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Chapter 8: Notes, Power rankings, Power awakening, The Light and Quirk test... And My caffeine problems.

&*& READ THIS! Okay, so. Before you read the chapter, I would like to inform you that, When I put the OP tag on this fanfic, I wasn't joking around. I am going to completely blow the EOL powers out of proportion. I am adding or modifying all sorts of stuff for even the tinciest bits of OP. Of course, Within reason of course. I still would like to explain a bit of the OPness. Also, The MC won't suddenly gain control of The Light. He will control it, But not as well as the other user, It will take time. &*& THAT'S ALL THE IMPORTANT BITS!

~~Hahaha! I feel like I am a damned Saiyan right now! I have drunk WAAY too much coffee and I feel like I am too hyper right now, and I can't sleep so I am just putting all of my energy into destroying my far too expensive keyboard... Hope you like the chapter! I am going to have a MAJOR energy crash when the caffeine wears off, haha!~~

{Musutafu, Japan, Raine's room in a messy apartment.}

[Raine's POV]

So, Let's get back into business lads.

I am getting my quirk/powers/abilities... Whatever, In a month... and, I can't lie. I am really excited to finally have them.

In my previous life, Everything was mediocre, So having something that changes everything is like... I don't know what it is like, But it is great!

Not to mention how plainly OP it will be to finally have my abilities unlocked. Light itself travels at the maximum speed of 300,00 kilometres per second, At that speed, you can travel from the earth to the moon in 1 second. The speed of light is the maximum possible speed for anything with matter, and anything without matter pretty much doesn't exist. Light is one of the only types of non-matter that can slightly interact with matter, Light itself is probably one of the 3 most dangerous stuff in any universe. At that speed time, it itself would look like it is stopped. At that speed I could do nearly anything I wanted, I could probably destroy the world within barely a minuscule amount of time... That is how absurd the Speed of Light is.

However, If even the tiniest bits of matter comes into contact with matter, It would decrease the speed of light by a small bit. Considering Earth is pretty much a matter generator... It would reduce the speed of my light by quite a lot. I could probably push through such a matter, The matter with less mass than normal, However, that sounds too dangerous.

What doesn't sound dangerous, however, is limiting the sped of my light. It would still appear much faster than anything the human mind can react to, Let alone tracking it. Everything interacts with light, If I eventually get enough control I could theoretically monitor/control everything that my light touches...

Raine takes a glance at the few pages of his notebook only filled with light theories, moments before releasing a sigh and muttering to himself, "Phew~... That is a lot of writing..."

"Now then though... I should probably wait out my time before my Powers eventually awaken. And when they do I will have a lot of stuff to test out..." Were Raine's last thoughts before he crawled into his bed with probably too many blankets.


[2 Weeks Later]


I have just realised that I have been in this world for nearly 4 years, And most of that time was spent either training my speed and stamina. However, I also spent a large amount of time just being a deadshit, and what do deadshits do? They spectate pretty much everything that can entertain them! Through this though, I have realised... Not once, Since I have been in this world. Have I seen, or spoken to a hero.

I am in My Hero Fucking Academia. What was I doing this whole time? I could have spent my time researching this worlds major personality base. But I was stupid and was focusing more on my laziness and power gains. I should have listened to my thoughts back when I was contemplating my future, If I did then I am certain I wouldn't have forgotten such an important topic.

Urggh... And now that I only have around 2 weeks left before I get my powers, I have even less time to focus on this stuff. I should have been researching possible dangers to me. I should have been researching any nearby villains, heroes, or vigilantes but I was too damned focused on the EOL powers.

I talk nearly daily to people that have Quirks, I watch the TV every single time I am at home, and I have somehow forgotten about the danger this world possesses... I seriously need a reality check, Something to smack me into my senses. But I still am not even in school yet, So my genius brain thought it was a good idea to just laze around and wait until I actually need to act.

Jesus christ... Well, time to binge-watch the news, and possibly wander around my neighbourhood for a while.

With these thoughts in my head, I jump out of my bed and wander down to the TV, Luckily my Mother isn't home and is at her new job, A secretary for a more minor company than her previous one.

I jump up onto the lounge and reach for the remote on the slightly less alcohol covered coffee table. "Ahh... This is going to be so boring..."

