down. Shortly after he ripped free of the binding razor chains to rush forward. Just as when Sael fought Aarun silvery walls rose up to stop his advance but unlike when Sael battled the brother, the Godslayer simply cleaved the walls in half letting the metal splash down like liquid in his wake.

Turning to Ara he whined "You said this was a legendary spear right? Why doesn't it have any fancy abilities?"

Ara gave him a confused frown. "Of course it has a special ability. You used it before."

"Wait what ability? I used it when?" Now it was his turn to look confused.

"You used Summer's Flame when you fought the Demon Lord Drezzel back at Summer's Castle." Nee supplied from his lap, her statement was crazy enough to make Aarun take his eyes from the fight.

"You fought a Demon Lord and lived?" His silvery eye flashed as he asked.

"Well ya. I killed him when he attacked us. It wasn't like I had much choice. But never mind that. What is Summer's Flame and when did I use it? Why didn't you tell me about it before?"

The two fairies looked at each other while Aarun stood mouth agape trying to process things himself. "Remember, you used a burst of it. The crimson flame you summoned when you knocked the Demon Lord away from me." Nee again supplied while Ara nodded.

"Why didn't you say something sooner?"

"We assumed you had control of it since you used it." Ara looked a bit sheepish as she answered.

"NOOOOO! If I knew I could do that why wouldn't I have?" He fought the urge to grind his teeth in frustration.

"I thought you chose not to since the Demon Lord was a Spell Eater." Nee tilted her head to look up at him.

"A what? No I'm just an ignorant noob over here. What's Summer's Flame? Wait, what's a Spell Eater?" Sael's heart started to pound with excitement after his initial frustration dissipated.

"It's the fire of life and love. Although mechanically it works as just a fire attack. Depending on the amount of mana you feed it it can coat the spear with flame or shoot a fire attack. I guess since you are a Winter King as well you can use their ability but I don't know much about it, other than it's referred to as Winter's Harvester." Ara pouted a bit.

"Winter's Harvester is the manifestation of winter's affinity with death. Normally it takes the shape of a scythe but all it really does is give you a physical manifestation of the draining ability you already have. Since it normally requires physical contact the spear becomes a focus letting you make an extension. How far and big is related to how much mana you feed it similar to Summer's Flame." Nee added in her own information about his unutilized ability.

Sael's eyes went out of focus as he started thinking of all the possibilities these new abilities added. Meanwhile Aarun was trying to politely ask if they were all raving lunatics or if what he'd heard about a Demon Lord being killed was true.

"Ugh you better not drool in Nee's hair. That would be gross. God knows you're probably poking her too." Beth jabbed him in the arm pulling him from his daydreams.

"What! I don't know what you're talking about. Right Nee." Then thinking better he pointed back into the arena. "Let's pay attention to the fight!"

Aarun was still trying to get an answer when he was reminded of the fight. 'I'll ask afterwards.'

At that moment in the arena the Godslayer was on his knees clawing at his face that was covered in liquid silver. His fingers trailed through it unable to remove the metal that seemed to be covering both his mouth and nose. "Damn what did we miss?" Sael exclaimed.

Silver Sunset stepped forward and seemed to be speaking to the downed fighter. His one uncovered eye was glaring at her but he was unable to answer. Or at least he couldn't speak his answer. He raised up a fist to flip the mage off before a lightning bolt leapt from his hand to catch her in the chest. Lightning crackled across her body while her flesh turned to silver before she fell back her body going into a seizure. The Duke's Son collapsed on his hands and knees while coughing and gasping as a pool of silvery metal splashed off his face.

He pushed himself up to his feet while screaming out "YOU BITCH!" Snatching up his sword from the sand he swung it down overhead towards the prone mage. With a resounding gong like sound his blade bounced off a dome of silver that manifested around her. He raised his weapon again as the bone turned to crystal even as the oval dome of silver grew thicker and larger. Lightning crackled up the length of his blade before he brought it down a second time. The resulting explosion shook the ground and sent the fighter flying backwards. Sand was blown away from the silvery dome and even the walls of the arena started to crack.

Splitting the oval dome of silver was a deep crevice that revealed the mage still alive though blood ran from her ears and eyes. While crawling out of the pile of sand that had crashed down on him the Godslayer was bleeding from similar wounds. Dragging his oversized sword through the sand he marched back towards the now melting dome as the mage pointed her staff in his direction. Two thin chains erupted from the ground to try and bind him but the warrior simply cut through them barely slowing.

