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Chapter 2: TWO - Last Words of a Shooting Star

1:23- Last Words of a Shooting Star

It was him.

Our eyes met and I felt a shiver run down my spine, I was nervous.

Adrien's mouth began to open as he put his arm through the crowd and tried to break through, I suck in a deep breath and turn my head forward I picked up my pace as I see my parents' car in the distance. I didn't want to see him. I'm scared. Not yet just not yet, I turn my head softly to only see him signing pictures with a forced smile.

He looked different, I mean why wouldn't he it's about two years, his hair kissed his shoulders, he no longer looks like a tween, his soft cheeks were now sharp, his nose more defined, his shoulders more broad, he was much taller than before, well no wonder he's a model.

It felt weird, even though he looks so beautiful my brain had no reaction whatsoever, neither did my body, I didn't smile, I didn't feel my head become dizzy, nor did my mouth go dry.

He didn't feel like the person I was after for months on end.

He was just Adrien.


I sat on my desk as I felt Tikki lie in my hand and letting out a heavy sigh "how are you feeling love?" she smiles softly to me as I look down at her.

I look at the blank cork board that once held all the pictures of my friends, Adrien, family, and sketches.

"Like this board," I barely said above a whisper.

It was blank.

I don't really know how to respond to this situation. I didn't feel like coming back home, but my parents missed me and wanted me to finish my last school year here, of course I protested. My heart shattered leaving China not even knowing if I was going to return, I mean I started a life there, I had friends, a martial arts teacher, my uncle was there who cooked for me and made me feel normal, I had my best friend there. I didn't want to leave especially with how sudden it was, I couldn't say a proper goodbyes, my instructor seemed confused and had to quickly fix everything before I left, my friends were all in a competition I didn't attend due to having a break my uncle asked for me. When I look back on it, he knew a week before I had to leave, I should've known, sometimes he would look at me while we ate at dinner and almost started to cry, little did I know my parents booked me a flight back home to Paris. No one was able to say their goodbyes, I cried the whole way back realizing that I wasn't ready, I wasn't ready to face anything with this life, I'm still weak.

I felt my eyes water s Tikki nudged more into my hand as she began to hum a small tune that reminded me of the song I heard on the way back.

"I'm not sure about this."

"Why not try it out again? Hang out with Alya even Chloe, let her take you shopping to let out some steam, try to go to the fabric shops around here and find something, make anything," she patted my hand as I nod softly.

"I couldn't give them a proper goodbye," I let the tears fall "Master, my teammates, my uncle, my friends, Anthony."

"I'm sure they all understand love."

I grab the boxes my dad brought earlier as I began to unpack trying to stop myself from having a panic attack, I took out all my clothes and folded them lightly into my drawers, hanging the rest of my dresses on a rack in the corner of my room, I take out all my trinkets from another box as I place them at my desk remembering every memory of them, I hand the fairy lights my uncle bought back in China before reaching my photos, I slowly take out each one of my polaroid pictures and pinning them on the blank board. That's what I did for the next few hours just sit in my room as Tikki fell asleep in my pillow, playing Last Words of a Shooting Star.

Alya texted me not even a second later-

'Chloe wants to come over right now'- Alya

'It's almost going to be 12 -_- '- Me

'Well too bad we're outside'- Alya

Suddenly the latch to my door opened as Chloe's blonde hair pops up soon showing her glammed face and then up came up the rest of her body, she was wearing glamorous named brand clothing, her makeup seemed like it was done by a whole makeup team, but I knew she did it herself. Chloe dusted herself off muttering random words under her breath, she looks up at me before letting out large smile "Oh my beauty! Look how gorgeous you've become!" She squealed and ran up to me before engulfing me with a tight hug jumping up and down.

I let out a laugh feeling happy once again "I sometimes wonder why she never grew out her hair," Alya smiles as she walks up to us.

"You guys facetime me almost every day," I smile as Chloe pulls away before grabbing my cheeks and squishing them.