.~.~.~. (Also, I just fucking choked on a mouthful of coffee. Haha!)

[1 Week Later]

Alrighty. I really should have done this earlier. I have much more information now than I did 1 week ago... So much in fact that I just feel stupid about how I didn't know ANY of this before now, Some of the major stuff is, I apparently live near Izuku and Bakugo, All Might himself stopped a villain 2 blocks away from my apartment, There are 3 serial killers in my neighbourhood and also, there have been 12 house break-ins just this past month... And the All Might one caused a major shitstorm of fans going sicko mode online. Seriously, Some of them are at the point of going fanatic. At some point, I came across an auction for a piece of torn All Might clothing... Freaks. The Price was reaching 80k.

How I didn't realise this earlier is... So far beyond me that I am honestly stunned at my stupidity. I thought this world was going to be so damned easy because of my light powers, but I didn't take into consideration of the threats near me while I am still weak.

I could have been killed because someone broke into our house for a fucking toaster or something.

I could have been killed in the aftermath of a fight between heroes and villains.

I could have been killed while just walking down the street.

.. These thoughts are majorly pissing me off. I have, for years, been wanting to be powerful. In my previous life, even though it didn't look like it, I have spent a lot of my time researching useful stuff for a situation dangerous to me. Some of the stuff would sound too exaggerated or cringy, and probably from a chuuni, But they have come into use... Well, some have, The rest are just rotting in some forgotten areas of my mind.

Anyway, the point is that I do not have enough information to be pleased currently. I want to have enough information to get out of a situation that is dangerous to me, Not to only know the dangers to me.

So! First of all, I already know enough about the Quirk usage laws. From what I have seen of this world so far it would most probably go along the lines of "Need licence for Quirk usage, Only in major cases can you use your Quirk." and, Although they have this law, They can't monitor every single person in Japan, So a LOT of people would still be able to use their Quirk, Known or Uknown, it doesn't matter.

Next! I have to get a general idea of the strength rankings of this world. I already know that AFO and OFA are at around S tier, Capable of ruining a city or two. The reason for them only being S tier and not S+ or SS tier is because my strength rankings are far stricter. I go along the rules of,

F Tier: Can only cause minor burns or barely any use for their powers.

E Tier: Useful and dangerous only in some specific situations.

D Tier: Can Injure a person or messed up something if they truly tried to.

C Tier: Capable of causing a slight amount of damage.

B Tier: Capable of causing multiple metres wide damage.

This is where I will put major villains or heroes.

A Tier: Capable of causing either mass death or mass wealth.

S Tier: Capable of ruining a city or two if used properly

SS Tier: Capable of ruining a country if used properly.

SSS Tier: Capable of causing mass chaos indirectly, If intentional it is possible to cause an unprecedented mess. (Countrywide problems, Sometimes International problems)

I am not ranking powers on damage or power capability. I am measuring them on their capability of causing either mass chaos, death, wealth, fear or help. A power that can create gold will no doubt be in SSS Tier. That power can ruin the economy of multiple nations. A power that can heal people at the cost of their life force, would be in around SS tier. That would undoubtedly cause the person with the power to be hunted on mass.

Some of that would seem blown out of proportion, But you have to take into consideration of multiple stuff. Countries rely on wealth, health and order. If someone can even slightly influence people with words then they could probably take over a country with enough time. Of course, this is a world where over 80% of people have a superpower, Take into note though, The people that really use their power blatantly are the ones that want to be seen.

If someone like Toru Hagakure became an assassin, imagine the possibilities of that. Of course, she can still be tracked by heat signature but in a world where advanced technology is used in mass, She could acquire tools that could probably hide it.

I went a bit too far into my rant... Oh well, I have to get my point across.

Back to the point though, I need more information currently. I already have written down most of the heroes or villains in my area, but that isn't enough to ensure my safety. So, I guess I just have to play the careful waiting game before I get my EOL powers, and when I do is when I can start to be less careful.

Now then... Time to become a hermit and spend all my time staring at a monitor... Researching men using powers... Well, It is inevitable I have to do something along these lines eventually anyway.

.~.~.~. (I am going to make more coffee!)

