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Chapter 41: The Power Called Chakra...

Chapter 20 - The Power Called Chakra...

On the middle of his fight with the Generals of Nifheim, Naruto, along with the Makai Kings, were suddenly sucked in a space-time magic that was casted by the God of the Underworld, Hades. The god did so after unlocking his full power while fighting Super Saiyan 4 Goku with the other Saiyans isolating them from interference of the Earth's mightiest heroes, the Justice League.

"Who are these beings…? I can feel their overwhelming power…" Naruto muttered while looking around. The Makai Kings are also thinking the same as they also looked around with wary on their faces.

"It can't be…" Yoko Kurama, now on his Yoko Kitsune form, spoke while looking towards Hades. "It's the Olympian God of the Underworld… Hades…!"

"Is that god the one responsible for teleporting us here?" Yusuke said seriously.

"Don't ask the obvious questions, idiot." Hiei replied sharply towards Yusuke.

On the other hand, the Generals of Nifheim, still on their Resurreccion form, also have confusion painted on their faces after realizing that Hades is the one who summoned them on the rift. However, Ulquiorra was able to compose himself quickly into his usual cold demeanor after seeing the giant magic circle above them.

"The Obligatory Summoning of the Demon God…" Ulquiorra spoke, enough for the other Generals, the Makai Kings, and the Shinobi to hear. "…it seemed that after the Jupiter Sisters were able to successfully overwritten Fiore's altered Fuzetsu, Lord Hades sensed that new Fuzetsu since it has unaltered insignia. And he used his Obligatory Summoning Spell to summon us here while we are under the influence of Fuzetsu."

"I see… not only we did fail on eliminating the Jupiter Sisters, but we got involved into a major mess…" Neliel responded while looking towards the other beings that are also within the rift.

"And since Lord Hades is on his Demon God form, then the beings within here must have forced him to use that power." Grimmjow muttered.

"That simply means that they also have overwhelming power on their own since they were able to force Lord Hades on using his full power…" Nnoitra while never letting his guard down. After all, with that conclusion that he have just realized, they knew that they were just got involved in a battle of major power struggle.

On the other hand…

"The Shinobi… and the three self-proclaimed Kings…?" The Batman muttered in surprise after seeing the sudden development. He then looked towards the now disappearing gigantic magic circle that was created by Hades. "Hades must have done something to summon them here with that current spell that he casted."

"That's right." Hipolita replied since she knew the spell very well. "I don't know who are those people that were summoned thru the Obligatory Summon Spell… but Hades must have sensed them after transforming on his true form. That simply means that they are currently within a space where they can be affected by Hades's spell."

"And from the looks of it, the Shinobi and the Kings are currently fighting those beings with humanoid animal form before they got summoned here…" Wonder Woman spoke while levitating along with the Martian.

"So who are those beings that the Shinobi is currently fighting with… and why are they fighting?" J'onn Jonz asked, but not particularly to anyone.

"We'll know if we ask him." The Flash jokingly muttered despite the current situation. "But that won't be easy… with these 'Saiyans' around…"

"Hmmm…" Gohan looked towards the direction of the newly summoned group in curiosity. "So you guys know who are they…?" He spoke without looking towards the Justice League. After all, he is still on guard since these super heroes might take advantage of the situation to slip away from him.

"Four of them." Wonder Woman replied. "They are not part of our team, but they can be reliable allies."

"I see…" Gohan then further looked towards the group with interest… until some details on the appearance of one of them caught his attention. "The kid with half-mask on his face… has blonde hair and blue eyes…" He then remembered what Bills told them about the appearance of the human kid that he dreamt about… the very reason why they decided to visit the 9th Universe… 'Could it be… that he has whisker marks on his cheeks under that half-mask of his?' Gohan muttered on his head. (Bills said those facial details of Naruto from Chapter 16).

"Whoa… newcomers?" Gotenks said while looking towards the summoned group. "If Hades summoned them… they could be his minions. But those newcomers seem to be confused on their current situation…" The fused Saiyan said as he blasted a country-leveling ki blasts towards the Archfiend Skulls.

"The Shinobi…. How come…?" Superman muttered while looking towards Naruto and the Three Kings who are seemingly fighting against the other beings that were summoned with them before they got transported on the current battlefield.

"Hmmm… Hades summoning other beings who are not involved on this battle? What's wrong with him?" Vegetta growled while looking towards the newly transformed god.

"Maybe he is trying to take some hostages… well… Ahahaha." Super Saiyan 4 Goku said with questioning look on his face.

"The Generals of Nifheim… the current Makai Kings and… a human…?" Hades spoke in wonder after looking towards Naruto with disbelief in expression. After all, humans are just frozen entities within Fuzetsu. If a human like this Shinobi kid is summoned along with the Makai Kings and the Nifheim Generals, then he must be someone with powers that was acknowledged by the Obligatory Summon spell…

-Scene Change-

"So there we have it." Bills smirked after seeing what is currently happening on the rift between the material world and Tartaros. They are currently watching in a magical projector thru Whis' staff. "Hades used that Obligatory Summoning Spell and summoned those who are under the Fuzetsu that you have felt, Hild-sama."

"And as expected, it involved the New Hell's Government." Hild narrowed her eyes towards the Nifheim Generals who are currently on their Resurreccion form. She is about to say something else however, she noticed the Shinobi kid among those who are summoned. This made her realize something and smiled mysteriously… "I see… I guess I finally understand what are the events that happened inside that Fuzetsu. That kid… is fighting against the Nifheim Genrals along with the Makai Kings…"

"What do you mean… Daimakaicho-sama?" Whis inquired with interest.

"Bills-kun… don't tell me that you have already forgotten the reason why you and the Saiyans decided to visit the 9th Universe." Hild said towards Bills.

"Oh, I almost forgot about that." Bills said while lightly scratching his cheeks with his claws. "It's because of the kid that'll be the Chosen Child. What about it?" Bills then looked towards the newcomers more intently, only to see the now familiar human kid that he dreamt about… "The kid from my dream… the Chosen Child… he is one of the beings that were summoned by Hades?"

"It looks like it." Hild smirked.

"Interesting… very interesting…" Bills smirked as well. "We no longer need to look for him after all. And with the current situation, we might be able to see what kind of powers he actually have for him to chosen by fate as the Chosen Child. Since Hades and I have technically the same level of power, that will technically mean that if Hades fought with the kid, it is more or less the same if he will fight against me."

"I see… please also remember that the Super Saiyan God form of Son Goku and Vegetta also rivals that of your powers." Whis reminded the God of Destruction.

"Now then… against powerful beings and gods… show me your true power… Chosen Child…" Daimakaicho said with mysteriously beautiful smile.

-Scene Change-

The Norse Goddesses, two of the Jupiter Sisters, and Haqua finally arrived on the temple. Belldandy's mini-avatar that was currently with Keiichi also informed the mechanic about the events so Keiichi quickly head back to the temple as well. The group is now on the visitor's area of their home with uneasiness filling the atmosphere…

However, setting aside their differences, Belldandy and Skuld sync their powers with Apollo and Diana while Urd and Haqua amplifying their powers with their own demonic powers. The group is now creating a certain magical circle with six points of origin and each of the girls are standing on each circular origin and they are syncing their powers within that magical circle.

"This magic circle is the anti-thesis to the Obligatory Summoning Spell of the Demonic God." Urd said. After all, being a half-Goddess, half-Demon, she is also familiar with high level Demonic spells and as the daughter of the Daimakaicho, she has the authority to use that spell as well. However, since she is a hybrid Goddess/Demon, she will need additional time to cast the spell. "With this, we can locate where Naruto currently is and apply the appropriate power to summon him and the Makai Kings back here."

"Thank you for lending us your wisdom… Urd-sama…" Haqua smiled weakly towards Urd. After all, Haqua has high respects to the Daimakaicho. And since she knew that Urd is the Daimakaicho's daughter, she also had the same respect to her as that of her mother's.

"I also thank you for helping us creating this magic circle." Belldandy smiled towards Haqua and also to Diana and Apollo. "However, we must locate Naruto and the Makai Kings as soon as possible… we don't know who summoned them and they might be on a very dangerous domain right now… so we must summon them back here before it is too late…"

"Not to disrespect, but how come Naruto got involved on this issue with the Goddesses from the Jupiter faction?" Skuld said with visible displeasure on her face. She is now looking towards Apollo and Diana who are standing on her opposite direction as they are channeling their powers on the magical circle.

"The Nifheim Generals attacked me and Haqua-san. Uzumaki-san is with us during that time, so he protected us against them." Diana replied. She can feel the emotion of the youngest Norse Goddess against them but she cannot blame her. But seeing how the Norse Sisters looked in concern towards Naruto, it is more than enough to realize that he is acquainted to them for quite some time. "The Makai Kings arrived shortly after that... and they protected us against the Nifheim Generals."

"But why does the Nifheim Generals wanted to eliminate you?" Keiichi asked. He is standing outside the magic circle and just listening to the conversation.

