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Chapter 39: Chapter 38 – Hunting game

Mishimoto smiled his usual smile as he ran on the opposite side of his mother. She was a fair distance away, and in between them both was a deer. The deer was running for its life as it felt two predators wanted to kill it.

Mishimoto suddenly shifted directions as he dashed straight at the deer. His mother saw this and did the same.

Being a step faster meant he would reach the deer first, but dealing with his mother that meant nothing. His right hand slid down as he reached into his brown pouch and pulled out a kunai.

Flinging the weapon at the deer, Mishimoto kept his eyes on his mother. Ai saw his movement and swiftly shot out her own kunai.

Two. Mishimoto noted as one was aiming to intercept his own. While the other one was going for the deer.

He had to act quick or else it would be too late.

No jutsu. That was the rule they had when hunting animals. Mishimoto knew this was especially true with his mother. As she enjoyed making a game out of it.

Thinking fast on his feet, Mishimoto shot out another kunai. This time to react to his mother's.

They both only had two kunai. Mishimoto knew that for a fact. So with both already in play, it all depending on who managed to retrieve theirs first.

Ai smirked when she saw her son react. She moved her wrist and with it the flying kunai that was aimed at the deer defied all logic and flew back towards her hand.

Mishimoto's eyes grew big.

"Open your mind up to the endless possibilities. I told you that." Ai said as she closed the distance between them.

Mishimoto jumped over her body as she tried to trip him up.

In the air, he was vulnerable and both his weapons were gone. Ai tossed out her kunai once more as Mishimoto was about to land.

As his feet touched the ground, Mishimoto leaves to the side. His mother's kunai flew past him and that's when he saw the light being reflected on something.

'A string!' Mishimoto thought to himself.

The deer that felt escape was close suddenly found itself in pain. Something pierced its side.

"Why didn't you grab it?" Ai asked her son while not minding the kill she just did.

Mishimoto blinked. "I... I was just stunned in that moment." Mishimoto told her.

"That's new, I never saw you use string like that before. It never crossed my mind that it was possible. Or well, usable in an actual situation."

Ai jerked her hand one way and the kunai that was lodged into the deer flew out.

"There's a lot you haven't seen yet. You think your father and Denji are the only capable ones?" Ai said jokingly.

"Remember Mishi, anything can be used to gain an advantage. If your enemy doesn't suspect it, then you already have an edge."

Mishimoto nodded.

"Still, if you grabbed the string I had another trick up my sleeve." Ai boasted with a grin. She pat Mishimoto on the shoulder as she said, "If this was real, distraction can lead to death. Don't be fazed by the techniques your opponent uses."

"You know, uncle Denji used pressure points on Mei. And now you are doing this, you both know techniques that seem a bid odd." Mishimoto told his mother who was looking at him in confusion.

"Who is Mei?" Ai asked him.

"Oh. It's the Uchiha woman that he saved. She woke up earlier today."

Ai did not realize this as her mind was elsewhere and she did not stay at their home often these last few days. This was news to her, and she wanted to rush home to see Mei.

"Is she pretty?" Ai asked curiously. "She looked pretty decent even in her wounded state, I'm sure she looks even better now all cleaned up."

Hearing this Mishimoto blushed a little. She was indeed something.

Ai noticed this and grinned. "Someone got a crush on this stranger?"

Mishimoto did not reply, he had a feeling he would just play right into her hand. Instead, silence was the best answer. It usually was the case for a lot of things.

Frowning a little at seeing Mishimoto's plain reaction Ai collected both her and Mishimoto's kunai. Then she grabbed the dead deer.

"Let's head back. I want to know more about her. Maybe your uncle will take her as his wife."

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