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Chapter 2: A New World

The voyage was quite an unpleasant affair. Great waves hitting us from time to time and the constant heavy showers. We had chosen a terrible time to go. The mist didn't lighten my mood and it was a miracle that we remained on course. I was in such a foul mood and my long time childhood friend, Catherine took to teasing me every now and then. I hated the weather the travel while she found everything to be an adventure. When we were hiding in our cabins due to the heavy showers she was glad to step out and let the drops fall on her. I often wondered how it was she didn't catch a cold. I who had guarded self so fiercely had fallen ill. Luckily Catherine was there with me taking care of me but she would escape every hour or two. I was quite sure she had gone to flirt with the men in uniform and if she hadn't gotten to the captain then I know not. It was Catherine's nature who could blame her. She had a weakness for the opposite sex and they simply could not resist her charms. An adventurous soul who took things lightly. I loved her open spirit for she was everything I wasn't. Prim and proper I was down to the last bit. I often thought what a pair of friends we make. Her so wild and I so grim. She often commented,

"It seems to me Victoria that I'll die before I ever see you lose that prim nature of yours". How sad it is that it did come true. Though we were the oddest pair of friends I adored her as she adored me. She accepted my other weird nature and I was often tempted to think she merely assumed it. I approached her about this and she said, Victoria and her deep thoughts. Of course I accept you even with your third eye. It is you and whatever is you I accept. Plus I-"

"Plus what?

oh never mind Vicky.

That quickly ended for I didn't like how she shortened my name it made me feel less proper. How I wished that I admitted to her that I thought it cute well my shortened name that is. She loathed being called her full names Catherine Carr. To her admirers or as she called them loyal fans she was simply Cathy. I was well aware that she said no to many marriage proposals, she was beautiful of course and she could have any man she wanted. Raven curly hair, deep brown eyes and facial features that oozed of her beauty. Not forgetting her perfect trim figure. Often as we walked I saw the men stare how could they not it was hard not to. But I knew the reason why she didn't say yes to the marriage life was for a reason. I happened to be it. Men didn't tear down my walls no. I was locked in my four walls. Cathy often said," you scare the suitors Victoria. Your pretty don't think you aren't. But the second you send them that I am too proper look, they scamper away". I laughed at how she would raise herself upright with her nose pinned to the air just to make her point. I didn't bother with the gentlemen if he would come he would. Yet so far none had bothered. For now I was taking this voyage to head to Winston, become a governess to a child of a rich folk. I laughed when Cathy insisted on finding a post herself in Winston and by good luck she found one well three miles from me. She was intelligent yes but too frivolous I wondered if she would really cope in the household. We had vowed though to meet every weekend and catch up. It calmed me to know someone I knew was close by. She was all I had after the tragic death of my parents. Train accident. I moved in with her and her father and they meant a great deal to me. It tore us both when Mr. Carr, passed away a year ago before our voyage. Heart attack it was. The funeral was a huge affair as he was the towns vicar. A terrible loss of such a meek soul. Means of survival was necessary, I chose mine and Cathy having best of both worlds followed mine.

The quicker we got there the better it would be for me. The flu ended seven days after, we still hadn't reached our destination. Cathy did manage to cheer me when she told me of her tales with the men on the deck. I wasn't wrong she had already gotten to the captain. I scolded her when she told me she nearly had an affair with a married man let alone that his wife was in the same ship.

"Oh Vicky, it's good I realized in time at least give me that. "

"at least have the decency to set limits Cathy. A married man and his wife present. If I won't collect your remains beneath this sea, it would be no less than a miracle. "

She smiled awkwardly but I knew I had gotten my point through. The rains having eased up and the sea no longer a wavy affair I stepped out of my cabin. The sea sickness had waned. The stars shone their light it was a full sky that night. We had supped an hour ago. Cathy was off for her many adventures I feeling tired of being shut in that long was eager to walk about. The cabin felt stuffy and overwhelming. We had spent our savings to get the middle class cabins. The third class was overcrowded. Every sort was there and Catherine would simply not bore it to share a cabin with eight other women not counting the children. Our first day tour of the ship we found roaches and rats making their way as though it were an everyday routine. The middle class wasn't grand but suitable. Two people could share the cabin. There were the bathrooms and drawing room and separate beds.The business class which Cathy had so desired was beyond our pockets and a fascination in itself which sadly was a tale to us. I fretted if we were to be turned away by our supposed employers what a lose for our savings but with Cathy I felt calm and in my own way enjoyed the serenity of the moment.A wooden chair lay abandoned and I thanked the nature of forgetfulness. I sat on the chair and wished it was a rocker but I had to be content. It was a chair all the same.

