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Chapter 1: Champion's Archive 1 "Arrival"

Ancestor POV

As the humans were approaching our temple we finally finished our preparations in order to send the herald of our race in order to escape the grasp of our pursuers. As our machine comes to life fueled by the energy havestes from this planet we gaze into the portal made from the tear in space and time.

Despite it's bueaty we have no time as we carry the soon to be last of our race and dropped it in the portal just before it closes and our salvation is secured.

We turn back towards the incoming threat and potential annilation of our race.


Embryo POV

In my semi counsious mind I feel the affects of the transportation to this other plane of existance

As I land in a patch of grass in this abstract forest I can see oddities that were different from my last universe.

The ancestors have gifted me with the knowledge of their universe and their technologies and creatures

Saved in my mind like templates with a yearning to expand and yet I can feel some of those templates missing, perhaps a side affect of the passage.

It is of little matter tho my predecesors have finishsed their mission and now it is my time to start mine as I begin to break out of the flesh walls that have surronded me since I was created.

As I broke out all anyone could see if they were there would be an 6ft 5 tall creature with a white exoskin armor glowing a redish hue in between the armour segments and spine with four glowing eyes on its face with two one each side and a gem like protusion on the center of it's forehead that glowing a pinkish white along with a three segemnted mouth with exposed razor sharp teetk ending with tusk like protusions that reach up to it's eyes and has no nose nor ears that are to be seen.

As he reaches his full height he strechs his limbs and mouth and then begins to survey his location from where he's standing.

'Tree's with bark as black as obsidian and reaching 10 meters tall with bio illuminating blue leaves, and dark blue grass that glows when I step on it. I should find a suitible location to infest and start my hive and begin colonization of this new world. I wonder if the night cycles of this world are similar at all to my old world

While I searched for a optimal location I noticed strange creatures and insects would flee as soon as the smelt or seen my presence.

Something to note for when I hunt them down for biomass to plant the fungal hives and birth new brothers. This will soon be of no use as power and numbers out match stealth and cowardness nearly everytime. Although caution is never a bad look on things

*running water*

'Hmm a small river, flowing it back to the source would produce a good source of biomass from the local animal population'

Sniffing the surrondings as I walked through the canopy of the thick forestry I noticed a new scent just upstream and the sound of the river turn into a roar as I begin to see a waterfall 20 meters tall feeding into a lake 70 meters in diameter.

Although what really caught my attention were what seemed like intelligent life forms that seemed to have settled here.

'Primitve in technology, most likely in the stone age seeing as they have wooden walls made out of the same black trees as before.

The only distiguished oddity were that the species looked like a very dark green skinned human with pointy ears and an even pointer nose, carrying only spears and clubs with leather armor and standing at 5ft tall`

'There numbers are around 2 dozen and I can't get to close without them noticing my white and red body against this black and blue surroundings'

As these thoughts are happening I see a group of 5 exit from there poorly made gate, equipped with bows and arrows in what is to be a hunting party.

'Perfect timing I'll follow them until their far enough and ambush them to determine there strength and see if I can take their for myself'

'Although not what was the originall plan this will be acceptible'.

Lord_tachanka Lord_tachanka

More of a world building chapter and also a pilot.

I'll make the next chapters longer, but i didn't want to keep yall waiting to long

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