"Hmmm…" Apollo looked towards the only ordinary human on the group. Humans shouldn't meddle with this kind of affairs, but Belldandy already mentioned to them that Keiichi is already in contract with her so he is directly involved with the Norse Goddesses. "They have planned everything since the Almage Machina War. Ever since then, the true plan of Nifheim is to eliminate me and my sisters so they can execute whatever sinister plans that they have right now…"

"I see. I think that is the reason why you are sealed within ordinary humans with severely weakened powers." Urd nodded. "But I believe that story will be for some other time… and it will be best if Naruto is with us. After all, summoning him back here is our main objective for now. We are from different Heavenly factions… and we can't just discuss anything openly like this since your story might have something to do with the boundaries and limitations of our factions."

The Apollo and Diana nodded to Urd while Belldandy smiled towards them. Skuld, on the other hand, looked towards the Jupiter Sister duo.

"After seeing how Naruto adamantly tried to protect the two of you, that means the two of you are very precious people for him." Skuld said seriously. "That's why please, let's do our best to make him return back here…" She said in a very concerned, almost pleading tone. This made Diana and Apollo smile.

"Naruto is also a very important person for my host. That's why I will do everything that I am capable of for him… if that is the way that I can express my gratitude for all that he has done for me and my host." Diana replied with a kind tone.

"Same here. Naruto is Kanon's very special friend… and since he also protected me and my sister, then I'll be more than happy to help… in the name of the Jupiter Sisters!" Apollo replied energetically.

'Please save him… Diana… please save Naruto-kun…' Tenri muttered within Diana's mind.

'I still can't believe that Naruto-kun is the hero called Shinobi… and he has this kind of power that he only opt to use to protect everyone…' Kanon muttered within Apollo's head. After all, she had also read the news about how the Shinobi fought during the Alien Invasion, against a gigantic Demon, and also on how he helped protecting the world against Atlantis' schemes. That's why the revelation that this Shinobi and the Naruto that she liked is the same person is a great surprise for her… '…despite that, he always remain as he is… the warm feeling of kindness that he had shown to me and everyone is still with him even if he has such powers and burdens… so please… be safe… Naruto-kun…'

Diana and Apollo smiled after hearing the whispers of their hosts within them. Even on this current situation, their feelings for the blonde Shinobi continued to increase… and that also further restored their lost Goddess powers gradually…

"We'll definitely save him… no matter what…" Apollo and Diana ensured their hosts…

"Naruto… please… don't do anything stupid in front of a Demon God… I'll never forgive you if something happened to you…" Skuld said in praying tone as she along with the other Goddesses and Haqua continued to channel their power to locate the domain where Naruto currently is…

-Scene Change-

"The Fuzetsu… was finally dispelled thru the Demon God's spell…" Vulcanus muttered to Tsukiyo within her mindscape. "But I am sure that I have felt the power of two of my sisters within that Fuzetsu… Apollo and Diana's weakened powers…"

"You're right, Luna." Tsukiyo replied to the

Goddess within her that she affectionately called the same name as of her doll. She is still currently with Shiori on the Astronomy Club room after the Fuzetsu got dispelled. "In that case, we better meet your sisters so you can talk regarding your circumstances…"

"That wouldn't be possible." Minerva replied to Shiori. They are also having the same conversation like that of Tsukiyo and Vulcanus but the two girls didn't know that both of them have the same little secret. "The very moment that the Fuzetsu got dispelled, I already lost track of my sister's power…."

"That's too bad…" Shiori muttered while looking outside the window as the Festival activities continued. "I can't believe that something like that happened… or something like that is actually happening over the course of history without us ordinary humans knowing…"

"Because humans are the equilibrium of everything. Humans cannot and shouldn't be allowed to meddle to these kinds of events that are happening since these are something that they can never possibly comprehend." Mercurius responded to Ayumi's statement. Ayumi also stated the same statement that Shiori muttered to her Goddess.

"So what are we going to do now? We already know that your sisters are alive and well." Ayumi asked the sleepy Goddess while looking around to the lively crowd of the school festival with disbelief on her face. Something unbelievable happened so the Mai-High Missile cannot just accept it like nothing.

"For now, we'll wait. If the proper opportunity comes, if the situation needed it, I'll tell you everything that you need to know regarding me and my circumstances. I just don't want an innocent and kind girl like you to be involved on this kind of matters… especially that Nifheim is doing something that is definitely against us Goddesses…" Mars said to Yui.

"I understand. I don't know how someone like you suddenly get into my body, but if I could be of help, then I'll be more than happy to offer my assistance for you." Yui smiled while stacking her drums after the performance on the backstage.

-Scene Change-

Back on the rift between Themyscira and Tartaros…

"What is that large Gate? It feels like it is a gateway to another world…" Naruto asked the Makai Kings after seeing the Gates of the Underworld.

"That's the Gates of the Underworld… the pathway that connects the physical world to Tartaros, one of the quadrants of Nifheim." Yoko replied without letting his guard down. "Someone must have opened the Gates of the Underworld that's why Hades was able to escape from Tartaros and the Justice League is here to stop him from entering the material world. However, I don't have any information regarding the golden warriors who are also fighting against him."

"And from the looks of it, they are still fighting until Hades decided to use a spell that invoked us here for no apparent reason." Hiei glared towards Hades. Hiei then saw the several hundreds of Archfiend Skulls who are fighting one of the golden warriors. "After all, with that army of Weiss on this god's command, I can say that we are in one serious trouble."

"Whatever. I don't know how powerful these beings who are right in front of us. But if anyone among them tried to attack us, I'll greet them with my fist!" Yusuke grabbed his knuckles and cracked its joints.

While the Kings and the Shinobi are having this conversation, Hades is also looking in distance towards the Generals of Nifheim. After all, seeing them made him realize why a Fuzetsu was created in the material world. And this made him suspicious about their intentions since he knew very well that these Generals have their own intentions against the material world which is entirely different from his own schemes.

"What does the four of the five Generals of Nifheim doing on the material world?" Hades glared towards the Nifheim Generals. All of the beings that are still currently on the rift with floating masses of lands and ruins on the very same location where they are currently standing right after the Obligatory Summoning Spell have been casted.

"Nothing in paritucular." Ulquiorra replied with his 'bat-like' wings flapped lightly, creating a massive gust of wind. "We are from different quadrants of Nifheim. We have our own reasons why we are on the material world… just like you who is trying to get out from your banishment in Tartaros for thousands of years."

"You Generals of Nifheim have gotten quite arrogant, aren't you?" Hades smirked towards Ulquiorra, then looked towards the Generals with deep killing intent. "So it all comes down to who among us can succeed faster in using the material world. I have heard what happened during that stupid Almage Machina war. That stage play of yours along with that New Hell Government is quite impressive."

"Indeed. But I don't have any reason to listen to your sarcasm, Lord Hades. We also want to use the material world like you do. And it all comes down to who among us can succeed faster." Ulquiorra replied coldly.

"Hey, Ulquiorra! You knew very well how powerful Lord Hades is! Stop provoking him! Even if the four of us combined our powers in Resurreccion form, we'll stand no chance against him!" Neliel muttered silently towards Ulquiorra. But Ulquiorra seemed unfazed after hearing the female General's words. However, Nnoitra and Grimmjow knew very well that Ulquiorra has a plan in mind so they just allow him to continue.

"I see. But as far as I can see, you are currently fighting the Makai Kings before I used the Obligatory Summoning Spell. That simply means your plans are being hindered by the Makai and Reikai alliance." Hades smirked evilly towards the Generals. "Do you really think that you have enough time to make your plan succeed, especially now that the entire material world is already within my grasp?"

"Certainly, you have been able to escape from the Gates of Tartaros and are now on your way to the material world. All that was hindering you right now is the Justice League and these golden beings. However…" Ulquiorra narrowed his eyes. "The very reason why we are having problems with our own plan is because of the interference not only by the Makai Kings, but also because of the Chosen Child…"

"Chosen Child…? The one from the prophecy?" Hades said in interest. He then laughed maniacally while emitting powerful demonic aura. "Amusing… as if that prophecy is an actual deal…"

"The Chosen Child…?" Gohan muttered. This also caught the attention of the other Saiyans, especially Vegetta who is standing beside Goku. Vegetta looked towards Gohan and Gohan replied with a nod. "It's the same terminology that the Daimakaicho mentioned to us during our arrival in Nifheim about the kid that was within Bills-sama's dream… Could it really be…?" Gohan then looked towards Naruto who is still clad of his usual Shinobi outfit. (Daimakaicho Hild has already mentioned the Chosen Child Prophecy to the Saiyans on Chapter 17 and 18.)

"Unfortunately, the Chosen Child is already in existence, and he is currently fighting against us before you summoned us here." Ulquiorra said without any emotion from his face. He then looked towards Naruto. Naruto then glared towards Ulquiorra.

"That human kid… is the Chosen Child…?" Hades smirked in amusement while glaring towards the Shinobi.

"That's right. You know very well that according to the prophecy, the Chosen Child will appear during the approaching chaos in the material world. Whatever you or the New Hell is planning… can definitely be translated as this 'chaos' mentioned in the prophecy. So the Chosen Child was summoned from another world to stop this incoming chaos. He may not know it, but this kid is the one who matched the prophecy completely. So whatever you are planning right now, it will probably be meaningless since the Chosen Child has already been with us. That's what we are fighting for... to defeat him first to succeed in our plans, either yours or ours." Ulquiorra said seriously. It is then that the other Generals realized what Ulquiorra had in mind.

"What is this Chosen Child thing that I've been hearing each and every time from you!?" Naruto yelled to the Nifheim Generals. "I am a Shinobi! And I am no longer a damn child!"