[One more week later]

So, these past two weeks weren't spent in waste. I have spent nearly all of my time memorising all of the heroes that are ranked from 1 down to 15, Mostly because if they are fighting in my area while I am weak then it could be quite dangerous for me. If I see any of them in a fight with a villain, I will avoid it until I am far enough to escape and still live... Only until I get my powers though.

Next, I memorised a lot of well-known villains. I did more research into these because it is these villains that will truly be a risk to my life if I am not careful. I memorised all of them down to 25. If I see any of the top 10 nearby while I am weak, I will leave immediately.

Now then, For the most anticipated bit of information. I am getting my EOL powers in 3 days, on my birthday, September 17th. I will finally have something to truly focus my time on rather than spending all of my time playing around with Yuuna or researching about possible dangers to me... Or watching some ripoff cartoons.

Of course, that is only until my shitty schooling starts and I have to hang around listening to the Wiggles on meth sing the ABCs while some fuckhead child next to me is eating his toe fungus. Life is like, REALY, going to suck until I am around 10 years old. Even then I still have to waste my time listening to some useless ranting on the knowledge I already have... Well, At least three are some upsides to this.

[3 Days Later, Raine's birthday, EOL Awakening day] (My cat is now with me again! I am a sage!)

So, it is finally time...

"Raine! Finish your cake before you go and brood!" Ah shit, I forgot Yuuna gave me some cake... Usually, I and my Mother doesn't care about birthdays. I mean, What is the use of celebrating the day I was born onto this cursed world? And my Mother doesn't want to just because she is lazy.

Well, Either way, I still appreciate Yuuna's thought of getting me some cake. Even if it is just one slice from the rest she ate alone... While walking to my apartment. Her Goat physic really messes with her sometimes, Ya know? Quirks actually have a larger influence on peoples personality than one would expect.

I mean, Take a look at All Might and Midoriya, You think both of them were born thinking "Going to save someone's life with my life on the line, No big thrill or anything." Nah, mates. Their quirk OFA is definitely influencing their mind, I mean, Their personalities will inevitably pretty much be the same, The minor stuff will still be different though. With Izuku still being a dumbass and All Might still being an... All Might.

Anyway! I better go to my Mum and get the cake Yuuna left otherwise I am going to get an annoying ear lashing again. "Yeah! I am coming. Just want to go to sleep already, Ya know? Yuuna already absorbed all of my energy when we were fighting earlier... The leech." Raine deciding it wasn't enough insinuating Yuuna takes up all of his energy, also decided to add salt to the pepper of an insult.

Raine's mother coincidentally heard him mutter and snapped back at him, "Oi brat, She is your only friend and you call her a leech?"

Hearing this, Raine wanted to refute but already knew it was futile, "...Yep, She is my only friend, The friend I am ever so grateful for... So, can I take my cake or not?"

"Just take it already, It is yours anyway."

Cool... Now, It is finally time... Were my thoughts while eating cake in my little blanket nest.

... I thought my EOL awakening would be sudden or painful or something... But, I've already finished my cake a short while ago and nothing is happening...

Do I have to say some trigger or something? Or do I have to wait until the specific moment I was born...

I swear if that Ugly-Bastard-Angel lied to me I am going to go skits...

[3rd POV]

While Raine was in such thoughts he didn't realise his surroundings slowly getting brighter over time. All over the world, this such situation is happening, All sorts of light sources are suddenly slowly getting brighter. Some people haven't realised anything is happening yet, While certain others have already noticed something is wrong with their surroundings.

Certain countries around the world are slowly noticing that all sorts of Light are getting brighter and more intense as time passes, many people are panicking because this can possibly cause mass panic, Which is something they don't need when Villains run rampant.

Going back to Raine, He suddenly had a change in expression. He looks as if he is focusing on something, Something that strangely isn't in front or near him.

[Raine's POV]

Leaving my chanting of various anime powers behind I suddenly felt something inside my body. I started focusing on that feeling and realised that it is slowly spreading, and it does NOT feel pleasant. It feels as if something is crawling and slithering through everything inside me... This is already giving me Hentai vibes, and I swear if I cough up an egg or something...

I get violently dragged back from such thoughts yet again but the feeling suddenly spreading even faster. I can feel my skin becoming MUCH more sensitive it was before, I could feel my ears painfully being stretched further than they should, I could feel all sorts of stuff happening to my body and I was not happy with any of it...

