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Chapter 2: Welcome to The Game of Death

In an instant, Batu had been transported onto a large, circular platform filled with people. A black void surrounded the metal platform like a suffocating blanket with no ending in sight.

Batu landed face first onto the hard surface with a thud.

"Ugh, that hurts like hell," he rubbed his forehead to soothe the pain. Batu quickly snapped out of it as he heard panic shouts all around him.

"Get me out of here!"

"Someone tell me where I am!"

"Someone, help us!"

Batu quickly looked around to see what all the commotion was about. There were at least more than a hundred people here. A looming panic enveloped him as more people cried out for help. Where was he? Who are these people? Why was he here?

And- wait... was he seeing things? He blinked once. He blinked twice. Batu even rubbed his eyes for good measure.

"Is that an elf?" standing across from him was a blonde girl with sharp, pointed ears. A beautiful girl, no less.

No, that couldn't be. This had to be some sort of weird dream. Maybe he had accidentally knocked himself out without realizing it.

"That guy has horns," Batu looked at the man beside the elf in shock. "And why is there a freakin' samurai over there?"

There were all sorts of races here that only appeared in the world of fantasy. Batu couldn't believe it, but they were right before his eyes. His eyes darted elsewhere and quickly noticed a small man near him.

"Holy crap, there's even a dwarf!" Batu pointed at him.

"Oi, who tha fuck you callin' a dwarf?!" The short man overheard Batu and grew into a fit of rage, storming up Batu with little steps. He was two heads shorter than Batu and grew a long, red beard.

Batu wasn't a tall guy; just a little above average height. But, this guy was a midget compared to him.

"Ah- sorry," Batu rubbed the back of his head, "I thought you were- y'know."

"Yeah, I get that all the time. But, believe me, I ain't a damn dwarf so don't call me that again, got it?" the man replied, looking up at Batu.

"Yeah, I got it; I-I just didn't know."

"Name's Chin, by the way," Chin raised a hand out to greet him.

"Batu," he shook Chin's firm hand. "Any idea where we're at?"

"Trust me, I'm just as clueless as you are, boy. While I was out fishin', I somehow caught myself a black box from this big ol' lake. Now, here I am stuck in bum-fuck nowhere."

"You also had a black box?" Batu frowned when he heard that. He honestly didn't know what was going on at that point.

"Well, it ain't a fish, I tell ya that much," Chin replied.

"It seems like everyone here received a black box," a young man in an antique, black suit butted into their conversation. He was a fairly tall man with curly brown hair and sported a small yet cunning smile.

"And who the hell are you, son?" Chin asked, looking up at the man.

"You may call me Jack, my fellow players," he answered with a small bow; a polite demeanor that was lost throughout the ages.

"Players?" asked Batu. "What are you talkin' about?"

"Have you not read the letter? We were chosen by the one named 'The Creator' to participate in this game of his!" his voice was filled with a strange glee.

Batu quickly recalled the strange letter that came in with the box. Then, the words, 'The Game of Death'. Shit. This doesn't seem good at all. The name alone instantly reminded him of Sword Art Online.

Fuck, he knew he shouldn't have opened that damn thing.

"Well, this 'creator' better get me outta here, cause I ain't interested in this lil' game of his," Chin said with crossed arms.

Suddenly, a giant, holographic screen appeared high above the platform, floating in the black void with an overwhelming presence. Everyone quickly stopped whatever they were doing and looked up at the screen in awe.

[Players, congratulations for being selected to participate in this brand new exciting adventure!

I like to welcome you players to The Game of Death brought to you all by none other than The Creator, himself!]

A man with a white mask appeared on the holographic screen; his arms raised out to them in celebration. His presence alone was nerve wracking to those below who instinctively took a step back. A few whispered amongst themselves before the masked man resumed talking.

[I am your host, Azrael, here to guide you all into this wonderful journey. I will provide you with all the necessary information that you need to ensure that you all can have the full and wonderful experience of The Game of Death.

There are various events throughout the game that will surely keep you all entertained! Not to mention the spectacular rewards that come along with each completion.

However, as exciting as it may sound, do be aware that you all only have one life, so please be cautious of it.]

"No, just let me go back home to my family!" a middle-aged man yelled out in anger. "I don't want to be in whatever bullshit you're doing!"

A silence ensued. Then, Azrael began to laugh. It was a sudden and menacing laughter that brought a chill down to everyone's spine. Then, he quickly stopped.

[The only way you're going back home is when you've beaten The Game of Death.]

The crowd began to grow rowdy once they heard him. Each person quickly voiced their dissent at Azrael.

'What the hell?' Batu freaked out as his heart began to drum a fast tempo. 'I'm going to be trapped here inside some death game?'

"Are you kidding me?" the middle-aged man pulled out his phone. "I'm- I'm going to call the cops! You can't get away with this!"

[It seems that you all don't quite understand the situation that you are in. Well then, let me give you all a small demonstration.]

Suddenly, the middle-aged man bent over forward, gripping his neck as he desperately gasped for air. Those who were near him slowly backed away in fear.

The man violently coughed and screamed hoarsely as he stumbled around. His skin turned red, and his eyes bulged out of his sockets amidst the cries of shock from people.

"Help... me!" the man desperately reached a hand out to them, but no one seemed to step forward.

They were scared.

He collapsed onto his knees as blood trickled from his nose. Then:


His head suddenly exploded, splattering blood and brain matter everywhere in a gory mess. The people nearby were unfortunate enough to be caught up in the explosion of flesh and blood, having their clothes and faces stained red with bits and pieces of human meat.



"Oh my god!"

Some were crying; others were screaming in sheer panic while there were those who remained calm. It was a complete shitshow as people hastily backed away from the corpse.

Batu stood there in complete shock. His hands were shaking as he stared at the corpse without a head. That man was there just now. Yelling. Alive. Now, he was dead. Just like that.

This wasn't a dream. This was a complete nightmare. He wanted out; to cry for help. But, he feared that he would probably end up just like that guy if he did.

[Shut up.]

Azrael's guttural voice quickly silenced the panicked crowd. Now, they were looking at him with fear. Fear that they may be the ones next.

[Now that I have all of your attention. Let us begin, shall we?]

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