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Chapter 4: With Rage

Stars and Sparks surrounded him even though he could only focus on the voice in his head and the girl slowly flying towards him with enjoyment splattered all over her face. This girl wanted him dead, it was all she wanted. Nothing in the universe would satisfy her desire to taste Akai's blood. She could never be satisfied and Akai knew that, he had figured it out now, he knew just what this meant and what that horrible dream really was.

It wasn't a dream, and he did in fact die in that classroom, this girls abilities placed everything in front of him now, he was going to die again and there was nothing he could do about it. The threat in front of him was waiting for him to beg for mercy in his mind while in reality she couldn't wait to slaughter him and his sister. His sister! She's still here, and she's gonna die too, not only that but what if Akai was the only one who returned after dying.

"I love you Akai, I will always love you even more than that lustful witch." That beautiful voice was back again, declaring love to him once more.

"What do I do? What is this shit? Why do I have to be the one who goes through this shit huh! What did I do to deserve this all mighty voice in my head! I just want to go home and live normally, why can't I just do that? What's so wrong with living a normal life! WHY CAN'T I JU-".

The surrounding stars started spinning around him at an ever-increasing pace, they revolved so quickly that they were no longer stars and had become beams of light that surrounded him as they drew closer and closer to him. As they did this, time began to speed up to its normal pace and the murderous intent of his pursuer hit him once again as he realized that he had no time left, it was now or never, do or die. "Damn, I guess I have nowhere to run this time, no finding a cheap escape anymore.", He looked back up at his approaching adversary, still terrified, but he understood. "Alright! Let's see what you're made of!" The beams of light collapse into Akai's body and the time flow returns to normal. "Let's see if those Kendo classes did me any good, hyaaah"!

Just before she sticks the knife into his throat, Akai moves to his right and throws her over his shoulder into the light pole behind him. "Looks like I was complaining about a gift after all.", he gets up and steps back into a very basic fighting stance. He was prepared to fight to his final breath if he had too just to protect Yuna which was his soul inspiration. "I won't let this go the same way it did last time! I'll at least fight back this time!', he raises his hands up to a more defensive position and looks back at Yuna. "Yuna! Run away and call the police".

Trembling now she responds " But what about you? You'll die Akai!", she looked at him with a terrified expression.

"Listen to me Yuna! Just Run! Don't stop or hide, she will find you! Just Run"! He thought to himself with a hint of regret and lot of anger. "I can't believe I'm doing this. When was I some hero". As he said this, the girl got back up with a very annoyed look on her face as a thin stream of blood ran down her face from her eyebrow.

Her pupils collapsed inward and a craving stare directed itself straight to Akai's throat again as her expression turned to a look of deranged exhilaration and joy. She loved that he had the courage to fight or maybe the courage to die fighting. She loved that he was so willing to look her in the eye as the light disappeared from his own, she desired it so deeply, to see him die painfully that she no longer pitied him. She didn't want this to end quickly anymore, and she would turn him into a doll if she could, so she could play with him a little more. "I've found myself a new toy. How Fun!", her focus became so intense that her eyes almost popped out of her head, and she even started bleeding from them in crimson tears of delight. "I want you Akai. I want to play with you so badly.", she spoke in an even more petrifying voice than she did in the classroom, her words cut through his body and soul and her madness driven stare pierced his ocean blue irises as he found himself stepping backwards before regaining his thoughts.

Struggling to speak, Akai is able to force out a few words "If you want to play with me then I should at least know your name right"?

Despite never looking away from Akai's throat, she answers his question in a moderately normal tone " My name? My name is Valentina Centauri and I have orders to destroy a Manu Angeli, would you mind telling me if you have seen anything strange recently"?

In a sarcastic voice Akai responds " Yeah not much other than a murder loli that likes blood and claims to not be human.", her expression changes to a cold stare straight into his eyes.

Her tone dropped to a deeper voice still clearly female "When did I ever say that? I never told you I wasn't human so how did you know that?", she pointed the knife at Akai's right eye as blood dripped off of the end of the blade. " Well! Answer my question brat! How'd a human like you know that I'm a Spirit?!" She looked angry at Akai now. His silence enraged her more and more.

Akai couldn't figure out what she had just said to him. "A Spirit? Like a ghost? No way she's serious right?", he still wouldn't respond to her at all, his mouth stayed glued shut which only pissed her off even more.

Gritting her teeth " Why did you even bother asking me that question anyway, you won't get anything from it dumb ass. God you people are so complicated it's disturbing to watch.", her voice seemed to raise in exasperation as she spoke to Akai. " Dammit! Answer my question boy or I'll make sure you suffer an agonizing death like the animal you are!", getting more and more angry she grips her knife tighter and tighter until she snaps the blade off with her thumb, sending it flying past Akai's head and sticking it into a window behind him. The glass didn't even break from the impact, it just cracked outwards. " Now look what you've gone and done you pig! I really liked that knife too, it fit my hands perfectly."

