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33.33% Eschaton
Eschaton Eschaton original


Author: YuudariV2

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: I Almost Died

"I think I died today, or maybe yesterday… I don't know. I wonder if those brats at the orphanage are doing ok." Letting out a sigh I lifted myself off the cold heavy soil that lays beneath my feet while also keeping watch of my surroundings for any signs of a threat.


I cursed inwardly, clenching my stomach as it roared in anger from not being fed for who knows how long, I took a step forward. But then it dawned on me at that very moment.

"Where the hell am I"

"Did that guy from earlier leave me here to die!?

Clenching my fist, I punched the ground out of anger, and roared "What happened to her!?"Moments later, giving myself time to collect myself. I began to recollect my memories of what happened before I ended up in this situation. I remember the woman we called Pearl, the caretaker of us orphans at the orphanage and also the woman who raised me for the past 12 years, giving me a list of things to pick up at the market. I was confident in my ability to do so, ever since I turned 12 I had been tasked to do simple things like this. But on my way to the market, I heard the cries of a girl coming from an alley. I knew it was getting late, I knew I should have just walked away but in the end I couldn't. Taking a step forward, I walked deeper into the alley. The sound of a woman's muffled screams grew louder as my heart beat began beating faster. I dashed forward, and took a sharp right on a corner. I stopped in my tracks, staring at the scene before me with anger in my eyes. A large bald man,with a large scar running down his left eye, was smiling while putting his hand over the woman's mouth as he felt the body of the woman in a red dress with the other. I closed my eyes briefly before yelling at the man, telling him to stop as I ran toward him with the intent to kill while holding a dagger in my hand that I pulled from the hidden pockets in my jacket. "But what happened after that…?" I thought to myself.



The sound of tree branches breaking and leaves bushes trembling fills my ears.

"Someones Coming"

Listening closely for any signs of moving, I observed my surroundings in order to find a suitable hiding spot in case I needed to kill who or what was the cause of the noise I heard. Looking left and right, towering trees surrounded me, each sharing a massive size with red and orange leaves as they blocked the shining rays of the sun . The grass was a vibrant green, which oddly aided me in regaining my composure and remaining concentrated on the situation at hand.



"There it goes again" I said to myself as I put forth my remaining strength in my legs and dashed to the nearest tree and hid behind it. My actions shouldn't have been loud so there's no way anyone would know I'm hiding behind here, I hope.

I reached in the pocket of my jacket, quickly trying to find the daggers I always kept with me.

"My- my are daggers gone"

The sound of steps gets closer and closer each passing moment, each second they get closer. Sweat races down my face and the thought of dying a terrible death fails to escape my mind.

" Fuck!"

"I don't wanna DIE"

"I'm only 12 damnit"

"I still need to get back to Mother Pearl!"

These thoughts roar throughout my mind like a caged beast trying to break free.

The steps stop…

Forcing myself, I take a peek from behind the tree and see a large direwolf standing in the exact same spot I was in a few moments ago. Its burgundy colored fur is the first thing that meets my eyes, although dangerous it's a beautiful color I must admit. It's ferocious sharp teeth can tear the body of any of us mortals quickly, my fear only increasing further at the sight of it. Fighting such a beast would be suicide without any weapons, although the enviornment is to my liking my attack would be nothing to its defenses thus I must be cautious. I keep my eyes locked on its movements, waiting for my chance to escape without being noticed. The direwolf lowers its head down in an attempt to smell the ground.


It's the only thing you're able to hear right now. The wind stops, and the trees stop dancing, the whole world seems to have gone on pause at this very moment. And then, it looks at me. Me and the Wolfs eyes lock as we both stare at each other without any further movement, like two mortal enemies reuniting again we both stare. Observing each person's movements.


The Direwolf growls as saliva drops from its mouth while looking at me with it's hungry black eyes. Without any hesitation I turn back and begin to run in a random direction, the Direwol spares no time to do the same as it darts in lightning speed towards the direction of its prey.

"I'm so dead, i'm so dead" My thoughts raced as I sprinted forward trying to find a way to get out of this alive. The only thing around were the same ancient looking trees that were more common here than any monster. Pushing myself to the limit I could feel my body on the verge of breaking down, and the pain increased with every step I took.

