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Chapter 16: chapter 16.

Near the end of the year Harry found himself leaving Professor Flitwick's classroom with Loki on his shoulder, Harry had just finished one of his extra lessons with the charms master. He yawned, something that Loki copied, and walked back to the common room. However he was stopped on his way.

"Harry!" A voice called, Harry stopped and turned around to see Ron Weasley rushing towards him with Hermione Granger walking after him. "Brilliant Harry! You'll help us!" Ron said in a relived voice.

"You know that one of my most favourite words in the whole world is 'context'." Harry said as he glanced between the two.

"Look, we've discovered something." Hermione said. "Something big."

"The cure to cancer?" Harry asked hopefully.


"How to stop world hunger or cause world peace?"

"No but..."

"Something to solve any of the world's major problems?"

Well no but..."

"Well in that case it can't be that important can it." Harry smirked. "Goodbye now."

"Wait! It's really important! Snape's going to steal the stone!" Ron blurted out.

"I'm sorry what drugs are you on?" Harry frowned. "What are you on about?"

"The philosopher's stone," Hermione Granger replied. "The Philosopher's Stone is a legendary alchemical substance with magical properties. It's a ruby-red stone that could be used to create the Elixir of Life, which made the drinker immortal, as well as transform any metal into pure gold. The only known Stone to have ever existed was created by the famed alchemist Nicolas Flamel. We think that's what Headmaster Dumbledore is hiding on the third floor."

"Makes anything into pure gold? Keep going, you have my errection." Harry responded with a smile.

"You mean your attention?" Hermione frowned while making a mental note to look up that word and what it meant.

"That too," Harry nodded. "so something about the philosopher's stone."

"Right we've worked out that it's in the third floor," Ron said proudly. "Hagrid the game keeper has got a giant three headed dog guarding it, no really he does," Ron added when Harry gave him a disbelieving look. "and we think Snape's trying to steal it."

"You do see the flaw in your line of thinking, right?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Huh? What are you on about?" Ron frowned.

"Well you think Snape is stealing the supposed stone, have you ever considered that Snape is a bit obvious of a suspect? I mean have none of you ever watched Scooby doo? Or heard of Sherlock Holmes?"

"I have." Hermione said while Ron looked confused.

"Then you would clearly know that it's never the most obvious suspect."

"That's in stories, not real life." Hermione argued.

"Our lives aren't in real life." Harry countered. "I mean look at us, we're in a magical school where we learn spells from teachers, some of whom can turn into animals, and we use wands and dress in robes. Heck I even have a monkey, what regular kid in real life just has a monkey?" Harry said as he gestured to Loki. "Also since coming to this school I have learnt magic, flew on a broomstick and fought off a troll yet it 'never being the most obvious suspect' is where you draw the line?" Harry asked as he looked at her like she was an idiot, causing her to blush with embarrassment.

"Oh whatever, we've got to stop Snape from stealing the stone!" Ron said, re-entering himself into the conversation.

"Hmm, pretty sure we don't." Harry replied with a thoughtful look.

"What?!" The two gasped and looked at him with disbelief.

"Hey, I don't get paid to protect the stone." Harry said defensively. "Besides it's the teachers job to defend it, not mine."

"But the teachers don't believe us and Dumbledore's left the castle!" Ron argued. "Snape's going to go after it tonight!"

" that case rest in peace philosopher's stone, hopefully Snape's breath doesn't melt you." Harry said with a sad shake of his head as Loki wiped away fake tears from his eyes.

"You're not going to do anything?!" Ron demanded. "You're the boy-who-lived!"

"So is pretty much every other boy who is currently alive, that's a stupid name." Harry said before a smile appeared on his face. "If I had to chose a name for myself it'd be 'death blade' or 'dark ninja' or...I don't know actually but something cooler than 'the boy-who-lived'. Really stupid name."

"But you've got to help us!" Hermione said. "You're a hero! You stopped the troll!"

"Actually that was gravity," Harry responded. "I am no hero. I'm just a guy who likes the simple things in life and plans to enjoy them. So what if Snape, who I don't actually believe is trying to steal it by the way, tries to get it? Best case he'll fail, worse case he's rich and lives longer, hopefully it'll convince the prat to leave the school. Besides what exactly do you think you lot can do if it was Snape?" Harry shrugged before turning and walking away.

"That's it?!" Hermione shouted. "You're not going to do anything?!"

"I am going to go back to my common room, read a book then go sleep." Harry replied without looking back. "Good night." Harry added before he turned a corner. "Wow those two are slow," Harry said to Loki once he was sure that they wouldn't be heard. "almost as slow as the rest if they still think that the stone is in the third floor." Harry grinned just as Loki made a noise that would best be described as laughter.

"Ravenclaw wins." Dumbledore said at the leaving feast, the Ravenclaw table burst into cheers.

