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Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Isheva's Attack

The report came in suddenly. No warning or indicator. Isheva was making her way to the school. The creatures normally never go deep as the turret's attack often keeps them away, even after they are destroyed. But Isheva not only took the hit head-on, she barely stopped. She quickly destroyed the turrets but instead of raising the block, she let out her piercing roar and then dove straight into the ground and continued to make her way towards the school, making her incinerate line as she did so.

Her incinerate line is when she is close to the surface where her spines are sticking out, leaving behind a glowing red and orange line invisible to the human eye. She can, if she creates a shape or just closes the line in general, cause that closed shape to blow up with energy, causing anything in its path to melt or, if it is resistant to elements, poison them, freeze them, turn them into stone, vaporize them, snap their necks, blow them up, etc. It is unknown just how much the energy can adapt to kill someone.

"How much time do we have to evacuate the school?" I asked.

"Not enough."

"Rookie! See if we can do anything to slow Isheva down on the path she is currently taking."

The rookie nodded and went to work. I opened a feed to the school and located the room where Sardina and Sardenia are located. Sardenia will probably listen in without making a scene but she herself doesn't have a headset or headpiece. We find it hard to put one on to someone who becomes invisible and intangible. It kinda falls right off.

I got in contact with my second fleet and told them to get ready to cut off Isheva.

"Wait! Isheva's attacking?"

"Yes, that is what I said. This isn't a drill. My fleet is convening near the school but they need time."

Richard, the person in charge of my second fleet, let out a nervous chuckle.

"Sardina is there? As if things can get worse."

"Don't jinx it ya buffoon!"

No response came. I felt a trickle of unease run through me. Why isn't Richard responding? He always has a snarky but charming comeback.

"About making things complicated...Chewawa and Shena have been spotted on the beach and are now making their way out of it."

I froze up. Some of the others noticed and looked my way.

"Um, commander?"

"Can it Catherine!"

I figured the best course of action was to let Chewawa and Shena go for now but keep a watchful eye out. If Chewawa runs into Isheva and a fight breaks out, we are to rescue Shena and get her the hell outta there.

I relayed my thoughts to Richard.

"Alright. Want me to unleash the Vultrax drones?"

"Half of them. Chewawa is highly dangerous and we have no idea what he can do. I don't want to lose some newer models since those are the only two units in existence, and the other unit is with the high commander's fleet."

Vultrax are stealth drones used for tracking, hunting, analyzing, and destroying any target with extreme firepower. Their cloaking abilities puts our ships to shame, being able to not be heard when in its cloak, having a scentless and as far as we know, undetectable scent, energy source, and sound. They are quite expensive though which should be blatantly obvious.

"Well, if you don't have any questions you know your orders so don't delay."

"Commander! Isheva suddenly changed her path!"



I can't believe they think they can stop me now. I have done so much preparation for this in four hours. I may be straightforward and not cunning when it comes to fighting and I may be outplayed, but when I have time to prepare truly, or when I put my mind to it, I can outsmart any of my siblings. Do they think they could have made me stay with those cannons? They truly underestimate my prowess. No matter how painful it was to endure those shocks, I will go on. The electricity died anyway.

I poked my head out of the ground and listened. Ships were desperately turning and coming back to get in new positions. Now to finish with the plan.

I sent my tail out of the ground, tearing it through concrete and rebar. I then touched the line I created with the two long grabbers/feelers and activated a signal. The government was keeping a careful eye on my line but they were too distracted to see that I made a minor circle using the alleyways and poking my tail grabbed out to make the line. The ships went into position just when the ground below them erupted.

Orange and red liquid enveloped them like a geyser and the ships decloaked and the force field surrounding them failed instantly. The sound of the explosions were covered up by the roaring of the geyser of orange and yellow liquid. I let out a small smile but somehow this victory wasn't as good as I thought it would be. I feel like something is wrong.

I shook my head and focused on the mission in mind. I smell Shena somewhere here. I know the government doesn't have her. I told Shard the government isn't that diluted that they would hold an innocent creature. And there is no way they can just Kill Shiro as simply as that.

