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Chapter 12: Chapter 12

"Dammit, I will go there myself!" King grabbed his Warhammer and prepared to board the small boat hung on both sides of the ship, his Kingsguard ready to join him in battle.

Lord Eddard and the Northern lords also readied themselves to join the king when Ned saw an orange-haired reachmen in a green tunic knelt in front of the king.

"Your grace! I do have a solution for the current impasse holding us back."

Half-bald orange hair coloured, green tunic above his chainmail, Paxter Redwyne knelt on one knee in front of the king, his head facing the deck of the ship.

After the battle on the straits of Fair isle, Paxter had parted ways from Stannis Baratheon and took his fleet to support the king's assault on Pyke. He was not too keen on staying with the man he considered bitter and humourless; this feeling was mutual between both men.

"You may speak, lord Paxter."

"Your Grace, I think we should place the warships in both flanks closer to the coast and the transport vessels in the centre and bombard the enemy from the flanks while or infantry storm the beach; we will be able to hit them." he pointed towards the beach, "and also avoid hitting our own men." Orange haired half-baldie advised the king.

The kings bright blue eyes immediately brightened. He may be not understand anything but war is the simplest and easiest thing for him to understand.

"Your Grace, allow the Northern foot to be the first to set foot on these shores." Ned Stark jumped out from the group of vigorously cheering battle thirsty Northern lords.

When it comes to the quality of infantry, if the North claims they are second, then no one dares to claim first. A bloody fact proven true again and again on bloody battlefields. The pure carnage of howling mad charge of the Northern infantry has been deeply ingrained in the brains of Southmen for thousands of years.

Ned's cold judgy grey eyes fell on the long-haired blond boy Jaime Lannister donned in golden Kingsguard armour over white cloak. He stood upright behind the king and the Ser Kevan Lannister beside him in Lannister crimson red armour, unlike the golden armour of his nephew.

Much to Eddard's annoyance, Kingslayer shot back his patented trademark smug look at Eddard Stark when Eddard heard the king address him delivering his attention from the Kingslayer back to the king.

"You sure, Ned."

"Yes, Your Grace." He replied.

"Like good old days, but I will still go the beach, and then We will smash them like good old days." the king happily readied his Warhammer on his shoulders.

It took some time for the fleet to readjust itself under the leadership of Lord Paxter Redwyne of the Arbour islands; when they did, the warships were approximately three hundred meters away from the coast in the range of arrows but so were Ironborn.

It was the turn of Northmen to attack now, and they readied themselves. The Winter Legion was selected to storm the beach as a vanguard since Northern lords were still suspicious of its combat ability according to the armoured does not mean ready.

Since Baratheons had done so two times already, in consideration of this undertaking, soldiers of the Winter legion decided to remove the bevor (a piece of armour to protect the throat, neck and lower face, but disallows the wearer to move his neck up and down). In fact, they had been unhappy with the bevor; it's too restrictive for the Northmen used to the flexible chainmail and leather armour with longswords, bastard swords, the greatswords and the great axes.

Kingsguard and the Ned Stark accompanied the king on the boat, the Kingslayer right behind him.

The Northmen sang, my mother told me as they rowed towards the beach; their boats crashed against the same wind and wave Baratheon forces had faced before falling back to the seas. The song fell into the ears of the king, making him feel energetic. The king snatched the oar from the nearest soldier and started rowing himself "row harder, you lazy bastards! Row harder....The first man to hit the beach will be granted royal reward," he yelled.


Meanwhile, on the beach, "look at their ships!... They are moving apart in different directions," an Ironborn yelled.

What do they want to do? Ironborn commander scratched his head in confusion. under the confused eyes of the commander, the fleet separated into three.

Soon he got the answer as the ships got closer to the shore than they were before and separated into three different parts, warships on the flanks and the transports in the centre.

Did the usurper go mad in his fury and finally decided to crash his ships on our shores, "get ready for ano—," he stopped halfway through as the projectiles from the ships landed on their packed formation. Sending their shield wall into chaos, crushing the men and shattering the shields alike.

The stone projectiles would kill one or two, but the bolts from scorpio penetrated shield armours and bodies. He quickly dodged an incoming bolt, but the man behind him did not; as a result, the bolt went as far on to skewer four Ironborn under its path.

"Fuck... fall back on me, on me," he yelled again and again at the top of his lungs. For a moment, he thought he should retreat to his half-brother's Botley Castle, but such a dangerous thought was quickly buried under the rug by him, the stigma of a coward is enough for him to die multiple times in Iron islands, for he had two thousand men under him, enough to hold the beach.

As the Ironborn retreated 200 to 300 meters away from the shore, the landing party landed again on the beach and the ships. The ships on the flanks also moved closer to the shore for continued fire coverage; the Ironborn could only honestly retreat back.


As The armoured infantrymen of Winter Legion and the king trudged through the wreckage of overturned boats, abandoned oars floating and bodies here and there covered in yellow of house Baratheon from the previous assault. King smashed the first obstacle; a crude wooden sharp-pointed cheval de frise pointed towards the sea on shallow water with his Warhammer as soon as he jumped on the shallow waters with Northmen and his Kingsguard along with him.

The Northmen quickly and rudely removed the barriers under the naked eyes of Ironborn. How could proud Ironborn swallow this bitter breath of air?

No one knows who started first, but a loud battle cry rose from the ranks of the Ironborn.

"What is dead may never die!"

The Ironborn charged at the Northmen. The Northmen reciprocated the feeling and blew their own version of night's watch horn.

Author Note - my exam's just ended. I couldn't update previously due to exams.

Failed landing of Baratheon's is partially based on the Battle of Pylos.

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