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Chapter 3: To The Ports To The Seas

"Oh? you're already awake?" Liz walked through the door to find Leo sitting at the table eating breakfast. Leo looked up while chewing before he swallowed.

"I mean its the break of dawn currently and we have around 30 minutes to get to the ports."

Liz sat down across the table which was houses 6 chairs. Resting her face on her palms she closed her eyes.

"Yeah yeah atleast you're not sleeping thats all the matters, anyways hurry up we need to leave soon since the ports are across town."

"Its fine even walking it will take around 45 minutes but we will take a faster method." Leo spoke while directing his eyes to a corner of the room.

Liz opened her eyes and followed his gaze, sitting there were a pair of skates and a skateboard. Liz turned back to Leo.

"Isn't there a better method?" Liz pouted as she thought back to an previous event and shivered.

"Nope" Leo shook his head then went back to eating. Leaving the pouting Liz to silence besides the sound of chewing snd the occasional sound of metal hitting glass.

Leo finished quickly only taking another 5 minutes before he washed his plates and quickly washed up a bit.

A few minutes later

"We can leave now" Leo grabbed the pair of skates and threw them to Liz before grabbing his board and quickly checking it.

These skates Leo threw to Liz started as more of a flat board that will fold and mold into a skate matching the wearers feet size even with shoes on making these very convenient.

Liz stood up from her seat and walked to the door before throwing her 2 boards to the ground outside and stepping on them. It quickly formed a skate and with a slight hop the wheels had room to pop out.

Leo walked out closing his door behind him which automatically locked. Glancing at Liz he dropped his board down before he pushed off and slowly picked up speed. Liz followed closely behind and soon they really shot off into the distance.

They were going at a steady 30 miles per hour easily controlling themselves through the streets. Not many vehicles could be seen as there hasnt been a real need for them considering how most people live near the sea side or near the center of the landmass they live on. So besides a few public and private transports cars are very limited, only owned by those who travel alot. Plus since there are other devices for traveling that are smaller and more portalable like these skates, they are the more preferred choice, since they can reach up to 80mph although no one really goes over 40.

Coming to a bend they slowly leaned to one side and easily slid by it not even dropping speed. They flew past the stadium in less than 10 minutes since they left. As they got closer to the ports they started to meet up with groups of people setting off as well, all using either skates, bikes or skateboards to get around.

Reaching this point They allowed themselves to slow down and stay with the group. Including those two the group had 10 people The street wasn't very packed but it was still annoying to skate in a group. As such they staggered into racing lines of sorts and it allowed enough room for everyone. Light chatter occured and soon they reached the port.

Jumping off their skateboards, skidding their bikes to a stop, or pressing one of there heels down everyone stopped quickly and started walking the moment they reached the edge of the port. Bikes and skateboard folded into each other becoming short poles or small boxes ehile skates compressed back to there original flat shape before they folded as well.

Many groups arrived at around the same time all walking down the sea line to a big open area a bit away from the docks. There was Captain Jess standing alone with a already large group forming around her. Joining into the crowd conversations continued for another 5 minutes and soon it his 7 am and everyone quieted down. The final people walked up as well totaling 500 people.

"Hello again, in a few minutes you will all be asked to board different ships depending on the orb class you have selected. Of course you're all going to the same place but will be getting there at different times, those who chose an carrier will board the carrier, light crusiers board light crusiers, etc etc. This will be the only separation no color separations or anything of the sort."

A person walked down from the dock and nodded to Captain jess before turning and leaving. Cpt. Jess clapped her hands and smiled. "Well then you are now allowed to board the ships, so be on your way."

Captain jess turned and walked towards the docks herself and chatter immediately returned to the crowd and the group quickly followed after her. Some said goodbye as they all spilt and boared their respective motor boats.

Leo and liz were one of these people saying goodbye.

"Ill see you at the academy then, dont die out there" Liz looked at Leo as they approached the carriers boat.

"I guess so I'll see you then I guess" Leo nodded before he waved and walked off. Liz shook her head in respond and stared at Leos back before boarding.

Cpt. Jess boarded one farest from the entrance of the dock. As she set off the others followed behind. Waves splashed against the boats as it glided through the water, a fishy breeze blew past their faces as they entered the sea. The boats broke apart and went different directions as the small vague forms of ships from the docks grew into massive ones.

The crew was visible on the deck and they waved as the boats came to the sides and a multiple ladders were dropped. Many people climbed on at once and soon everyone boarded and the motor boards started on there way back to the port of the island.

A loud horn blew and the ships slowly lifted anchor, soon enough another horn blew and the ships slowly picked up speed. With a large frigate leading the ships as they started to cut through the sea in formation.

At last they have set off into the vast sea of Ewleys.

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