I growled at that. He was alive one moment and dead the next. It was all so quick. All the sisters I was with paused and it took a good seven hours before we could bring ourselves to realize that he was dead. Skri was there too and her look was the most unreadable. When our last brother came over, Ricko, his face was a mask of fury. But then the others noticed Skri's face. That face put Ricko's to shame. I have never seen so much hate in a look before. Actually, her eyes alone were causing so much heat that her own flesh began to melt off. She quickly turned and looked away from us before walking away.

But that doesn't matter. I have Shena's scent and I will fight whoever dared to kill Shiro. I was almost there.

I lunged out of the ground and opened my mandibles around my mouth and opened wide. I looked down and one. Shena wasn't there and neither was the thing that killed Shiro.

I stopped and looked around more closely, looking into buildings and alleyways. Shiro's scent was still here but it wasn't getting stronger or faint as I moved around. Where was she?

"Shena!? Where are you?"

I took in a giant sniff and that was when a strange scent hit my nose. Fuel and guns. With a start, I realized that I walked into a trap. I knew they expected a relation attack for Shena's capture but it has been so long since then that I thought they would forget.

Suddenly, Shard's sharp words calling me a birdbrain rang through my head. It has only been a couple of hours and not days, hasn't it?

I seethed inwardly. Where is the fleet? I smell them but they haven't decloaked yet to use their main cannons. Why wai-

A sudden barrage of weapons of all sorts hit me on the back. I turned around, wincing from the pain, and was surprised to see the special forces unit here, well, six of them anyway. I narrowed my eyes in doubt. How the hell did they manage to get here so fast? I know for a fact that they are located not anywhere near here and no one was posted around this part except for those few ships. Were they in them?

I let out a hiss. I doubt it. They all look fresh and not even tired. They aren't from the second fleet or the third fleet. They would have backup if they came from them. It was just them,

My hiss started turning into a roar and I lunged forward, opening up my mandibles and opening my mouth wide. They darted out of the way but one of my mandibles caught the leg of the CAPU wearing the red armor and the two ribbons. I felt the heated tip tear right through her armor and make a gash in her leg. I smiled as she cried out in pain. I quickly turned around and took out my arms and used my wings as a shield to block all of their next attacks. I smiled again. If they think these kids can stop me from getting Shena then they are sadly mistaken.


Isheva was one of the most frequent creatures that attacked cities and towns. Almost everyone has fought her. That still doesn't mean she is predictable and easy to take care of. That means she is the most deadly to face. Even Shard's moves can be easy to avoid once in the right pattern but for Isheva, if you get hit it is almost a certain game over.

Isheva looks like a giant centipede with a big black horn that ends with a glowing orange tip. Her back is covered in massive dark navy blue arrow-shaped plates. Her underside is a pale blue like arctic ice. She has centipede legs but after two of them near her head, she has large black arms with wings on them like a dragon, both dark grey and nearly black in color. Her legs are also black. She isn't that long compared to a Giant Centipede, not having as many legs, but she doesn't have segments so calling her a giant centipede isn't right. She still is longer than twelve blue whales and far deadlier than a giant centipede. She ends with a bladed spade-shaped tail with two orange and yellow feelers or grabbers with hidden blades at the end of those grabbers as well. Her mouth has eight black mandibles around it. Her mouth is like a beak, the top of it being the giant horn, but the lower part of her jaw is shorter and made of flesh. Two pink eyes settle in on the head. Her most noticeable feature is the two large glowing orange and yellow orbs on the sides of her horn.

Her second and probably most noticeable feature that isn't my opinion, (yes the first thing was my opinion) is at-will her horn can glow orange and yellow, or as it really is doing, burn over 8 million degrees. There is no technology in the world that can read how hot her horn becomes. The tips of her mandibles can also become hot as well. The heat, while intense, comes from the same liquid that Isheva can shoot out of the ground. It can shift itself at will all to just be able to kill those it touches. Luckily, Isheva doesn't seem to change the heat into something else unless the occasion calls for it.

