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33.33% (BL) SIN CITY

Chapter 2: Chapter 1

****Trigger warnings on mention of abuse ,death of loved ones and suicide.

The sun was pink and it was setting, encapsulating the sky in it's warm embrace of it's dusty rose hues before depriving it of the privilege. It then started dimming it's haze bit by bit, hiding the light blue under it's dark blue blankets and when it was finally done, it started to slowly light away the stars, one at a time, as if placing gentle kisses all over the horizon of the sky, leaving behind marks, that glowed purple, brightly luminous. The streets weren't alone as well, the street lamps kept it company, maybe the glow wasn't that great as the of mighty stars and moon but as per it's capability it showed it's love to the fullest extent by spreading it's light across the canvas of the street, as brightly as it could, keeping a steady company of it's barren concrete, taking it away from the breathtaking void of the dark night that approached slowly, picking up it's pace, every minute. Strangely enough nobody on that street seemed particularly alone right then, there were couples going around holding hands, there were friends,pushing each other as they burst out laughing at the silly joke that one of their group members had cracked, there were office workers, sitting at an open stall, sipping tea as the gossip arose about their extra cruel boss, there were children accompanied by their mothers and all of them who were walking alone had their phones glued to their ears, talking to someone. So none of them were actually alone, except one particularly insane fellow, who was sitting at a park bench, all by himself, he didn't even have a phone in his hand or ear plugs in his ears and that's what made him seem even more insane in the eyes of the people passing by, for this strange little fellow was laughing all by himself, not to mention his laugh did kind of have a maniacal touch to itself which in turn made the others around him a bit cautious. The boy knew that he was being stared at, he knew those gazes all to well, it had only one premonition that gave it's meaning out a bit too loud, the meaning was simple, "He has lost it". Logically speaking he had really lost it but he didn't know exactly when, he had occupied this bench for over two hours now, at first deciding to cry on it as he felt standing and crying in the middle of the street would cause a whole lot of inconvenience to the people around, so he had chosen this bench instead, as his glorious spot for crying his heart out but by the time he took a seat, he had already started analysing his situation which in turn had given him such a heavy doze of anxiety, so much so that his tears had already dried off of it's gland itself. He began to think that he didn't have a tear gland in the first place, so instead of crying he started to laugh but as he saw the growing number of stares at his unusual behavior, he, out of the fear of being taken to the psychward, abruptly stopped laughing. All he did for the next hour was stare, down, at his feet, only then had he calmed down a bit had he started thinking again. It all started when he was born, surprisingly he couldn't remember exactly in which year he was born. He only seemed to strangely remember that he was currently 16 years old. Hiroshi's plight started with the appearance of his father in his mother's life, Mr. Tanaka. Hiroshi's father is in fact one of the most unscrupulous man on planet Earth, he is rich and good looking but that is all that is there to him, all of his other character traits are truly disgusting, he is a shameless pervert, short tempered, arrogant, rude and every other adjective that you could ever link to a person who stands to be nothing but a piece of utter garbage and on top of all those adjectives, he is also a damn abuser who doesn't have the slightest bit of guilt of his precisely long list of wrong doings. Mr Tanaka had his first relationship when he was seventeen years old, he being the shameless pervert he was had his fair share of 'fun' as he called it with a woman that seemed to have loved her with all her heart but Mr. Tanaka had other plans he rather believed that it was suitable for his age to have such 'fun' but that 'fun' had resulted in the birth of Hiroshi, which had already sparked a tiny little flame in the heart of Mr. plight (personification used) to find his new target for ruining some more precious lives. Mr. Tanaka had tried to pursue his then young lover, into an abortion but the young miss who seemed to have regained her senses, had refused it, telling him that she will take care of her son all by herself, so Mr. Tanaka didn't pester her anymore, thinking of it as good riddance but later on after a year Mr Tanaka's father got to know about his son's wrong doings and decided to make things right or rather stop the future gossip from ruining his business image by marrying his son to his ex lover who had already brought her son into this world all by herself just as she had promised too, coaxing the young lady's poor family into the marriage wasn't really that hard. The marriage wasn't too bad of a thing at first, that's what Hiroshi's mom always used to tell him not adding in the other part of the story but he knew it. He was young but he understood a lot more than an average adult ever could, that was another one of his bad characteristics another thing his mother used to tell him but she didn't