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Chapter 3: 32. Powers

Morning came quicker than I thought. I did my usual morning routine and practiced my combat training for the rest of the day.

I hit my imaginary opponent with a punch to the face before round kicking her. Yes, her. You probably have an idea of who my imaginary opponent is...

I pant loudly and lie flat on the ground. The sky was a mix of purple, orange and blue signaling it was almost sundown.

'Wow, have I been practicing that long?'

Then realization dawned on me. Today was Sunday...I was supposed to spend time with my family today...

"Please, wake up. I need you guys " I whispered to the sky, praying some sort of miracle. Anything.

Wait a sec, it's Sunday. Which means tomorrow is Monday. Which means...

My sadness was quickly replaced with annoyance.

"Aw, no, no, no! I have to go to school tomorrow! And I haven't even studied." I rolled on the ground, muttering profanities to myself. After a few minutes of self wallowing, I picked myself up and decided to do some half-assed reading. If I'm going to fail, I'm going to fail with honour. At least I'll know I tried.


Well, surprisingly, my half assed reading was successful. 'Wow, I should study under pressure more often.'

I glanced at the time and closed my maths textbook. It was getting to dinner time and there was no way I'm going to miss Isla's cooking again.

I take a shower and change into clean clothes.

"Hey guys." I greeted, passing the others. Kevin energetically greets back and Elaina mutters a soft hello.

"You know, you guys should really learn manners" Kevin held his hip with one hand and pointed at Lucas and Trixie with the other.

"Shut up, fur ball." They simultaneously responded. I silently chuckled at Kevin's pout. They were actually pretty funny past all the awkward tension...

"Morning, Tara."

"Morning. What's for breakfast?"

"I'm making this human dish called noodles. It smells amazing so far." I laughed lightly at the look she has. It's the same look I have when I see cupcakes.

"You know, it would taste better if you added vegetables."

"Really?" Her eyes lit up as she picked up a cookbook and flipped it's pages. "But it doesn't say so in the cook book."

I take the book from her. "I know. But sometimes humans like adding their own stuff to it. That's how recipes are made."

Isla made a sound of realization and brought out a bowl of vegetables. She turns to me with a cheeky grin. "Wanna help me cut?"

I grin in return. "Sure."

I have to say, out of the others, I've really grown close to Isla. She's nice and understanding, but pretty scary when mad. I found that out when she yelled at Kevin for being loud. That boy didn't talk for hours....

She always makes sure to make small talk with me so we're pretty comfortable with each other. I've even exchanged a few recipes with her since she obviously likes cooking. Fun fact; She's a vegan. Which was surprising since she made bacon the first time. I asked her why she does it even if she's vegan and she said,

"Just because my kind doesn't eat animals doesn't mean it's wrong for others. After all, nature was created for us. We shouldn't abuse it though. Nature doesn't take kindly to greed."

"Dinner's ready, guys!" I heard Kevin cheer in the background, footsteps getting closer.

I brought out several plates and forks. "I'll serve the food."

"And I'll set the table."

Everyone takes a seat around the table except Lucas.

"Lucas, aren't you eating?"

"Not hungry."

"You should have told us before Tara dished it out then." She says in a scolding tone. Lucas lets out a grunt and shrugs.

"I'll eat it!" Kevin raised his hand with enthusiasm. Isla slides the bowl to him and he looks at the food with admiration. "Woah. What is it?" He pokes it with the fork.

"It's called noodles."

"Cool!" He beams and scoops some in his mouth. "Sho guuud." He says in a muffled tone, putting in more noodles than he can chew.

"Shouldn't we warn him?" I eye Kevin in concern as he kept eating.

"Eh, you'll get used to it." Trixie says in an unbothered tone. Her eyes light up, tasting the noodles. "Wow, this IS good."

The air was filled with small talk and low comments, except me of course.

"Hey, I just realized –" Kevin drinks a glass of water and let's out a satisfying sigh. "Tara doesn't really know about powers. I mean, she's seen them but she doesn't know exactly what they are. Right, Tara?" His yellow eyes turn to me for confirmation and I pause at the new attention.

"Uh....." I stuttered, not knowing what to say. "I guess so." I finally admit, stirring the noodles. "I mean, you've never told what magic you guys use.".

"See?" Kevin puffs his chest in pride. "I'll go first. I'm a light angel and I use light magic." He snaps his fingers and a golden light appears, following his every gesture. The light moves on to Trixie and boops her on the nose.

An unamused Trixie let's out a scowl and burns it with black fire. It turns to smoke and Trixie returns to her food,as if nothing happened.

"How mean!" Kevin pouts, dejectedly going back to his food. Isla giggles at this.

"I'm a Gaia descendant."

"A what?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

She chuckled at my confused expression. "A Gaia descendant. Basically Mother's earth child. Which means I have the power of nature." She snaps her fingers and Tara gasps, a vine of flowers forming in her hair.

"Cool." Tara says in awe, eyes glistening. Isla smirks lightly in pride before taking away the flowers which earned a sad whine from me.

"Fire powers." Elaina quickly says. Right. Almost forgot she's not the talkative kind.

"What about you, Trixie?" I turn to Trixie who paused.

"Uh ... I'm a half demon." She looks down, playing with her black locks. "I don't... really wanna talk about it."

I sensed her tension and dropped it with a reassuring smile. "It's fine. And Lucas?"

I patted myself on the back for resisting the urge to gag when I mentioned Lucas.

"I'm Kevin's twin and everything about me is the opposite from the looks to my powers. " From the living room, I could hear his calm voice loud and clear. His tone had that "do I have to spell out everything for you?" tone.

He scoffs. "Do I really have to spell it out?"

....See?!? I give a tight lipped smile. "No. Just wanted to make sure. Thanks for the reassurance." I say in a low tone. Any louder and I swear I'll rip that boy's throat out.

"You could have just said you use dark magic but sure, that works too." Trixie grumbles.

"Well –"

"Anymore questions,Tara? Or are you satisfied?" Thankfully, Isla interrupts. I send her a grateful look. You see this? This is why I hang out with her most of the time. I swear she's the only normal person in the group.

"No Isla. I'm fine for now."

The table grew quiet, tension and annoyance in the air.

'.... Can't believe I'm saying this but Brett's basketball nonsense is way better than this."

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