Isheva suddenly turned and dove into the ground. I took this and dove towards Malami, who was lying injured on a building. We took Isheva clearly by surprise but if we weren't in the school things would turn out a lot different. Even though we got the drop on her she still took out Malami in one move. Isheva was trying much harder than usual. I had the feeling that if I read the full report after this it will read that Isheva had planned this entire thing and caught everyone off guard. This only happened a few times and I was alive for one of those times but not old enough to fight.

I landed next to Malami and grimaced at the wound. She was barely bleeding as the wound was somewhat cauterized but the cut was deep. The exposed flesh was a gnarly dark red color. Hopefully, the wound wasn't permanent, or else she was going to be limping forever.

"You okay Malami?"

Malami let out a pained smile.

"Do I look fine? I feel like nothing in this world can take me down."

Malami suddenly hacked up blood. It took me a moment to realize that she probably didn't stick the landing on the roof and she just injured herself more.

"David! Watch Out!"

I turned at Ova's call. The white-haired blue-eyed and mostly quiet girl was one of my longest friends.

Isheva had broken the ground and was lunging at me and Malami, her mouth is wide open to swallow us whole. Both Ova and my other friend, Nick, were there, aiming their missiles and firing them into the mouth of Isheva. At the last moment, Isheva closed her mouth and used her mandibles to protect her face. The missiles exploded but when the smoke cleared there was no damage to Isheva. She let out a slow chuckle, somehow human-sounding despite her monstrous appearance. The next moment she swung her head to the side, sending a massive energy wave towards us from her glowing horn.

I tensed. If we got hit by that it would be game over. The energy is the same as the liquid Isheva uses. It will kill us. I looked at Malami. We can move her in ti-

Suddenly Nick let out a scream. I spun around and saw Isheva diving towards us, spinning like a drill, going right through the energy wave she created and heading towards us. There was no time to move Malami now.

Then Ova was there. She put her arms in front of her, forming a cross, and a blue barrier appeared in front of us.


She turned around while still holding her barrier.

"Give me your energy so I can hold the ba-"

The moment she said energy we gave our energy to her. Before she could finish the sentence, however, Isheva crashed into the barrier, practically swallowing it whole. Then the energy wave came in, destroying the building we were standing on.

The building became undone completely in one second and all of us started falling except for Isheva, who was bigger than the building and just reared back to watch us fall.

I tried to make my way to Malami through the falling debris but I could see I wasn't going to make it to her in time. Her suit wasn't powering up as the heat from the mandible probably damaged the fuel. It was slowly coming on but by the time it would activate it would be too late. Then Shiro was there. He had hung back since he wasn't as good at dodging as the rest of us so he was perfectly fine. He dove in and grabbed Malami before flying to a safe place. With her safe, I activated my own suit's rockets or jetpacks. I flew out of the destroyed building and into the sky. It was there that Isheva promptly pounded me to the ground with her winged fist. I was smashed into another building which also was obliterated by the force and strength behind Isheva's blow. When Isheva lifted her hand I was in a massive crater. My suit's armor has a second shield, a life saver, but that still doesn't mean that I was fine. Sure I am not dead but being slammed into a building fast and hard enough to make the ground shake by something extremely strong isn't what I would call okay.

Isheva dragged her hand, making a terrible sound as her claws tore right through solid concrete and steel in the pipes. The next moment the gas line exploded but it didn't do any damage other than to the surface as most of it was covered by Isheva's large thick hand.

"Shiro! Get Malami to safety!"

I recognized Nick's voice. I wondered what they would do to save me.

I looked up at Isheva and to my surprise, saw her staring at Shiro. Two bright pink eyes narrowed and she started hissing. She swung her head far back before swinging it forward, right at Nick and Shiro. A barely visible energy wave came out. I tried to warn them but I could barely move, let alone speak. Luckily Shiro and Nick saw it and flew out of the way. The sound of the energy wave cutting through the tops of buildings started and kept on going. Finally, after a solid minute, it was out of earshot, but by the rumbles in the ground, the energy wave was still cutting through buildings.

I focused my attention back on Isheva. She was snapping at Ova while Ova danced around her head, firing off rockets which no doubt was pissing Isheva off more than they hurt her. Not much of what we have in our suits or mechs can really harm Creatures. If we use our special weapons we could harm them but our special weapons weren't on us since we were going to a normal school. The only exception is Ova's, whose shields can be passed up as fancy wrist cuffs.