A long wolf howl came from the direction behind me, and the sound of heavy footsteps grew louder each passing second. I was being hunted, the position I was in was that of a prey and not the hunter. 'I hate this feeling" I hate the feeling of being powerless, having to run because I am weak. "I won't die, not YET" I exerted more strength into my legs, causing the veins on my smooth white skin to showcase themselves while also adding more strain to the rest of my body. But I don't care anymore, living was the only thing on my mind now. I looked backwards to see if the Direwolf had stopped chasing me and strangely it had, in fact I could no longer see any signs of it almost as if it had disappeared.

"Where did it go?"

After a short moment, I breathed a sigh of relief and got ready to continue in the direction I was already going in.


The sound of a branch getting broken and the vibrant green grass being pressed on greeted my ears. Before I could turn back and leave, my body shivered. I took one step backwards and grabbed a decently sized stick for protection, the forest was eerily quiet. I clenched the stick with both hands and took a battle stance, waiting patiently for the enemy to strike so I could counterattack. I was still slightly anxious but my will to live was stronger. Suddenly my body shivered and I ducked, the large structure of the direwolf I had been waiting for attempted to sneak attack me and now stood in front of me with it's venomous gaze.

The wolf seemed to grow angrier as it's attempt to kill me failed. I took another step back and felt my back come in contact with a tree. The wolf, seeing this, wasted no time to strike at the opportunity to strike as it dashed towards me and pounced with its sharp silver claws leading the attack. I quickly rolled to the left and grabbed the stick beside me. It's claw left a huge slash mark that dug into the tree, causing it to fall over from the impact. Due to the tree being knocked down the sun showcased itself as it showered my body in radiant light, enabling my grey stormy eyes to give off the impression of it glowing. With the stick in my hand I ran forward towards the dire wolf with killing intent and stabbed at it's eye, the wolf noticed this sudden approach and swiftly shifted its body to the right and rained it's claw onto my body. I raised the stick in order to block but it was pointless, it's claws tore through the stick and made contact with my leg causing it to bleed.

I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming in pain, as I stumbled backward. The injury on my leg was gruesome, the blood seeming to never end which only added to its already terrorizing sight. With my back against the wall, all hope seemed to be lost. Any chances of escaping were close to none and as I stared in the eye of the beast before me, seeing my own pitiful sight through it's reflecting black eyes I knew it was over. The Dire Wolf now knowing that its prey was finally caught, looked at me with a vile smirk as its closely clenched white teeth dripped with blood and dashed towards me with ferociousness.

"Its over"

It was the last thought I had before I closed my eyes shut and raised my guard, waiting for the pain to come.

But it never came…

With my arms covering my face, I opened my eyes slowly in confusion. What stood before me was a half-naked man with long spiky white hair and battle scars down his back clenching the mouth of the dire wolf with his bare hands. The more I looked, the more I got the feeling of a tall mountain standing before me with a powerful aura. I was unable to see the face of the man who had just saved me but I could see the regretful look in the eyes of the beast that had just tried to kill me. It was powerless to the situation just like I was and because of that, it whimpered in fear seemingly wanting to beg for mercy. Before I could digest what had just happened, the man clenched his hand harder, and the crushing sound of bones and teeth greeted my ears. As the dark red Blood leaked from its tightly closed mouth, the man who was the cause of this ended its fate quickly and crushed the rest of it's head with his hands still tightly clenched. The body of the direwolf dropped to the floor and a pool of blood flowed from underneath.

"What the f*** just happened"

I stared at the now dead body of the Dire Wolf in shock and then looked at the man in even more shock. The mysterious old man turned around and stared at me with his heavenly deep blue eyes and I stared back. My heart beat grew faster each passing second, and each second ate at me more and more as I wondered If I would die next. I decided to stand up but struggled to do so even as I used the tree behind me for support. With the tree as my supporting factor, I stood straight and looked at the face of my savior once again and captured his features into memory. His clean jawline and sharp eyebrows were deeply rooted into memory. He then gave me a warm smile and opened his mouth to speak…

"What's your name?"

"It's Pit" I answered quickly

"Do you need some help?"

I looked down at my injured leg before I stared back at him and replied saying "No, I'm fine"

I couldn't afford to trust anyone. I had already almost died once I couldn't get in a similar situation again.

"Hmm… I see" the mysterious old man replied as he extended his finger to my forehead.

"Hey! What're you doing-" My voice drifted along with the wind as My vision went black and I lost consciousness.

Unknowingly, the mysterious old man who had been the cause for this was the one who had just saved me. Picking up my injured body like it was nothing, he began walking back in a certain direction in silence.

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