"The Chosen Child that came from another world eh…?" Hades smirked, then looked towards Super Saiyan 4 Goku who is listening intently to the conversation. However, Vegetta already knew that Goku cannot understand anything from the exchange of words with Hades and the newcomers. After all, even himself is having a hard time understanding the conversation. "I already have enough of this being. I don't want another pest to interfere with me…!" Hades then flared a very dense demonic energy that shook the very foundation of their current location.

"Oh no…!" Gohan quickly flared his ki and yelled towards Goku. "Father! That god is about to attack the human kid!"

It is then that Hades literally disappeared on his current location thru sheer speed, leaving a massive crater where he previously stood. He reappeared right in front of Naruto with the Makai Kings still beside him. The Kings quickly flared their Reikis on the very moment that Hades appeared right in front of them while the Generals leaped away thru their Instant Movement technique, Sonido.

"Shinobi!" Superman shouted towards Naruto as he prepared to fly towards the Shinobi. But Vegetta once against halted his advance.

"Not now!" Vegetta glared towards Superman. "I'll be helping that human kid as well once that god made his move. But for now, let's see what will happen."

"If anything happened to the Shinobi, I'll give you a beating that you'll never forget." Superman threatened.

"You're more than welcome to try." Vegetta coldly replied.

Hades stood right in front of Naruto while Naruto did the same, both of them are glaring towards each other. It is then that Naruto realized how large Hades actually is, since his height is only around Hades' waistline. However, he didn't bother about this trivial matter. He knew very well that once he do something reckless, he'll end up as a stain on the ground in front of this god…

"Who are you…?" Hades glared towards Naruto.

"Just a random Shinobi from another world… but I don't know anything about this Chosen Child stuff." Naruto replied seriously to Hades.

"I can sense it… your power… isn't the kind of power that should exist on this reality. Perhaps… it is true that you came from a dimension rift outside of this reality…" Hades released his suffocating killing intent. But Naruto isn't someone who let himself be pushed around. So he released his potent Chakra from Jounin level, then surpassing Kage-level and now up to Hashirama's level along with his Intimidation technique.

"So what? I don't have any business with your prophecies! But if you'll do something against me, then I'll fight back." The Shinobi said while gripping his fists tightly. He knew that a clash will happen anytime. So he also released his killing intent along with his Intimidation technique. The combined Intimidation and killing intent between Naruto and Hades created a very dense atmosphere that could be felt even by the Saiyans and the Justice League.

"Wow… that's one intense battle aura. That human kid might be someone, just like what the Daimakaicho mentioned." Goku smirked towards Vegetta.

"Idiot. That kid might actually be the one that we are looking for… the one from Bills-sama's dream!" Vegetta replied sharply.

"I see. So that's why he is called as the Chosen Child, just like what the Daimakaicho has mentioned! But his powers are still below that of us! He can't possibly compete with the likes of Hades!" Goku said towards Vegetta.

"That's why we must prepare. If that kid really is some special person for this world, then we can't allow him to die here, especially right in front of us!" Vegetta replied.

"You keep on talking about this Chosen Child prophecy since the Shinobi was teleported here. Though I want to ask the details, it's good to know that we are on exactly the same side on this one." Kal-El muttered while levitating behind Goku and Vegetta. The Kryptonian and the two Saiyans then looked towards Hades and the Shinobi.

"I see… Very well… you have good eyes…" Hades smirked towards the Shinobi while the Makai Kings gulped while still flaring their potent Reiki. "However, regardless if you are the real Chosen Child or not… I'll still need to have you eliminated for standing arrogantly right in front of me. After all, the Chosen Child should be eliminated for the chaos to ensue."

"Like what I've said, I don't know anything about this Chosen Child thing! But if the Justice League is fighting against you and you are now attempting to kill me, then I got no other choice but to fight back!" Naruto prepared his fighting stance. But before he knew it, a powerful shockwave sent him flying to the ruins due to the impact.

"Shinobi!" Wonder Woman yelled. She is about to fly towards Naruto but a powerful flaring gust of ki stopped her on her tracks. It is Gohan who is now maximizing the power of his Mystic ki and flew in massive speed towards Hades.

Hades actually just simply flicked his finger in front of Naruto but it was enough to send Naruto flying on the ruins of the rift. The god is about to fly towards Naruto's direction for another attack but Gohan landed right in front of him and dashed towards Hades.

"This time, I'll not be watching in the sidelines anymore!" Gohan yelled as he attacked Hades with variety of punches and kicks on his Mystic Base form. But Hades was able to block all his attacks with a single hand. After seeing an opening, Hades used his right arm to attack Gohan with a planet-smashing chop that landed on Gohan's abdomen. The force was more than enough to send Gohan flying on the ruins as well.

"He's after the Shinobi!" Yoko Kurama said seriously while Hiei nodded. The two of them then ran towards Hades. Yoko had his usual Rose Whip while Hiei had his black flame sword and attacked Hades in opposite directions. Yoko attacked Hades with his whip but Hades caught it, pulled Yoko towards him and swung him violently towards the attacking Hiei, sending the two of them flying as well.

It is then that Hades felt several ki blasts landed on his back since he didn't bother to dodge. It is from Gotenks levitating high above. Hades smirked, then raised his hands on the air, creating another massive Magic Circle.

"I am not your only opponent, remember?" Hades smirked to the fused Saiyan while releasing powerful demonic energy. Gotenks then noticed that the hundreds of Summoned Skulls that he was fighting with became one massive miasma that was being absorbed by the giant Magic Circle. And from there, the mass of condensed miasma from hundreds of hundreds of Weiss started to materialize into a single entity with massive demonic energy…

The new demon entity landed on one of the ruins with around 70 feet in height, muscular bulk physiques, dark blue-colored complexion, red eyes and demonic face. He also have a massive tail and a seemingly dragon head on its torso. Its intimidating appearance is more than enough to freeze the Flash and Batman on their current location…

"It's been a while… Zorc Necrophades…" Hades smirked towards his most powerful servant. (Zorc Necrophades from YuGiOh Millenium World Arc).

"Indeed…" Zorc then looked towards the other entities on the rift where he is summoned. "It seemed that you have also provided me some entertainment right after my summoning, Lord Hades…"

"That's right. They are pests that were annoying me… so do as you please." Hades smirked.

"As you wish, my Lord!" Zorc Necrohades then disappeared on his current location as a miasma and materialized right behind Gotenks in a fraction of a second. (The same way on how Hiredugan from the DBZ Movie 13 usually does when fighting against the DBZ warriors). And before Gotenks could react, a powerful right hand smash landed on his entire body, sending him violently to one of the ruins with country-leveling shockwave. Zorc followed it with multiple punches in blinding speed that inflicted serious damage to Gotenks while continuously pinning the fused Saiyan to the ground.

"That monster…!" Vegetta gritted his teeth as he immediately transformed into a Super Saiyan 4 and flew towards Zorc in enormous speed.

"That was… Zorc Necrophades!" Hipolita muttered, enough for Batman to hear. "It is one of the greatest evils that were created after the ancient Egyptian Civilization was erected! Using the power of darkness and desires of the ancient Egyptians, Zorc created miracles and granted knowledge to them, thus making the ancient Egyptians worshipped him as a god. However, a certain powerful Pharaoh used a powerful sealing mystic art to trap him away for eternity! But to think that it could collaborate with Hades…" Hipolita muttered in surprise and fear.

(Hipolita's statement regarding Zorc Necrophades is a YuGiOh Millenium World Arc reference).

"So this simply means that the army of Archfiend Skulls was sacrificed to summon a powerful Weiss with powers that could rival that of gods." Batman gritted his teeth. "And in the end, the only way to defeat it is by sealing that Demon away." The Dark Knight then looked towards the direction where Naruto is pinned after Hades attacked him. He knew that the Shinobi has the power to defeat this demon called Zorc thru his sealing techniques…

After seeing Vegetta immediately transforming into Super Saiyan 4 and engaged the new powerful monster in battle, Super Saiyan 4 Goku then used Instant Transmission to appear right in front of Hades with his golden Saiyan ki bursting out of his body.

"How dare you turn your back against me!? We are not done fighting yet!" Goku then attacked Hades with his usual speed that he used when he beat down Hades earlier but Hades became too fast after transforming into his Demon God form as he can now read all of Super Saiyan 4 Goku's attacks. And with a headbutt, Goku was also sent skidding backwards with bleeding forehead.

Yusuke then stepped up flared his Reiki to the maximum level. Then, he tapped into his heritage's powers, allowing him to access his Youki and overwritten his S-Class Reiki. This gave him some markings on his entire body similar to that of when he fought Sensui and Yomi. Thus, Yusuke entered his Mazoku form.

"Take this! REIGAN (Spirit Gun)!" Yusuke fired his Reigan towards Hades. The Demon God didn't bother to dodge so he got consumed by the powerful blast that could incinerate a continent. But after a few seconds, Hades just released a powerful demonic energy to dispel the energy sphere that was created by the Reigan and also created a massive shockwave that sent Mazoku Yusuke skidding backwards as well. "This bastard really is a god! But I can't just let him kill the Shinobi kid right in front of me!" He said while bracing himself.

