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Jumper Fanatic in Marvel (MCU) Jumper Fanatic in Marvel (MCU) original

Jumper Fanatic in Marvel (MCU)

Author: FallingStarssux

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: [Chapter 1]

(A/N: Make sure to read Author thoughts at the end of the chapter.... Now! Let's..... Motherfuckin'........ Go!)


"Well then what can I ask for?" Jax shouted while looking at the being who was in front of him, he had died earlier and was experiencing something he had always wanted. Things weren't going as planned though since every wish he asked for was being denied, his death or back story didn't matter at the moment so he wasn't going to bore anyone.

Who needed to know that he died from falling in the shower while masturbating? No one? Okay.

Now he was here trying to get a wish or wishes depending on what this person or other being would allow, it wasn't working out though since he was being ignored of all wishes. "You can ask for anything but when you ask me to give you powers that would make you a god in seconds what fun would that be?" It said while rolling it's 'eyes' at Jax.

Jax gritted his teeth but he agreed somewhat since it was never any fun if you went to a new world and was overpowered in seconds, the world was already chosen for him too. Marvel was something he dreamed of though he didn't care for many of the women there but he still wanted to experience the world, but this guy wasn't making it easy.

"Fine." Jax thought it over before he came up with some ideas, "Can you give me the powers of David Rice (From the movie Jumper) but make it where I can't be traced after using the power, also can I get some sort of Clairvoyance?"

"Mhmm. The jumper power is possible and yes I will take away the tracing part of it, remember though you need to see the place in order to go to it. As for the Clairvoyance, I can allow it but it will only be effective to you meaning you can only see your immediate future the limit though will be five minutes." The being said while nodding to itself.

Jax was fine with that since he was going to use both to help him achieve his dream, he couldn't get a copy and paste skill or system so he would need to find another way to being the strongest. Now he just needed to plan out his next moves for the world, "Do you mind if I train with the Jumper power, like can you throw me into a city or something so I can get use to it then send me to Marvel?"

"No, you need to leave now it has already been a straight month of you asking for your wishes. As for my last act of kindness (Pity) towards you I will give you a small blessing." The being said waving his hand making a red light take over Jax body before he threw him into the world. "Now that he is gone I will give him one last thing to let him enjoy the world more... now where are you....."

The being looked into another world and smiled seeing the person that they were searching for, after watching some of their actions for a moment they changed the course of their life. The being didn't kill the person but plucked them from the world and transferred them to Marvel while linking them to Jax, they also gave them the same blessing as Jax.

"I did pretty well if I say so myself. Hopefully this will help them both heal in some way while also making them have a reason to enjoy life again." The being said while watching the world from the void, it made sure to seal off the universe of Marvel so no one would throw someone else in.


[Jax POV]

When I woke up again I was in a room with a window that overlooked a city, for a moment nothing happened then a flood of information hit my head like it was slammed in or something. Memories of the past twenty-three years flashed in my head merging with my other memories, I also knew how to use my powers but I wasn't in full control of them.

The Jumper power wasn't teleportation instead it was a like I was sucked threw a tunnel and landed on the other side, Teleportation included me being broken down and made somewhere else. I was able to get the comparison from the information that the being left with me in my head, I was right to choose this rather than going with Teleportation.

My Clairvoyance is something that is a lot to easier to understand but I could control it only at a minimal level, once I advanced to a certain point I could see multiple at a time. I was already making it my priority to master these before I do anything in this world, it looked like Ironman had already started so I needed to plan for the rest of my future.

In this world my name is Jax Covington, an orphan who went all they way through high school before graduating and getting a nine to five office job. Apparently my body has been working there for years and while I would have a decent bank account it was all spent on the apartment I was living in at the moment.

My rent wasn't sky high but my pay was only around $1,200 a week with my rent being $3,600 a month not including gas and lights that I had to pay. By the end of the month I was left with only around $300 after buying food to go along with all my bills, luckily I was okay and bought cheap.

Sitting on my bed I looked in a hand mirror at my new looks, I was above average maybe on the scale of a model but it wasn't godly like most of the Fanfics I read about. With sandy brown hair that was in a man-bun and light blue eyes that that had golden flecks in them I was hot, thankfully my body was in good shape to so I let out a breath of relief.

Who was I kidding, I wouldn't work out that is why I got the Jumper ability..... working out was to much work.

While looking myself over I get a headache and some more information flowed into my head it was all about the blessing that was on me. When it finished I didn't know if I should be thankful or hate the being for what it did, sighing I could only accept what it gave me.

My new blessing was Wolverine/Deadpool type constitution meaning I was ageless along with being basically un-killable, the only thing that could would be Thanos snap. Even then that was just something that could be reversed so it wasn't really killing me. I rubbed my forehead at the thought I didn't know if at this moment I wanted something similar to Immortality but it is what I got, pushing it to the back of my head I planned my next move.

Ironman was happening but I wasn't going to be a hero, well not now anyway I might join if I have no choice or am just bored but really I want to stalk them and watch in person. My knowledge though of this world had gaps, I haven't seen any Captain America movie or Captain Marvel they were my least favorite so I ignored them.

The first Avengers movie was also a no go since I have never seen it I didn't watch those until Ultron, that is when they put Wanda in who was my crush in all the movies. Doesn't mean I want to be with her though, nope the girl joined the Avengers and I was staying away from all of them, I would sleep with her though if she wanted.

Since I knew where the timeline was going I was tempted to mess with some things but decided against it and instead planned to try out my powers. Without me being able to use them as best as I could then who knew if I would slip up one day and end up dead--- well injured a lot because of the things that took place.

