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The Dragon Lord's Lover The Dragon Lord's Lover original

The Dragon Lord's Lover

Author: ialwaysneededtime

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Emergence

"There you go, have a nice day" A female with a long wavy hair and slender physique opened the wooden door of her humble abode for the young girl trailing behind her.

"Thank you so much, Kalil! My ears won't be able to handle mother's nagging had she found out the injuries I had dueling with Baetle" The young girl turned her body facing Kalil, mirth shining from her basil-colored eyes.

"No big deal Irina... Consider it payback, your mother never fail to send meals just when I am the most hungry and broke" Kalil scratched her not-itching neck in a sheepish manner.

"You know we never expect anything back from you" Irina said, the cheerful tone dropping by a fraction to show her sincerity.

"Well, I could say the same that I never expected any of the people I healed to feel the need to repay me in any way" Kalil smiled sagely, face softening and could see the conversation they are heading to.

"See you around then, Kalil. Have a nice day" Irina replied, body turning against the young healer, she lifted her arms high, waved and smiled widely.

Kalil snickered lightly in amusement as she watched the other turned right. She kept observing the other, only returning to her small house the moment Irina entered her house five houses away, across from her own.

Kalil closed the wooden door and entered further into her house, sighing in contentment. She made her way to her potion brewing area, located at the right corner of her combo livingroom-kitchen-magical lab, the latter also serving as her healing area.

She went past the single-bed used to treat those who need her healing towards her makeshift table, she reached up to collect her journal from the upper right of her open cabinet before sitting down. Carefully, she turned on the candle at the second level of her desk. She dipped her quill pen into the ink and wrote another entry to her daily journal, writing down the details of today's healing.

'This noon, Irina came to my humble residence with a moderate laceration on the lower part of her waist, I assume the weapon used against her was from a dagger. Not that surprising, Baetle has always had an interest in using the said weapon, sometimes coupled with a sword.

The wound is rather easy to heal, the Clerics would heal her in less than a minute.

I healed Irina using magic, it took approximately 10 minutes tops. The Caelum I used for my magic today was rather pale, still purple as usual, but light. What color do they call them again? Thistle?

I am so tired of having such inconsistent magical ability.'

Kalil sighed lightly, she closed her leather-covered book. Placing the book in its' rightful place. She noticed petals of the Epipedium flowers scattered on the top of her table, only remembering that before her neighbor came she was in the process of making another batch of the cure for the Absolon's curse. Curse of the evil witch.

It was a generational curse, infecting even Immortus, who live up to their name, immortal, which won't kill them as they do human, but with one the symptoms being paralysis of the patient's body parts, it was feared. Her mother used to teach her the concoction-making process, feeling a bit melancholic at the memory, she shook her head to snap out of the impending grief.

Kalil collected the petals with both of her hands, transferring them to the cleanly washed mortar, grinding the flowers thoroughly with a pestle. Then she put the grounded flowers into the medium-sized cauldron, already filled with the other recipe ingredients needed to make the concoction, then mixing it slowly, the once light ocean-colored solution turned emerald.

Smiling at another success, she collected Caleum on the air around her, plum-colored magical energy swirled around her left hand, she directed the energy to enter the solution, letting them mix. As an addition, she added her healing magic into the concoction. She always believed that even a small amount of her magic would also provide better healing for her patients, although not required.

Finishing the production, she packed the concoction into twenty small bottles and stored the concoction into the cupboard containing twelve other batches of the concoction, but not before inking the current batch with red ink, differentiating the current batch from the previous.


The sun was setting as Kalil meandered along the riverside, tightening the overcoat over her short-sleeved tunic. It was rather chilly today, she hastened her steps, she really hoped that she could catch the water spirit of the Onioanda Lake today, they only appeared once a day during the last minutes of the sunset. She didn't get to catch the spirit yesterday, so today it is then.

"Wait!" Kalil called out to the man bashing the spirit to the ground with his shield. The said man paused to look at Kalil, face contorting in annoyance at the sudden disruption.

"Uhm, the thing is, I also needed the essence of the water spirit too... Only if you don't need it, can you share the loot with me?" Kalil wavered at the sharp gaze of the man. Upon observing the other's face, her memory jogged at the familiarity that she failed to put her hands into even with the extra exertion of her mind.

Seemingly, due to the distraction, the spirit fled, it quickly ran into the cave, where it usually evaporated into the water after catching the sunset. The sun is still up but it ran away due to the danger it faced.

"Ahh! The spirit!" Kalil exclaimed, the knight followed Kalil's line of sight to find his prey escaping.

Both of them ran towards the cave in hope that they can still catch the spirit, only to find the cave vacant of the runaway spirit. Their eyes scanned the mysterious cave, only finding a stream of water towards the river and limestone stalactites apportioned around the cave entrance.

Kalil turned her head to find the helmet-clad knight gritting his teeth. Kalil laughed nervously as she lifted her hands in surrender. The infuriated knight took one step closer in threat towards Kalil. All of a sudden, activated by the flight or fight response of the impending threat, Kalil remembered crucial information as the broad knight closed the distance between them, weapons put up.

"Wait! I remember you... I healed you, 4 years ago after you protected our village from the Bartasan. I never got your name though, so..." the cinnamon haired healer appeased the other with the memory, secretly hoping that the other would relook before actually hurting her.

The plate armor-clad knight stops in his track upon trying to recall what Kalil told him. If he remembered, then the knight brushed it off as he abruptly charged forward and bashed his shield, trashing Kalil into the cave entryway.

Kalil registered the sharp pain from the shield, from hitting the stone, and from falling into the ground. She scrunched her eyes, then opened her eyes in fear, anticipating another attack from the other. But she only found the retreating back of the knight.

This has always been the thing going on that hurt her the most. People going on and not recognizing, not remembering that once upon a time, she healed them. True that she was not like your regular healer who manipulated Caelum with magical spells and incantation. Gah! Those things never worked for her, multiple times she tried to cast spells with the incantation she learned from the spellbooks down her family's basement, but they never worked. From her adolescent age, she always relied on hand gestures and focusing her mind onto making magical energies that she directed to heal.

Hey! She just manipulated Caelum differently from other Clerics and healers, That never made Hubert exclude her from the waiting list to ascend into Immortus, it was always her inconsistency. Sometimes, even those magical energies betrayed her and won't materialize no matter how hard she focused.

But that, was always the case with the stuck-up Immortus, they always alienated her for her difference.

The sharp pain to her back alerted Kalil from her wandering thoughts. With efforts and groans, Kalil sat down from her lying on her right side position. Her wounds will not allow her to get home first and heal later at this rate.

With maximum exertion, she steered her mind into focus, tough luck the Caelum decided that they don't want to bend to her magic just when she needed it.

"Ahhhh!" Frustratedly, she tussled up her hair. She regretted her decision instantaneously, as her movement shifted the heavy fabric of her coat onto her back and stomach which she assumed to be bruising.

She wallowed in self-pity for 15 more minutes before making up her mind to return home. She took painful steps, cursing herself along the way for her inability to cast spells.

Once she reached home she healed herself with healing herbs and bandaging the cuts to her back.

That night she slept restlessly due to her inability to find the proper position to sleep in because all her sides are hurting.

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