The squirming feeling inside my body has already reached deeper than I would please and I feel as if it is crawling through my veins, my bones and even inside my organs. I feel it suddenly focusing on and covering my eyes, I get monetarily blinded and feel extreme repulsion to everything that is happening to me.

At this moment I truly realised I should have been much more prepared for my EOL awakening because I was not expecting this... Disgusting thing happening to me when I awaken it.

{An unknown amount of time later}

[3rd POV]

Raine gets suddenly jolted awake by his surging senses, touch, breathing... Everything sending him all sorts of stuff. He could feel, touch, hear and... Everything. He is so mindnumbingly overloaded by all his senses that he unconsciously clench his fists and demanded it to stop... And stop it did.

Light. No matter where, suddenly jolted as if it was shocked. It shook for a such a minuscule amount of time that it wouldn't even register to anyone or anything... If they didn't have a connection to The Light, and the only Two people that did have a connection to The Light felt every single thing happening to it. They could also feel each other, Where they were... And what they were.

Raine, however, didn't realise about the other being connected to The Light. He was more focused on everything else. His senses suddenly appeared as if they were destroyed. He felt so numbingly weak and feeble with only his human senses that he started to feel an unhealthy amount of fear towards his currently weak being. So him being shocked and fearful of his situation, suddenly shot up out of his near frozen state and frantically checked his surroundings.

Meanwhile, The situation on Earth is currently chaotic. All over the world, Everyone, Whether it be Heroes, Villains, Civilians, Politicians or even Crustaceans were currently freaking out on such a massive level, that it will be recorded in the future as 'The Universal Fear'. However, That doesn't matter right now. What matters is the fact that everything is currently going to shit.

[Earth's Beings POV]

Something happened.

No one knows What, Who or even HOW something like this happened, But it did, and it is something that will possibly NEVER be known how.

All around the Earth, Everything, Whether it be the smallest of Quarks to even the largest of masses suddenly lost everything. No, Everything isn't the right word. They lost all of everything.

Everything was suddenly cut off from Everything.

No matter where, Everything suddenly lost contact with The Light, Causing everything to go into an instant Void-Like darkness. It was so dark that the Void itself would appear as if it is a Discoball compared to anything right now.

Humans were suddenly shocked still in pure fear. The source of their sight is instantly gone. It is so dark that it is unexplainable.

Animals stood still in pure fear.

Even the smallest of bacteria suddenly stopped in fear.

...Until everything suddenly returned to normal.

[??? POV]

Someone else is connected to The Light.

How they have gained control of The Light, I don't know. However, As the guardian of The Light, it is my duty to make sure The Light is in perfect condition.

The Light is not in a good situation right now.

Whoever connected to The Light right now told it to stop.

With The Light being an existence that created itself to flow... It flows in any and all directions when left alone and whichever direction when commanded.

With someone having as much control over The Light as me telling the flow to stop, It WILL completely stop the flow of The Light.

I have to command The Light to move once again... I can only hope the other user knows what they have done.

I guess I will have to eventually pay our Light user a visit eventually.

[3rd POV]

Back on Earth, after everything returned to normal, Everyone wanted answers. They demanded answers, and with nothing to answer with, The Governments decided to lie to the citizens while keeping the panic within themselves once again.

A few people didn't believe the story of some villain using a drug to suddenly enhance their Quirk by 50x at the cost of death. Of course, The masses believed it Or lied to themselves about believing it and just continued on their way.

Returning to Raine though is another story. He passed out instantly after he experienced all of those senses, He unconsciously commanded it to stop.

Raine currently is in a hospital nearby his house, Why no one questioned why he is unconscious is because multiple children all over the world have either fainted or passed out because of the phenomena, He is only one in millions of children. So he isn't even slightly suspicious.

Either way, Rain's current situation isn't perfect either.

[Raine's POV]

I swear I have a hangover from the gods. Everything hurts... My brain hurts, My ears hurt, My skin hurts... Wait, What happened?

Jolting up from the strangely soft bed I quickly look around and... See an unfamiliar ceiling... Just kidding, Always wanted to say that. But I am in a hospital, huh? From the looks of it, It has been a few hours since my Senses overload.

