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Chapter 58: The Birds And The Bees Of Relationships

"So, how far have you gone with Althea?"

After Len and I buried the hatchet, we engrossed ourselves in our favourite video game, leaving the girls out to dry. While they could watch us shoot each other in the head, Sienna was keen on having a private girl's session with Althea.

I can't lie, I was wary about what nonsense the large imp might spout, but I was in no position to deny their gathering. Furthermore, it was convenient for them to leave for the adjacent apartment. I needed Len to impart his wisdom about relationships, and it wouldn't be right if Althea heard all of his tricks before I used them on her.

"What do you mean how far I've gone?"

"You know, have you done the deed yet?"

"... Why is your mind always filled with dirty stuff?" Sighing, I held my head while digging in on my leftover Paella. "Althea and I are in a healthy relationship."

"You do know that it's perfectly healthy for couples to get physical, right?"

"Then we're in a pure relationship!"

I snapped back at my experienced friend. Entering into a sexual relationship was the furthest thing from my mind right now. We had just gotten together, and honestly, our relationship wasn't appropriately defined yet.

Were we entering a serious relationship with marriage in mind? Were we just partners that got together because we needed love? Everything was still so new to me now. Not to mention, Althea had just recovered from a mental trauma regarding men.

If I let my lust run loose… Who knows what would happen?

"You've never done anything with a girl for twenty-six years, and you can still hold back, even after getting a girl like Althea? Your restraint must be legendary."

"Hmmm, maybe that's why. I've been single my entire life, so I wouldn't know how it feels like to be in a sexual relationship. That's why I don't seek it as much as others do."

"Good lords! What about all of the testosterone you've been building up! You must have a place to vent, right?"

"E-Even if I did, I wouldn't use it on Althea!"

'... Not yet, at least.'

I held back the last part of the sentence, knowing that its contents would give Len enough ammunition to tease me for the rest of the year. Coughing twice, I abruptly changed the subject, lest he was able to read my emotions: "A-Anyway, I wanted to ask you something."


"What do couples do? Rather, what does being a boyfriend actually mean?"


As expected, Len was perplexed by my sudden question. Raising his eyebrows, he dropped his controller and asked: "What in particular are you asking about?"

"Y-You know… How do I progress from here? I mean, we already go on dates, we spend almost every waking hour together, from exercising in the morning to cuddling at night..."

I continued to narrate everything that happened between Althea and me. From our days before we were dating to the month where we bonded physically and mentally, to finally, our current predicament.

"Wait… You've been doing that before you formally began dating?"


I averted my eyes, not daring to meet Len's. Yeah, it did sound suspicious, right? Having such an intimate relationship before, we were committed to each other. As I reflected, I understood how blind I really was to Althea's feelings.

"... If that's the case, I don't think that I can help you there."

"Huh? Aren't you the expert in relationships? You always said that you're a senior in love, so why can't you give me some simple advice?"

"Because your relationship has gone beyond that of a fresh couple!" Len hollered back. "Hearing what you've said, the two of you are basically a married old couple! If you need advice on how to progress, you should ask my grandparents instead!"


Was our relationship really that matured?

"Other than sex, I think that your relationship is already better than Sienna and mine."

"... Is sex essential for a couple?" I questioned with a tone of distrust.

Althea and I had just begun our relationship. We were getting into a nice rhythm where we were comfortable just with each other's presence. Truthfully, I'd believed that we were far more intimate than any other new couple.

It was necessary to ruin that relationship with temptations of the flesh. However, Len clearly thought differently.

"Of course! Both you guys are evergreen, so you won't understand how it feels." Len raised his finger as he explained. "Being intimate is imperative for a relationship to thrive. Naturally, different people have different needs, but for the most part, being physical will help progress a couple's intimacy! Just think about it; what's the difference between a lover and a friend?"

"... While I don't share your opinion, I can see where you're coming from."

"Precisely!" Len puffed his chest out. "Also, sex is important to show how much you desire the other person. If you put it off for too long, Althea might think that you're not interested in her that way. I don't know much about her personality, but most girls would feel dejected at their partner's lack of interest."

"I-I see..."

So this is the wisdom of a man in a long-term relationship. I guess I still have much to learn. As I marvelled in awe at the sage-like knowledge I was receiving, Len continued:

"This is important, Desir. Girls generally let the guy initiate the first move when it comes to matters like this, so you must be the one who takes the lead."