Concentrating I tapped into my powers and pictured the house I use to live in from my past life, suddenly it felt like something was pulling me and I was thrown the next moment. NOT!!!! The feeling lasted about five minutes before I was thrown into something that felt like I was jumping through a veil. Dizzy from the first jump I let out a groan when I hit something, looking around it was the house but instead of the blue paint job it was white there was also people staring at me.

"Yo!" I said after catching my bearings before jumping back to my apartment. When I was back inside I started panting, this was all I could do at the moment without passing out from overuse it would go away when I was stronger. There was also the fact that I just went from New York to Texas back to New York, this would strain me until I was stronger.

Why not wear a mask? Who cares if someone sees, there is a whole organization that can monitor anything I do one way or another they will find out who I am so why should I hide anything. Plus I wasn't scared of anything happening to me it wasn't like they could contain me.

So now I knew that I couldn't just go places instantly, well at least not yet, no it took a moment for the pressure to build inside me before I was thrown into the place I wanted to. That was something else I needed to learn to land when that happened to me, I was going to start small just incase so I wouldn't have any problems.

Since I needed some rest I went ahead and checked out my clairvoyance, wow that needs a new name let's change it to Future Sight or FS, nodding I tested it out. My eyes felt like they were glazing over before I thought something out in my head about what to do, I planned on taking a trip downstairs.

It was like a out of body experience as I watched myself go out the apartment and make my way downstairs, along the way I saw a woman checking the mail and a man getting his bike. When I made it outside I turned left and saw a little girl and her dad getting ice cream before she dropped it and started crying, it was because he handed it to her to fast.

Smiling I turned the corner and bumped into a man on the phone who glared at me before going back to the conversation on the phone, after walking three blocks it stopped. Coming back to myself I did everything that I just went through, I saw the woman check her mail, the little girl drop the ice cream, bumped into the man, and watched someone take someone else's taxi.

Seeing that it all really happened I was freaked out but excited, since it all happened based off of my chosen path then this could really help me plan my day. I was glad when there was no mental strain on the power though I decided to not use it at the moment but when I had time.

Every time I came to an intersection I decided which way to go based off what I saw, to others I would seem weird with glazed eyes and watching things but for me it was like a second passed. Going to the right I followed a man in a suit and when he turned left his wallet fell out, opening it I took the six hundred out before setting it down and walking away.

Six hundred dollars richer I explored the city some more, I have never been to New York so I wanted to see all the attractions plus it would let me jump to things easier. I have already tried and since I haven't really been to a place even though I saw it five minutes sooner it didn't count, I would still need a clear real image of it.

Future sight was based off what I could choose so if I didn't take that path then the Jumping power couldn't work because in life I never really saw it. That was the difference between the post cards that I saw because I knew I could jump to somewhere like the top of the empire state building or the statue of liberty.

For the rest of the day I went and did things based off what I saw, it was becoming addicting but at the same time it was something that was fun to experience since there were many different outcomes. Just because I have seen it doesn't mean it won't change based off of what I do differently compared to the first time that I did something.


[Love Interest POV]

'Would you like to experience something new and not have to deal with a city that hates you based off your past? Do you want to follow and new life that can change everything for the better?' A voice spoke in her head as she was sitting in the truck driving straight for the plant.

"Yes!" she said out loud as the last tear rolled down her face, she already threw the necklace he gave her out the window, she was no longer his girl. This might be risky but she didn't want anyone thinking she is weak and that she was just going to go back to him again because he snapped his fingers.

Though she heard voices in her head before this one seemed more real and the offer was something she could really use at this moment, screw Mr. J. It was her time to break away from him and be something more and be her own person that wasn't tied to him, he stole all her glory anyways.

'I can give it too you along with something that you will heal your heart. All you have to do is keep driving don't jump out just go with it.' the voice spoke again in her head.

She knew she was a crazy woman but listening to the voice in her head that was telling her to do something crazy like killing herself she didn't know what to do. A cool sensation washed over her and she calmed down before deciding this one time she would trust the voice in her head and follow it, "What about Bruce?" she asked while still going.

'Don't worry all will be explained later.' The voice spoke out again.

Well no one will ever say that she wasn't a woman of her word or that she was his girl anymore, she floored it and as the gates got closer a smile took over her face. As she smashed into them she closed her eyes tight, she didn't see it but a portal opened in front of her sucking her into it and out of the city of Gotham.

After not hearing an explosion or feeling anything she opened her eyes and saw that she was no longer in a truck, looking around it seemed she was in an abandoned fun house. Next to her was Bruce was sleeping peacefully along with her Beaver, she smiled and leaned over to pet him but a pain stuck her head making her grunt as it became stronger.

Years of information about her new world hit her, she knew about the people in outer-space along with everything thing that has happened on earth and who to look out for. She also went wide eyed at the blessing she got from whoever sent her, it was a Super Regeneration making her basically Immortal, and she got the super serum injected inside herself.

"Wow." Was all she could say before she fell and passed out from the massive headache from the information overload, she fell happily with a smile since no one knew her past.

As she slept a red string from her heart went out of her chest and flew across town into a studio apartment, the man laying on the bed grinned for a moment as the red string shined. The two hearts were connected but only at this time one was feeling the effects while the other was sleeping happily, she was planning all the chaos she would cause.

FallingStarssux FallingStarssux

To Be clear she doesn't know the future she only knows all the information regarding the world.

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