"Ah! Doctor! The last child has woken up!" I suddenly realise there is another person in the room, standing near the door. It was a nurse.

I stay out of my thoughts for now and wait until the doctor comes... Which wasn't long.

I wait for a short few moments before a middle-aged doctor walks in with a tablet and says, "Ah, Finally, You have no idea how much trouble you have caused us. You have been asleep for 3 days now."

Woah, I have been out for 3 days?? Bloody hell, I can only imagine what Yuuna and my Mother are thinking...

"You are the last child that is asleep so we have had to do more checkups on you than usual, And your Mother is in the waiting area. She has been there for a few hours now... You have a good Mother, You should respect her."

"Also, It appears you have awoken your Quirk while you were unconscious." The doctor paused a short moment to grab something from a nearby drawer. "Use this mirror to check your body, It is a strange one."

I blink slightly in surprise before I take the mirror from his hands and... I am surprised, to say the least. Instead of seeing my usual unusual appearance I now look way better... and different compared to before.

Now, Rather than my usual green eyes, black hair and pale skin I instead now have long pink hair that goes down to my waist. Now, Instead of my usually pale skin, I now have skin that is a light yellow colour. I also now have sky blue eyes that honestly are already making me enchanted by myself. A few other differences about me are my long ears, I have Elder-Elf like ears that are 3 times as long as my previous ones, This is also probably why my hearing is way better.

I now also have a slightly feminine appearance, Not enough to be called a trap, But enough to be called really cute.

Also, I feel something that is in the middle of my back, It feels like something wants to come out but I can keep it in if I want to... They are probably my wings, If not then I am going to have a real bad problem real fast. Also, I can feel something else that can come out from my back, but it is way lesser so than my probable wings.

Another thing that I noticed earlier is that my hands and feet are way more sensitive than I thought possible. It is as if I can feel every single thing that is touching my hands or feet, It is actually slightly painful to touch anything.

To relieve myself of this uncomfortableness I remove the blankets from myself and swing my legs over to hang off the side of the bed while I sit up.

"So, Are you done checking yourself out yet? Because we need to have you do a Quirk checkup." Hearing the doctor speaking again I quickly snap myself from my thoughts and begin to speak.

"Ah, Yeah I am finished. I look way different from before so, I was slightly surprised."

"Great, Then please follow me, I will have your Mother also come and watch your Quirk examination. You will also be able to speak to her again when the examination is finished." So I can't speak to her right now? I doubt she is properly worried about me but the fact that she waited for a few hours for me to wake up says a lot.

Also, Can't I do this quirk exam later? I want to check out my EOL powers right now... Ah, that is probably why. They probably think that I could have a dangerous quirk.

"Alright... Lead the way." Were my last thoughts before I instantly regret jumping down from the bed. The moment my feet touched the ground I instantly felt a whole load of different stuff from my feet. The ground felt way colder than it should, It feels as if I am walking on ice. Also, I can feel nearly everything I am standing on, I can even feel the bits of dust between my feet and the floor.

Feeling all this stuff I don't move from my spot, I don't want to accidentally do something that will hurt more than it already is.

"What is wrong... Ah, Your quirk probably is enhancing your senses, causing you to feel more than you should. I will go and get you some special hospital shoes."

...Kay, Guess I will just stand here until he comes back.

Surprisingly enough he didn't even take one minute until he got back. I guess this situation happens more than I thought if he got some this quickly.

He came back with some see-through fabric shoes. "Here put these on and follow me."

I take the shoes and put them on and, I can still feel a lot of stuff with my feet. Not as much before, But still enough to be a constant annoyance

I shake my feet a bit before I look back at the doctor to say, "Alright... Lead the way."

That was the last bit of conversation we had before we walked for around 2 minutes to a far off area of the hospital. I would like to guess that the Quirck test area is further away from the actual hospital to guarantee no accidents from kids testing their Quirk. My guess is probably correct considering the stronger walls nearby.

"Alright, I'm going to need you to walk into that room right there for me. Also, Your mother has already arrived a short while earlier to watch your Quirk test."

I listen to his words and open the solid steel door. I am surprised I actually was able to open it considering It is around 2 inches of steel, But the large hinges would probably explain that.