Dumbledore gave a smile while internally he was thinking about the situation he was currently in. He was not surprised that another house besides Slytherin had won, this year Severus had been forced to 'behave' for lack of a better term and that meant no favouring Slytherin's or sabotaging other houses. Of course the man did not go quietly but reluctantly agreed just so he could keep his job, though he still glared at Professor Flitwick and Harry Potter whenever he saw them.

Speaking of Harry, Dumbledore was a bit disappointed that the boy did not go after the philosopher's stone. Dumbledore had left various hints throughout the year but it seemed like Harry had ignored them. Dumbledore had hoped to have Harry face off against Professor Quirrell to not only test his magical strength but also to make sure if his mothers protection was still working. It would also be a nice test to see if Harry was willing to fight for the light.

When Dumbledore arrived he found Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley stuck on Professor Flitwick's room as neither possessed the broom skills to get pass it, he instructed them to wait there before he went after Quirrell. He and Quirrell duelled, it ended with Voldemort's wraith flying out of Quirrell's body upon realising that he would not win the duel, an act which unfortunately killed Quirrell.

Later upon talking to Mr Weasley and Miss Granger Dumbledore had learnt that they tried to stop Quirrell and tried talking Harry into helping them but Harry refused because he believed that it was not his job and that it was teachers job to defend the stone, Dumbledore knew that the boy was right but still could not help but feel disappointed in him. Of course he could not voice this disappointment out loud because 'I am disappointed you didn't try to stop a teacher from stealing a magical artifact in a forbidden part of the corridor' was not a conversation that would go in his favour.

However the worst part was the fact that when Dumbledore checked the mirror that contained the stone the stone was not there, he had no idea where it had gone. He had checked Mr Weasley and Miss Granger for it but they did not have it, the only other student he thought that knew about it was Harry but he had apparently not known about it until he was told by Mr Weasley and Miss Granger. Dumbledore was tempted to ask his staff to search all of the students possessions but that would not go over well with the students, especially those with dark families, and it could lead to more questions being asked that Dumbledore did not want to answer.

"So Harry," Lisa said as the pair sat in a compartment on the Hogwarts express at the end of their first year. "where are you going to stay for the summer?"

"Leaky cauldron," Harry answered. "you can visit me there if you want. I had asked Tom if I could have a job there for the summer. So I'll be working in exchange for a discount on my stay."

"It's a shame that you don't have a home to go to." Lisa frowned.

"Actually I do but it won't be ready by this summer." Harry replied. "When I went to Gringotts they checked some of the properties I have from my family, they've sent me updates. I've sold off a few, after that it was just deciding which one to live in. I decided near the end of the year and sent them a letter asking them to fix it and ward it. By the time they reckon it'll be done I'll be getting packed to go back to Hogwarts. What about you? Will I get to meet your parents today?"

"No," Lisa shook her head. "they're busy so they're sending a house elf to come and get me. Anyway, at least this summer I have someone I can actually visit. are you sure it's fine for me to visit?"

"Well the cauldron is a public pub, it's not like I can say no. Plus if you're worried about me then I won't mind, I'm pretty sure Loki won't mind. Loki, do you mind?" Harry asked as he looked to Loki who was sitting next to him and pretending to read a book, Loki looked up from his book and smiled before shaking his head. "You have Loki's seal of approval, you no longer have to worry about anything."

"Glad to know." Lisa smirked.



Harry currently found himself relaxing on a bed and reading a book with Loki relaxing next to him and looking at a picture book. The two were currently in their room in the leaky cauldron, it was not fancy but for someone who lived on the streets most of his life this place was more than perfect.

"Harry!" He heard Tom call. "Work starts in an hour, be ready."

"You got it!" Harry shouted before returning back to his book. Loki tapped his arm to get Harry's attention. "Yes you have to come with me," Harry said without looking at him. "I'm not leaving you without at least me or Lisa keeping an eye on you."

If Harry looked at Loki he would have seen the monkey pouting.



"Here you go," Harry said as he placed a plate on the table. "I hope you enjoy it." He said, to the man and woman sitting at the table. He was currently helping Tom out in the leaky cauldron and as of the moment he was serving customers.

"Thank you Mr Potter," The woman smiled. "most people you're age wouldn't consider getting a job."

"Well a jobs a job and money's money." Harry shrugged. "Besides it gives me something to do."

"Hmm," The man nodded approvingly. "that is a brilliant attitude to have. More kids should be like you."

"I think people should be like themselves," Harry replied. "if everyone was like me then things would get boring. I'll go and let you enjoy your dinner, just give us a call if you need anything." Harry smiled before walking off.

"Hey excuse me, I'm finished." One person said as he gestured to his plates and drinks.

"Alright coming." Harry said as he came over and picked them up.

"Thanks kid." The man said.

"No problem, if you want to leave me a tip then leave it with the monkey up front."

"Hey now, Tom's a nice guy." The man frowned.

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