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Chapter 3: Chapter 2

Naruto had been out on his journey for a couple weeks now, passing through majority of the east blue without any issues, except one. After killing the Celestial Dragon the World Government had no choice but to assign him a bounty, a big one at that.


Alive Only

Portgas D. Naruto

207,000,000 belli

The bounty came as no surprise to Naruto. However, the number did, the amount they wanted for him seemed very large, but then he remembered that the Celestial Dragons were probably the ones offering the reward, and they can throw around money like it's garbage. His bounty didn't take long to circulate through the world and now majority of the Marine's were looking for him, expecting to take him down once they found him. Naruto however welcomed them to try, not willing to let anyone stand in the way of his freedom.

The teenager had now set his eyes on Lougetown. He needed to set a new ship, preferably a smaller vessel that could work in conjunction with his Devil-Fruit abilities. He needed it to be light-weight, and he also needed it to be coated with Seastone on the bottom. His mother had told him before he left that his best bet on getting to Sabaody quickly was to sail along the Calmbelt, and to do this he needed the Seastone on the bottom of his vessel to avoid being an easy snack for Seakings. He also came for one more thing, to visit his late father's grave.

It took a day or two but he had finally arrived at Lougetown. The settlement looked amazing to say the least; it was clean, organized, and a lack of pirates, which Naruto raised his eyebrow over.

'Why aren't there any pirates in the town that started the great pirate era? This place started it all and yet no one wants to see it? It doesn't make any sense.' Naruto thought as he docked his boat

He got out of his boat, grabbed a small bag of his money and walked into the settlement. Walking through he noticed that not many people were out, most chose to stay inside and close their window shutters as he went by. As he walked further into the town he noticed that the Marine presence began to rise; lots of them could be seen travelling in squads, surveying the surrounding area and looking for pirates. Naruto used this as a queue to stay in the alleys and smaller streets to avoid detection by the Marines, the last thing he needed was for half an army of them to be on his ass as he entered the Grandline.

Naruto saw a squad of Marines heading his way and he quickly retreated into the alley way, away from sight and hid. It didn't take long for the squad to pass him. Once they passed he continued through the alley way to the town square, where the execution platform had been every since Roger's death all those years ago.

His path to the town square was anything but easy. Naruto had encountered numerous Marine patrols and groups in his way, each group getting bigger and bigger as he approached his destination. Eventually as he came within 50 meters of the execution platform and grave of the late Pirate King, security had lay off on the area. The monument had looked unguarded and Naruto took full advantage of the opportunity and jumped out of the ally way and walked towards the platform. When he was close enough he saw what the gravestone read.

Here lies Gol D. Roger

A criminal

A madman

A fool

Let this grave and execution platform serve as a reminder to all

The text made the teenagers blood boil, they had disgraced his fathers memory by plaguing it with lies. In his mind Roger was a free man, he did what he wanted without anyone telling him what to do. Unlike so many before him he was not bound by laws, he was what Naruto inspired to be like.

Having enough of the text he looked away from it and went into his bag. He pulled out a fresh bouquet of flowers, all of them being white, and placed them at the foot of his grave and closed his eyes. The memories of him and his father came back to Naruto, all the times where they weren't on the run from the government Roger would spend all of his time with Naruto and Rouge either playing games or just being around the two. It brought a smile to his face thinking of all the times he would play with Naruto, or when he would take Naruto on one of his little adventures through the forest.

"Hey you what are you doing there?! You know this is an off limits area!" A man yelled at him

Naruto opened his eyes to face the man and looked him over. The man had grayish-white hair and black eyes, and was also decorated in a marine captain's uniform. But by far the most eye-catching feature about the man was the two cigars that hung loosely out of his mouth. This man went by the name "Smoker" the Marine captain stationed at Lougetown.

"What of it, I was just paying my respects to a dead man." Naruto responded facing Smoker, his hat covering most of his face

Smoker giggled a bit before talking again, "Why waste your time on a criminal such as him. Gol D. Roger had committed the most severe crimes against the Marines and the World Government, why would you even consider approaching his grave?"