"'Your weapons are too noticeable. You can't bring them with you."'

Boy, I bet the general is regretting his decision now.

I finally found the strength to stand up. My body was flowing with pain and daggers were stabbing my chest.

The suit the CAPU units wear is mechs. They go over the body easily and are very flexible and breathable to move around in but strong and sturdy at the same time. On the back are four short pillars that act as wings with rockets at the end of each wing, allowing for flight. Our suit has many built-in weapons and most suits are different from each other. My unit group all have a built-in rocket launcher which is the only similarity. I also have the best color of the group, blue.

I looked for an opening to fire my rocket when Isheva suddenly turned and faced me. Ova saw this and attempted to get her attention back on her. Isheva in response extended one of her armor plates on her back and spun in a circle. The extended plate acted like a blade would and if it wasn't for Ova's experience her throat would have been sliced open. Even though Ova dodged the blade it missed by an inch.

Isheva de-extended her armor plate and charged at me. Her pincer legs ripped themselves out of the ground and made a rumbling clicking noise as she sped towards me. Her horn started cooling, leaving only the tip glowing. She isn't going to waste her energy on killing me with her horn burning at an unknown degrees celsius.

When Isheva stopped right in front of me and then jabbed her horn down towards me it came to me that I was going to die. My rockets weren't working and I couldn't dodge it in any way. My shields were both out of battery. They won't activate. At least my death would be while fighting a Creature. That was how I wanted to go. My parents were killed by a Creature and it was that day that I vowed to kill all creatures. If I was gonna die then it would be doing what I vowed to do and die fighting a creature.

It was then that Ova arrived. She stood right in front of me and put her shield up at full strength...but that wasn't going to save her. Her shield was already weak from saving Malami from the full force of Isheva's horn.

I reached towards her but it was too late. Isheva's horn stabbed right through Ova's shield and impaled Ova right through the gut. The smell of flesh burning filled my nostrils and I instinctively gagged. Ova was then lifted into the air, the hole where Isheva impaled her ripping bigger and bigger as Ova went further and further, deeper on Isheva's horn. Ova started coughing up blood which landed on Isheva's horn and started bubbling due to the heat before evaporating. Ova's flesh started burning off as well.

Isheva lifted herself fully into the air and then flung Ova into the middle of the street. Ova's body was a bloody mess. Her body was ripped open and nearly ripped in half. A steady stream of steam and dark red blood started pooling from her body and Ova started convulsing before staying still, twitching only slightly. Finally, she stayed completely still.

I yelled out before turning to face Isheva. Isheva was facing upwards in the sky, sniffing the air and hissing at something. Suddenly she turned to face me. I didn't even get a chance to do anything. Isheva was lunging at me faster than anything can react, letting out an ear-piercing roar which only made things worse. Her roar was so loud that it stunned anything living nearby. My body in pain and stunned, I was helpless as Isheva lunged at me, planning on finishing what she started.

Suddenly a barrage of guns, missiles, and lasers fired on Isheva, slamming her to the ground with a thud. Isheva got up instantly and when the next barrage came she swung her head around and destroyed everything but the rockets which veered out of the way. Isheva then dove into the ground and the rockets smashed into the street, blowing it up. At first, I thought the rockets hit Ova's body but Ova was further away.

Isheva popped up and let out another roar. This time a fleet materialized in the area Isheva was looking at before. For a second I thought it was the Second or Third fleet but to my surprise, it was the First fleet. It was Kellie's fleet. Her flagship, the Galleon, stood in the front center of the fleet, its massive orange mouth-like line on the front of the bulbous head of the ship glowing brightly.

Isheva hissed before sending three energy waves at the Galleon. I thought the ships would move out of the way or at least try to but the ships hadn't started up yet. It takes a good couple of minutes before they could move fully. Weren't they backup? If that is the case then they should have had their engines on already.

The Galleon's mouth lights lit up even more brightly and some panels on the head of the Galleon started glowing bright purple. A moment later purple orbs shot out of the glowing panels and smashed into the energy waves, blowing up in the air and destroying the energy waves with them.