The room only consists of a wall-wide Mirror which is probably the One-way window from the other side, Some water in a bowl and a small steel bar. I can probably guess what each of these is for, Considering I am here for my Quirk test, It is sort of obvious.

I get shortly pulled from my thoughts when the speaker above the door sounded out with the doctors' voice. "Alright, I am going to need you to feel if something wants to come out from somewhere inside your body."

Ha, I can bet that if this were in any other circumstance that doctor would be yoinked by The FBI.

I already know about all that I want to show. I am not going to show off that I can manipulate Light itself down to its purest form, I am only going to show some minor abilities.

With these thoughts in mind, I slightly prod at the feeling in my back, and Lo and behold, My wings and some tentacles came out of my back... Wait a fucken moment... Tentacles? The tentacles are probably from the Phase 2 form but, I didn't think they would be in my normal form... I should probably test around with it later.

"Alright, Try to control your wings and tentacles."

I do as he says and play around with my now new limbs and they are seemingly really easy to control. The six tentacles on my back and I can control them as well as my arms, But with no limit to the bending or stretching.

Also, My wings are just as easy to control. I slightly pull at my wings to move to the front of me and my right one did, While the left slightly moved to the front. Ignoring the left wing for a short while I look at my right one and it looks amazing.

It looks as if it is made of the finest of glass but not made of glass at all, It also reflects a multitude of lights that are just mesmerizing. The upper wing area is a darker blue and slightly purple, The middle of my top wing is a yellow streak that goes across most of the wings and stops at 75% of the way to curve upwards. The lower part of my top wing is the more mesmerizing part. The lower part of the top wing has Teal, Emerald Green and some light Cyan colouring the bottom parts of it.

The Lower 2 wings are nearly symmetrical to the top ones. The top part of the bottom wings has a reddish-orange colour going across the top. It also has the Emerald Green, Teal and Cyan colours for the middle, Which makes them even better to look at. Lastly, At the bottom part of the lower wings, there are purple colours. From the closest part of the wings on my back starts with the lighter purple and going outwards is the darker purple colouring.

Overall, My wings are around 2x my body size and could completely cover me if I wanted to.

"Hn, It seems that you don't have a full mutation Quirk, Only partial. Okay, now try to feel with anything different inside your body, And try to pull at it."

Hearing the slightly commanding voice I pull my thoughts to the inside of myself and I am surprised with what I found to say the least. Inside of myself is what feels like an extremely bright Light, Easily bright enough to instantly blind me and outshine any other kind of light there is.

I try to pull at a tiny bit of it and I am successful... Sort of. I did pull a small bit from The Light but I also accidentally let go of my control the moment it disconnected. The result of my mistake is a light bright enough to be a high-powered flashbang.

Also, Surprisingly enough when the flashbang Light I created happened I was still able to see perfectly Like nothing at all changed. But I could still somehow sense that I did such a thing with the Light.

"Alright, You have a Quirk that is related to Light. The quirk most probably comes from your father...And from the looks of it you don't have much control over it."

"Now then, Grab the small Metal bar and grip it as hard as you can. After this, We are finished, If you want to do a deeper quirk test go to a specialist."

I quickly walk over to the small metal bar and reluctantly grab at it. The moment I do I can feel every single thing about it. I can feel its structure, Its atoms and even the tiniest bits of light even slightly touching it. Being overloaded with this information I quickly drop the metal bar and move my hands closer to me.

"Hm? So it isn't only your feet that have a greater sense of touch... I'm not suited to properly help you with this subject so try and go to a quirk specialist."

"Come back into the room through the door and I will tell you your estimated evaluation."

Hearing his probably last command I quickly walk through the steel door once again and make my way to the left, Where the doctor and my Mother is waiting. The doctor has a piece of paper sitting on a clipboard with what I presume to be my quirk ratings.

The doctor walks about 3 steps closer to me to hand me the piece of paper and proceeds to say, "Alright... Here, This is your quirk rating. When you are finished please follow me to make our way back to the hospital."

I calmly grab at the piece of paper, Not expecting much from the small bit that I have shown but I was to be surprised.

Destructiveness: 1/5 ( The quirk only gives wings, tentacles, Minor light manipulation and enhanced sense of touch.)