Pushing up his hat to reveal his face he responded, "Because the man who lies in this grave was the greatest man I've ever known. Because the man that lies here, means more to me than you'll ever know."

Smoker coming to the realization of who and what the man in front of him had just said, launched an arm made up of a dense smoke at him and spoke, "If what you say about Roger is true then I have even the more reason to capture you now. . .Portgas D. Naruto."

Naruto side-stepped the punch thrown by Smoker and took his staff out from the back of his shoulder and had it at the ready, "You can try."

Naruto used his Devil-Fruit to coat the end of his staff with water and swung down at Smoker's extended arm, severing it off from the rest of his body. Smoker had a look of pain on his face when he retracted the rest of his smoke back to his body, he then quickly reformed his arm.

'Long distance attacks aren't an option with this guy, I have to get closer to him.' Smoker thought

The man then ran at Naruto, each step he took the more his body was consumed by smoke. Naruto saw what he was trying to do and kept his staff in front of him at the ready, channeling water all over the staff. Smoker then got within a meter and a half of the boy and started to wildly throw dense smoke punches at him in an attempt to hit him.

The younger of the two unleashed a blur of staff strikes at Smoker, each one hitting him with full force which surprised Smoker to no end. The man then jumped back into a defensive stance and looked over Naruto. He noticed that his attacks were hitting but they weren't doing any damage, he then recounted that his most recent punch had hit him right in the abdomen and looked to see a hole in is stomach with water on the outside of it start to heal itself until nothing remained.

"So you ate a Logia type Devil-Fruit too it would seem." Smoker said to Naruto

Naruto just smiled at him and responded, "Why yes I did, the Water Water Fruit to be precise."

"It still doesn't explain how you're able to hit my Smoke." The man told him

Continuing his grin Naruto explained, "My Devil-Fruit lets me manipulate, make, and become water, that water could also be sea water. The weakness of any Devil-Fruit user. I thought that you a Marine Captain would of figured this out."

"Well in that case. . ." Smoker didn't finish before he ran at Naruto with his weapon drawn

Naruto just thought to let the attack pass right through him and finish this but Smoker's weapon was able to make contact with his body. Once it hit him it immediately caused him to feel a little woozy but nothing insane. Smoker lunged forward pushing the weapon into Naruto's shoulder causing him immense pain, and before Naruto could react Smoker twisted the weapon, making the tip of it break off and remain in a sallow wound inside Naruto shoulder. Naruto then staggered back a bit and fell to a knee.

"This fight is over, you're coming with me so you can answer for your crimes against the World Government." Smoker told him in a commanding voice

Naruto was breathing heavy but he still managed to look up, lock eyes with Smoker and say, "I'm not giving up that easy Smoker."

"So be it." Smoker responded

Naruto then struggled to get back to his feet, using his staff as a cane to help him up. Once standing he readied himself again to continue the fight. Smoker then launched smoke attacks at him from a longer range, most of them were blocked or redirected by Naruto's water enhanced staff, the very few that weren't managed to slip through his guard and land a solid blow on him. Naruto was being pushed back by Smoker, further and further towards the harbor. Marines and civilians who saw the fight elected to stay out of the way, not wanting to be in the middle of two Devil-Fruit users fighting.

Eventually the ocean was in sight, and the gray-haired man decided to rid himself of the problem that was Portgas D. Naruto. He shot two more attacks a bit to the left and right of Naruto, making the teenager hit both with his staff. But left his torso wide open, Smoker took full advantage and used his speed to get in front of Naruto and punch him which hit him hard enough that it knocked him into the ocean.

"You may be able to resist the affects of Seastone, but none of us can float in the ocean." Smoker said looking to the spot Naruto had landed in the ocean

Once Naruto landed in the ocean he noticed right away that it didn't really bother him. It did put some strain on him but he could still move and swim. Immediately he made his fingers extremely thin water and put it in his shoulder womb. He felt around inside until he found the Seastone, once feeling it he tugged it out and let it fall to the bottom of the ocean.

