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Chapter 2: Wish granted by a fish

You know, when you hear about people dying you hear about how everyone goes to limbo, meets god and gets sent to heaven. Sometimes, you meet and old wise man. Sometimes, a super hot lady. Sometimes, you awake in a white space, sometimes dark. Of all things that people describe, its something mystical and epic. I woke up in a fish bowl.

That's right. A. FUCKING. FISHBOWL. You wanna know the best part? A giant ass fish is with me!!! I swear if this thing eats me I am sueing the fuck out of webnovel for this shit. And screw the author who put me here.

" Hey kid! Don't insult Author-sama!"

" Who da fuq said that?!" I turn my head left and right but no one is there.

" Over here you idiot."

I turn to the voice and see that the giant black fish is staring at me. " Yup, I'm going crazy."

Then it spoke " That's right, it is I the great and powerful Ying, and you have been chosen by my mighty self for reincarnation. My great and benevolent self will grant you three wishes. Count em 1.. 2.. 3.. and any world you can choose. All at the small price of all your karma."

" That's the most fishy thing I have ever heard." What's with this giant fish, he's like one of those door to door salesman.

" Don't worry mortal, I the great Ying, have found ot in myself to offer you a chance of several lifetimes. It's completely legit." The fish says with that terrifyingly large "smile?" I think. Can a fish smile?

" What's the catch?"

" No catch, just that you will have to give me all your karma so that I can grant the wishes. Can't grant wishes without karma you see." *smile*

" Alright well, can I choose my appearance, place and date of birth and stuff."

" Of course, I don't see why not." With that a strange screen pops up in front of me. The screen looks like a character creation menu. I scroll through and put in the information of the world, Highschool dxd, and the date of birth and region. Then I create my body( The guy on the cover) And finally I come across my name. I am a firm believer in the phrase " Words have power" and I want a name that will do that.

" Inigo Montoya" The character from the movie The Princess Bride. He's one of my most favorite characters. He's smart, charismatic and can fight like no other. He also has one of the strongest willpower out there.After the creation, I click enter and return to the fish.

"Alright time for my wishes. For my first wish, I want the Ancient Saiyan bloodline but without the Saiyan characteristics and no drawbacks. For my second wish, I want an Ultimate Cultivation Method that can cultivate any energy and utilize it regardless of race. And for my final wish, I want the power to create my own dragon balls."

" Alright I can do that, but for the dragon balls I can only allow you to wish for things capable in the Dragon Ball and DXD universe. Nothing from other universes, is that alright?"

" That's fine, there's a heck of a lot from DB to wish for anyway."

" Alright, well then, it's time that I wish you farewell. Now get in my mouth."

" Wait what!?"

With that the fish opens his mouth wide and swallows me whole.

" Phew, all done. Man, That was easy, now I can pay back my brother Yang with that but load of karma. As if I'd need karma to grant wishes. Too bad for the kid though, he will have to start all over again if he wants to go to heaven."

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