Shiro, Nick, and Malami landed next to me and helped me up.

"About time backup arrived," Shiro muttered through gritted teeth. He was pissed. I would be too for them taking so long but my mind was reeling. Isheva was staring at the same position the ships were located when we attacked her and after she ki-killed Ova, which means the ships turned on their engines then. But that means...

"They weren't back up."

Shiro and Nick turned to face me.

"What do you mean?"

I looked up at Kellie's fleet with contempt.

"Their engines weren't started up. Isheva before noticed where they were which means their engines only started up a minute or two ago. They were here for a while, if not the whole time."

Shiro and Nick took their time to let this sink in before turning and looking at the fight that was going on. Isheva wasn't giving up no matter how many times she was hit, and the fleet wasn't backing down either, no matter how much damage the shield around them took.

"I see it now. But why would they just wait?"

I clenched my fists.

"Doesn't matter. They could have saved Ova but instead, they waited and did nothing."

Isheva's sudden scream made us turn around. She was lying on the ground, bleeding badly. She was beaten. Or so we thought.

Isheva suddenly transformed into a human shape in a glow of orange. She stepped back and then lunged forward, or more correctly leaped and stabbed right through the shield and landed on a ship. A circle appeared below that ship and the next moment the circle erupted with Isheva's orange liquid. Isheva jumped off the ship and turned into her creature form, diving into the ground and burying herself. She then broke the surface below the Galleon. The Galleon suddenly moved swiftly to the side with an area of purple energy around it. Isheva landed back into the ground and resurfaced close to us.

Isheva was looking different. Her two large orbs were glowing and pulsating while her pink eyes were glowing brightly. Gold and orange veins were visible running through her body. Smoke was billowing out of her back and red spines sprouted from the middle of her back. Her spines weren't normally that big when she allowed them to come out and they were orange red, not red. Her entire horn was glowing and so were her mandibles, and her pincer-legs and her wings.

The Galleon suddenly started opening the front of its head, the lower part of the head splitting into two. A massive cannon was located there and for a brief second, I saw a glimpse of pink next to it. Isheva roared so loud that it took both Shiro's and Nick's shield to protect us from it. The entire ground shook from the pure sound of Isheva's roar. Her body started spinning slowly at first, but then faster and faster before she was like a torpedo or a drill. Her liquid started dripping all over her body, covering her entirely in a matter of seconds, turning her bright orange. She then shot out of the ground right as the cannon fired. The cannon's laser was doing nothing to stop Isheva's approach and just when it looked like Isheva would destroy the Galleon a bright pink spark went over the cannon's laser. The moment it hit Isheva she faltered and stopped spinning. In an instant, she was slammed into the ground by the laser. When the laser stopped and the cannon went back inside there was a giant cater where Isheva was. In the middle of it was Isheva, in a human form. She was too far away to see her in detail.

I aimed my rocket at her when she suddenly transformed again in a bright orange flash and dove right into the ground. The Galleon went back into position with its fleet but at the very last moment, Isheva leaped out of the ground below it, roaring loudly. She broke right through the fleet's shield and made a gaping wound in the Galleon's left side. Isheva then dove into the ground.

I waited for her to resurface but after several minutes nothing happened. I noticed the fleet above turned off their engines. They were probably checking for the full extent of the damage, which means that Isheva was gone.

I let out a shaky sigh of relief before remembering Ova.

"W-we need to get Ova's body."

The others nodded. I started making my way over to Ova's body. I briefly heard Shiro call my name but I ignored it. When I was five feet away from Ova's body I felt Nick catch up with me.

"David! Ma-"

Suddenly, rotted green flesh appeared around Ova and the next second a carnivorous plant in the shape of a pod made of flesh swallowed Ova whole before disappearing in the ground, leaving no trace where Ova or it went.

Silence. None of us knew what to do. Finally, Shiro came and walked over to us.

"Um, I saw what happened. We have another problem though."

I turned, stunned, facing Shiro.

"Malami is missing."


Is being loyal to someone bad evil? If that is the case then everyone who was loyal to someone is evil. Everyone is bad in someone else's eyes. Don't blame the soldiers but the leaders...but does that make sense?