Hoh… Was that the case? Thinking back, it was Althea who had led the charge when it came to intimate moments. If I wanted to be a better boyfriend, I guess I should start with being more forward.

"Okay, but I don't want to overwhelm Althea right now. We'd just gotten into a relationship, and rushing things might not be the best option."

I shut down the conversation with Len, figuring that I should just take things as they came...


Unfortunately, my 'watch-as-it-comes' strategy was abruptly shut down the following day. Throughout our entire exercise session, I could tell that there was something on Althea's mind. She was routinely looking in my direction, only to turn away when we'd met eyes. She wasn't focused on the exercises at hand. Most importantly, she tried to speak up multiple times, only to swallow her words before they could even come out.

In the end, I wasn't able to hold back my curiosity and probed with a 'What's on your mind?' while drinking a glass of water to hydrate after working out.

Alas, that was my mistake.

"Desir… Are you sexually frustrated?"


I spat out my drink all over the table, prompting the girl to run over to the kitchen for a cloth. It took me a while to gain control over my bearings and to settle my running heart rate.

"W-What makes you say that?!"

"T-That's..." Althea shifted her eyes around before finally divulging: "When Sienna and I talked last night, we somehow got to the topic of sex. She told me that the longer a man has been suppressed, the harder it is for him to control his urges."

"That fucking shrew..."

So it was Sienna that had been corrupting Althea's innocence! I swear that couple was more annoying than they were helpful. I shouldn't have invited them over in the first place!

"You don't have to listen to Sienna, Althea. She gave you some bad advice, so you don't have to mind it."

"But..." Althea held back for a moment before thoughtfully adding: "Grace also said the same thing… A-And, I don't want to leave you sexually frustrated." The ethereal beauty's face boiled up as words of perversion slipped out her mouth.

Exasperated, I held my breath to hold back the naughty thoughts that arose in my mind. Seriously, Althea… How are you so alluring?

"Listen here, Althea… I'm not sexually frustrated."

"B-But! How do you deal with your sexual urges then?! Don't tell me… You don't have that kind of attraction for me?!"

Is this a trap? It feels like a trap! If I answered yes, I would be blatantly saying that I wanted a more physical relationship. If I said no, I might be on the chopping block as Althea would shed tears of distraught.

Jesus, who would have thought that I would face this conundrum.

"No, that's not it, Althea… I'm not sexually frustrated because I have ways of mitigating it. I've explained it once to you before, right?"

"... Is it really okay, then?"

"I'm really fine, Althea." I went over and gently palmed the brooding youngling. "We had just started our relationship; it would be counterproductive if we rushed into such a relationship." I tried to laugh the topic off: "Furthermore, you're still uncomfortable with men, right? I know that you've been mentally scarred by Paul, so I'm okay with going at your pace."

"... Y-yeah," Althea softly replied. "Doing that kind of thing… It might be scary, but don't worry. I will be fine." While shaking, the girl replied with confidence. "I know that you will never hurt me."

"Hehe, thanks for trusting me."

Ah, that's right… It should be the boyfriend's role to be as steady as a rock during times like this. Leaning into the girl I loved, I raised her chin with my right hand and bent my neck forward. Before my elven beauty could react, I stole her peach-like lips and gave it a firm little bite.

Wide-eyed and stunned, my girlfriend replied: "T-This is the first time you've ever initiated a kiss."

"Was it?" I laughed, even though I knew that Althea was telling the truth. "Then, it will be the first of many."


Speechless, Althea continued looking at me as if she had peered into Medusa's eyes. However, that opening gave me a chance to steal her unassuming lips once again. Luckily, or unluckily, Althea managed to recover from her stupor and began to take back the lead.

Her lips engulfed mine as her arms wrapped around my neck. Althea then focused all of her attention on marking every corner of my mouth as her territory as she intertwined her tongue with mine.

It wasn't long until the kiss I'd initiated turned into Althea's. The pace of our kiss was being dictated by the girl I loved, and even its intensity, which I had meant to be light in the beginning, was being hijacked by the master kisser.

When we finally separated, Althea's face was as flushed as can be as her eyes screamed out intoxication. It was evident that she wasn't satisfied with the kiss, even though it had lasted over two minutes.

Goodness… Len, how am I supposed to take the lead with such an aggressive girlfriend?

Yunniye_Snow Yunniye_Snow

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