live long enough to tell him more things about him, her husband wouldn't let her do so. There was a constant disapproval of Mr. Tanaka about his wife, who said that the lady had skillfully dragged and fooled him into this 'forced marriage'. He would constantly threaten to kill his wife but no one knew that the opportunity of doing so would come by so soon.After the death of Mr. Tanaka's father and the entire property of his father falling into his hands the real calamity began to unfold the little flame of Mr. plight was now a burning pyre but for the sake of not ruining your brain cells at the very first introduction itself we will fast forward to today ,morning, when Hiroshi was kicked out by his own father, in order to accommodate his new lover, a young actress and a rising star ,the title of which she had achieved by fooling the middle aged idiotic pervert of a man. In addition to all the other achievements of this new lover, she was also in possession of the quality of being extremely cunning,in the fear of not being able to get her hands on all the properties of the old fart in the presence of his son she had decided to get rid of him by simply stating that she didn't like the presence of the man's son and wanted to start fresh with him, knowing very well the unfavorable circumstances of the pitiful son. Today, morning her commands were carried out rather ruthlessly as the young boy was driven out of his own house.Hiroshi really did not have any idea of what to do after that. He kept thinking of ways to deal with his current situation, he began counting his assets which were none except for a small amount of money that he had saved from his job, which would last him about 10 days if he were to book a hotel and 20 days if he were to book a motel and his other asset was the job of a waiter in the Dragon night street, which was the most happening area of Sin City. It stood like a apex at the center of the city, like a heart, bleeding it's way to feeding life, to it's minor veins and arteries. Hiroshi had bagged this job a year ago, cause his father refused to pay for his food expenses anymore after he had turned 15 and was supposedly a full grown adult according to the man's logic. So he had taken up this job in order to stop the fuss and the constant beatings at home leaving the fact that those hadn't stopped even after he got the job. He had to attend to this job of his everyday after school but the owner was an exceptionally good man and often let him off a bit earlier then his working hours but the problem was that his salary from working there could only cover up his necessities and a very few of his luxuries like having noodles once in a week and so on but back then he still had a roof under his head but right now he had lost that luxury as well, so he had to think about how he would find a place to live but he couldn't think of any fruitful solution. First he thought of going against his father in court then he remembered that fighting a case costed money, which he did not have but which his father had plent of, so he dropped that idea as quickly as it came to his mind, then he thought of releasing the news of his father being a sick pervert to a news reporter or something but then he remembered that he didn't know any such influential people at all and since he was born from such adverse circumstances, his father had gone through all the trouble to literally wipe off, all the traces of him having a son in the first place so there was no way, people would believe him that easily of being such a great businessman's son, if he really had to do that then he would need to do a dna test and thinking about all the troubles it would take for him to do so and the money it would need, he dropped that idea as well. He didn't want anymore trouble, he already had enough of them, being dragged here and there would only cost him more trouble not his luck privileged father. He then thought of more attainable solutions like cutting of on his food expenses but after calculating over and over he could not add up those tiny amounts to the big living expenses of this city, so he pondered on some more, thinking of ways to help himself but whatever he thought, however he thought brought him no solution so in the end he gave up and thought of ending his life itself. That would be the best for him, he did not have to think anymore so to carry out his plan he slowly walked to the train station and bought a ticket and reluctantly enough, the thought crossed his mind, of how even dying costed money. He was standing close to the tracks waiting for the train to make it's way into the station but as soon as it did,he couldn't understand the logic behind his own reasoning. He could survive for atleast 20 days with the money he had saved so, why? but wasn't he just really sad and didn't have any reason to live, his thoughts suddenly started to contradict his senses. "Die....die....die!!!" ,this one word rang out in his head like a hymn, he was even chanting it but the chant wasn't that effective in the end, he just could not do what he wanted to do and that was to end his life. He was scared and his legs wouldn't budge, his pitiful life flew by his eyes but still he could not be frustrated enough to pull off the move to just end it right there. Since he had already bought the ticket to the station nearest to his workplace, he boarded the train instead but that also made him question his own decision for actually wanting to die in the first