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Chapter 2: Chapter one

Past-Munia slowly opened her eyes. She sat up carefully to avoid a headache she just knew would come. As expected, it hit. And it hit hard.

Her eyes widened. Her survival instincts finally hitting. She sat up quickly, only to be hit with a stronger headache. She groaned and leaned her in her hand. Only then did she notice the chair she was sitting on and based on the loose arm it meant it was a movie chair. Despite not being in a movie theater in three years, she still remembers it.

She looked around her surroundings. She noticed her 'friends' sitting around her. Jenna was on her left and Liza on her right. The rest was lined up with them right in the middle. There were more people in front of them, but they were passed out and she couldn't see their faces.

She looked at Jenna. Worry flashing in her heart veins invulnerably. She gently smiled allowing herself a moment of vulnerably.

Jenna's eyes fluttered open, revealing beautiful chocolate brown eyes that were shining due to sleep. They locked eyes and both their breath was stolen. Brown to Blue, Bue to Brown. Both were beautiful. "Hi..." Munia breathed out softly. Embarrassment crawling in her veins due to getting caught staring. She must think I'm a creep now. Munia pulled away.

Jenna blinked, disappointed. She locked herself out again. Their moment was ruined by a loud groan to their right. They turned to see Liza waking up. The blond sat up and looked around. She looked at them blankly. "Where are we?" She asked looking at her twin sister, Jenna.

"I don't know." Munia answered.

"I didn't ask you." Liza retorted. Guilt immediately entered her heart as she Munia's slight hurt look.

"Liza." Jenna scolded. Liza ignored them and looked around their surroundings instead. The people in front of them looked to be finally waking up. A man with hero hair stood up. He had brown hair with green eyes. The minute they saw him, they recognized him immediately.

"Uncle Markus?" All three of them asked simultaneously The twins looked at Munia, they didn't know she knew their uncle. And why did she call him 'uncle'?

The man turned to them. The twins expected a smile and recognition, not pure confusion. "Uncle? Who are you?" His voice turned hostile, not anything they have heard before.

Munia ignored it, long since used to hostile tones unlike the other two. "You're dead." She stated bluntly, despite the slight tears in her eyes at seeing her Godfather for the first time. She has only seen him from pictures and even that wasn't a lot. She remembered the stories her father, aunt and uncle would tell her. About the good Thorne brother who fell in love with two doppelgangers. One of her aunt's past lovers and her father's best friend.

"What?" He breathed out. Hostile tone replaced by slight panic.

"Yeah, you died on March 8, 2018." Liza followed up. A tear slipped down her cheek before she wiped it away. Not knowing that Munia saw.

"You d-died on your wedding day." Jenna stuttered out.

"What do you mean?! It's November 29, 2012, today!" A man beside Markus yelled out. It was Damian, his brother.

"No, it's not. It's November 9, 2029." Jenna said, now confused.

Munia ignored the slight chaos and looked around. She had a slight theory of what may be happening. Turns out she was right, the people that were around, slowly waking up were people from the past. Back then when Markus was still alive. Which means...

She whipped her head around, smacking Liza in the process with her hair, earning her a disgruntled sound which she ignored. She was again right. There was her father, alive and well. Her eyes filled with tears as she saw her father for the first time in two years. She wanted to run into his arms and hug him tight, she wanted him to run his fingers through her hair and call her princess again. But she can't have those, because in his life at the moment, she doesn't exist.

It was sad but true, and she has long since been used to that.

Liza watched Munia staring at a man. She knew who the man was, Aragorn Mich. Munia's father. She only ever met the old man once, but the stories her mom and dad would tell her, the books her sister and teacher forced her to read, gave her a view into his personal life. Although, she doubts that the 'Great Evil' is that monstrous if Munia loves him so much. But the question lies in her head, how is he here? Like Markus, he is supposed to be dead, Damian isn't supposed to feel like he does now, full of darkness and death.

Even if she is just a siphoner, she is strong enough to tell the difference. Magic was pouring out on all three parties, two of them aren't supposed to be there. Speaking of vampires, if Munia's father is here, does that mean...

She whipped her head around, smacking her twin's face hard. Her gaze landed on a female figure and softened.

"Hey!" Jenna yelled, startled. She followed her twin's gaze and softened as well. A single word coming out of both of their mouths. "Mom."

It took a second to register, but when it did. They ran over to Candice, stopping for a moment of whiplash as two of them were in front before tackling in a hug the one in black instead of the one with bright colors. They have already guessed what was happening.

Candice from the past watched in confusion as two girls hugged her imposter. Her head filled with confusion as she watched the imposter's eyes filled with tears and a happy smile plastered on her face. Present-Candice hugged her daughter backed tightly.