I woke up in a building, Confusion took over me at first. Then I looked up and saw a figure standing over me.

I sat on my knees and realized I was in a sleeping bag. Before I could look at the figure more clearly as my eyes were blurry I heard familiar voices. It was David, Nick, and Shiro. The figure before me tensed and then jumped out of a window the moment David and Shiro came in. They clearly saw them leaving. Shiro and Nick came running over to me while David ran to the window and looked out.

"Are you okay Malami?"

I shook my head.

"I have a splitting headache. Does anyone know what happened? I saw Ova...then I went down to talk to David when everything went dark."

David walked over to me.

"By the looks of it, someone grabbed ya and put you in here."

My memory went back to the figure. They were quite tall now that I think of it. Actually, I had a funny feeling I knew who the figure was.

"Also, Skri took Ova's body."

I blinked a couple of times.

"There was a second Creature? Where was she?"

The others shrugged.

"No idea."

"Come on, we better go home."

The others exchanged glances with David but he shook his head. I got up and started walking with them out of the building. I heard the sound of a dropship landing. We are finally free.


I surfaced right next to the school, hidden by a building. The city was abandoned. No one was going to see me. I turned into my human form and with a sigh sat down.

I was exhausted and in a lot of pain. I failed to find Shena and instead I got shot with a laser from an unknown ship. What am I going to do? How will I tell the others? Actually, they probably will know by tomorrow.

I felt a sudden presence at the school and looked at it more closely. I felt a...sister there? I have no idea who it was. The presence felt alien.

There was one way to tell though. I always did want to go to school. With this much of the city destroyed the government is going to allow more kids to attend school to cover up the destruction. I was sixteen! I could go. No, I will go.

I let out a smile. Watch out, school, and here I come, sister!


I walked into my apartment and sat down on my bed with a sigh. I noticed a shadow on the floor which was different than the others.

"You aren't as sneaky as you think you are."

I heard an agitated humf and a tall figure landed on the floor, no longer hanging upside down perched on the ceiling. The figure was tall and lanky and clearly odd. Her hair was white and grey and stiff, not short but not long either with two exceptions being two long strands of hair reaching down to her back. Two orange-yellow eyes with yellow diamond-shaped pupils with a red glowing dot in the center of the pupils. Her skin was deathly pale. She wore a torn and ragged dress or robe with bone-looking armor. Her hands had what looked like armor but were actually silver plating like an insect. Her fingers were long and with silver claws which also looked like there from an armor set. The girl also was barefooted with long and sharp pale toenails which acted as claws. The girl had a red long serpent-like tongue and a mouth full of sharp teeth. She definitely did not look human.

The girl narrowed her eyes at me and let out a huff.

"You always know when I am in your room. How?"

I let out a giggle.

"Your shadow."

The girl snapped her fingers and nodded.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to thank you for saving me when I passed out, Skri."

Skri let out a giggle and did a curtsey in her torn outfit.

"Why no problem, Malami. I just wish you woke up sooner so we could have talked before your friends showed up."

I turned away from her in a fake face of disgust.

"Don't stick your tongue out like that."

Skri apologized and stood up straight.

"Did they see me?" Skri asked, her voice turning to that of a child.

"You're adorable when you're nervous."

Skri blushed so hard that she had to turn away. I let out a giggle.

"They did see you but," I added as Skri turned around and let out an astonished gasp, sounding like a bird, "they didn't see what you looked like. They do know that you took Ova's body but not that it was the same person who saved me."

Skri let out a huff.

"You make it sound like she is dead."

"Well, isn't she?"

Skri stomped on the ground and puffed her chest out.

"You doubt my SKILL!"

I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"D-don't ye-yell so loud! You'd let others know you're here." I managed between laughs.

Skri settled down and closed her eyes and looked away from me.

"You are cute when you're angry as well."


I nearly burst out laughing at Skri's bird-like surprised voice. Her voice can be like a child and is most times but sometimes it is somewhat scathey and scratchy.

"Malami, why are you always calling me cute? You know how I get."

I cocked my head in confusion.

"Because you are."

Skri nervously started messing with her hair before grabbing a bunch of bone shards from a drawer and putting them on the top of her hair in a diagonal line. Skri then sat down on the bed next to me and cuddled up against me.