"Enough!" Superman then flew towards Hades and tried to punch the god on his supposed blind spot, but Hades caught his hand and violently slammed him on the ground, followed with a mountain-busting kick that sent Superman pinned on the other ruins with massive shockwaves due to the impact.

A few hundred meters away from where the battle is happening, the Generals of Nifheim are watching as the battle unfolds. They are currently standing right in front of the Gates of the Underworld, right in front of the key socket that opened the gate.

"So you really just provoked Hades for him to battle the Makai Kings and the Chosen Child? That's ingenius!" Grimmjow smirked while watching the battle with demonic grin.

"That's right. With this, we no longer need to fight them and have Lord Hades eliminate them for good." Ulquiorra said in emotionless tone.

"But the way you talk to Lord Hades sent chills within me. I thought you really were planning to engage him in battle." Neliel muttered.

"We are Weiss with sentience. Even if he fought against us, he cannot just kill us easily due to our physiology. So even if he happened to attack us, I believe that we can survive it." Ulquiorra stated. "That's why the Shinobi must be eliminated since he has the most powerful sealing capability among the beings that are currently here."

"But if Lord Hades succeeded on defeating them, then he'll be entering the material world! With that, we can no longer continue our plan!" Nnoitra complained.

"Not really. If Lord Hades happened to actually made it in the material world, expect that the Daimakaicho and Valhala to take care of him. Lord Hades is a straight-forward thinker so he won't have to think about that, but he can definitely be stopped. However, our plan covered the possible response from the Daimakaicho and Valhala against us. So our plan has much higher success rate than that of Lord Hades. That's the reason itself why we need to eliminate the Jupiter Sisters and use the altered Fuzetsu." Ulquiorra reasoned.

"You really have covered all the bases. That's the reason why Shirosaki Ichigo and Lune-sama trusts you more than us. Damn it." Grimmjow said but smirking while watching the battle.

"It doesn't sound like you are complimenting me." Ulquiorra replied. "For now, let's see how everything will unfold. Once we are certain on the outcome of this battle, we'll leave. The only way to defeat Lord Hades right now is if someone tried to destroy this key. So we'll have to protect it."

"Understood." Neliel nodded while the other two Generals grinned as they knew that someone will definitely be fighting against them to destroy the key.

On the other side… since Gohan is no longer hindering Wonder Woman, J'onn and the Flash, the three super heroes flew towards the Amazon Queen.

"Mother! Is there anything that we can do against Hades!?" Wonder Woman quickly asked her mother.

"Destroy the key! It's our only hope!" Hipolita quickly said. Batman, Wonder Woman, J'onn and the Flash looked towards the key and they saw the Nifheim Generals standing around it.

"But that would simply mean that we'll need to get pass through them." The Martian spoke with visible narrowed eyes, glaring at the Nifheim Generals. "But we don't know their powers and abilities."

"From what I've seen, the Shinobi is fighting against them before they were teleported here by Hades' spell. So we will need some information first to fight against them on even grounds." Wonder Woman said. They then looked towards the ruins where the Shinobi landed after Hades attacked him. Then towards Hades who are fighting against Super Saiyan 4 Goku, Mystic Gohan, Superman and the Makai Kings. And then, they looked towards Zorc Necrophades who is facing off against Super Saiyan 4 Vegetta and the newly transformed Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks.

"I'll go." Batman spoke as he picked up a grappling hook while looking towards the ruins where the Shinobi currently is. "Diana, J'onn, Flash, engage those white beings in battle, but your main objective is to destroy the key of the Gate of Tartaros. While I'll go towards the Shinobi to check up on him and ask for the information regarding those Generals. We'll use our communicator attached to our ears for communication." Batman then fired his grappling hook away before anyone can respond.

"There he goes." The Flash smirked. Wonder Woman looked towards her mother and they nodded to each other. She then flew along with the Martian with the Flash super-speeding below them. And their mission is to destroy the relic key… the very key that they have collected and assembled that's why Hades was able to escape from Tartaros. But for them to do that, they'll need to fight against the Generals of Nifheim…

-Scene Change-

Yoko Kurama threw some seeds powered with his own Reiki to the ground where Hades was currently standing. The seeds grew as a plant vine in massive rate and bind Hades. Seeing the seemingly immobile god, Superman fired his Heat Vision and Arctic Breath at the same time against the god, creating one massive explosion. However, powerful demonic beams were fired towards them within the rubbles and the beams hit the two before they could even react, each demonic beam creating another massive explosion with matching shockwaves.

It is then that Gohan, who is now currently on his Mystic Super Saiyan form, appeared behind Hades and Hiei appeared right in front of the god, both of them preparing their own powerful attacks…

"MASENKO!" Gohan yelled as he fired the ki blast that was charged by both his hands in front of his forehead.

"JAO ENSATU KOKURYUHA (Black Flames Spirit Dragon)!" A black flaming dragon was released from the three-eyed King's right hand and charged towards Hades in blinding speed.

The two attacks hit Hades directly and their combined attacks created an earth-shaking collision that shook the battlefield. After a few seconds, the smoke cleared, only for them to see Hades emerging out from the explosion with enraged expression. It is then that they noticed some visible damage that was now healing after receiving the combined attacks.

"How dare you inflict pain against me!?" Hades yelled as he disappeared on his current location and reappeared right behind Mystic Saiyan Gohan and gave an earth-shattering punch against him, making the hybrid Saiyan skid backwards in enormous speed and hit Hiei on the way before being slammed on the ruins.

However, Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Mazoku Yusuke saw the damage that the combined attacks from Hiei and Gohan inflicted against the mad god. Even if it is already regenerating, it is very clear that the combined attacks damaged Hades.

"Hey. Did you see that?" Mazoku Yusuke asked Goku while glaring towards Hades.

"Yeah. The combined attacks from my son and your comrade inflicted some damage against Hades. None of our previous attacks worked before, right?" Super Saiyan 4 Goku nodded. 'I am about to enter Super Saiyan God form since our attacks isn't working against this god. Well, it is quite obvious since only a god can hurt a god. But how come Hades acquired such damage from Gohan and that three-eyed person's combined attacks?' Goku thought.

"That's right. I know that you golden warriors are a lot more powerful than us in terms of sheer power… and I can also sense that you have different kind of powers than ours. But that may be the reason why the attacks from your son and Hiei worked." Yusuke replied. After all, even if he is quite dumb, with his education under Enki being the current King of Raizen's country, he can still use his brain for some logical thinking.

"So you mean a combined attack from two different kinds of power can inflict damage against Hades?" Super Saiyan 4 Goku replied in interest.

"Well, that's all that I can think of. I'm just a dumb person who loves to fight." Yusuke replied with a grin.

"Really? Then we'll get along pretty well!" Goku smirked towards Yusuke since he could relate to him. "But is that kid that Hades attacked earlier really is the Chosen Child?" Goku asked. He had also heard that from the Daimakaicho right after they arrive on her temple. So he just wanted some clarification.

"I don't know. Those Nifheim General bastards also called him like that during our fight earlier. But the Shinobi didn't seem to have any idea what it is. All that matters for me right now is that he is a comrade and we share the same goals against New Hell's darkness. So I can't let him fight Hades alone if I can't help it." Yusuke then looked towards Goku. "What about you? Why did you jump out and tried to protect the Shinobi if you didn't know anything about him?"

"Hmm… I guess my instincts kicks in and decided to protect him. Those you call Generals and even Hades acknowledge the kid as the Chosen Child. If he really is an important person for this reality, then we cannot allow him to die right in front of us!" Goku then looked towards Hades who is approaching the two of them. "And besides, Hades is my opponent before you guys got summoned here. I can't forgive someone who turned his back against me before we even finish our fight."

"We really have the same principle regarding battles." Yusuke wiped his nose with his left thumb. "So what now, should we test what we have thought about against Hades?"

"Sure. I also am interested in knowing how to beat a god without using a god's power!" Goku replied. "Let's sync our attack and fire the same specific level of power against him!"

"Got it!" Yusuke grinned excitingly as both he and the Super Saiyan 4 Goku charged their signature attacks towards Hades…

-Scene Change-

Super Saiyan 4 Vegetta gave a planet-wrecking uppercut against Zorc Necrophades that sent the gigantic demon skidding backwards. However, the Demon stretched his gigantic arms while skidding backwards and grabbed the airborne Vegetta and gripped him tightly, making Vegetta growl in pain. The Demon then slammed Vegetta to one of the ruins with massive force. The attack is then followed by a slamming impact from the Demon's titanic tail and the demonic tail continued to pummel Super Saiyan 4 Vegetta with ground-shaking force.

"Kneel before Zorc… Kneel before Lord Hades!" Zorc's demonic tone echoed. But his enjoyment is halted by a powerful ki blast that created a gaping hole in its body. And it is from Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks who just recovered from his previous attacks…

"Get away from him, you stupid-looking Demon!" Gotenks yelled as he fired multiple ki blasts in random succession, inflicting damages and multiple holes on Zorc's body. But the Demon simply disintegrated as a miasma once again and rematerialized once again behind Gotenks with all the damage from the previous attacks completely regenerated. Zorc then attempted to clap his own hands with massive force with Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks nearly got sandwiched between his two demonic palms. Gotenks is now currently using his strength from both his arms and legs for him not to get crushed by the colliding palms of the Demon.