"Mommy..." They whimpered in her chest. "Your here." It was no doubt the girls were emotional as it took every bit of their control to not sob out.

After a few seconds, they let go slowly. Jenna looked over at Present-Candice's shoulder to see their uncle, Damian with his arms held out. She grinned, she brushed past her mother and ran to his arms. They hugged tightly, a second later, another pair of arms joined them. The twins and their uncle embraced tightly.

They haven't seen each other in two years along with their mother and they missed them. They loved their father, but they need their mom too.

Turns out, everyone was there. The twins took their time greeting everyone. Munia watched from afar, waiting.

"Hate to break this family reunion, but we have to." A man suddenly said. The light turned on as the rest of the room came to light. A stage with computers around, a man and a woman standing on top. Both of them looking slightly familiar to Munia...

"Who the hell are you?" Damian snapped.

Present-Emelia slapped his shoulder. "Not in front of the kids!"

"They've seen worse." He retorted. Jenna and Liza nodded in agreement.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude." The man continued speaking. Munia wasn't sure if she can even call him a man, he looks seventeen... "My name is Ellie and this is Gideon." He gestured to the woman beside him, again she looked familiar. "You all must be wondering where you all are and what date it is." He smirked. "Well, you are all wrong. It's October 9, 2019."

"How is that possible, before I went to be I saw it was November." Dread filled her as theories filled her head. It couldn't be...There is no such spell.

"Oh, it's possible alright," Gideon spoke up, looking at her. "You are all in a time realm where time doesn't pass. Ellie and I created this realm so that you can all watch your future and your past to reveal secrets that were never told."

"Whether you like it or not." Ellie finished for her with a smirk. That explains everything perfectly.

The silence continued what he finished as we registered what he said.

Munia took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Dread filling her as she just knew this was going to be a disaster. "All of our secrets?" She asked tentatively, almost in a whisper. All the confidence she had disappeared as she thought of the coincidence if they found out her secret.

It was quiet, but Ellie heard her perfectly. His eyes softened filled with unseen sympathy as he stared at her. "Yes." She took a sharp breath and released it, her heart aching.


"What gives you the right to do this?" Her father finally stood up, Aragon smirked at the young boy standing on stage, but it wasn't friendly as the coldness in his eyes increased each second.

Ellie sighed, unfazed by the 'Great Evil'. Munia widened her eyes, paired with the similarities, and the way he acted, and the look in his eyes, it looked so much like...

"Oh, we absolutely have no right to do that, but well~" He sat down at a chair that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. They all widened their eyes as he didn't even say a spell. Aragon narrowed his eyes, taking it as a threat...and he didn't like it. "We don't care," Ellie said softly, emotionlessly. A dark aura surrounded him, Aragon tensed as magic swirled around Ellie, unwanted chills running down his spine. Aragon didn't know whether not it was because of Ellie's magic or his eyes that looked so similar to his own, blue-colored. Is this what the people he terrified felt?

It was clear he was dangerous and Ellie was proud of it, telling by the way he carried himself. Confident, relaxed, a twinkle of amusement never leaving his eyes, a sinister look was all it showed. Aragon wasn't scared of him, not even a tiny bit.

Aragon's eyes hardened a different kind of coldness taking over it, the look to kill. He rushed forward with his vampire speed, leaving a gush of wind and a blur, heading for Ellie's head sitting at the stage. Just as to be reached his hand out to Ellie's neck, he was thrown off as a blue barrier was placed in front of the young boy.

Aragon let out a grunt as his back was slammed to the ground with an invisible force. They heard a few cracks and guessed some of his bone broke. Munia gasped, she looked back at the boy who still sat on his chair, cross-legged and with a smirk on his lips. He didn't even say anything, in order to do that you needed to say a spell, as far as the other people in this room know, but she knows better than that.

It was a powerful spell that could only be done by the most skilled witches and warlocks could do and to say it wordless was even harder to do, when it comes to Nature Magic the barrier would show nothing, completely invisible. When using Wizarding Magic...that's when it shows a blue barrier.

Munia took another deep breath as she realized this, the boy's a wizard. Not a warlock, a powerful wizard who could probably kill half of the people in this room without even batting an eye.

Aragon chuckled to himself and pulled himself up. He stared at Ellie dead in the eyes. "Why do you want to do this? What's your reason, I mean," He chuckled again. He seemed much calmer after looking at him in the eyes. Such a bipolar change, Candice rolled her eyes as he watched this pathetic scene. "You must have one to go through all of this!" Aragon gestured around the whole room. "You are from the future, am I wrong?" His voice turned back to cold, his British accent clear as day while he continued to stare at him in the eyes.

