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Chapter 18: Friends

"How are you my first friend Bell".Hearing the huge monkey speaking in a rough human language all three party members were standing there frozen.

Drake:"well i see you like to get yourself in trouble huh Bell 1st was that minotaur with the huge sword and now you actually manage to meet an infant dragon how unlucky can you get".

Bell:"Amm mister monkey do i know you,i kinda dont remmember meeting someone like you in the upper floors."

Lily:"Amm mister monkey can i ask a question,were you that war shadow that saved me from those adventurers that were beating me up."

Drake hearing Lilys question smiled which looked hilarious thanks to his monkey form."Im suprised you figured it out so quickly yes that was me i see you are looking better and my name is Drake its nice to finaly meet and talk to you."

Bells eyes widened hearing Drakes name."Ahhh you are the small kobold that i met when i just started venturing in the dungeon.

Drake showed a toothy grin "yep i see you have gotten a lot stronger im happy for that."

Both Bell and Lily smiled since they were happy to finaly meet their benefactor.

???:"Bell,Lily do you really know this guy he looks extremely strong maybe we should retreat"

Drake hearing the readheds question to his words started laughing hearthily "Dont woory i wont hurt you little guy since you a friend to to both Bell land Lily."

The guys face after hearing Drakes answer started turning as red as his hair and he was fuming in anger and started screaming."Hey you owergrown monkey im not little and my name is Welf".

Both of his friends started laughing out loud seeing his antics.

Drake:"Okay okay so your Welf its nice to meet you"As they were greeting suddenly there was a sound of something fast approaching and two huge birds emerged from the fog amd landed next to Drake nuzzling their beaks against him.

All three humans were watching them in awe as Bell moved forward."Mister Drake i couldnt help but notice,who are these wierd monsters that are folowing you.

Drake hearing this question froze for a bit thinking how to answer that question."You guys i hope nobody will know what i am about to say okay"

All three noded.

"When i first awoke i got some strange knowledge on how to create them using crystals from the monsters i slay since in thos dungeon im wondering and exploring by myself they are a good company.These two huge birds have been with me almost from the beggining Their names are Pidgeot and Saraptor.The small guys joined later."While Drake was explaining all of his pokemons were watching the humans with large interest.Suddenly using his quick speed Monferno appeared next to Bell and jumped on his shoulder staring in his face in interest.

Bell seeing this jumped from fright.while Drake chuckled"Monferno leave the poor guy alone.But then an Imp with a small dagger tried to jump on Bell but before ot could do anithing Monferno obliderated it using flamethrower.

All three humans witnessing Monfernos firepower shivered imagining it being directed towards them.

Monferno smiling smugly returned next to Drake."This guy that just saved you his name is Monferno,The small sharklike thing is Gible and there is one more but he is to shy,Ralts come out please i want to introduce you to my friends.As the small Ralts showed his face from his hiding spot on Drakes shoulder and nooded shily at the 3 of them.Witnessing the small Ralts hearts appeared in Lilys eyes "How cuteeeee can i pet him" she squeled.Hearing the loud noise Ralts hid again.Drake chuckled"Soory Lily he is too shy maybe later.Lily nodded "i understand Ralts im soory if i scared you.Ralts slowly came out againooking at everyone with curiosity and shyness.

Drake smiled softly at the little guys antics and said "Hey do you wanna party up with us for now its been a while since i could speak with humans. Lily and Bell smiled and both said yes but then Welf dragged them a little bit away and said"Guys are you sure we can trust him cmon he is a monster and you saw that little monkeys firepower if they turn on us we dont stand a chance".Dont worry Drake has saved both me and Lily before i he wished we both would be dead by now"Bell assured his friend."Yeah thats right Drake-sama saved me which in turn allowed me to meet u two guys so i completely trust him."Lily said showing complete confidence."Hah okay if u guys say so"Welf sighed and the 3 of them came back."Have you 3 finished your conference"Drake asked smiling and showing his teeth while Pidgeot,Staraptor and Monferno were watching them suspiciously.

"Yeah we would love to explore with you"Bell answered".

They started moving forward but what happened next shocked Drake completely as they were moving roars started sounding all around them and 12 silverbacks and 3 infant dragons emerged surrounding them.

"What the hell is happening i havent seen so many monsters at one place"Drake muttered while withdrawing Yoru and preparing to fight.

"Its completely normal this is what happens when a lot of people are exploring the dungeon it starts spawning more monsters"Welf answered while eyeing the beautiful black sword in Drakes hand.

"Pidgeot,Staraptor,deal with the infant dragons we will deal with the rest Gible use dig to throw the silverbacks of balance Monferno use flame wheel at the disbalanced monsters to fry them,Ralts use psyhic to protect our backs".Drake started dishing out orders and everyone started fighting.Drake jumped at the 2 nearest monster evading their punches and bisecting them from waist up.

Both birds were flying around evading fireballs from the dragons and then Pidgeot used huriccane creating a huge tornado surrounding the 3 dragons and Staraptor started tossing razor wind blades in to them turning the storm in to huge shredder as the tornado died down what was left were 3 piles of flesh chunks instead of the monsters.Meanwhile Bell and Welf were dealing with 1 monster each while Lily was supporting them using a small crossbow

But then Gible appeared from the ground disrupting both monsters balance and allowing both Bell and Welf kill their targets.All three nodded at each other and Gible again dissapeared underground.Both Welf and Bell turned around and stood flabergasted seeing Drake bisecting the last Silverback with ease.

"Well that was fun lets continue guys."Drake grinned and said.

"Yeah that felt crazy but i think we can continue"Bell said.

The party continued moving forward killing monsters left and right while Ralts was guiding them towards the starway.

As they noticed the familiar stairway Drake suddenly asked "Hey guys when you approch the starway do u usualy meet some strange and very poverfull monster everytime?"

All 3 humans were staring at Drake like a crazy person."What do you mean this is the first ive heard about it"Bell said staring at Drake.

'Oh crap' As they moved forward large greenish fog appeared and started forming.What appeared before them was a large toad like creature with huge mustache. All three Drakes friends were staring at the monster with their faces turning white and slowly backing away.

Meanwhile Drake was looking at the black screen above the monster.


A/N well mister cliff for you guys hope you enjoy the chapter heheh 🤣🤣🤣

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