Everyone watching held their breath as they watched the duke's son stumbling forward while the mage tried their best to chant. Two spears of silver formed in the air before streaking like an arrow down towards Alan only to be deflected by his armor. Leaving little more than a silvery scratch on the enchanted plate. Collapsing back the mage cried out "I yield." Before her head lolled to the side. The moderator started forward calling out the Godslayer's victory but the young fighter didn't stop his advance. His eyes were bloodshot while blood and spittle sprayed from his mouth as an endless stream of curses flowed freely.

"Stop him!" Aarun stood up shouting as the warrior lunged forward, sword poised to strike. A silvery flash appeared in front of the Godslayer just as he fell forward to land face down in the sand, his feet yanked out from under him. Only a few people understood what happened in that brief moment hidden by the flash of silvery light. A chain that looked to be made of living shadow had lashed out from the arena crowd to wrap around his legs before yanking him back. Sele's spotted them as she arrived, as did Aarun since he was standing next to the one that used them. Finally, the Godslayer was aware of something attacking him from behind and instantly knew who he would blame.

For the one who intervened he was mostly just a mix of shocked and excited. Since the earth mages had used so many chains he thought maybe he could combine it similar to how the Demon Lord had used his whip. That it had actually worked when he lashed out without thinking was a surprise, a pleasant surprise, but a surprise nonetheless.

Screaming in fury the duke's son leapt to his feet. "Interference! That was interference! I demand compensation!" His screams seemed to have no effect on the stone faced arch magus standing before him.

"If I were you. I'd be thanking them. Had your attack landed against me or my granddaughter you'd not be standing here to complain. The match was over, she yielded."

"As if you would lay a finger on me. If you did my father…"

Sele's interrupted him "Wouldn't last any longer than you would." Her glare was fierce enough to make him swallow the rest of his threats while inwardly calling her every derogative thing he could think of.

Finally unable to withstand her condemning glare he turned his attention back to the stands and with it all his ire. "YOU! I'll see you in the finals. I'll make sure you can't yield." With one final glare he stomped his way out of the field.

"Thank you for the help. Grandmother had it I'm sure but I appreciate it." Aarun gave a slight bow.

"No problem. If I'm honest I didn't really mean to do that. It just sorta happened. I'm still shocked he won. It looked like your sister had him on the ropes." Sael tried to change the subject.

"It was the lightning bolt. Since you'd probably figure it out eventually it is the one weakness of our protective armor. We can dissipate most forces but lightning is our weakness, we are actually hyper vulnerable to it. We normally take precautions but there really shouldn't have been any way for him to do something like that." Aarun was frowning.

"It was a spell ring beneath his gauntlet." Ara chimed up. "Mom has one too but I can't believe someone like him has one."

Aarun shook his head. "Just how much has the duke spent on his son. It's a bit depressing." He let out a sigh. "While we are on the topic of unfair things, what was that ability you just used? That isn't the thing the little fairies were just telling you about? Actually before that what is this nonsense about killing a demon lord?"

Sael glanced at the message showing he'd unlocked a new ability and just shrugged. "What can I say I'm a fast learner! As for the rest it's a bit of a long story. How about we discuss it over drinks. We are supposed to meet some other friends." he gave another glance at the glaring Godslayer before they disappeared into the tunnels leading out of the arena before preparing to leave with the others.


Aarun had taken a rain check wanting to check on his sister but promised to meet up with their group the next day. After that Sael and co had embarked out to get something to eat only to find that his popularity had skyrocketed. Everywhere they went they were greeted by people who'd seen his fights. Countless people came up wanting to shake his hand and many more offered to take them out when they tried to excuse themselves to get dinner.

Sael enjoyed the attention lapping up the praises and glories thrown to him. While also enjoying the spectacle of the girls jealousy, though he wouldn't tell them. Seeing them warding off any woman that even remotely looked his way stroked his ego plenty. It was an odd set up but he was getting used to the girls and they were adapting to the way things were themselves. Min and Becket joined them for dinner where they all had a grand time.

Still, the thought of the new skills awaiting testing started to grate on his nerves and feigning exhaustion they headed back to the inn early.


"Gah can't you drop it?" Sael groaned out as they headed up to their room. 'I just want some time to test out my new abilities!'

"No we can't. It isn't fair!" Ara complained from beside him.

"I wasn't talking about right now! Gah fine whatever you can all have babies if you want. Just not right now. The last thing I need is a kid at this stage of my life." Sael gave up arguing with them and opened the door into their room.

Within the room the silent ambusher was waiting to pounce on their target the moment they entered. Had Sael been using his Combat Awareness or even just not distracted they would have never succeeded. Sadly, a perfect situation was given to them as they leapt up at their target.

Sael opened the door with his head still turned speaking to Ara when someone landed on him screaming. "Papa!"

Eleraan Eleraan

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