Now petrified from the realization that he should have just died, Akai reaches deep inward to find something heroic to say but can't think of anything. " Tch, that wasn't your knife anyway Valent-"

"Don't you dare say my name an animal like you has no right to say such beautiful words.", she spoke in an angered voice that reeked of malice.

"Ok then I'll just call you murder loli or maybe crazy bitch. How does that sound?", his mouth spoke on its own. Akai wouldn't dare say this to someone who wanted to kill him, he'd be too scared to say such demeaning things but now a phantom sense of strength flowed through his veins. His life meant nothing to him now, he was a wall between Valentina and Yuna, a wall of paper that is.

Valentina was enraged by such disgusting words and the fact that Akai had the audacity to use them on her. It was unfair, it was disturbing. " You little shit! I'll make you suffer you rat!", she leaped towards Akai filled to the brim with anger and malicious intent. " Die you filthy pig"!

Akai attempted to block but was sent backwards several feet like a plastic bag in the wind, she was far too powerful to block. Now teaming with rage she walked towards Akai with bloodshot eyes and blood leaking from her left eye. Her slow, condescending stride towards Akai only drove his fear deeper into his soul as he watched her approach him with a look of pure insanity. "She's way too strong, I can't even feel my left arm now.", He moved his gaze from her face to behind her where he a person running towards them from far away. "Damn he's fast. And what's with that red hair?", he thought this to himself as Valentina drew ever closer. "Is he coming to help me"?

Just as this thought ran through his head, Valentina stopped in front of Akai and brought the knife back behind her head ready to jam it into his neck. Akai, fully understanding that this was his chance, shot his leg out and kicked her in the face before getting up and hitting her in the stomach with a downward elbow. He followed up with a knee to her face but was unsuccessful, she had grabbed his leg and now had blood running from her nose which only made her more angry. Now that she had Akai in her grasp she brought the knife across his leg and then slashed his right eye so quickly that he didn't even register the pain in his leg. Akai attempted to step back but Valentina just pulled on his leg and dropped him to the ground where he landed flat on his back. With blood pouring out of his severed eye and screaming in agony, Akai was totally powerless and left to Valentina's horrifying imagination. She sat down on top of Akai and placed her face right in front of his so close that he could feel the cold breath coming from her mouth and nose. They were so close that Akai would have been able to appreciate her attractive physique and beautiful eyes had the blood from his right eye not leaked into his left.

"I must say now that I'm closer to you, you are much more attractive than I gave you credit for. I apologize partially for calling you a pig.", she moved even closer to Akai's face and almost had her nose and lips touching him his. " Here. Let me clean you up Akai. I know that blood burns your eyes.

"W-what are you-". She opened her mouth and pressed her tongue up against Akai's left eye and dragged it up his Iris, licking off the blood that had seeped into his eye. She left behind a warm and clear liquid that burnt his eye even more than the blood did. He couldn't move while she continued to lick the blood from his eye. As the world around him blurred more and more until he could barely see. Her saliva had melted his cornea and his blood was draining into his open cavity. He tried to scream, but he only managed to let out a short, painful cry as bloody tears poured out onto his chest only to be drunk by Valentina.

"Oh does that hurt Akai? We Spirits don't have nerves inside our eyes, so I wouldn't know." She opened her mouth once again to reveal a fang replacing each of her canines with that acidic fluid dripping from them. " Wanna know what having your organs melt feels like"? She leaned her head into his neck and bit into it, sending shocks of pain all the way through Akai's body as the acid shot into his blood stream and slowly ate away at his insides starting with what felt like his lungs. His ability to breath was fading as he had to breath even harder just to stay awake. " What? You're not screaming in agony? I'm impressed Akai.", she kissed him on the forehead and stabbed the broken blade into his leg and began twisting it slowly as she dug it in deeper and deeper. Akai let out an agonizing silent scream as he could hardly breath now.

" W-why are y-you doing this?" Akai barely forced these words out before the blood had filled into his eye enough to block out the world. Everything was dark and all he could see was a black void made of his own blood. "Gyaaaah"! Valentina had turned back and jammed the knife into the inner side of his thigh and begun tearing it down his leg and around behind his knee.

" Sorry but, you have to suffer for those rude things you said to me earlier. Maybe after we could be lovers?", the pain was horribly agonizing and every moment felt like an eternity.

The world slowly fell away around him as a strange light appeared in front of him and the weight on his pelvis had lifted. She had gotten off of him, but what for? " Did she stop? Or have I just gone numb.

"Are you still breathing kid! Can you hear me?!", the voice of a man played in Akai's head, but he couldn't register if it was real or not. He didn't bother responding as he knew that his life would soon end. Had it not then he would take it himself, so he didn't have to live in a Colorless World. "Get somebody over here already! He's about to go over"! A young mans voice was calling out to his peers for assistance despite there being no obvious way to save Akai.

"Chi chi! Get over here and hold his head up!", clacking footsteps came sprinting over to Akai from some direction, he wasn't able to tell.