It is then that Super Saiyan 4 Vegetta flew out from the crater where he is pummeled by the Demon's tail and quickly charged another of his signature attack…

"Take this! GALICK GUN!" Vegetta fired a star-leveling blast against Zorc's gigantic body and the explosion consumed the Demon, making Gotenks be released against the Demons palms and flew towards Vegetta to evade the expanding ki blast that consumed the entire body of the Demon.

"That attack is more than enough to disintegrate Majin Buu down to his last cells. I wonder what will be the effect of it against this Demon." Vegetta said seriously with numerous bruises all over his body.

"But this Demon is a lot stronger than Majin Buu..." Gotenks retorted but met Vegetta's glare, making them freeze on their current stance.

It is then that a Demonic arm materialized out of nowhere and slammed Gotenks and Vegetta on the ground simultaneously. It created a violent tremor that shook the place with powerful shockwaves. The two then looked towards the residing energy sphere created by Vegetta's Galick Gun, only to see the materializing body of the Demon with visible damage from Vegetta's current attack.

"It's been a while since I receive such damage from a fight." Zorc Necrophades smirked as the damage was regenerating in fast rate. "That's why in return, you will receive a beating that have never experienced yet!" Zorc then emitted powerful demonic energy that could be felt on the entire rift.

Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks and Super Saiyan 4 Vegetta stood up shakily, feeling pain from all over their body.

"Damn it… I never thought of fighting such strong opponents again. The hype that Bills-sama told us regarding this Universe really didn't disappoint!" Vegetta smirked despite the injuries that he currently had.

"But I guess it is time for you to enter Super Saiyan God form!" Gotenks replied, but then silenced by Vegetta's death-glare.

"Stop retorting against me!" Vegetta yelled comically against the fused Saiyan. "Kakarotto is fighting against an actual god without using his Super Saiyan God form! While I am fighting against a no name Demon and you want me to use the Super Saiyan God form? No way! Unless Kakarotto used the God form, I'll never use that form against this fodder Demon!"

"You're still putting your rivalry against him above anything else… even on this kind of situation?" Gotenks muttered with a sigh. After all, this is the prideful Prince of the Saiyans, Vegetta. Only Goku and Bulma are the ones who have the record of successfully persuading him. The two Saiyans then prepared their fighting stance against the giant Demon for another round of battle…

-Scene Change-

Batman landed on the ruins where Naruto was sent flying after he got sucker-punched by Hades.

"Shinobi!" Batman ran towards the ruins, only to felt a surging power from the rubbles. And with a sudden Chakra release, Naruto disintegrated the blocks and ruins that buried him and stood on the middle of the crater while stretching his neck and arms.

"That's quite a blow." Naruto the used Shunshin and landed a few meters away from Batman. He then looked towards Hades battle with serious expression. 'I think Madara will die if he received such attack. Good thing is that my Uzumaki genes and Bijuu Cells along with this thin layer of transparent Chakra that was layered on my skin have increased my durability.' the Shinobi thought. After all, using the Armor of Sand principle from Gaara, Naruto also can activate this thin layer of Chakra to protect himself against powerful attacks. And all his damage was already regenerated thru his Uzumaki genes.

'He took on such attack from a god and emerged without even a scratch? I think J'onn really have mistaken about this kid, saying that the Shinobi is just a human like me.' Batman thought. "What happened?" The Dark Knight quickly asked.

"I am observing the battle within the rubbles before you came. And all I can say is that he really is one hell of a powerful god." Naruto said.

"That's already obvious." Batman replied. "The only way to defeat Hades right now is to send him back to Tartaros thru the Gates of the Underworld. And for Hades to be sealed back, the key to the Gates of the Underworld must be destroyed. But the four beings that you have recently been fighting with before you got summoned here are currently guarding it!"

"I see." Naruto looked towards the battling Wonder Woman, the Flash, and Martian against Grimmjow, Neliel and Nnoitra with Ulquiorra just standing by to closely guard the key of the Underworld. "Actually those four are the ones responsible for the appearance of multiple Demons on our world. And you are right; we are currently fighting before we got summoned here. Good thing is that only we are the ones who got summoned, not the others…" the Shinobi said while thinking about the Goddesses.

'So he really is fighting to protect the world within the shadows against these Demons.' Batman thought. He then remembered what he had said before against the Shinobi… "You have the power to make the world a better place, but you only decided to use your power for your own convenience. That's what it sounds to me." (Batman said this from Chapter 15). 'So he really didn't join us not because of his own personal issues, but for him to move around within the shadows to protect the world on his own way…'

"Those four are all Weiss with enormous amounts of power and high level of sentience. They are on an entirely different level than the ones we have fought before." Naruto explained. "Each of them has their own abilities which are also powerful on their own right outside of their overwhelming power. You guys will need the power of the Makai Kings to defeat them." He said while not removing his gaze towards Hades battle.

"Clear. But with the Kings currently fighting against Hades, we will need you against those beings. After all, you already have information on how to deal with them." Batman replied on his usual dark tone.

"I can't." Naruto narrowed his eyed towards Hades. "After what he did against me, that bastard of a god needs some payback! I'll need to personally beat that bastard to pulp!" Naruto then released some Chakra that was currently rivaling that of Hashirama. After seeing such powerful being along with the golden warriors that are fighting with the Justice League before their arrival, Naruto just realized that this world has what it takes for him to use his true powers… the power that he thought that he may never use against anyone… the power as that of the Nidaime Rikudo Sennin…

-Scene Change-

Back to the material world… in the home temple of the Naruto and the Norse Goddesses…

"There's it!" Urd pointed out to the seemingly monitor that was reflected on the Magic Circle that they were creating for them to locate and summon Naruto and the Makai Kings back. "We've finally found the trace of the Obligatory Summoning Spell, and it is located on that rift within the Island of the Amazon, Themyscira!"

"I'll amplify my magic so we can see what's currently happening on that rift!" Apollo said as the Magic Circle where they are currently glowed brightly. Then, it displayed the scenes on the current events on that rift, which greatly surprised them.

"That's… Hades! And also Zorc Necrophades!" Belldandy said with visible but rare surprised expression on her face.

"And the Justice League. They seem to be fighting against that Demon God along with those golden warriors." Haqua muttered.

"Where is Naruto!?" Skuld quickly said as she looked around the projection. She then sighed in relief after seeing Naruto standing beside Batman while discussing something. "Thank God… you're alright…" Skuld sighed in relief.

"Uzumaki-san…" Diana smiled in relief as well. She can also feel the relief of her host, Tenri, after seeing Naruto. "Can we start the Reverse Summoning Spell of the Heavenly Gods?"

"Not yet. The Magic Circle that we created consumed the Magic that we have applied for locating Naruto and the Makai Kings' current location. So we'll need to recharge the Magic Circle once again to produce appropriate power for the Reverse Summoning Spell." Urd explained. "But this will be good enough since we can see what is happening while we are charging the power of the Magic Circle."

"Even so, we'll need to do it as soon as possible!" Skuld retorted to Urd. The Goddesses and the Devil girl nodded to each other as they start amplifying the Magic Circle with their own powers to summon Naruto back…

Keiichi is just watching on the sidelines with a small smile on his face. Despite the current situation, he can't help but be surprised upon seeing the Goddesses from different Heavenly factions and myths helping each other for one, same goal. This has never happened before in any history records and mythologies, since each Heavenly factions tends to isolate their own myths on their own, as if implying that they are the superior pantheon of gods than the other. But now, they are together despite their differences… and it is all because of Naruto.

"You're slowly starting to change this world without even trying, Naruto." Keiichi muttered silently with a small smile.

-Scene Change-

"Teaming up against me eh?" Hades smirked cockily while approaching Mazoku Yusuke and Super Saiyan 4 Goku, both are charging their signature attacks against Hades. "Only someone with a power of a god can hurt me. Your attacks don't have such properties!" Hades then dashed in massive speed towards the two.

"Then don't mind if we try! REIGAN!" Yusuke fired his Spirit Gun.

"Let's go! KAME HAME HA!" Goku also fired his signature attack. Both attacks are somewhat on the same level of power. After all, Yusuke and Goku knew that their power levels are entirely different so both of them adjusted their powers to match the power output of their attacks.

"Even if you combine your powers, it is useless!" Hades smirked, then prepared his arms to swipe away the attacks and finish the two of them in a single instance. However, much to Hades surprise, the Reigan and the Kamehameha beam melded into each other and became a single… powerful beam with overwhelming power while midway before the attack hit him…

"This is…!" Naruto, who is watching how Hades battle on the distance, got surprised after realizing something when the attacks from Yusuke and Goku melded as one potent, powerful attack. "It can't be…"

The combined beam attack from Goku and Yusuke's signature attack landed on Hades' arm that attempted to swipe the beam away. But instead of being swiped away, the beam overpowered Hades' arm, stopping Hades advance towards Goku and Yusuke, and is now pushing the god back.

"This power…!" Hades gritted his teeth. Goku and Yusuke applied additional power on their beam attacks and after a few moments, their combined attacks exploded, enveloping Hades' entire body with multi-continent leveling force.

Super Saiyan Mystic Gohan saw the massive explosion as he landed right beside Goku while Yoko Kurama and Hiei also landed behind Yusuke after recovering from Hades' attacks against them.

"Wow… your powers complimented that guy's own power…" Gohan commented while looking towards Yusuke.

