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Chapter 24: Mysterious inn

Tu, Tu, ru⁓ ♪

What a beautiful day, the sun shines around me.

Around me ⁓ ♪

He, he, those were good times.

Right now I am sitting in the driver's seat.

We advance at a speed of 25 miles per hour, if it were up to me, we would not drop below 70 but since I have two children in the carriage I must maintain a cruising speed.

In the future I will make a modification and try to add shock absorbers.

The children that I carry in my car?

Don't worry, I don't kidnap them ...

I only rode them in a carriage without their consent while they were unconscious ...


Come on, come on, kidnapping is a very strong word, let's call it surprise rescue.

To be honest, I am a little concerned about the future development of this children.

We need a child psychologist to help them.

The carriage bounced a bit, and slowly, a wooden construction peeked out between a couple of trees.

It looks like an inn.

I stop in front of the inn and I check my map, there is no marked a inn in the map, however, I suppose it was to be expected, this map is not for merchants, it's a military one.

Let's take a break in the inn, the children are surely hungry.

I get out of the carriage with refined movements and seconds later I open the carriage doors, at that moment I was asaulted by Geron. He jumped on me as soon as I opened the door, this boy did become very close to me in a short time.

Inside the carriage in the darkest corner, there was the girl that I revived yesterday, she was staring out the window as she hugs a stuffed black bunny.

Let's remember a little what happened the night before. . .




As soon as I revive she was terrified, and I'm not going to lie to you, I was terrified too but for a different reason. I didn't know how to deal with what I did to she, or how was she going to react.

I tried to ask her name, but she just fell silent.

The silence quickly turned uncomfortable as she fidgeted anxiously.

I started to fiddle with my strands of hair, while, I thought about how to get out of this awkward silence.

In that second I remembered the last moments before her death that I could see, if I'm not wrong she seemed to be attached to a stuffed toy in the shape of a bunny.

At this point you can imagine a bit how we reached a resolution, I hope you forgive me for not explaining about this anecdote but to be honest I still feel a little uncomfortable about looking into the eyes of this girl, it is not something that I really want to see, these eyes empty like a doll's ones, these eyes fill me with guilt.

She is the complete opposite of Geron, however after what happened yesterday she does not distrust me so much, it is even more so it seems that she lost her fear to me, .

Strange no?

I only gave her a stuffed animal made with my soul's will, it will have something related with my desire, not only of create a stuffed animal, but also to the desire of made this stuffed animal a thing that would calm the broken soul of the girl who died.

Certainly I must inspect in detail what the limits of soul will are.

Let's inspect the inn for now . . .

Hang on a minute!

Illusory horses ... Let's do our best to keep them as alive as possible, although the latter is somewhat impossible by definition.

— Hello ... Anyone here?— I call in when i open the door but it seems this inn is empty ...

This is something a bit strange, that is to say, the whole place looks like there is someone living here.

Will the owner be outside?

Let's hope she doesn't get too upset that she doesn't get upset that we eat at her inn and her food.

Still, it is clearly abnormal.

— You two, sit here a minute, I'll see what I can find.

— Oky⁓ ♪

— ... (nods)

Geron responds in an energetic manner as he places himself on the table, while the girl just nods as she hugs her teddy bear.




After taking a walk around the place I could not find a trace of a person, all the doors of the house were closed but that was not a problem for me, however everything was well arranged and I am not able to find the slightest speck of dust in this place.

If it weren't for the fact that I'm a ghost, this place would seem terrifying to me.

Let's find some food ...




There seems to be a kind of spear outside, there should be food here!

mmm, it looks like it's locked with a padlock.

You probably need a key.

Let's find one!


Poof ...

Yes of course, as if they did not know me.

Make a key or break it?

Violence or wit?

Again, a decision worthy of an RPG.

If I assume that this is taken from an RPG the worst thing I can do for sure is break it.

Come on, open up to my will!

Will of soul sneaks through the gaps of the padlock ... And this one jumps off ...

That is good?

Let's save this for later, let's take a look inside first.


Moldy bread, rotten vegetables, and broken milk.

I also find butter, pepper, and dried herbs.

It's not exactly edible food ...

I wonder if I can turn it into edible food, well, try isn't gona kill me.


Hmm, I think it looked more edible before.

The bread itself looks good, it seems that it is made of chocolate in fact, however the fruit is not so good, how to say it looks too wicked? But to be honest I get hungry seeing this.

I still don't have a stomach so it doesn't matter.

Would it be good to feed the children with this?

I'm not sure it's good, but I'm a little curious.

I'm going to propose it, but if they don't want to eat it, I won't force they.

Returning to the room, I find the two of them sitting in complete silence with dark looks on their faces, I'm not sure but I think I heard a voice before entering this place.

Were they talking to each other?

— All the food was rotten, so I made this — I put the fruit and bread on the table. — I'm not sure if this is good for youselves, if you prefer I can go and get some food in the forest, I would not like you to do something against your will ...

Geron took a loaf of bread and took a bite of it without hardly doubting my words.

— N-No problem, I-I'll eat — In a second Geron filled his mouth with the bread, after swallowing he spoke.

— Th-it's delicious! is very sweet!

— Thank you? eat calmly —

The girl takes an apple in her hand and looks at her doubtfully, she looks at me with her empty eyes for a second, her expression seems to ask if it is okay for her to take it, I indicate that she can continue with a gesture of my hand.

Cautiously, she takes a bite of the apple, her eyes widen in surprise and she begins to eat frantically, as if she hadn't eaten in days, she should also take it easier.

Now that I see her, she looks a little cute, she looks like a small animal that has been on the street for a long time, of cours this if you ignore the creepy look of her eyes.

I put my hand on her head and she trembles a little at my touch, it seems that she is still afraid of me, however I did not believe that she was going to taste my food, let's caress her head a little, it does not seem that she dislikes it much but she does not seem to hate it. She seems to be too focused on her food anyway.

The sunlight coming through the window and the exterior of the inn is illuminated by the sunlight, the view from the window would be almost perfect, but there are some red letters written on the window.

"Get out of this place"


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JMore JMore

That was a little longer that I espected, however, we are gona stay in this inn a little bite.

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