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Chapter 31: Chapter 30.

"What? Speak up, Mr Malfoy." Snape ordered.

"I said I don't know!" Malfoy said as he looked up at Snape, glaring at him.

"How can you not know?!" Snape demanded, looking at him like he was an idiot who was wearing his underwear on his head.

"If I knew then it wouldn't be lost!" Malfoy responded.

"How could you lose it?! It's your wand!"

"I don't know!" Draco shouted.

"What an idiot you are, Malfoy!" Snape shouted back, "Your father will hear about this!" The two seemed to have gotten so into their argument that they have forgotten that they were in the great hall. The whole of the hall was very much enjoying this, but then they saw Professor McGonagall make her way down towards the two Slytherin's, letting them all know that today's entertainment was coming to an end.

"Ah well, it was good while it lasted." Harry sighed as he stood up. "See you later, Liz." Harry leaned down and kissed her on the head before he turned and walked off.

When Harry arrived outside of the headmaster's office he spent about two and a half minutes guessing passwords until he was able to find the right one, it was 'milky bars' by the way, the gargoyle stepped to the side and Harry walked past it.

"Alright Loki, do it." Harry whispered to Loki once he was past the gargoyle. Loki turned to him, giving him a questioning look that quite clearly said 'are you sure about this?'. "Do it, brother!" Harry whisper-shouted. Loki looked at him for several long moments before he shrugged his shoulder and raised both of his hands, his hands were closed into fists, a single finger popped up from each hand. Loki then poked Harry in both of his eyes. "Ow!" Harry hissed as he closed his eyes, blinking rapidly as tears poured out of his eyes. "Thank you, Loki." Harry said as he started walking up the stairs. "You are a good monkey friend, a really good monkey friend." Harry said, earning a bright smile from Loki.

Dumbledore had been in his office, sitting behind his desk, working through some rather boring paperwork. Honestly, if there was one part of this job that he could do without then it was the paperwork, he would gladly strip naked and tear out all of his beard by hand before running around Hogsmead in pink and fluffy rabbit slippers if it meant that he would never have to do anymore of that blasted paperwork. Though if he was being honest then he would never really do that for multiple reasons.

One of the main reasons for that being the very simple fact that nobody - well...nobody who was mentally sound - would ever want to see that. The second main reason being the fact that it would quite easily ruin his reputation, he knew that he made it seem so very easy but to maintain a reputation like his own was quite a lot of hard work, he had to always make sure people saw him the way he wanted to be seen, as the wise and old leader of the light.

Dumbledore was brought out of his thoughts when the mini-ward he had placed on the door alerted him to the fact that somebody was outside of his office, he wasn't really sure who it was as he had not remembered making any appointments for today. Dumbledore was about to call the person, whoever it was, to come in, a little trick that he liked to pull, which helped him in making people think that he was truly an all knowing and all wise headmaster. But then the door opened before he got to chance to do so, and then in walked none other than Harry James Potter, and naturally on his shoulders was his favourite companion, Loki.

"I..." Dumbledore was about to speak but stopped when he noticed the teary eyes of Harry. "Mr Potter?" Dumbledore asked just as Harry closed the door. "Are you okay?"

"No!" Harry cried loudly as he rushed towards Dumbledore, he walked around the desk and wrapped his arms around Dumbledore's neck as he began sobbing loudly into his shoulder. "True love is ruined!" Harry cried.

"What?" Dumbledore blinked.

"Because I can't go to Hogsmead!" Harry cried even more loudly. "I'm going to miss out on my date and then she'll leave me and then true love will be ruined!" Harry shouted, Loki began crying with him just as Harry wiped his nose on Dumbledore's robes.

Half an hour later if somebody had walked into the Professor Dumbledore's office then they would have found some of the portraits crying loudly while the other, smaller amount of portraits would be staring at the crying ones. They would also find a phoenix with tears dripping down its face as a monkey sat next to it, crying and wailing dramatically. And if that wasn't enough then they would find Harry Potter, curled up into a ball on top of Headmaster Dumbledore's desk, looking right into eyes of the headmaster. He had his knees tucked into his chest with one arm while his other arm was waving a French flag that he had somehow managed to get his hands on.

Dumbledore was looking at Harry with eyes as wide as they were ever going to be, his jaw was also dropped.

"And I am going to France," Harry sniffed in a sad voice. "and then I will find some French girls and have an orgy...because England is shiiiiiiiiiiit." He sang the last part out, rocking back and forth, which felt a bit odd to do seeing as he was lying down on his side.

"M...Mr Potter," Dumbledore eventually spoke, he had no idea what was going but decided that he had to do something, partly because there was no way in hell he was letting a British icon like Harry Potter go to the French of all people, but also because he really just wanted Mr Potter to leave. "w...what can I do to help you?" He asked.