"Combining two kinds of different powers is quite a feat." Yoko spoke. "That guy whom you've collaborated with has entirely different level of power than yours, yet both of you managed to sync your attacks despite the differenced on their properties?"

"Well, let's just say that we were able to do it since we are the same kind of person." Yusuke grinned towards Yoko.

"Amen to that!" Goku also grinned.

"Yeah. They both have stupid grins. No doubt that they will get along." Hiei muttered grumpily. "But don't expect for Hades to get defeated by such attack."

On the other hand…

"Yusuke's Reigan… and that monkey guy's Kamehameha attack…" Naruto muttered. This caught Batman's attention. "No… Yusuke's power… and that monkey guy's power… if synced properly and combined… it's the same as that of my…"

"What are you muttering about?" Batman asked in a dark tone.

"That's definitely it." Naruto muttered, ignoring Batman's question. "I'll have to try it out myself then." Naruto said as he drew a Hiraishin kunai.

Batman got annoyed. He hates the fact that he is being ignored, especially by someone who is visibly and definitely much younger than him. But before he could voice his frustration, a louder and much powerful frustrated yell roared on the location.

"How dare you… stupid little insects… to hurt me like this…!" Hades emerged from the explosion with visible damage all over his body. Even if the damage is now regenerating in hi-speed, the group can see that Goku and Yusuke's combined attacks has much greater damage than Gohan and Hiei's combined attacks from earlier.

"Score!" Yusuke smirked as he exchanged a high-five with Goku.

"Hades received damage…?" Gohan muttered in surprise. Yoko and Hiei also reacted the same as that of the hybrid Saiyan.

"Well, it is all his assumptions." Goku smirked towards Yusuke. "Gohan's Masenko and that three-eyed person's Black Dragon from earlier inflicted some damage against Hades, but this guy's earlier Reigan attack and my recent attacks didn't inflict any damage against Hades. So we concluded that Hades can get hurt if we combine our current power and sync our attacks on the same level. And it worked!"

"And the reason why our combined attacks inflicted greater damage is because our powers are in sync, or technically, we fired the same level of power. Hiei and that person named Gohan's attack are not in sync so they only inflict small damage." Yusuke smirked as well.

"Good assumption Yusuke. Now we know what it takes to inflict damage against a god." Yoko said then looked towards Hades' now regenerated damage.

"I can't believe that there is such an attack that could damage a god even if you are not using your Super Saiyan God form yet, father." Gohan said.

"If this keeps up, then I won't need to use that form on this battle." Goku cracked his knuckles. "I know that this is the first time that we guys met, but let's beat this annoying thing down!"

"Yeah! I also wanted to beat down a god!" Yusuke also cracked his knuckles with Hiei and Yoko smirking from behind.

"But father, I thought you wanted to fight a god single-handedly to test your Super Saiyan God form, that's why we isolated you while battling against him." Gohan inquired.

"Well, I learn something better than fighting one on one against a god!" Goku said as he charged his golden Super Saiyan 4 aura.

"I'll eliminate all of you, right here and now!" Hades yelled in rage while releasing large amounts of demonic aura. The Makai Kings, Goku and Gohan prepared their fighting stance, anticipating the next move that the mad god might do against them. However, much to their surprise, a Hiraishin kunai landed right in front of the god. And in a fraction of a second, the familiar Shinobi kid appeared in a flash with large, bluish orb charged on his right hand and slammed it to the god's chest before Hades could even react.

"OODAMA RASENGAN (Big Ball Spiraling Sphere)!" The Rasengan created a massive Chakra sphere that quickly enveloped Hades. The Chakra Sphere continued to grow as it skidded backwards, and grew further until the Chakra Sphere became about 50-meter wide in size. (Naruto's current Oodama Rasengan is about the size of his Senpou: Oodama Rasengan during Invasion of Pain, with much greater power.)

"Shinobi kid!" Superman, who just got up from Hades previous attack against him, yelled as Naruto leaped away from the expanding Chakra Sphere and landed in front of Goku and Yusuke. Superman also flew towards the group. "What did you do? That's reckless!"

"I'm just trying something out." Naruto gave an eye-smile towards Superman. The Man of Steel and the rest of the group who are present on the location looked towards Naruto in wonder.

Hades then released some potent demonic energy to disperse the Chakra Sphere that enveloped him that was created by the Oodama Rasengan attack. And much to the group's surprise, except Naruto, Hades also received visible damage from Naruto's attack, but the damages are also regenerating in hi-speed.

"Just as I thought…" Naruto muttered.

"The Chosen Child…!" Hades said in rage while glaring towards Naruto.

"You're attack… alone… can hurt Hades… a god?" Gohan muttered in surprise. After all, it is a given knowledge that a god can only be hurt by another god or someone with godly power… and just now, they did just discover that gods can also be hurt by melding two different powers of different properties into a single, new kind of power…

"I think so. Yusuke and monkey-guy's combined attack earlier verified that." Naruto said seriously as he flared his current Chakra that could rival that of Hashirama's (Similar on how Natsu Dragneel released his flames). He then further tapped within his Chakra, now making it around Rikudo Obito-level. The group is surprised by the potency of the power that the Shinobi kid is emitting.

"What do you mean by that? I know that we have near identical kind of powers. In fact, I could feel that part of your power is Spiritual Energy, the same power that we denizens of Reikai and Makai are currently using." Yoko spoke in curiosity.

"Really?" Goku tilted his head. "But based on the power that this kid is emitting right now, I can feel that it is composed of the same power as that of us… the one we call Physical Energy or ki's."

"That's right." Naruto smirked, then looked towards the raging Hades who is now approaching them. "My power is called Chakra. Chakra is created within our Chakra Circulatory system, a special body circulation that only those who came from our world may possibly have. The Chakra Circulatory System provides access to Chakra so the Shinobi can use jutsus like the one I have used against Hades right now. And this Chakra is created by the Chakra Circulatory System by combining our Spiritual Energy and Physical Energy, thus creating an all new kind of power. So technically, my power is an all kind of power that was created from the melded Physical and Spiritual Energy."

The group is stunned upon the revelation. Even Superman cannot comprehend what he just heard. Here is someone from another reality with ability to use a power that was created from already two powerful kinds of energies.

"I can't believe it…" Superman muttered.

"I'd like to try it out again. Let me fight Hades on my own for now." Naruto said to the stunned group and disappeared before they could even react and reappeared a few meters away in front of Hades…

"I'll never forgive you! Chosen Child or not… I'll rip your body to pieces!" Hades yelled towards Naruto.

"Consider that first attack from me a payback from before. Now that we are even, you no longer have any excuse once I beat you down to pulp!" Naruto yelled while releasing his potent Chakra, rivaling that of Rikudo Obito. This is the current strongest level of Chakra that he has released ever since he arrived on this world.


"Finally… a worthy battle!" Juubi Kurama smirked with rare tone of excitement on his roaring voice.

"Yeah! Prepare, Kurama. We are facing a god. I might need to tap into your power on this battle!" Naruto said in excitement.

"You're more than welcome to do that! Let's show this god what a Shinobi can actually do! It is time for you to use those jutsus that are said to be capable of slaying dragons and gods… the Uzumaki Clan's true battle style… Kazeryujin!" Juubi Kurama roared once again. "Ikke! Nidaime Rikudo Sennin!"

"Ossu!" Naruto smirked to himself.

-Mindscape Discussion End-

Hades and Naruto dashed towards each other but Naruto used Shunshin on halfway to disappear in Hades view. Naruto then reappeared right in front of Hades with his right hand equipped with seemingly burning Chakra that was converted as a Wind Element and punched Hades stomach in lightning speed to execute one of his original jutsu.

"FUUTON: SENPUKEN (Wind Release: Tornado Fist)!" Naruto released his jutsu on his fist right after the attack landed against Hades. However, Hades was able to brace himself from the attack. But the after effect of the Fuuton: Senpuken, the drilling tornado tip on the very location where Naruto's punch landed, made the god skid backwards. Hades released a potent Demonic energy to stop himself from skidding backwards, only to see Naruto who used Hiraishin to reappear right in front of the skidding god once again.

Actually, Naruto implanted a Hiraishin mark on the part where Naruto's Fuuton: Senpuken landed so he can now use the Yellow Flash's jutsu against the god on his own whim. Taking advantage of the god that is currently off-guard due to his current attack, Naruto once again attacked Hades with the same jutsu, but by combining it with one of his father's supposed original jutsu…


Naruto is now browsing the several hundreds of large scrolls that Minato left to him on his mindscape. And a lot of scrolls are regarding some of the jutsus that Minato wasn't able to complete because of the attack of the Kyuubi on Konoha. And he has all the time in the world to complete them as his own jutsu since he is still trapped within the dimension rift along with his partner, the Juubi Kurama.

After learning the Rankyaku and seeing the power of the jutsu (Rankyaku was used in Chapter 8 of this fic), Naruto got excited on learning new uncompleted jutsus from his father's jutsu library. And this time, what caught his interest is the jutsu called 'Multi-Ren (Multi-hit)' attack.

"Multi-Ren…?" Naruto muttered while browsing the scroll of the jutsu.

"Hmm… a special kind of jutsu that allows the user to hit the opponent simultaneously thru a physical attack."Juubi Kurama responded while also reading the scroll as Naruto's back is laying on his thick fur.