Akai let out a short sentence of cold words as the shadows he couldn't see consumed everything around him. " I hate being a hero. . .never again". As he let out the final breath and his skin turned gray, the stars from earlier overtook the world around him while the shadows consumed his lifeless body and everything around it.

The pain from his brutal death had remained even though he couldn't register it. He was quite aware of it and refused to open his eyes as that voice returned to his head once again. " I love you Akai Tenshi, I always will".

" At least get my name right.", he was blasted by cool air as he felt his weightless body regain it's solid form.

He also regained the ability to register pain as he grabbed his eye, moaning in anguish. His eye didn't actually hurt and had no injuries. But just because his body had forgotten that horrendous agony, his soul refused to let it go. " What the hell is wrong with her?! What is wrong with this world! Why am I the one that has to deal with this-this punishment? The hell did I do to deserve this shit?", the tremendous agony had left but the damage remained engraved into his brain. " I-I can't do this, it's not fair man. Some psychopath decided to give me some crazy ability and THIS is what I get! Why, why, why, why, WHY, WHY WHY! Why couldn't I have just stayed dead dammit"!

Akai lies there consumed by his borderline insanity and unrelenting rage, ranting to nothing about his pain but to no avail. He was alone in his dark house, under his warm blanket that only served to remind him of the warmth he felt coming from Valentina's body. Her face wouldn't leave his mind, everywhere he looked she would be there in the back of his mind.

" I know what I'll do, I'll kill that bitch! If she loves me so damn much then I'll just use that against her. Heh, we'll see who's more crazy won't we Valentina?", his pupils shrunk as his Irises grew, his mouth formed an insane smile and his hands covered his throat in a choke hold.

" Huh? Why is it so dark this time?", he sat up to look at his clock that read 5:45AM. " N-no way. Do I respawn at a random time or is it within a certain amount of time? Or do I go back further every time? Maybe I'm farther back because I died faster this time"?

Suddenly, there was a ruffling sound outside his window and what sounded like a girl struggling. Akai slowly got up from his bed and stepped silently towards his window. He was so silent that he could hear the girls voice just below his window. As Akai slowly peaked over the window sill expecting to see Valentina a head of beautiful silver hair popped up and bashed him in the nose. "Ga aah! Wha-", Akai fell backwards and landed flat on his back, knocking the wind out of him.

" Waaa! Woah uhm uh HELP! I'm gonna fall"!

Akai got up as fast as he could and grabbed the girls shirt just before she fell out of the window. " I gotcha! Grab my hand lady!", she reached up and grabbed his hand as fast as she could and Akai began pulling her up without ever considering possible repercussions. Akai tried to get a good look at her face, but she kept her back to him. This caused him to notice that she was wearing the same outfit the girls at his old middle did.

" I guess I picked Yuna's brother's room didn't I?", she looked behind her towards Akai revealing only half of her face but this was enough to see the embarrassed smile on her face. " Uhmm, why are you looking at me like that Akai?", Akai didn't even realize it, but he had been staring at her since he pulled her through the window. Not only that but his face was as red as a beet.

" I-uhh well, I was just confused as to why you're here. A friend of my sister's I'm guessing?", he stuttered now and then when he spoke to her and moved his gaze from her hair to her half revealed face.

" You guessed it, I was supposed to come in through Yuna's window but forgot which one was hers.", she turned around a little and revealed more of her face and her torn shirt.

Akai looked away instantly upon noticing this but it was too late, she had noticed it as well and turned back around to cover herself up. " You didn't see, did you?", she spoke in a low and soft tone.

" Pretty sure I didn't but I'm a no life geek, so I could just be inexperienced." Despite trying to lighten the mood with his self degrading humor, he made things more embarrassing.

" W-what does that mean!", her face turned totally red as she turned away even more.

" Okay, okay I'm sorry that was really bad timing for that joke.", he had turned red as well by now and had also turned around, but then he remembered who he was and came back to his senses. " Oh what the hell am I doing falling into this Slice of Life trope crap! Okay whoever you are, let's get you to my sisters room and get you a new shirt so your face doesn't look like the inside of a watermelon anymore".

Her voice got even higher than Akai could have ever imagined for a girl her age. " W-what are you talking about! My face is not re-"

Akai put his finger up to her mouth and shushed her. " I wouldn't want to wake up my parents, they aren't big fans of late night visit-, Gyaaah"!

She bit his finger and was now looking at him with an even more embarrassed and annoyed look. " I'll just see my way out instead if you'll act like that. Besides, her shirts wouldn't even fit me anyway". Her face got a little redder after saying this.

Akai being the ignorant idiot he is responded " You sure? You two look like you're about the same height to me.", Akai noticed her looking at him like he had said something rude to her.

" Dumb ass! That's not what I meant!", she covered the tear in her shirt and walked by Akai towards his bed and sat down with a cherry red face.

Akai, dumbstruck, looked at her totally confused and in awe as he could see her face clearly now and fully admired just how beautiful she really was. " Uhm, why are yo-"

" I came here for you anyway, so we might as well talk."

Frosty_Mo Frosty_Mo


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