"How can a dingy camera through phone capture such a master piece," Chloe gushed "Oh! I just want to dress you up like a doll, we have to go shopping, omg maybe even-," she began to trail off and ran to my drawers and then to my rack of dresses, I look at Alya as she shrugs to me.

"So, when did you land back from New York?" I laughed.

"Please you thought I couldn't buy a ticket when I found out you were coming home?" Alya hugged me "I wanted to be there to greet you, plus I knew Chloe wouldn't have made it in time, she just flew in not even an hour ago before calling me to come surprise you," she holds my hand as I sigh.

"You were with Nino's family you could've stayed," I sighed.

"Oh please I was glad to get out of there I wanted to come home before break was finished, wanted to fix up my blog for the next school year, you know the basics, and I can't do it with Nino's family always making a ruckus," she chuckled as I smile "plus you're more important right now, how is it going? Feeling nostalgic yet?"

"Feels weird," I answer honestly "my room is clean, seems like my parents came in often to just freshen it up hoping I'll come back soon."

"How about we do you a welcome home party to make you feel more at ease hm?" Alya squeezed my hand.

I mean is that a good idea?

I'll get to see all my friends in a nice gathering, there will be food, good vibes, it doesn't sound like such a horrible idea, this could possibly help me feel better not walking in like I never existed.

"Did I hear Party?" Chloe looks at us as she had 3 dresses I've created before hanging them on a hook in my room I installed a while back "Who's party? Where? Wait why wasn't I invited?" she rushed beside us and pulled on my sleeve.

"You idiot I was saying we should throw her a party" Alya groaned before slightly pushing Chloe's shoulder.

"How about in our hotel? We have air condition, we can hire cooks to make your favorite meal, I can buy you a dress you can wear, I can do your makeup, omg yes I can all see it already."

"Are we throwing a party or a gala? No Chloe, no," Alya laughed as Chloe rolled her eyes.

"Well where else? We can throw it at mines with no cost-."

"It will cost, not us though."

"Well where do you suggest?" Chloe asked looking at me.

"We should do it at Chloe's, I mean I was thinking of the Park, but there will be a bunch of random people, plus I wouldn't mind some air conditioning, plus we will have tables and we can even play games freely," I shrug my shoulder "but I don't want to go all out with people serving drinks and food, I mean we can all just order pizza or croissants stuffed with whatever, self-serve drinking table with some sweets I can ask my parents to do."

"And the clothing, the makeup?" Chloe asked as I look at her before letting out a small laugh.

"I can just wear some jeans with a regular t shirt, I'm not going to red carpet Bourgeois," I smile as she frowns.

"That won't do! We should make you look more gorgeous than you already are, please at least let me pick out a dress for you and do your makeup," Chloe begged as I shake my head.

"It'll be too much, it's just a welcome home party Chloe," I tried to make her understand as she shakes her head quickly.

"Come onnnn, I can still pick out a simple dress, I swear I won't go overboard," she began to fake cry as Alya laughed.

"Come on Marinette look at her," she gestures as Chloe gave me puppy dog eyes "let her have her fun, I'll do the invitation list and the music."

I glance at Chloe before letting out a heavy sigh "okay fine, but don't go overboard."

"Omg! Yes! Yes! Yes! Ohhhh I'm going to make you look out of this world tomorrow I can promise you that, let me order your skin tone and some soft palettes-," Chloe began to walk away before sitting at my desk looking around "Where's your laptop?"

I point to my backpack and she begins to waddle to the sofa which had it on top, with the moving chair under her and sitting back on the desk going through one of her fav makeup brands website, I looked at Alya as she laughed "Okay babe now I gotta start the list."

I nod and walk to my window sitting on the ledge a bit while I looked out to Paris, I didn't really ask them when is this party, I turn to them only to find them engraved to what they were doing, I smiled. I'm glad I have such amazing friends, ones that welcomed me home with open arms and are throwing me something to feel comfortable, I glanced down at my phone when I see a message pop up from Anthony, I open it to see him posing with a medal in his hand.