Once Naruto removed the Seastone from his body he felt a new rush of energy, the ocean was his natural element and he found out on his journey to Lougetown that he could live in it and control it. It was now time to surprise Smoker and take him out and get the hell out of here.

Naruto spawned a giant water cyclone and positioned himself inside it and began to raise it above water level. This shocked all the spectators and Smoker alike who thought of him to be dead. He then shot the cyclone right at Smoker hitting him directly in the chest blasting him back into a building, knocking him out cold. All the other Marine's quickly came out of their shock and all aimed their guns at Naruto and fired. All of the shots passed through him without an issue. Not wanting to take on the Marine's Naruto turned back towards the ocean and dove back in and decided to to try and swim away using his abilities. He was in luck however, his fruit let him swim faster than any fishman and gave him an easy passage into the Grandline away from the Marines.


Sabaody. . .

Naruto had successfully made it to Sabaody, quicker then expected due to his new found ability. Now the only thing that was left was to seek out Silvers Rayliegh.

The teenager walked out of the water and on to the shore, he looked around to see if there were any Marine's or officials nearby that may have saw him but everything seemed clear. He walked into the main part of Sabaody where everything was abuzz, there were many merchants on the street selling items that they claim to be from the New World and there was also many pirates walking around, lurking away from the Marines stationed there. Of course Naruto knew why it was the way it was at Sabaody, it was because that it was the "Halfway point from the One Piece", the bridge to the New World.

Asking about about Silvers Rayleigh, some people had told him that he lives in an isolated part of the city, on the outskirts. He then proceeded to walk over to were the people had guided him to continue his search for the legendary man.

Finally he had arrived at a hut, it was by no means a terrible place to live, but it wasn't the high life either. Naruto went up the dirt path leading to the hut and arrived at a thick wooden door. Not knowing what else to do he knocked and waited for someone to answer, no one did. He then knocked again and waited, this time hearing something on the other side of the door.

"Go away, leave me alone." A muffled voice spoke from behind the door

Naruto rolling his eyes replied to the voice, "My mother told me to seek out a man known as Silvers Rayliegh and I've been told he lives here."

"What of it. Go home and tell your mom that I'm not taking visitors, I'm trying to sleep you know!" The muffled voice continued

"My mother told me that you were my fathers first mate, and that you would be able to help me harness haki." Naruto said

After Naruto said those words some noise could be heard from within the house, the noise seemed to turn into very clear footsteps getting closer and closer to the wooden door.

The door swung open and Naruto came face to face with an elderly man. The two stared at one another for a bit before Rayleigh spoke, "Well what're you waiting for, get inside."

Naruto just shook his head and did as the man told him and walked inside the hut. And took a seat in what appeared to be Rayleigh's living room, and Rayleigh himself sat on the other side of the small room and faced Naruto.

"So you're Roger's kid huh?" Rayleigh asked

Naruto just shook his head to the elderly mans words, confirming he was in fact the son of Gol D. Roger.

"Mmmmm so why have you come and looked for me again?" The man said

"I wanted you to teach me, teach me the uses of haki." Naruto responded to the older man

Rayleigh just smiled at the boy, "So you want to be a pirate like your old man it would seem."

"Yes I do, will you teach me?" Naruto asked again

"Roger had done numerous things for me in his lifetime, one of them would be making me his first mate. I had always desired to pay Roger back in some way and I think by helping you train to use and master haki would be a perfect way to help continue his legacy. So yes I will teach you uhhhh."


"Yes I will teach you to use haki. . . fishcake." Rayleigh spoke angering Naruto


A few years later. . .

"So brat I've taut you all I could teach you about haki, and I'm still blown back by the fact that you have all three types." Rayleigh told Naruto with his trademark smile

Naruto just smiled back at him, the teenager had now grown taller, more muscular, but he still kept his old clothes and kept his old outfit, "Yeah, I can't believe it either. It's quite unbelievable actually."

"Well what are you going to do now?" The older man asked

Naruto grinned after he heard Rayleigh's question, "Ace will be setting out to sea soon, but before I go see him I'm going to go get myself a crew and then take down one nasty old lady. . ."

"Big Mom"

xAcreosx xAcreosx

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