"Thru physical attack? So this is a taijutsu based attack…" Naruto nodded.

"That's right. It is more of a straight punch oor kick against the opponent, but due to the effect of the jutsu, a physical attack that was used with Multi-Ren jutsu will create additional hits, causing additional damage to the target."Juubi Kurama explained. "For example, if you punch someone, it normally creates a single impact, right? Multi-Ren jutsu allows you to hit the opponent on the same spot with multiple impacts, depending on the expertise of the user…"

"So for example…" Naruto punched the air. "That was a single impact. If I learn this jutsu, a single punch can create multiple impacts on the target?"

"Good use of your brain kid."Juubi Kurama complimented the pouting Jinchuuriki. "After all, this jutsu is created with the same principle as that of Rasengan and Rankyaku. It requires no hand seal so Minato can perform the jutsu in conjunction with his Hiraishin jutsu. A Shinobi with above average physical strength like Minato can send his opponent flying by using Multi-Ren with any taijutsu attacks Actually, Minato was able to achieve 2-Hits of Multi-Ren. However, for someone like you who has awakened Uzumaki genes and equipped with Bijuu Cells, like the Rankyaku, this Multi-Ren jutsu could inflict serious damage against anyone, if you didn't kill them outright with the attact."

"I see… But this jutsu is so cool!" Naruto grinned as he read the scroll of Multi-Ren jutsu with excitement. Naruto then created multiple Kage Bunshins, then started training for learning the Multi-Ren jutsu…

-Flashback End-

'Now, I'll surpass you… Tou-chan!' Naruto muttered on his head as he released his charged up chakra on his right hand…

"5-REN… FUUTON: SENPUKEN (Five-Hit: Wind Release: Tornado Fist)!" Naruto combined the Multi-Ren jutsu with his own original jutsu as the punch landed on Hades' stomach violently. The punch created a drilling tornado as an after effect after the Chakra from the punch is released.

"This attack again! Futil… What?" As Hades braced himself since he thought that he already knew the power of the jutsu, he felt another violent shockwave on the exact same area where Naruto's punch landed with much powerful impact from the first actual punch. So the second impact was combined with the drilling tornado's power that was after-effect of the first punch, creating a much powerful force than before that sent Hades' body skidding backwards. Hades gritted his teeth and glared towards Naruto who is now charging another signature jutsu on his right hand that was raised mid-air…

"That was just the second hit… now... the third one!" As the 2nd impact from the attack also created its own drilling tornado after-effect that was combined with the first drilling tornado from the first impact, a third, much more powerful shockwave with much more powerful force than the 2nd impact drilled on Hades' body. The 3rd impact was also combined with the drilling tornado created from the after-effect of the first two impact, creating a much enormous force than before, sending Hades to be pinned on one of the ruins.

"Incredible…" Yoko Kurama absentmindedly muttered as a gigantic tornado continued to drill on Hades' body. Even Goku and Gohan are surprised upon the potency of the attack that Naruto just executed…

"4th hit!" Naruto yelled as the 4th shockwave was felt on Hades' body with the drilling tornado grew large since the 3rd impact also created a drilling tornado as the punch's after-effect and melded with the already existing drilling tornado. The 4th impact further drilled Hades on a gigantic crater and the drilling tornado became very strong that it can now blew anything on its path.

"Damn it!" Hades yelled in pain as he struggled on get out of the powerful, potent tornado. Especially since it is created from a power that could very well hurt him…

"Now… 5th hit!" Naruto yelled as the final shockwave erupted against Hades' body while also creating a gigantic drilling tornado that was drilling against Hades stomach where the first four impacts landed, further grinding the mad god on a large, deep crater. The gigantic drilling tornado that was grinding Hades was now created from 5 powerful tornadoes as after effect of each hit/shockwave. Even the Saiyans are now bracing themselves due to the powerful gust of wind that was created by the jutsu…

(Technically, I just used the Multi-hit principle of Kugi Punch from Toriko. Since I have also mentioned that Naruto, on his current level, is around Toriko-level from Chapter 2 and Chapter 7)

And to make things worse, Naruto has been able to finally finished the jutsu that he was charging on his right hand during the entire time that the shockwaves are pummeling Hades. He then leaped several hundred meters above the ground and further applied additional Chakra on the jutsu, making its size to further increase and making its power more potent…

"Take this…! FUUTON: CHOU OODAMA RASENSHURIKEN (Wind Release: Ultra Big Ball Spiraling Rasenshuriken)!" Naruto threw the jutsu towards the gigantic drilling tornado created by the Multi-Hit Senpuken with matching powerful gust of wind that blew anything on its path. The combined wind of the giant tornado and the gust of the enormous Rasenshuriken forced the battles within the rift to be stopped temporarily as the heroes and their opponents alike were almost got blown away. As the Rasenshuriken landed on Hades' location, it exploded as an enormous mass of Chakra Sphere that that was far more powerful than the full-powered Bijuu Dama created by Obito's incomplete Juubi…

Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Super Saiyan Mystic Gohan released their golden kis to protect the Makai Kings and Superman from the overwhelming gust of the continental level destructive power of Naruto's Rasenshuriken. Same goes for Super Saiyan 4 Vegetta and Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks while Zorc Necrophades skidded backwards due to sheer wind gust alone. The Justice League, on the other hand, can't believe that such level of power came from the human in the name of the Shinobi. Even the Nifheim Generals have visible surprised expression on their faces due to the power that was used by the Shinobi, including the stoic Ulquiorra…

"Father…" Gohan muttered. "How come this kid has such kind of power…? I can sense that he is only around your level before transforming into Super Saiyan against Frieza… But how he was able to do this much against Hades… a god on the level as that of Bills-sama…?"

"You're right, Gohan. Currently, his power level is estimated to be around that level as of now. But the nature and property of his power seemed to be different than us. Like what he has said, it was created from two different kinds of power, thus creating a more potent one. So he should at least capable of doing this much." Goku said while smirking towards the Shinobi who just landed on the ground after throwing the Rasenshuriken. "…so in terms of power level, we are on an entirely different class from him. But in terms of power density, it has a great potential to surpass that of ours..."

"I see… now I can understand why Bills-sama got interested on his power…" Gohan said while looking towards Naruto. "That kid… the one that the Daimakaicho called as the Chosen Child… despite having lower level of power than us… the nature of his power… can rival and even kill the Gods…"

-Scene Change-

"Overwhelming…" Haqua muttered in surprise as she and the Goddesses are watching the battle thru their Magic Circle as they continue to channel their powers to summon Naruto and the Kings back.

"This is far above anything that he has done before…" Diana replied as she remembered Naruto's battle against Lullaby (from Chapter 8).

"I always believe that Naruto is holding back a lot of power. But now that he needs to fight a god, he got no choice but to release his true power…" Belldandy replied as she watched intently on the battle.

"I can sense that Naruto is a human, but how come does a human become capable of wielding such kind of power?" Apollo said. After all, this is the first time that she actually saw Naruto fought in battle.

"I believe he should be the one to explain that to you, Kanon-chan's Goddess…" Urd replied. "…but I'll be more than happy to tell you his story if Kanon-chan will give me her autograph later." The Goddess of the Past smiled. After all, she is a huge fan of Kanon.

"Urd!" Skuld gave a sisterly glare towards her elder sister. "Naruto is fighting against a god right now! So stop your non-sense comments and concentrate on channeling our Magic to this Reverse Summoning Magic Circle!" She yelled. Kanon and Tenri, both are within their Goddess' consciousness, heard those words…

'This girl named Skuld… she seemed to care a lot for Naruto-kun…' Tenri thought.

'Why… does she also has… feelings for him…?' Kanon muttered within Kanon as well.

-Scene Change-

"That's one crazy power! That Chosen Child really is no joke!" Grimmjow said in surprise after seeing how Naruto damaged Hades with barrage of attacks. He is now currently fighting with the Flash in a seemingly game of speed before he was able to kick the speedsters face and send him skidding backwards.

'The Shinobi is once again using country, no, continent busting attacks! Yet I can't defeat this one that he previously fought before arriving here?' The Flash said as he wiped the blood that dripped down his mouth. "I'll need to do more!" As he once again disappeared in a blur while trying to pass against Grimmjow.

"That's more than enough to verify that he is holding back against us the last time that we fought against him…" Neliel replied to Grimmjow while dodging Wonder Woman's punch and retaliated with her own attack.

'They also have super strength to fight against me and J'onn on equal terms… just like the information that Batman told us after talking with the Shinobi…' Wonder Woman muttered as she blocked a powerful Cero with her bracelet, still sent her skidding backwards.

"With that power, it is now legitimate why he can fight on equal grounds against Ulquiorra. He can even fight against Shirosaki in this case!" Nnoitra tried to slice the Martian with his limbs equipped with numerous blades but the Martian used his intangibility powers to evade the attack.

'Even I can become intangible, they still have a way to catch up against me. We need to destroy the key as soon as possible!' The Martian said while shape-shifting as a monster with multiple arms. He, along with the Flash and Wonder Woman looked towards Ulquiorra who is standing still while personally guarding the relic key of the Gates of the Underworld.