'I miss you, I wish you were here :( '- Anthony

'Congrats! I knew you could do it :)'- Me

Another message popped up, I look up lightly when my smile dropped only to see Adrien's name at the top of my screen, quickly I shut my phone off not waiting for Anthonys response. I guess Chloe saw my reaction and looked at me confused "everything all right Marinette?" she asked as I nod giving her a forced smile, I could tell she didn't believe me but she didn't push forward.

"What?" Alya called as Chloe just shrugs not trying to put much notice on me.

"She jus turned off her phone that's all," Chloe mumbled still looking at the screen she's been in.

"What your fans getting the best of you?" Alya laughs.

"No," I mumbled.

"Still can't believe Marinette has more followers than me, like me Chloe Bourgeois," Chloe huffed before flipping her hair dramatically "how'd you do it anyway?" she asked genuinely.

"Marinette was at a competition, won said comp, some fangirls were there already for someone else, saw Marinette declared her as theirs, she did an interview for some taekwondo magazine, Marinette posted it, her fangirls decided to spread her achievements and now here she is, a famous martial arts teen, oh not to mention that she wins most of all of her opponents with such a small body. It's honestly quite amazing, you leave Paris walk into a taekwondo studio and decided to start your journey to a better lifestyle," Alya requoted my interview.

I stand up from my area and walk towards Chloe as she quickly logs out the screen preventing me from seeing what she was looking at.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Nothing I just placed the order for the makeup. Now we should wake up realllllyyyy early for tomorrow since we have go find you a cute outfit for the party," Chloe shuts the computer before smiling at me, I quickly lunge and open it before opening the tab as she tries to pull my arm away "please don't look! You won't forgive me and make me return everything," she cried as see a charge on her card for almost 380 euros.

"Chloe," I groan "I won't be able to pay that money to you right now."

"You don't have to pay me back! This is a gift from moi," she kept pulling at my hand as I shut the computer feeling bad due to the amount she spent on me "please don't put your pouty face on! I did this because I miss you and I believe anyone should at least have makeup with them, I just bought the basics anyways, but then I saw cute palettes of glitter that would look amazing on you! Come on don't be upset."

"It's just to much," I sigh as I look at her, she quickly hugs me.

"Nothing is ever to much for a Bourgeois," she sighs before patting my back "I just wanted to make you feel special for tomorrow," She pulls away as I give her a confused expression.

"What do you mean for tomorrow? Wouldn't the party be in 3 days?"

"I already texted my dad's assistant they're already putting everything together, the room should be ready by tomorrow and the makeup is coming around 6 once we wake up to get you a dress," she looked at me like I already knew this, and that its totally normal that a party that will take people about week to plan is done in not even 10 minutes.

"I should not doubt your ability to plan a party," I laugh lightly "and I don't need a dress I have many I haven't worn" I argued.


"How about the next time we go out slash hangout we can go shopping and you can pick out some cute dresses for me to wear," I try to convince her.


"It's going to be a long night for you," Alya laughs as I roll my eyes.



It was a long night.

Chloe wouldn't budge and neither would I.

I don't remember how we fell asleep, but what I do know is that who ever is shaking me violently really wants to die.

"Wake up your mom made us breakfast and Alya's already at the table eating," Chloe groaned, I slowly open my eyes and look at her noticing her hair looks like a complete bird's nest, I laugh lightly as she groans annoyed "don't' make fun of me I didn't have my satin pillow with me, let's go."

I get up and tie my hair up in a low bun before heading downstairs with Chloe, we sat beside Alya who had baggy eyes and an annoyed expression.

"I finished the invitation list and sent out the invites many have replied saying they'll come, I just want to sleep right now, you all do what you're going to do I will be sleeping in Marinette's room," she got up before patting both of our heads.

I sigh "what are we going to do? We go help with the party at your hotel?"

"No, they don't need our help, lets go pick up you makeup and get some snacks from a corner store, oh crap we forgot to ask your parents for the pastries for the party," Chloe freaked.

"Well we really don't need them-."

"I told them already now get out the house so I can have some peace and quiet without Chloe yapping her big mouth off!!" Alya yelled from above.