"Could you sign this?" Harry said, not even a second later as he dropped the flag on the desk and handed Dumbledore his Hogsmead form. Dumbledore didn't even bother reading it to see what it was, he just signed it as quickly as possible. "Could I also have a note for Professor McGonagall to explain why I am late?" Harry asked in a hopeful voice as he sat up.

"Do I look good?" Harry asked Loki as he looked in the mirror in his room, he was dressed in black shoes, blue jeans, and he was wearing a dark green shirt under a black woolly jacket. Harry had been tempted to do something about his hair but eventually gave that up as a lost cause, his options were to leave his hair as it currently was (messy and almost as wild as him) or just to use enough hair gel that someone might confuse him with Draco Malfoy. Loki stared at him for several seconds before he nodded and gave him a double thumbs up. "Great, I am going to go and have my date with Lisa, you do me a favour and please stay here and stay good. You can do that, right?" Harry asked.

Loki gave him an innocent smile before nodding.

"Right...I hope the castle's still standing when I get back." Harry said as he put on a black woolly hat.

"Hi Harry." Lisa smiled when Harry met her at the Hogwarts entrance.

"Hi, Liz." Harry grinned as he stopped in front of her, she was wearing blue shoes along with blue jeans, she had a fluffy white jacket on over a blue shirt and on her head she also had a woolly jacket. "Looking good." Harry said.

"Thank you," Lisa smiled brightly at the compliment. "not looking so bad yourself, Harry. You know, you never ever did tell me about how exactly you got Professor Dumbledore to agree to let you go to Hogsmeade."

"And that is a question that will never, ever be answered." Harry told her in a surprisingly firm voice. "Well, shall we?" Harry said as he offered her an arm. Lisa raised an eyebrow at the gentlemanly behaviour but did place her hand on the crook of his elbow.

The two walked towards the exit where Professor McGonagall began checking everyone for permission slips, she had raised an eyebrow at Harry's permission form, Harry gave her an innocent smile that would not be amiss on Loki's face. After that the pair of them had to deal with none other than Argus Filch, the couple both spent an awkward amount of minutes getting checked for 'illegal contraband' before they arrived at the carriages.

"My lady." Harry said as he opens the carriage door and helps her enter it.

"You're being surprisingly gentlemen-like." Lisa commented as Harry entered and sat down before the carriage started moving.

"Ah, well I read some books and asked Penelope about appropriate date like behaviour." Harry admitted.

"Ah," Lisa nodded in understanding. "you don't have to worry too much about that. Just don't do anything illegal and just be yourself."

"You know that it's hard to have both of those things." Harry frowned before he shrugged. "If that's what you want."

"It is." She said without missing a beat.

"That's what you'll get then." Harry told her in a firm voice before he smiled. "So, you looking forward to spending time in Hogsmeade?" Harry asked.

"Oh yes, I've never actually been there more than twice." She said. "The first time I went was around about when I was four years old and then the next time I went was around about when I was seven."

"I've gone never!" Harry said in a cheerful voice. "I guess that means you can tell me all about it and be my lovely tour guide."

"If I must." Lisa said with feigned exhaustion. "You'll really like it." She told him with a grin. "There are so many nice shops and the people there are really nice. By the way, can I ask you something?"

"You just did but go ahead." Harry nodded before he gestured her to continue.

"Why haven't you brought Loki with you?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "You bring Loki everywhere."

"Alright, well first of all, not everywhere. We have different bathroom schedules." Harry replied. "Second of all I was originally going to bring Loki with me but then I started thinking about if it was a good thing to bring him with me on our date. So then I asked Penelope and she suggested that it would be better to not take Loki with me on our date because you might not like it. Was she wrong?" Harry frowned.

"Sort of." Lisa replied. "It's hard to explain but I do like the idea of it just being you and me on our dates, but with that being said I would be fine if you occasionally bring him on our dates."

"What? Really?" Harry blinked.

"Yes, really." She nodded. Harry stared at her for several seconds before he leaned forwards and kissed her.

"You're the best." He told her as he pulled away.

"Thank you." She beamed, she was about to say more when she noticed other students whispering in the other carriages. She looked around and saw that many of them were not so subtly looking at them. It was at this point then that she remembered that she and Harry had not yet announced that they were boyfriend and girlfriend. "Everyone's talking about us." She whispered to him.

"Huh?" Harry asked, tilting his head slightly.

"Harry," She said with an amused smile. "I am the richest girl in the world and you're the most famous boy in the wizarding world, and now that we're together people are going to talk about us."

"Oh," Harry said as realisation hit him. "I'll fix this." He told her before he stood up and looked at the other people in the other carriages. "Yes, she's my girlfriend, be jealous then piss off and leave us alone." Harry said loudly before he sat back down. "Great, now that's dealt with." He said with a pleased smile, though admittedly his smile vanished as a confused look appeared on his face a few seconds later when Lisa face-palmed.

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