Usefulness: 3/5 (The ability to create bright flashbangs at will could potentially make it incredibly easy to stun a villain and have enough time to capture them.

Mobility: 4/5 (Only outclassed by Teleportation, The ability to fly is the second most useful type of mobility.)

Senses: 3/5 (The enhancement of touch could be really useful for identifying certain types of substances.)

Rarity: 5/5 (The rarity of any quirk that has anything to do with Light is possibly the rarest type of quirk.)

Overall Ranking: B- (Could potentially be very useful if used properly, The wings will increase the potential of speed, The tentacles add an extra 6 limbs for the user to use and the Light manipulation is the most useful factor.)

Ha... I thought I would only get C- on this test. The test doesn't even do anything major and only tells you your potential. A quirk without high Destructiveness is usually always looked down on so this is easily a major boon to me. I get to train with my Light manipulation with no one suspecting my potential.

"If you are finished then please hurry and follow me, My lunch break starts soon."

Ah, I forgot about him. I guess it's time to go then.

My Mother and I follow him for a short while yet again back to the hospital where he eventually told us that we can leave. The drive home was generally quiet as usual, Neither my Mother nor I are that much of a talker and don't know how to start a proper conversation so it is usually awkward when we are alone.


We eventually got back to our apartment where I can finally get back into my bed... Today was tiring, even though nothing really happened. Though, When I was overloaded with all of the senses when I first woke up is something to really think about. Also, What was that connection that I first felt when it happened? It could be a fluke but I'm not the type of person to just ignore such a phenomenon.

"Hey, Raine..."

I stop my walk to my room in surprise when I hear my Mother calling me by my real name rather than just 'Brat' again. I look over to her to see her staring at me seriously... Or as seriously as a socially inept person can.

"You had me worried when you passed out you know... So... Try not to do anything too dangerous... I guess."

This is what surprised me the most. Because I am and was always the same as her when it came to talking, and showing emotions to others is something that I have generally learnt to fake. This time though, I know that my Mother meant those words and tried to put her emotions into words, But her uncertainty caused her to say 'I guess' unconsciously... I guess we have more in common than I thought... Maybe I should start talking to my Mother more than I do now.


Now then... Next on my To-Do-List is a good sleep, and then testing around with my EOL powers.


There ya go. A long chapter. This chapter took so long because I eventually totally ruined my sleep schedule because of all the coffee and... Well, I could barely stand straight because I was so tired.


HAHAHA! WOAH! I feel powerful. The ideas for this chapter just kept on coming, First I had ideas about a minion, Then rankings, and then other random stuff and in the end, I didn't have enough time to write a 10k word chapter :( Sad girl hours

Anyway! Haha. I am in a damn great mood right now. I could rant about how my day was great but it would just annoy you so I'm not going to do that. Ahh~... I think it is just because I am on my third cup of coffee... I am almost certain at least 60% of my blood is just caffeine now. I am on the real grind haha!

...Fuck me with some RGB HyperX Headphone set... Sleep deprivation mixed with mass doses of caffeine messes with me!!. I am gonna go hibernate, Hope you liked my caffeine-fueled chapter/rant!

And I still am not finished on my damned Caffeine rush! I got nothing to do at 5 am either... I'm going to go out on a run down to Maccas and get a Wrap or something! After I have another cup of coffee, Otherwise I would run out of energy halfway... I am fucking lazy, Aren't I? Yes, I am...

Jesus Christ, I am going to wake up and regret drinking all this coffee, aren't I? But it's funny so whatever!


Update from around 16 hours later: I did regret it. I have a really annoying headache again... I am never drinking coffee with 3 teaspoons of that stuff again. I felt way too hyper when I drank it, and now I feel like absolute trash with only my shitty energy... Self-deprecation ftw.

Haha... I feel like crying. Could I be having mood swings? That would explain a lot...

Also, Leave a Review! I am the only review on my fanfiction and it doesn't even count properly... and that's just sad.

If I get 10 reviews by the time I reply to some comments and stuff, I will try to do the next chapter or two quickly. Like, Within the same day.

Also, This chapter was almost 7,000 words. So, almost 5 chapters in one...

ItShallBeChloe ItShallBeChloe

Started this at 2:59 AM 11/04/2021

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