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Chapter 3: CHAPTER TWO

No one can really tell how she feels, whenever she gets rejected even if she tries to stay strong, she looked at the room filled with her friends who brought her to this club to make her feel better but she had made up her mind that there was no way she was going for any audition, anytime soon .

"This is the last straw " alex thought but she isn't going to give up so easily atleast not without a fight

"Icy stop thinking about all those judges, they are all jerks you are an amazing person plus you have an amazing body that any one will kill for" Jane said in an attempt to cheer up her moody friend.

"How cruel can people be all this is telling on icy's health but she is trying to be strong about the whole situation, God help her find someone good who will make her happy"Jane sighed as icy made her way to the bathroom

"do you think we should hook her up with someone tonight ?"Alex said to Deborah and I are with a mischievous grin

" oh come on Alex you know she isn't in the mood and besides after what that idiot did to her I don't think she is going to be comfortable around any male for a long time and besides Icy is the only one who doesn't hook up with people" Deborah said

"Oh come on that was one time and I did it out of anger can't you just let it go " Jane said defensively

"Oh and by the that's the best way and I'm proud of it girls "Alex said


The club was always the same, girls as usual , drinks ,and alot of grinding on the dance floor yesser wasn't having fun here anymore  but he kept coming  because of his friends he didn't want to look like a spoil sport

" guys am going to use the gents i'll be back" yesser told sixtus and leo who seemed more interested in a group of girls rather than what he was saying, he sighed and left he was on chatting on his phone with one of his close model friends as he walked to the bathroom, suddenly he bumped into a wall , his back leg got caught on something and he lost his balance and fell.

"i'm so sorry  i wasn't  looking at where i was going " a feminine voice said to him he looked up to stared at the most beautiful brown eyes he had ever seen, the girl offers  him a hand up he accepts still dumbfounded he said

"No i wasn't  looking either I should really stop texting and walking something like this always happens , sorry I'm talking much " he said

"no you're not, it's all good I for one really had a bad day but I guess I'll be fine " she said smiling

"Alex!!! "Was the next thing that rung the bathroom area

"sorry i have to go my friend needs me bye "she said and left in a hurry, he couldn't  even get another  glimpse of her face he was left standing there ,but he suddenly had hopes he was going to meet this girl someday .

He found himself smiling throughout and wouldn't let anyone touch his  hands

"Dude what's wrong why have you been smiling did you see anything interesting or funny ?" Leo asked

" Oh yeah I did "he saw Sixtus clearly ditching them as always that boy really needs to go to church " he said nodding towards Sixtus

Leo couldn't hold in his laughter

"Yeah he really does need some deliverance bruh"

A good looking brunette was walking towards them she walked with all confidence she was in a thight short red gown she swung her hips and walked like the world was at her feet, just then it clicked it was the same supermodel who is in his agency she would do anything just so they got the Same gig and even going far as begging the C.E.O of the company to put them together always but he was friends with Mrs Baker so, she told him to be careful of Stacey and they both laughed at it . she looks sexy but she spells trouble unlike the girl he met at the bathroom intersection she has a black hair and her skin was caramel her brows were perfectly trimmed and her smile was something that made something tick deep inside his heart... the brunette broke his train of thought

"Hey how are you guys doing? care if I join you for a drink ?"she was talking to the both of them but her eyes were on Yesser she was batting her eyelashes at him seductively but he wasn't really In the mood for any games right now .

"Sure.. yes" Leo and Yesser both answered simultaneously but Yesser said it in an unenthusiatic way , Leo turned to him and gave him the stink eye Yesser rephrased himself

"uh you can join my friend I am taken sorry" he said and stood up walking towards the bar. 

"Hi I'm Stacey what's yours ??" She extending her hands to Leo who didn't waste time in grabbing it  

"I'm Leo sorry about my friend he has had a rough week " Leo apologized smiling

"Yeah I figured " she smiled and sat down

Yesser walked out of the club and boom he spotted a camera man by the corners thank goodness he didn't stay close to any female else the tabloids will have a field day

but he chuckled maybe he wanted that but he knew that would piss off his manager Lee he got into his car and drove away after texting Sixtus and Leo of his departure

On getting home he really wasn't in the mood for anything usually but then his phone starts ringing he saw the I'd it was his dad

"Hey Dad what's up " he said tired

"Well wanted to give you a heads up your mum is planning to call you in order to ask if she can visit and I'm sure you really need tome off right now so you could tell her that you travelled or something just don't break her heart by flatly declining ok?"

"Yeah sure dad thanks for the heads up and I promise I'll come visit you guys soon enough ok it's just I've had a lot on my plate and I want my schedule free when we meet ok? "

"Yeah sure son, I watched one of your movie the other day and it was amazing son I seriously can't get used to you being on screen and billboards I tell all my friends, hey that's my boy "he said sounding happy

Yesser couldn't see him but he knew his dad  was smiling from ear to ear he really knew how to cheer him up and that alone was enough for him he didn't ask for more only to Know he had people who cared for him genuinely.

"Love you Dad good night maybe we could video chat sometime ?"

"Sure son love you bye "and the line went dead now his whole apartment had fallen back into silence again groaning he headed towards his room he discarded his clothes and laid on

The bed his thought were floating around not thinking of anything in particular and just then he drifted off to sleep

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