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Chapter 9: Inevitable Doom - Volume 1 Finale

Overseer's Oval Office.

As Alexander and Dr. Melinda were descending to the bottom level through the elevator, Overseer Michael could be seen trembling more and more.

Was it fear? Maybe.

Was it rage? Probably.

But, he knew that the only option was the last now.

The Vault was created to study and identify if the Strange Thing in the bottom of the Vault could be used for Humanity and its Origins.

Creating a Vault for something so Unknown, the creators created a protocol in the Vault's power systems that if the situation was going from worse to nightmarish, the Vault Dwellers could use as a last option.

Slowly walking to the sealed safely in the office, he stared at it for some minutes, paralyzed.

Sighing several times as if giving up, he slowly walked to the wall on the left side of the giant steel safe door and pushed aside a painting aside.

Putting the painting down, he looked at where the painting was and saw a terminal inside the wall.

Glancing at the steel safe door and the terminal, Overseer Michael kept hesitating.

Sighing profoundly, he finally opened the safe door.

"... To think it would end like this." He said bitterly looking at the content inside the safe.

Connected to two Vault Star Super Reactors, a big metal box could be seen in the middle of the room on a pedestal.

The strange thing about the box and the pedestal was that ice could be seen forming around the box and the pedestal.

In fact, even with two whole Super Reactors inside the room, Overseer Michael still felt colder and colder as he walked slowly to the Metal box.

Looking at the box, he saw written on top of it, "Project Cryo-Elephantine."

Glancing back at the speaker on his desk, outside the safe, the Overseer's eyes focused.


As the duo descended to the bottom layer of the Vault, Dr. Melinda was already prepared to die.

After all, die from the hard shockwave from the floating globe-like thing or the Elephantine, the result was the same.

Still curious about something, she asked carefully, "... Why are you so desperate in going there?"

After all, they weren't certain that he was the key to open it, whatever that thing was.

Ignoring her, Alexander waited for the elevator to arrive.

Since Alexander woke up and started killing everyone on his way to the bottom, not even 2 hours passed, so she didn't have time to think about the situation but now she had.

'... Wait a minute...' She thought surprised the more the thought about the current situation.

Something she overlooked earlier.

'... How did he know about the bottom layer?...' She thought as she couldn't stop herself from creating theories.

'... Did it call him?... Maybe like a mother calling for her son?' Dr. Melinda thought as she started to think of possibilities.

But, even then, she was far from the truth.

For all she knew, Alexander was now a drone-like being going toward the signal it was receiving or just lost his damn mind.

The truth was much, much worse.

Finally arriving at the bottom layer, the duo entered the Supervisioning Room.

Looking at the dark outside the room, before Dr. Melinda said anything, Alexander said to her, "Turn on the lights. Now."

Not really having a choice, she did as he ordered.

Lights soon started to illuminate the darkroom, revealing a vast room.

But, Alexander didn't care. He just stared at the thing in the middle of the room.

With red goo around it, a giant floating globe-like thing was slowly pulsating red lights.

As Dr. Melinda waited for his directions, she was surprised to find him slowly clenching his fists.

"... Finally," He said as he punched the glass with all his strength.

Upon receiving the impact, the glass started to violently tremble before a crack appeared where the fist landed.

In a matter of seconds, the crack started to grow more and more until the grass imploded upon the giant room.

"Well then, Dr. Melinda," Alexander said with his back facing the scientist and soon continued as he put one leg outside the Supervisioning Room, "This is our farewell."

Finally taking the step, Alexander fell from the room.

Since the Supervisioning Room was on the top of the wall of the gigantic room housing the floating thing, the fall was quite high at around 100m.

Of course, Alexander's face didn't change. In fact, his red eyes never left the reddish floating thing in the middle room.

Seeing the ground arriving, Alexander just glanced at it while his body moved flawlessly.

From muscle control to body flexibility, Alexander was like a professional Gymnastic Athlete.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, his upper body automatically moved as he perfectly tumbled forward.

Standing up, he slowly walked forward as if what he just did was the most simple and easiest thing someone could do. In fact, since the beginning, his eyes never left the floating thing.

As he was walking, a voice came from a speaker.

"Mr. Hardwood." Overseer Michael's voice could be heard from the speaker as he said, "If you continue walking forward, I can't guarantee your safety."

Hearing that, Alexander suddenly stopped.

Seeing him through a camera from the Overseer's office, Overseer Michael thought that it was working, oblivious that the Alexander he was talking was a totally different entity, so he continued, "We will even let you go outside. You want to return to your house, don't you?..."

But, Overseer was laughably wrong.

To begin with, Alexander never wanted to go forward.

He never stopped.

He didn't need to.

As the floating globe-like thing started to pulsate more and more rapidly.

":.. Shit!" Seeing the situation from the camera, Overseer Michael shouted in rage and desperation as he ran to Project Cryo-Elephantine.

In the huge room, Alexander silently glared at the thing as he smirked and said, "To think you misunderstood it as a teleportation device..."

"it never was a locomotive machine." He said as his red eyes focused and soon continued, "This is... Our Communication device."

As he raised his right arm, the thing started to pulsate faster and redder with each pulsation.

But, before he could fully raise his arm, his right eye turned blue again and his right arm stopped midway.

"Oh, Stubborn Boy." Alexander said to himself as he continued, "It doesn't matter anymore, Boy. The message is already in the way."

"Soon, your race will be nothing more slaves... You can see it, can't you?" He said to himself as his reddish eyes grew so red that it seemed as if it was bleeding.

"Since I could see inside your head, you definitely could see inside mine head, right? Boy." Red Alexander said as his right leg gave out, making him kneel on his right.

Suddenly, the ground started to tremble more and more as a sound of a huge explosion occurred on top of their current layer.

Clicking his tongue, Red Alexander said to himself again, "So he had the guts after all."

Hearing a desperate scream behind them and knowing that Dr. Melinda was already a cube of ice, Red Alexander said, "Soon, your entire race will be slaves, Stubborn Boy. Men will die, women will be eaten and children will be left as livestock."

As the extreme cold invaded the gigantic room and approached them, Red Alexander continued, "The message is already out, Boy. Soon, not only the weak Zetans, every single intelligent alien race will be here."

"Will it be 10 years? 25 years? 100 years? Maybe even 200 years... But, remember, your entire race will be doomed... by no other than you, Alexander Hardwood." Red Alexander said as their low body started to freeze.

As the cold evaded more and more of his body, Alexander's red eyes soon started to change to blue again as his both hands started to clench in rage.

And so, Cold Darkness came. The abyss came to everyone.

Vault - 666 came to an end. And everyone inside along with it.

TheCat_Ate_TheRat TheCat_Ate_TheRat


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