I admired the stars looking at their positions and looking for the big dip as well as the small dip. I tried configuring other shapes with the stars when a man's husky voice said, "you must be quite fond of astrology."

Perturbed I looked at the stranger who had invaded my private space. I was slightly thrown off to meet a most handsome man. Dark haired with dazzling hazel eyes, square chin with a slight cleft. He looked like he just stepped out of the god's world and graced the world. Composing myself as I didn't want the fella to think he had an upper hand on me. I replied in a manner to suggest I wished nothing but to be left alone.

"yes I am. "

He must have thought it an open invitation for a tete a tete for he stood next to my chair.

"stars are quite a mystery of their own. I'm glad someone else finds them as worth the time."

Without thinking through, "who else is interested?" I asked and I knew I had just given him full authority to keep up the chat.

"I do miss. Not a day passes, well when it's not raining mercilessly or the clouds hanging so grimly and refusing to move along that I don't come out to look at them. At home, when travelling or wherever it is I may be. What of you? "

"I would say the same but sometimes I'm too preoccupied."

"pre-occupied? When such beauty is there all for free you become pre-occupied? "

I felt defensive. If he had so much time in his hands to not miss a night to see the stars, some of us had a living to think about.

"I'm afraid we can't be all like you."

He looked at me puzzled but rather amused with my answer.

"Whatever do you mean?"

"Not everyone is free as you to not wander about other things that occupy their mind."

"Are you perhaps saying I'm just a freeloader?"

"I suggest no such thing. "

"You have. "

Infuriated I rose up and briskly walked passed but he caught me by arm.

"Dont let me ruin the night for you. Pardon me? "

Calming slightly I sat back down. Well not without looking at his face first and feeling a magnetic pull. It should be a criminal offence to look that handsome. If it were possible we should sue the gods for making some of us easily passable and others impossible to ignore.

"On your way to Winston? "

He had resumed to his first strategy-pep talk. Oh but it wasn't strategy I mean if I were Cathy this would have been a definite strategy to get her attention. She being wise in this field would know how to keep the inferno burning. I was sure, he had come out to see the stars and being human decided why not strike a conversation with another being.

" yes, I'm going to be a governess. "

Stunned by my response I sunk in my chair to question my mood and the moment. Perhaps it was something in the air or him that made my lips a little loose.

"a governess? You don't say. Well I'm not in the least shocked.”

"Because I'm prim. "

"you are clearly a woman with vast knowledge and beauty. I do wonder how youre going to cope there. "

"and why would you say that? "

" a governess as beautiful as you will seduce the men in the household. If you don't end up being a mistress of some castle, then I stand corrected. But I'm sure of what Im saying? "

I stifled a smile assuring myself he was just one of those men who were silk and thought with two or three complimentary words women would fall at his feet like roses. Not Victoria Vernon Landor. Well if I could help it.

"I doubt so sir. I'll be missing the child's welfare alone. The only eyes I'll seek are that of my pupil when I'm educating her or him. "

" you don't know who you'll be teaching. "

"Markham family. That's all I know. Their surnames, it was a haste decision and I didn't bother with the details. "

Perhaps I hadn't completely healed from the flu. Fevers tended to extend their stay at times.

" I think I've heard about them. If that is your destination then I'm sure you'll be quite safe in the hands. But still I wouldn't be too sure. The towns gents might break their great wall and bronzed gate to get to you. "

It didn't escape me however that he just somewhat described the place. But weren't all Winston houses the same. Guarded with wall and gates of their preference. With a bridge to cross over before one reached the house which depending on the era it was built it would either have an e shape or L or built in respect to King Charles the first. If the house was a modern affair it would have slight changes or vast. It depend on the family residing therein.

