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Chapter 2: Alive

As I stared at the stage, I grew bored waiting for the teacher.

All the other students still look like they were in a daze, none of them showed any emotions. I started thinking, maybe there was more to being a Risen.

Maybe we're just an empty shell inside. We're not supposed to have emotions, so that makes me even more in danger.

Moments passed until finally the teacher has arrived, he was on the huge stage in the front of the gym.

" Alive! " He yelled out, his voice echoing throughout the gym.

When he said that, The Risens who was in the daze suddenly starts staring around in a confused state almost like they were awaken from a bad dream.

" Good morning, class! You all Might be confused waking up in a strange place when you were just at your homes, shopping, at the convenience store or at your school." He said, with a bit of pity on his face. "I know it's hard for you right now, but I have to tell you, you all died a terrible death years ago, and you have now become what is called Risen."

"Risen is a corpse with a core, that are brought back to life to serve Their country, as a risen you can't speak, you do whatever your master says, however your master can give over power for a limited amount of time, which is how I can control you." he smiled, Pathetically. " As a Risen, you have in on and off switch, If I cut your switch off by saying "Dead". You have no control over your mind and forced to do as I say, but if I put your controller on by saying "Alive", you'll have your emotions back, however you will never be in full control ever again in your life."

He said this time he didn't sound like he was pitying us, But like he was threatening us.

" I said this so you can understand that running away is useless, And don't try to kill me or your real master cause that would just lead to your death." He was intense, he can burn down the gym with his eyes.

" Now, we are over with the needed information, my name is Jeff, I am your teacher, I'm supposed to teach you of how the world works and this time, and how you use your powers and get Ready for the final exam, which is in 6 months!" He sounds pretty happy like all that intenseness disappeared.

As I was looking around, I realized the other risen were panicking, crying on the floor and trying to scream, but nothing would come out. Then there were others who remained calm in stared at Jeff.

I'm guessing these are the risen who already no they were dead before coming here.

I started staring at the stage as well, around 500 people was standing on the stage wearing a weird uniform.

They had on a black hat with some symbol on it, a long sleeve coat that was slammed was Silver's buttons like it was winter, And black slick boots.

They stand in the way the military would stand.

" Everyone, listen! These are the monitors who is helping me to teach. I couldn't possibly teach 5000 people by myself, so they're here to help me." Jeff said while presenting them.

" Now everyone is divided into groups of 10 with one assistant teacher, the list is on that wall over there, i'll give you 30 minutes to be in groups. The assistant teachers have numbers on them Go to the one with your number." As he said that, the assistant teachers started walking in a orderly line off the stage and line up in front of the stage in a straight line.

I went to find my line on the wall, it was huge I don't know how anyone can see from there. It was hundreds of pages and 5000 students looking so it was a bit crowded, I got pushed a few times.

I decided to wait until the crowds died down, and so I went in the back to wait there was a few other people there as well, waiting.

One being a girl with silver hair and black eyes, She stared at me as if she wanted me dead.

And the other one was a tall guy with black hair, he waved at me with his smile.

After about 12 minutes, the crowd died down, and so I went searching for my line.

7 minutes later, I found it line 207!!

As soon as I saw it, I immediately searched for the teacher with the number.


Took me less than a moment to spot him, there are already 7 people in line, I was the 8th.

It was almost time for Jeff to start the lesson when the final 2 of our group got here.

It was the tall guy, and the girl with silver hair.

I guess since they was waiting, they took longer than me.

" First things first, I almost forgot you all must take the Callers from the assistant teachers while wearing them you can speak! However, it also seconds as a tracking device And if you try to take it off you'll be punished. " Jeff said " Now let's begin, my assistant teachers will be firstly, showing The basics of combat in the morning.

And in the afternoon, you'll be learning your ability, By me! By the end of every week will be having group battles to see who's on top of our ranking system, each group have the ability to give themselves a name or the can just go by the assistance teacher number.

If you want to change your groups name, please have it in by the end of this week. After that , no more name changes.

You may begin with the lesson."

After Jeff was done with his speech, I put the collar on My neck, it was covering the huge cut with stitches that I got when I was in the lab.

Pretty much everyone here had a cut with stitches around their neck and their arms and legs. I mean, we were dead. So some of us had to be stitched back together more than others.

After that the assistant teacher began to teach us and the corner of the gym. She was showing us movements, but she was too fast, none of us could keep up with him.

It was late, so Jeff cancelled the ability lesson for to day in decided to send us to our new room.

As we followed the assistant teachers to our new rooms, it turns out, we sleep in a unit together.

We walked into our new room and it was more like an apartment, as soon as we walked in, we can see a small gym off to the side And straight ahead was a living room with a TV.

On the left side there was a door that says boys room, and on the right? there was one that says girls.

All that was in these rooms were 5 beds and surprisingly enough, they looked comfortable. On the same side there was a room that said boys restroom and the same on the right side, but with the girls.

We walked in, there was Bathroom stalls and sinks with the door leading to what I would describe as a gym locker room set up, but with clean showers.

After that, we've step into the living room, there was a door on the right side and it opened up to a kitchen with all the silverware you can name, in a giant food pantry full of items, from pasta sauce to oreos.

It was weird to think that they put a kitchen and the apartment considering that the risen have no need to eat, But I am thankful nonetheless.

There was one more room that we seen, but we weren't allowed into, and that was the assistant teachers room, they are supposed to stay with the students.

After we were done looking around, the assistant teacher decided to speak to us.

" I understand you all are excited to see your unit but don't be excited for to long everyone begins with a nice unit, but if you're not on top of the rankings, you won't be enjoying this for much longer. So train hard and get on top of the rankings, so you can continue experiencing this and more." After she was done speaking, she was gonna go to her room, but a girl with the pink shirt on asked her a question.

" Miss assistant teacher lady, why is there a kitchen here?" She said in a sort of whisper, The other risen was glad that she said what was on their mind.

" oh, that. Although it is true that risen don't need to eat it's best that you do, the kitchen it's not only designed to eat normal foods but to eat monster cores so that you can continue to get stronger.

Monster corps work's best when grind into powder and put into a normal dish. I myself am a risen who belongs to Jeff and about being a assistant teacher, I'm also supposed to teach you how to cook monster core.

With that's said it's best if you get a good night's sleep will have an early start tomorrow, since if you're not on top of the ranking, I'll have to sleep on the bare floors as well."

After the assistant teacher, I mean Maria left, we decided to introduce ourselves.

" hi, I'm Bella, I love video games, watching TV, Hanging out with my friends, or I've loved. You know, since we're dead in all. " He said while standing up, bells seem kind of like a happy kind of guy with light brown hair with a dark brown skin tone and he was kind of short.

" hi, my name is Ana, I used to do ballet and I'm not very good with crowds." Ana said in a soft whisper., she's the same girl who asked that question to Maria earlier. With her short brown hair and bright pink shirt, she's sort of seem like a loner.

This went on for about 30 minutes, there was a girl named Jason, Kenny and Kate which were twins, by the way.

And there were guys named, Jack and Peter.

The only ones who didn't introduce themselves, was the 2 that was in the back of the line earlier.

" I'm Ellie, you can call me Al. " That's all she said then she walked to her room.

"Anyways, I'm Mars, nice to meet you!! Don't worry about her she's always like that." he seemed like a nice older brother with the way he spoke.

After everyone was done introducing themselves, including me, we went to our rooms to get an early nights rest.

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