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Harry Potter: Crovius Malfoy Harry Potter: Crovius Malfoy original

Harry Potter: Crovius Malfoy

Author: Maniacss

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Endure

The Prestige was a special and formal restaurant in the wizarding world. Open to the richest and most prominent wizards and witches of the time. Two people sat at a table at the corner of the balcony. The radiant sun basking them in its light, yet the light only spread to one of them. Both of them blonde, a boy approaching his late teens, and a woman of regal appearance sat opposite to each other. Both sipping tea in a manner showing their noble upbringing.

She looked at her son, sitting opposite to her, his blonde hair tied in a sleek fashion. His blue eyes, much like her own staring down at the bustling street. He had realized too late the problems arising between them and then it had gotten too late. She had been too preoccupied, too guilty and now it was too late.

"I have talked to your father and though reluctantly, he has changed his mind."

That was pretty much a lie and she knew it. She did not know how to repair the damage done, and now it was only damage control.

"Hmmm. So, what is the reason for this meeting."

He asked, his voice as calm as the sea. His eyes still looking down at the street. He was talking as if talking about someone else, while in truth the matter concerned his very self.

She shook her head, took out a folder and placed it on the table. For, the first time he reacted. He looked at the folder, recognizing the Gringotts symbol. His eyes finally moving towards her. She indicated towards the folder and her reached for it. Opening it, he read the headline.


He smiled, she kind of hated seeing him like this. Other kids would have wailed, gotten angry even shouted. Yet he remained quiet, he endured like always. Something that had led to this. She wanted to know what was going on in his mind yet she refrained. She had done what she could with Lucius.

"He wanted to leave you nothing. I convinced him otherwise. You will renounce the heirship and The Malfoy name of your own accord, with a formal statement. For this, you will have one of the properties and 10000 galleon."

She gave him the gist of the document. This was cruel, yet she could do nothing to stop it. She had done enough, she again tried to tell herself that she had done enough.

"What is wrong with him, I said what is wrong with him?" Lucius shouted at the healer. Narcissa was crying nearby holding her child." We don't know, we have never seen a case like this ever." The child was crying at the top of his voice. Magic was flaring around him in pulses, yet the boys very body seemed to be getting ripped.

She still remembered that day. She cursed that day. That was the day they lost everything. They were broken and battered, yet now they had recovered and were healed. The only person still suffering was sitting in front of her. They may have had to face the consequences of their own actions, yet he was suffering from something he did not need Yet he was quiet, calm as his eyes scanned a document that ripped of his birthright like it was a regular occurrence.

"Are you okay?"

She could not help herself. She asked him, she knew the second she asked it that it was a wrong thing to do. His eyes momentarily flared towards her, shining like a ripple of magic passed through him. His face tightened for a second, before taking up his mask of clemency.

"Hmmm. I will be."

He was scanning the document. It was a detailed document, that would erase him from the Malfoy line. Removing any kind of claim for him and his children.

"So, when do you want me to sign it." He as ked, his face still stoic. He put down the document and one glance at him showed you that he had changed. His expression may seem stoic but there was sorrow hidden in his voice. She wanted to help him to tell him that he did not have to that he would always be her child, but she couldn't. She had again chosen someone else, just like she had done previously.

"You father. . . . . He wishes, that they were signed today."

His expression hardened for a second, before a smile came across his face.

"Then you must have brought the quill."

He said while opening the document and opening his hand to her. She took out the blood quill from her bag. She handed it to him, her hands shaking. Yet he grasped the quill and in one fluid motion, signed the documents. She could fell, magic registering its very effects. He closed the file and pushed it towards her. Taking the cup from the table, he sipped it his eyes again not looking at her. He finished his tea, and stood up. Startling her, a smile across his face.

"I should be leaving now Mrs. Malfoy. I would like to prepare for the journey tomorrow. I wish you and your family best of luck in your future endeavors."

And here it was, the words she never wanted to hear. She looked at him as he walked towards the door in his graceful form. She wanted to stop him, yet she could find no words. In panic, she said the words that she had kept to herself, the memory she had buried so deep inside her that she often wondered if it was even real. Yet it was real, as real as the sun and the moon.

"I remember."

He stopped in his tracks. His body language showing his, perplexity.

"I remember what happened that day, and for all it matters I am sorry. I am sorry for putting you through all this."

"I also remember and for all its worth, I don't ever regret what I did that day and would probably do it again."

And he left, his parting words, leaving her pale and shaken. She had a feeling that he remembered that wretched day. She could feel her breath hitching, and before she knew it Narcissa Malfoy nee Black was crying. She was crying for what she had done, for the choices she had made, for the child she had abandoned. She was crying because just like always, he had endured.

Just as Narcissa Malfoy was crying, in the Malfoy Manor. The family tapestry was changing, the name Crovius Malfoy was burning, the picture losing its color as if withering. A blonde man entered the room and his eyes went towards the tapestry, he looked at it as a smile adorned his very face.

The child looked at her and found her to be beautiful. He could not hear what was being said, it was all just ringing to him. He was still in disbelief. Perhaps this was his rewards, reward for enduring what he did. God had taken pity on him, granting him a chance at something he always wanted, something he never had. He could feel it, perhaps. He would finally have a family.

The ringing was dying down, time was difficult to track and he could somewhat make out what was being said around him. She was always present there smiling at him, treasuring him always treasuring him. One day he could make out the words being said.

"Crovius Malfoy, sweety your name is Crovius."

He was shocked for a second, he could remember that name, from something fleeting, yet she could not remember where. He giggled at his name. It would work out for he had family.

In a potion's lab, a black-haired man was looking at some papers. When the daily Prophet came. He cast a customary gaze at the newspaper, his hands never leaving the ingredients. Yet he stopped, at the headline at the corner of the page. It was something that he had advised, advocated against, yet they had not listened to his advice.



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Today we are reporting that heir Malfoy has left his position as heir and left the family citing that 'due to his detreating health he is unable to carry on his duties as heir, deciding to give the position to his younger brother. "With Draco, the family is in capable hands." He is in his final year at Hogwarts, after which he plans to live as well as he can. There were some speculations about the Heir Malfoy position some citing fighting among the family, yet he was quick to deny those rumors. We at THE DAILY PROPHET, wish Mr. Draco Malfoy the best for his future.

He could understand what Lucius had done and why he had done it. He had advised against it, though the boy had problems but he was brilliant otherwise. Being the top at theory for the 6 consecutive years, papers often perplexing even the professors. Yes, the practical work made it impossible for him to stand out. But that was not the boy's fault. He spared a moment of sympathy for the boy, but he had work to do. With the upcoming event at Hogwarts, he had a lot of work. Plus, the healers had called it impossible. The boy would probably not live very long.

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