"You seem to want to charm me


" is it working? I hope so but a lady like you has probably heard it all. And youre thinking perhaps I don't meet the standards of your suitors. "

I grunted. If that were possible I wouldn't have to fend for myself.

" tell me miss, why become a governess? "

" when tragedy strikes throwing you off your comfort zone, you have to act as quickly as possible. "

"so it wasn't a hidden desire of yours. "

" I hadn't the luxury to select my whims. "

" my apologies. "

" everyone has faced tragedy at one time. "

" yes everyone has. " it must have been the manner he said it softly but with such a heaviness. He must have a tale I thought.

"allow me to take my leave miss. "

"leaving so soon. " I had failed to show disinterest. The man taken by my statement smiled slyly at me. It hid a message.

"yes. But I bet you we'll see each other again. "

He left and I couldn't concentrate on the stars anymore. I retired back to my cabin. Cathy wasn't back yet and I hoped she hadn't thought it a tempting offer to go on with the affair with the married man. All through the following day I looked about me hoping to at least catch a glimpse of the man. I looked around every five minutes. Then I deemed myself nonsensical for he clearly belonged to the business class and not on the side I was on.Cathy noticed I was antsy the entire time and she wrung the story out of me.

She clasped her hands and beamed at me when I was done.

"I told you were pretty. You shan't die an old maid."

Looking at her felt like we were five again.

"tell me his description and I shall find him for you in a jiffy. "

I remembered dreamily how he looked like. A true Greek god. He'd cast a spell on me with his looks. I was about to give a precise description of him for in those few moments we spent together I had mastered everything down to the freckles. Then it hit me that Cathy wasn't a suitable candidate to trust with the man's features.

" no I shan't. "

" why not? "

" you'll snatch him from him. "

" so you've taken a real fancy to him. "

"Likely. "

She raised her brow and I guessed what her cunning thoughts might have been weaving.

The night fell and the next day followed but I hadn't seen the man yet. At the end of the day I had resigned to thinking it was just my fantasy taking a toll on me.

The following night was breezy. I wrapped my shawl and walked around. The first quarter of the moon had appeared. It added to the colorfulness of the sky. I felt a presence behind me. A strong aura with mixed emotions. I felt the person whoever it was scrutinize me oddly enough in a pleasant manner.

"we meet again miss. "

I nearly dropped. Wonder man as I had dabbed him appeared. I hadn't noticed before but he had an earring on his left ear. It looked more of a crooked hook.

" must you startle me when you appear. "

" forgive my ill manners. "

" all is forgiven. "

" were you here yesterday?"

" yes. " Though I wished I said no as it would be clear that I had indeed come to seek him.

" to see the stars I presume. "

"yes last night was the last new moon night. The night before the moon dominated. "

" ah. " Thankfully he didn't try to dismiss my explanation. I knew he knew there was another reason.

" It was my bad luck for not appearing. We could have enjoyed each others company. Well of course watching the stars and talk awhile. "

" yes. "

I should have probably managed to wheedle out his name or at least a tale. But I refrained.

" are you on the ship alone?"

" I'm with my friend Cathy. What of you sir? "

" I'm alone. I like taking long voyages by myself. I need to think clearly and openly without anyone's interference. "


" I can handle but I needed air. "

" I can understand. "

" ever done that? "

" I don't know if it counts. But I've ran away on two occasions. The first from my parents burial. The emotions were unbearable and the room filled with people with mixed emotions. I was overwhelmed. The second was my guardians burial. "

"Im sorry for both accounts. "

" but I'm well now. On a voyage to my new destiny. "

" I wish you happiness. But I must stay you'll have an overflow of that. "

" you believe so. "

" I know so. "

" how can you tell. "

" because I wish this beautiful governess nothing but the best. When I wish it does come true. "

I hadn't noticed but we were standing in close proximity. A half step and It would be an intimate ordeal.

I looked back at the stars.

"we arrive the day after tomorrow. "

" yes, " I said grimly. I didn't want to be in Winston so soon if there was any possibility of this stranger and I blossoming to more than just strangers. Even past friendship.

"can I play for you tomorrow.?"

" a play? " I asked as I felt my cheeks coloring.