Ellie continued to look at him calmly, still unfazed. "Of course, I am. It's lame being in this generation, I have a reason for doing this. Two reasons actually," He held up a finger. "One, someone told me to do this as their wish, two I want to know why they wished that." He sighed and finally looked away from Aragon's eyes, breaking the tension Aragon created. "I don't want to do this," he pointed at Gideon who was just standing there, watching the drama going on. "We don't want to do this." He purposely corrected himself to show his emphasis. "It's both a selfish and a selfless reason." He finished softly.

"You understand, don't you, Aragon?" Gideon spoke up. He didn't say anything and continued to stare at them coldly. "I hope all of you do, you don't know it yet," She paused. "But this place is going to be both a blessing and a curse."

All of them kept silent as the upcoming events finally sank in, this is going to be a disaster, they all thought.


Ellie stood up abruptly, the chair making a sound as it was pushed back harshly. He took multiple folders from a table behind him and snapped his fingers, suddenly they all had each one. "Inside that is a short description, like names with the people around you so that you wouldn't have to introduce yourself and make this longer than it has to be." He pointed a finger at the hallways that they now just noticed, like a leader all of their head turned in that direction simultaneously. "Your rooms are there, let's sleep first and watch the first episode tomorrow."

He walked away to a hallway in the opposite direction of the one he pointed. "Goodnight." He said lazily without even looking at them.

"Is it even nighttime?" Liza snarked yet again as she crossed her arms.

"Yes." Gideon said matter of fact. She followed Ellie. "Goodnight." Unlike the boy, the AI turned to them with a friendly smile.

Past-Munia laid in her bed, blankly staring at the ceiling as today's events rushed through her head. She just knew her secret is going to come out, not only hers but others as well who unknowingly shared the same secret as to her. She took a deep breath and readied herself for tomorrow's events like a friend taught her to do.

The next day...

Liza and Jenna's room

Present-Liza laid in her bed, staring at the ceiling for what felt like the billionth time. She wondered to herself as her twin redied to get out of the room if she can go outside and face her past self. The pathetic, insecure girl that she hated. Even when it was only a year, she had changed a lot and she has...forgotten how that happened or who made it happened and she was determined to find out in goddamn movie theater.

The big plus in this place is that she can find out other people's secrets because she loves drama as long as she's in it and minus in this is that they can find out about her secret as well...she also forgot what it is. She didn't say it out loud as people might think her crazy again, but she felt a missing piece in her memories and it confused her, a big one. The kind that felt it was a part of your entire life. This room might end up in a disaster, but she was also determined not to be a part of that said disaster.

She sat up with a bright smile, stood up, and went inside the bathroom to fix herself without even acknowledging her sister, looks like that didn't change.

Jenna put her hand on her heart after being rudely startled, she shook it off and continued brushing her hair. Unlike Liza, she was dreading finding out about people's secrets, sure she was so badly curious about her mother's past life, but it was still a violation of privacy that looked like Ellie and Gideon didn't care about. As far as she knows, she's not hiding a big secret so she knows she's in the clear.

She tied her hair in a perfect high ponytail and plastered a big smile on her face, almost forced. She looked around their room, it was a replica of their room in the Thorne Boarding School, even the clothes were here. It was a work of magic and she was lowkey dying to know the spell.

Her eyes caught the big white folder sitting at her desk after she lazily left it last night without reading it yet. Her smile fell and she sighed, she walked over to pick it up and flipped to the first page. While waiting for Liza she might as well read it.

twenty-minutes later...

Liza sighed happily as she shut the bathroom door after washing herself thoroughly and perfectly, her hair perfectly brushed and not a single wrinkle in her dress, absolutely perfect and she felt like it even as she know she isn't. That was another thing that changed without her knowing, she felt much better about herself than she has her entire life. Wonder what happened to cause such a strong change...

Her smile brightens upon seeing her sister, she was engrossed in that folder and didn't look she wanted to look away soon.

"Good morning, Jenna." She realized she didn't greet her sister earlier and bow felt bad. She had to change that. Oof, she had a lot to change about herself, she realized. She called out as she opened the door. Her twin looked up, eyes dazed from what she was reading.


"I'm heading out to breakfast, are you coming?" She shook her head.

"No, I'll head there after you." Liza nodded, slightly disappointed. She was terrified to meet her past self, but she would never admit it. Not even to her twin. It seemed like Jenna realized this as she put down her folder and stood up to walk beside her.

"Never mind, I'll go with you."

