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Chapter 4: Wyrmling's Pride

Tvaylin had finished the corpse of his brother the day before and was starting to get more and more hungry but every time he went near his sister's food they ganged up and chased him away, knowing that he wouldn't harm them they became bold and defended their meat at all times.

Food was life for them all they were in the hatchling stage, they would double in size every week for the first few weeks and needed as much sustenance as they could eat, the females got into the odd squabble but they always stood together to ward off their brother.

Tvaylin would become frustrated every time they used their heads to push against him when he advanced on them, individually they couldn't match his might but together they stood a chance.

Lady SilverFang watched this dispassionately, her son needed to be strong, she was forcing him to overcome this challenge himself, it would make him smarter and stronger in the long run. She watched him change tactics when his plans failed.

Tvaylin's plans started as just trying to push his sisters out of the way or trying to shove his numerous sisters out of the way but he always got pushed back. He started to try to trick his sisters, he even tried to sneak up on them to snatch some food and dash off but his sisters kept a watchful eye on him.

It wasn't till the second day of him not eating that he finally had enough of playing nice for food, his sisters were guarding a particularly big piece of meat watchful against their ever-present brother now. He woke from his nap with a dreadful hunger eating him from the inside, he knew he had to do something different than last time, he tried the sneaky way and the brute force way now he was going to go with the savage way.

Tvaylin Stood up and started to walk calmly towards his sisters, they saw him coming so they came towards him shoulder to shoulder to try to push their brother away from the food but this time Tvaylin wasn't playing, one of his forepaws reached out and grabbed Drestia's undeveloped skull crest and pulled her out of the group, being as she was the smallest she instantly lost the strength contest and went flying past her brother as he pulled her out of the group.

Tvaylin turned around and punched into his smaller sibling as she struggled to get back to her feet but was too slow. Tvaylin hammered into her side with his much larger head, flipping her all the way over further disorentating her, after that he used his larger forepaws to try to hold his sister at bay.

Drestia went feral after the hit, she used her claws and scratched at anything she could get the sharp appendages on, she swiped across Tvaylins large chest scales in an attempt to dislodge her brother but to no avail, he flipped her on her side and grabbed one of her front forepaws in his mouth, his teeth drew blood when a few of them slipped in between Drestias scales.

Drestia let out a shrill cry at the bite and attempted to bite her brother back but he was too quick as he slid out of reach, even though she had forced him to let go she was still disadvantaged, that was until her other sister's dragon rushed her brother after the squeals of pain that Drestia released after being bitten.

Tvaylin was sent sprawling away as Drestia made a run for the safety of her sisters, he got back up and charged towards his sisters once again but he was fed up with being nice, he roared as loud as his little wyrmling lungs would let him before he charged into his sisters ready to fight to the bitter end.

Tvaylin charged the 3 remaining dragonets, he used his claws to swipe at them when they got in range, his first swipe pushed Selenta off balance and he took full advantage as he switched targets and bit into Galeso's shoulder.

Tvaylin dragged her a step back before getting a better grip on his sister as he raked his claws along the side of her body as he held her in his mouth, she fought back just as fierce but she wasn't as strong and started to mewl in pain before giving up and staying as still as she could in submission till her brother released her.

Galeso took off away from the fight after he let her go, two down and only two to go, he roared again at the fleeing Galeso before he turned towards his other sisters and started to advance towards them.

Tvaylin rushed forward like last time but was met with 2 sets of claws that were now used to his methods, as he tried to grab they worked together and attacked the foreclaws that tried to grab them. this surprised him as he expected to be able to pull out his other sisters but was met with much greater ferocity than he was expecting.

His first grab failed so he launched himself into his smaller sisters trying to get them to separate but they stuck together like glue, they knew that he would overpower them the instant they separated so they did everything they could to push their angry brother back but he wouldn't relent and just kept pushing till finally with a screech the two sisters were forced apart by pure strength.

They knew they had lost this fight so they quickly got out of his way as he sprinted to a now undefended meal

He bit into the corpse as his sisters watched from a ways away as he ate his fill and fell asleep once again on top of his prey, he kept one eye open in case his siblings decided they wanted to try and get their food back.

Lady SilverFang watched her children fight and pride bloomed in her heart, Tvaylin was a fighter, he had bested his sisters even though they worked together against him, being a Clutch Champion was truly a blessing.

OldGamerYoungMind OldGamerYoungMind

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