We were walking arm in arm as Chloe visited random shops trying to persuade me to try on new dresses, I simply shake my head, and looked around the luxurious stores we stopped at almost every turn we took.

Now I am sitting here as Chloe was having a mental breakdown because she hated the way a dress she tried on looked on her, I can already tell what the problem was, her chest.

"Ugh! Look how mushed they are, it makes them look weird!" she yelled lightly as the attendant looks at her with a strange look "I'm going on this cute date with Kim, and I just can't find a dress that makes me look good from up here you know?" she looked at me "I don't want them to sit there or be pushed up and I certainly don't want them to look like this!"

"Perhaps we can find another that is one size up ma'am," the woman tried to offer.

"Can't you guys take all bodies into consideration when you make dresses, not everyone is flat chested!" she cried as sigh "I'm sorry ma'am I know it's not your fault you can leave us," Chloe sat beside me letting out a huff.

"Want to fix it for me?" She smiled brightly.

"Sure, I saw how someone can fix their dress to their size with the corset method," I nod.

"Thank god, do you think it'll be done in a week?" she asked as I nod once again.

"Ah you're the bestest friend a person could ask for," she hugged me tightly before kissing my cheeks happily.

From there we made our way to pick up my makeup and headed our way to my parents bakery.

Chloe was now brushing my hair trying to convince me to change up my style from my normal two pigtails, I shake my head feeling comfortable the way she styled it already with a small ribbon tied to the rubber band, I decided to wear a simple lace dress I made back when I was in China, it was a nice beige white cloth like material that gave off a picnic dress I've seen in a magazine years ago.

Alya got up later than us and now I am sitting on the window ledge once again as Alya got her makeup done by Chloe, I turned on my phone again to only see another message from Adrien, I didn't bother opening it, another from Anthony with more pictures of him and the team. As much as I'm happy to be here now with Chloe and Alya I missed my life back in China. Suddenly the girls laugh loudly as they ran to me showing me a funny video of Alya pranking Nino with whipped cream, I laugh and look up at them as they spoke amongst themselves.

Or maybe I missed my life back here.


We walked into the hotel as Chloe runs to her dad thanking him for doing this on such a short notice, I can tell how much her father cares for her, just like mine cares for me, I'm glad she grew up to be thankful for everything he does for her no matter the cost. We get to them as I thank her dad for this party, he smiles down at Alya and I "ohhh I'm just glad my girl has such good friends! This is just a small thank you to you all, and welcome home Marinette take care of my daughter hm" he grabs both of our hands squeezing them before walking away to talk to his colleagues.

"Okay this way," Chloe leads us to a room when all of a sudden a large boom rings out through my ears and many voices all at once yelling.

"Surprise! Welcome home Marinette!" I look around seeing all my friends, I smile happily when all of them came running towards me.

I smile expecting everyone to be coming in after we walked in, I didn't know everyone came early, I felt my eyes water as each of my classmates hug me saying kind and thoughtful words to me. Soon we were all seated in a circle table like we were nobles in a meeting, everyone took their turns asking some questions about my stay in China, and some recalled moments of how awkward and clumsy I was, I was laughing, I had a true real smile.

I was nervous about this party in full honesty I didn't want to get reminded of how I was before I left to China.

I was running away from the old Marinette.

It feels weird as someone brings up things, I've done that made everyone laugh while I felt embarrassed in that moment, I know they don't mean any harm, its strange to hear of the old me when the me right now is so incredibly different.

As they recall moments I smile knowing how I was no longer the old Marinette, I was proud of who I am and who I'll become.

That weird feeling turned to pride and happiness after a while.

But of course, nothing can last forever as the doors to the room we were all at opened to show Adrien and Kagami by his side.

My smile no longer stayed on my lips.



Yes chapter two! I'll start on chapter 3 today but you know it's summer break!

Do you guys like the art? Or do you want it back in color?

I will say that sketching it out is quicker then coloring since you know.

Anyways have an amazing day y'all!love you all!!

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