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Chapter 2: Chapter II Lunch Break and Boyfriend

Once in your life in high school have you ever thought of getting invited to eat lunch with a beautiful and talented girl?

Should I be proud of myself? The answer is no, losing cool getting ahead of myself brings calamity, and recovering would be critical.

More importantly, I need to figure out her real intention for inviting me. I believe in goodwill but I honestly just cant' sit still at all in this situation. My instinct alarming me of danger. Nobody would be able to relax getting all these dagger-like stares which are kinda annoying.

I ordered chicken tonkatsu with vegetables as a side dish while she ordered just a salad and pudding. Does she have to hold back that much on food? Maybe she's on a diet or something but still quite unhealthy.

"Asamura-kun it has been a while since we last eat together," she said.

"It was back when your family visited us for a business meeting about 6 months ago," I replied.

"So the reason you invited me to lunch is?" when I asked her this she's in shock. She didn't think I would ask her this question.

"Can I ask a favor Asamura-san ?" she asked

She started showing tension on her face and hastily averted her eyes while slightly lowering her head.

I was left dumbfounded. Just what in the world would a beautiful girl ask from me. And Oi! stop showing that cute shocked face everyone is watching us. Why are u blushing?

It looks as if I said something I shouldn't have to you. Just what kind of favor you will ask me?

"Eh, a favor? Ye sure if it's something I can do then". I replied

She still looks hesitant, then after a few minutes she made a serious face and look directly at me and she said.

"Can u be my boyfriend Asamura-san?" She said with a straight and serious face and a quiet voice but loud enough for me to hear.

"Huh, what do you mean?! Eh?." I retorted.

"Don't make me repeat my words Asamura-kun," she responded.

Are you serious? 

I wanna ask that as a retort but for some reason, I couldn't bring myself to say it.

Now I'm feeling such a heavy atmosphere around me. My thinking process is not working! Did my brain cells just melt? I can't come up to any conclusions to understand why would she ask me that out of all boys on this campus?

Is she messing with me? Is she even real?

And before I could ask for a reason why the school bell rang and that signaled the end of lunch break. It surprised me! She stands up and said.

"Looks like we won't be able to talk about it now so if you're free after school Asamura-san can I invite you to a nearby cafe after school?"

Ugh, she looks so serious, I can feel her strong conviction and determination to continue with this.

"Ye-yeah, I would like that," I replied.

While still shocked that's all I could muster to answer. What the hell!.

"That's great then. So I'll go ahead and thank you for allowing me to intervene in your valuable lunchtime Asamura-san."

With a smile on her face, she went ahead to our classroom and left me alone. She looks satisfied.

This just added to the mystery. But well, it's not over yet. I'll have her talk about everything later.

So I quickly finished my lunch and went back to the classroom. I wonder what kind of face I had earlier when she asked me that.

"Haaah..." I sighed.

Now that I think of it, was the reason she ordered just a salad and pudding was that she could eat faster and leave alone? It will be awkward for both of us to finish and leave at the same after that conversation. Deep inside me, I appreciate that.

I sprint through the classroom and almost got late. Good thing the teacher was minutes late too.

I could hear a faint voice of my classmates talking about invitations and stuff. I wonder what is that.

She's already in her seat waiting for the class to start so I took my seat then the teacher starts the class.

It's Modern Japanese. I'm not particularly good at this subject so I used to give it a lot of time self-studying back in middle-high school.

Classes went fast and the first day of high school ended.

Suddenly, a certain handsome guy stands up in his seat and walked towards Marika.

He is if I recall Kanba Atsushi. His family manages a huge hotel business known all over the country and running for decades now, the Kanba Group of Companies.

With such lineage, dignity, and power, and more importantly, he's a pretty guy with a ton of confidence. Damn this guy has the guts to talk to someone as high class as Marika-san.

"You're Marika Kurisu-san, right? If you're free would you like to join us for a simple gathering of our new classmates?"

Then he turns gaze at me and said. 

"Of course Asamura Aki-san you are invited too."

So this is the invitation I've heard from them was all about. They were planning stuff like that on their own and were planning to invite Marika and me too?

I didn't expect this turn of events but Marika already made plans with me. Wouldn't this be pretty hard to turn down for someone like Marika-san for the reason they're both people of interest in this class and it looks like this handsome guy already gained the favor of most of our classmates especially girls. But-

"I'd love to but I can't. I've already made plans with Asamura-san. It'd be a shame but I will not be able to attend the gathering of our class. I sincerely apologize."

She rejected the invitation of this handsome guy. That was something awesome, I mean honestly refusing the invitation of a handsome guy like him, any girl would think it's a waste but for Marika it was nothing.

"Ah, it's okay don't worry some other time then Marika-san."

He could only give that as a response after his invitation getting coldly rejected by Marika-san.

Everyone's quiet and stupefied. Watching how the scene played in front of them. They wouldn't dare speak a word.

Some of my classmates are watching with looks of astonishment and some are displeased especially the boys, they just lost their chance of getting to know the beautiful Marika-san.

On the other hand, my name was mentioned by Marika-san that she has plans after school. Now everyone's glaring at me.

Suddenly, a cold sweat ran down my spine. I'm feeling a lot of pressure from this. Why the hell she has to put me into this situation and stop staring at me too Marika.

I know you all are waiting for me to give my answer too!. I sighed, then.

"It's true that I and Marika-san have plans after school so I'm sorry I wouldn't be able to attend your gathering too Kanba-san." I said.

After I said that everyone in the classroom room started mumbling stuff like why would Marika and I have such plans together.

Most of them are probably thinking we are already in a relationship but well I cannot blame them for having such thoughts.

For the boys, they're giving me stares with sparks of jealousy and murderous intent.

I'm aware that a healthy high school student would want to experience the same situation I'm in right now but trust me it's not as pleasant and heavenly as what you are imagining.

Is this the feeling of making an enemy of the entire boy's faction in my class by stealing their beautiful goddess?

I honestly don't like this feeling. Can I run now? Which way is the closest exit? Damn this feeling is suffocating.

However, this handsome guy Kanba Atsushi is still in shock and couldn't believe what Marika and I just announced to the entire class.  He will need some time to recover his senses and get a good grasp of reality.

After that Marika picked up her bag and stand up, turned her gaze to me, and said.

"Shall we go?, Asamura-kun."

I wonder how she could put up that cool act and she just called me with a -kun. Don't make it sound like we're in a relationship already goddamnit!.

Ugh, we need to leave immediately this hellish ground. Grinning my teeth to keep my nonexistent composure I answered.

"Ye-yeah let's go. Marika-san." I hurriedly picked up my bag,  follow behind her, and left the classroom.

I don't know you're intention but I will surely make you talk Marika Kurisu. And you will pay for all the trouble you put me.

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