Liza smiled wildly in appreciation. They smiled at each other together, they didn't have to speak to understand what the other was feeling. "Okay, let's go."

At the dining table

They arrived at the dining room, arms locked together and looking confident. All the past and present people were all there at a different table, how can they tell? By the outdated clothes of course. Liza faked gagged and Jenna giggled.

"Good morning." They greeted together.

"Good morning, my babies" Only one person answered as Candice looked up from her meal. They reveled in what their mom addressed them as it's been a long time. "Come eat." They sat down beside her and started eating.

After breakfast

"Good morning~!" Ellie popped up on the stage after they all, except Present-Munia sat down in the movie seats again. "Hope you enjoyed your breakfast," he put a hand on his chest proudly. "I was the one who cooked them."

"It was great," Dimitri answered with barely any life in his voice. "But mine would have been better."

Ellie just hummed, ever so unfazed. "Believe what you want to believe."

Past-Munia took a double-take after hearing that. Again, she was startled by the similarities Ellie had with someone very special to her. It's getting a little scary, who is this Ellie?

"Did you all already read the folders we handed out last night?" They were a chorus of 'yes and yeah' mixed as Gideon spoke up. Present-Munia didn't bother reading the folder as she already knew who everyone is. Though she knew that some of them were lying as she watched amusingly as Liza widened her eyes upon realizing she hasn't read it yet.

She looked for her seat with her name on it and found it right beside the blond Katz. She sighed and walked over to sit beside her.

She plops herself down on the seat and crossed her arms. She didn't look at either of the twins and continued to look at the stage.

Liza stared at her confused. "Uh, excuse me? What are you doing here?" Stranger danger was all that was in her mind.

Munia knew they didn't remember her, so she carefully picked her words to not piss the blond off. "This is my seat." She answered simply.

"What do you mean? You weren't here beside us earlier?"

Munia shrugged. "I think Ellie moved me." Because of course, he had to, She thought bitterly.

Liza opened her mouth to retort with what they knew were something harsh before Jenna placed a hand on her twin's shoulder and smiled kindly at Munia. Munia's heart sped up at the familiar sight and smiled instinctively. A wave of nostalgia washing over them both. "Just leave her be, Liz." The brunette stared at Munia, an expressionless look on her face. She knew Munia, the girl that 'flirted' with her boyfriend on that football game outside this realm. What was the question, is what is she doing here? Does that mean she's magical? "You can stay here," Jenna said with no feelings whatsoever in her voice.

Munia smiles bittersweetly, it was just like a year ago. She thought she can handle this again, she didn't know it would be so hard. "Thanks." She said. She turned back to the stage and ignored them, but they were in jer thoughts as always.

Liza rolled her eyes and turned her attention to the stage as well. She opened her mouth, her instincts telling her to say something to the girl beside her. She tried to fight it as she didn't even know why she felt this way, but as a 'bipolar witch,' her instincts were destined to beat her control. "Good morning." She whispered, her eyes widening right after she said it.

Jenna leaned back and didn't hear what she said, but Munia did. She stared at Liza with widened eyes before smiling wildly, she didn't say anything and just turned her attention back on the stage. She nodded to acknowledge what the blond said. Liza nodded back with pink cheeks before looking away as well, determined not to look at her again. She felt that her heart beat faster when she did and knew that wasn't healthy.

She didn't who the girl is, she was positive this was the first time she has ever met her. But somehow, her heart raced at the sight of her, but still felt very calm inside. Her head was a lot clearer and the emptiness she previously felt was now replaced with a feeling of full completeness.

Ellie got another chair using magic and sat down on it again, crossing his arms and legs nonchalantly. Munia narrowed her eyes, the moves were yet again familiar. "Before we start I'm some of you have some questions regarding a certain someone, and even if you don't I'm explaining nevertheless." Some scoffs were heard all around the room right after he said that. Liza scoffed and crossed her arms, but kept her mouth shut. The boy was powerful and she wasn't stupid enough to dare piss him off. "That girl!" Ellie shouted suddenly. Munia rolled her eyes, Ellie had his index finger pointed at her from the stage.

Comically so, all heads turned to her, all looking confused.

"And who is she?" Aragon's elder brother, Josiah asked. He was crossing his arms and legs in a similar style to Ellie, but Munia knew it wasn't her beloved that reminded her of someone. Her heart cracked a little hearing what he had said, he looked at her as a stranger and she had expected that. It still hurts, even though she doesn't want it to.

"Exactly what I'm going to explain." Ellie relaxed even further in his chair. "Now buckle up, I'm about to tell a long, long story." He smirked.

To be continued...

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