"no. I play the sitar. I was wondering if I could play for you on the last night of the voyage. "

" by all means I'd love to hear you play. "

" ten pm. "

" ten pm. "

He bade me a good night and disappeared as quickly as he appeared. He hadn't said so much but I had. Yet my heart wouldn't stop hammering.

Cathy begged to trail me and listen to wonder man play for me. But I forbade her. I wanted it to be a moment for him and I. I convinced Cathy by telling her I had never invaded her moments and she shouldn't mine. She agreed to my wish but begrudgingly. I promised to tell her everything to the last detail.

I waited for the night, it seemed a whole year before It arrived. I did and undid my hair several times. I decided to wear it down. The night was windy and it would suit me most perfectly to let it get a breeze. I wrapped my shawl and looked at myself thrice before I left. I looked quite flushed and i thought I had never looked so much prettier in my life. My emerald eyes appealed more with anticipation. My ginger hair tempting worn down. I walked slowly, I didn't want to seem all too eager but it was hard not to.

I heard someone strumming not too far from me. The tunes soothing. I couldn't tell what song it was. If I thought he was a Greek god he appealed more to me that night. Deeply engrossed as he struck the strings. A lock of hair fell on his face. I worked a step after the other towards him. He noticed me and smiled coyly.

He had placed a chair beside his and I sunk as I listened to the beautiful melody.

He switched tunes this one was filled with pain. It's as though he was stringing his turmoil away. I was feeling teary and I was glad when he switched tunes for I felt burdened. The tune was haunting. My spirits elevated when he switched to a romantic tune and I felt I was his subject.

I was so immersed that I hadn't noticed when my hand lifted to tuck away the lock that had fallen to his face. He took my hand and kissed the palm tenderly. A fire was rising from within. I couldn't extinguish it. It was rising every second I looked at him. He preceded to kiss my wrist upwards. And finally. He kissed my lips quite tenderly. I had never kissed but I was certain this kind of emotion I'd feel only once. I was breathless when he stopped. It took me a minute to catch my breath.

The desire I saw in his eyes quickly shifted and he pulled on a mask locking away his feelings. He gently caressed my hair and rose. I held his arm. I didn't want him to leave. Not yet.

" we must sleep. Tomorrow is a long day. "

" shall we meet before we reach Winston. "

" I don't know. "

My spirits dampened.

" but I do know you'll be in Winston with the Markham's. "

"tell me your name? "

He stopped abruptly and looked at me. It was though he were contemplating whether to tell me or not.

" call me Edward Compton. "

" tomorrow then Edward. "

" au revoir cara. "

He was five steps away when I shouted to him," the name is Victoria Vernon."

"au revoir Vivi. "

Vivi? What a most interesting nickname he had decided to christen me with. I swore that I'd find him next morning before we reached Winston to get his address.

Cathy was ecstatic to say the least with the nights events.

"I want to meet him. "

" we shall see. "

I dreamed of him that night. I was the first to get up. I did my hair packed all there was. After breakfast I spent the whole hour walking up and down in search of him. Crossing lanes from the middle class to the business suites.I mistook him for another fella twice. I frantically searched but all was futile. I went back to the cabin and gave Cathy his description in hope that two could find one. Thankfully she hadn't spotted him the whole voyage, I relaxed for I felt that once he saw her he'd prefer her. It was strange how a stranger could ignite emotions such as jealousy. I had never possessed it till then. Cathy and I went man hunting. But it was hopeless. No one had seen the man. The captain of the Queen of the Lake ship couldn't place him. But it was expected, there were three thousand passengers onboard how would he know whom was whom.

I grew frantic when we reached Winston and still I hadn't found him. We dragged our cases out and I pleaded with Cathy to stay awhile. We watched as all the passengers got off from the Queen of the Lake ship and still I didn't see him. Large in numbers they trickled down the vast vessel. Laughing and hopeful. Others anxious. We watched as the last of them stepped out. I tried to comfort myself that he knew I was in Winston at the Markham's.

But I also realized my great folly. I knew not of his residence. But I comforted myself. An Edward Compton couldn't be hard to find. A distinguished one especially. I had his name and that meant I had the slightest chance to find him

After all town people knew each other front and back.

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