"May I ask why the bed?"

Skri blinked at me blankly.

"So you can be comfortable. You might have been knocked out and in combat but that doesn't mean you can't rest easy."

"Yeah but now the others say that I have a guardian angel watching over me or something."

Skri cocked her head like an insect, fast and sudden. In more ways than one Skri is like an insect. She can be almost impossible to read like an insect at times.

"Aren't I? I won't let anything bad happen to you."

I let out a sigh and started patting Skri's head. She let out a high pitch kri kri noise as I did so, her version of purring.

I was living with a Creature. A CAPU living with a Creature. It sounds like some kind of fantasy but here I am. I honestly don't see Skri as a bad person. When I first met her I thought differently since she had almost no emotion in her. Back then she barely talked and was impossible to read. After a number of visits, she started opening up to me and finally showing emotion. She felt happy being around me by her words and although I was ashamed to admit it at the time I felt happy while I was with her. Then we moved in together. Being rich means I can have some privacy so no one knows she is living with me. Not even her sisters or brothers know.

I wondered what the others would do if they found out about us. Skri says Shena is living peacefully with the humans and her mistress or master, Erogazi. Skri says the others aren't really happy about it except for Shiro and herself but they aren't doing anything about it. However, I work with the CAPU. I, in fact, am one of the ones who drive them off. They most definitely won't like me.

Then again, me and Skri have been seeing each other for years, and we have been living together for three years. I was allowed to join the CAPU at a young age because I was rich and had influence. If I joined then I would be a hero to the world and spread the good image of my family. In other words, I am expendable. If I was that precious to them they wouldn't put me in harm's way in the first place.

If my family found out that I am living with Skri, would they disown me? Probably. Not that it matters much to me anyway. What really bothers me is what my friends would do. Would they stop being my friend? Would they try and hurt Skri? I can't and won't allow that to happen. If they want to hurt Skri they are going to have to get through me first.

"You're tense. Are you thinking of what will happen if I am found out again?"

"You know me too well."

Skri sat up and looked me in the eyes.

"We'll be fine Malami. I won't let anything happen to you. As long as we are here for each other we can be happy. Isn't that how things work?"

I let out a warm smile.

"I guess so."

Skri smiled and then patted her lap, signifying that she wants me to lay down on it. I did so and Skri started to pet me, her claws not making me uncomfortable.

Maybe I am overthinking it. As long as I have Skri I am happy. That is all that matters in the end.


The game is set. I looked at the girl standing next to me in an abandoned building. I will get my revenge on her.

The girl wore an odd dress which was a mix of gold, red, and a reddish-brown color. Describing it would be impossible. The girl's skin was deathly pale and she had black streaks running under her eyes. Her eyes were white with a black pupil. The most normal eyes of the bunch in my opinion. In her hands were two guns. Both of them looked like old-fashioned rifles but they also have a look to them that says shotgun. They were a mix of both in design. Each gun had a blade at the end of the barrel.

The last thing about her is her boots which were a brownish-red color and the black diamond-like spikes on the bottom of her dress.

The girl saw me watching at her and let out a mischievous smile, flashing sharp teeth. Her name was Fordoni and she is responsible for destroying my world and many of the worlds that I have lived in. Right now I could barely even scratch her. I mean, I am an eyeball with demon-bat-like wings and a sharp spiky black tail, and a red outline. I don't have much to scratch her with.

But I am a chaos being. I can create chaos. I will use that power to my advantage and bring Fordoni down. I have to.

"Well, Serfellie," Fordoni said, turning to face me, her eyes gleaming white, "Let the game begin!"

[I accidentally posted two chapters instead of one so the word count was 12101. I also pasted them twice without realizing it before so I got a message saying that I can't have more than 100,000 characters or something. Either way, enjoy these two chapters!]

Gabewest42_West Gabewest42_West

I just thought I would let you know that every single character has a different font, or most of them anyway. It took me days to write a chapter because I had to think of what to do from scratch, how each character would be like and their plot, their twist, and their font. So when Part 2 is released and the chapters stop after a while, you know why.

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