"We can't continue like this!" Wonder Woman gritted her teeth as her teammates once again tried to attack and defeat the Nifheim Generals using their own powers…

-Scene Change-

Bills and the Daimakaicho Hild has surprised expression visible on their faces after seeing that Naruto's attacks can actually damage a god. This caught Whis interest as well…

"So this is the true power of the Chosen Child…" Whis spoke in amusement. "If you got hit by his attacks, I bet you'll also feel the pain like what Hades is currently experiencing, Bills-sama."

"Yeah. Even if I am a lot stronger than him, his attacks can definitely hurt me. Now I understand why the Chosen Child has the right to appear in my dreams…" Bills commented with his right hand on his chin.

"Like what I have said, the Chosen Child is a very interesting person. All that we need to do is to awaken his still sleeping power and potential for him to change the world. And will be very soon…" The Daimakaicho spoke while watching the expanding Rasenshuriken Chakra Sphere thru the magical monitor. "…after all, the Chosen Child isn't just randomly picked out… there is a specific reason why you, among all the other beings from other realities, is Chosen by the prophecy…"

-Scene Change-

Naruto landed a few meters in front of Goku and Yusuke with Superman levitating behind them. Gohan, Hiei and Yoko Kurama are also behind them as the gigantic Wind Chakra Sphere created by the Rasenshuriken slowly resided.

"That attack is several folds more powerful than the one that you used against the mothership of the Alien Invaders…" Superman commented.

"That's right." Naruto took a side glance towards the Man of Steel. "But I doubt that this attack will be enough to defeat him." The Shinobi said as he returned his glare towards the humongous crater created by his attack. And indeed, with a dark flash, Hades emerged out of the giant crater and flew above the ground for several hundreds of meters with visible rage while looking towards Naruto. The mad god is now filled with a massive gaping hole on his chest due to the Multi-Hit Senpuken attack and multiple slashes injuries created by the Rasenshuriken's billions of tiny Wind Blades.

"Your power level is far below that of the Saiyan and around the power of the Makai Kings… yet your power can inflict this kind of damage against me… the power enough to slay and kill the gods… now, more than ever, I believe that you really are the Chosen Child…" Hades spoke as he channeled enormous amount of energy to heal his damages in hi-speed.

"Wow… If I used those combination attacks against the other Weiss that I have encountered before, they'll definitely no longer able to regenerate in time before they were sealed. But he is still regenerating after receiving such damage…" Naruto said as he used a set of hand seals to activate his Wind Support jutsu. "NINPOU: FUUTON: CHAKRA DORAIBU (Ninja Art: Wind Release: Chakra Drive)!" After the jutsu's activation, the Rikudo-Obito Chakra level that he is currently using changed its property, making the bluish-white Chakra color change into greenish-white while also creating a crater where he is currently standing. After all, this is a special support jutsu for Wind Element users that increases the power of all the wind Jutsus several folds and also passively infusing his physical attacks with Wind Affinity (this jutsu is used on Chapter 14 against Yusuke).

"Well… you really have some special kind of power that was more than enough to inflict damage against that god." Yusuke smirked. "But with that idea, that also gave me the power to also inflict damage against that Hades!" Yusuke said as he balled his hands on his waist.

"Don't tell me… Yusuke…" Yoko muttered as he and Hiei distanced themselves away from their fellow Makai King.

"Yeah… The Shinobi isn't the only one who has two kinds of power… Because I also have my very own S-Class Reiki and SSS-Class Youki that I have inherited from Raizen old man! And the best part, I can combine them as one, more potent kind of power!" Yusuke smirked as he is now combining his two kinds of Spiritual Energy into one…

"So you will now be using the same power that Sensui used against us… but on an entirely different level…" Hiei muttered in amusement.

"Yeah!" Yusuke's blue aura that indicates his Reiki fused with his red aura that was the emblem of his Youki power. As the two power melded, it became a golden colored power that was quite similar to the Saiyans… creating a new kind of power… the Sacred Energy or known as Seikouki…

"Wow… so you also have your own super power-up!" Goku smirked, but not removing his gaze against the god since it may attack them any moment from now even if the damages from Naruto's attack are still regenerating.

"Of course! After all, I cannot just sit by and watch as the Shinobi fight against the god! I want to see who among us can defeat that god much faster!" Yusuke smirked as he cracked his knuckles in excitement.

"Hey! You never use that power against me!" Naruto said in comedic complaining tone to Yusuke.

"And same goes for you! You have a lot of attacks that you didn't use against me!" Yusuke retorted comically.

"And since this Yusuke person is also using the same dual kind of power, he can now also inflict damage against Hades." Gohan muttered as he watched Yusuke's power-up in amusement. "You might be stronger than them in sheer raw power even in just the Super Saiyan form, father. But if you will not use that form, they'll defeat Hades before you even have a chance." Gohan smiled to his father.

"I know. I don't have the dual kind of power like these two, but I do have a form that could inflict damage and defeat a god as well!" Goku smiled as he relaxed and tap within the innermost power of his Saiyan heritage, awakening the power of god that was resting deep within him. His Super Saiyan 4 form then disappeared and with a bright blue light, his golden Saiyan aura transformed into seemingly fiery red ki. His hair also returned back on his base form, but now became colored red as well with now visible leaner physiques and much younger appearance. "Now this… is my Super Saiyan God form…" Goku stated calmly.

"You also have a more powerful form than before?" Yusuke and Naruto inquired at the same time with surprised expression. Superman also had unexplained surprise on his face after seeing the newly powered up Saiyan.

"These guys…" Yoko Kurama smirked while looking towards the current Rikudo Obito-level Naruto, Seikuouki Mazoku Yusuke, and Super Saiyan God Goku. "…they really have powers that are far above our comprehension."

"I guess it would be better to leave these three monsters here." Hiei turned around while looking towards the other members of the Justice League who are also fighting against the Nifheim Generals. "They'll be enough to defeat that god." Yoko and Hiei then looked towards Yusuke. Yusuke returned the gesture with a confident smirk, then the two Kings disappeared and is now on their way to help the Justice League against the Generals.

"Thanks guys." Yusuke said while smirking towards his retreating comrades.

"I guess I also am not needed here. This person named Yusuke and this Shinobi kid has power to hurt Hades, and you, father have also transformed into God form…" Gohan smiled as he flared his Mystic Super Saiyan form aura. Goku responded to his son with a nod and a grin. "… that alone is more than enough to defeat the god… so I'll just help Gotenks and Vegetta."

"Alright! Take care!" Goku smiled as Gohan flew in massive speed towards Zorc Necrophades.

"I'll be left behind to back you up." Superman said to the remaining trio. Naruto nodded, Goku just smirked, and Yusuke gave a thumbs-up.

Hades, now that he is fully recovered, glared towards Naruto, Yusuke, Goku and Superman. He can now feel the resonating powers of the three who are standing side by side with each other. And Superman is also with them who have enough brute strength to fight against him.

"Even if you have already managed to hurt me, it is very unintelligent for your other comrades to leave the four of you against me. You have yet to face my full power, little pests! Now I'll show you… the true power of a god!" Hades then landed on the ground, a few meters away from the four heroes on their own time and worlds…

"Yeah right. Since if you will not fight seriously, I'll be more than enough to kick your butt!" Yusuke said as he prepared his fighting stance.

"Hey! Don't say that! I'll be the one who will beat him down! I have many jutsus that I want to use, especially my clan's special jutsus that was created for slaying mythical beings and gods… the Nintaijutsu Kazeryujin!" Naruto complained, but also preparing a stance similar to that of the Hyuuga's.

"Huh? You still have more attacks that can specifically defeat gods?" Goku replied in perplexed expression. He then also prepared his Kame stance. "But my current power can rival his own godly power! That's why it is called as God form!"

Superman saw as the trio bicker against each other just because of trivial matters. He then smiled as he realized that they have enormous powers on their own right, yet they seemed to be the simplest kind of person.

"Why don't you guys just have a contest on who can defeat Hades faster by fighting at the same time?" Superman suggested. The three looked towards him, then smirked towards each other.

"Fine then." Goku charged his fiery red, Super Saiyan God aura.

"If that's what it takes…" Yusuke said as his golden Seikouki aura further enveloped his body.

"Then I'll kick that god's ass better than you two!" Naruto smirked as he now further channeled his Rikudo-Obito level Chakra with buffs from Ninpou: Fuuton: Chakra Drive.

"Very well…" Superman said as well. The group then glared towards Hades as they prepare, not only to defeat the god, but also to prove who among them has a greater power to defeat him… "By the way, Goku, what happened to what you so-called Pride of the Saiyans? I thought you Saiyans prefer a one-on-one combat style."

"Well, this scenario is different." Goku smirked. "In my current form, I can fight that Hades on my own and defeat him. But with you guys fighting with me who also have your own unique kinds of powers, that made me realize that it wouldn't be fair for me to handle that godling alone."

"I see." Superman nodded. Yusuke and Naruto then smirked to the Saiyan. True, it is the first time that they met him, but they know that they are fighting on the same side and they can feel that he can get along well with them…

"Battle!" Hades disappeared and reappeared right in front of the four and engaged them in an all out battle…

Superman, Son Goku, Yurameshi Yusuke and Uzumaki Naruto… With four of the greatest heroes on their own respective worlds fighting together against a god... how will this change the course of battle…?!

<New story up on my profile be sure to check it out and let me know how I've done. It's called The Shinobi Visitor. 3 chapters already up>

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