place. When he sat down on the empty seat, his mind went undesirably, blank, maybe from his utterly failed suicide attempt. He was sweating like a pig, his throat seemed like a desert arch and thousands of cactus plants seemed to poke on it endlessly. He wanted to puke but he didn't, his brain was a mush but he hadn't lost his sense of civility. He opened his phone browser, instead, wanting to divert his mind but subconsciously, typed in and searched for "Painless ways to kill oneself" but the search result only gave him another friendly dose of despair and that was in the form of the helpline numbers which he could call to vent. He had tried one of those numbers while still living in his so called father's mansion but they never picked up the call. Well right now he didn't want to vent anymore so it was useless,anyways. He really felt like he wanted to die, he knew he wanted that but he was afraid of death, he couldn't deny the fact that he was scared, he was scared of water and fire and trains but those were also the cheapest forms of death available but all of them were extremely painful. He thought of how he won't be able to pull those off ever in his life and if he couldn't do so and still attempted it with those means and in the end,ended up with a broken limb or hand then that would pose an even bigger problem, for nobody would be willing to give a job to such a disabled teenager as him. He hardly was able to get a job as he was right now, since he had a speech disorder. He had only managed to stick to the job for the owner was an extremely kind and he had told Hiroshi that he didn't have to speak a word there, he just had to silently take the orders and deliver them properly,"your good looks are charming enough to replace your speech faults,you don't need words", that's what the owner of the bar always told him and if on top of that if he lost a leg or hand, then it didn't even pose a question of what would happen then,just thinking of those people without a hand or a leg,working there bones off to provide for themselves,increased his respect for them 10 folds. All of this overthinking made him feel a bit dizzy so when his destination arrived he got down and again located a park bench to sit on, he noticed it was 6 o'clock on his phone, he still had 30 minutes before his scheduled work, he decided to sit still for the time being,so atleast when he reached his workplace he wouldn't loose his job due to incompetence. His head was a bit jammed and he didn't want to think anymore, he just wanted to sleep and think about his problems the next day but he also didn't know were to sleep in the first place. He thought about asking his boss, maybe he could help but in the end thinking about how awkward it would be, he left that thought in a dumpster nearby and decided of staying at a motel for the night, how bad could it be, in the end the most extreme thing that could happen to him was death and after thinking about it like that he somewhat felt a bit calm, maybe if someone else would just kill him he wouldn't be as scared as he was to die on his own with this thought he finally walked to his workplace with his bag that contained the little of his belongings that were thrown with him, earlier this morning. Life was really shit, he thought as he changed to his work clothes in the changing room and put on a fake smile before beginning his work for the day. He didn't leave early that day he wanted to stretch out the time as much as he could and by the time he checked his phone, it was 12:16am, that is when he realized that it was actually getting too late and he wouldn't find any more rooms in any of the motels since they would all be booked for all kinds of funny business, sex, drugs, trafficking,gambling and god knows what else. Hiroshi then picked up his pace, changing as fast as he could, picking up his bag he moved in long strides to the nearest motel that he could locate on his browser, he stopped when the gps showed that he was already at the location. The motel that stood in front of him was also one of the most famous motels out here, it was a bar come a 10 storey motel,the bar was supposedly underground, it was the most famous out of the night bars of the area as well, it's main attraction were it's unbelievably good-looking bar tenders.Hiroshi at first was skeptical to go to this particular motel but then he decided to check on it's room rent services just for the sake of satisfying his curiosity after all he was just another teenager with raging hormones. He then turned off his phone which was desperately holding on to it's life with that remaining 1 percentage of charge. He would lie if he said that he wasn't nervous to enter the place. He was so nervous that his palms were slippery with sweat, he had never been to a hotel let alone a motel, he had always heard that motels always meant funny business in here, obviously he didn't believe it for he wasn't one to believe in baseless rumours but now that he was standing in front of one, he was kind of scared to enter but he couldn't be outside for the whole night that was more scary then being at a motel on Dragon night street, it was a place of entertainment. It had all kinds of means for entertainment that a human could ever crave for, from high end beauty salons and malls to escort services and gambling dens, everything was within it's scope. It was a place that lit up only after midnight, as if it were a real Dragon waking up from it's deep trance with a struck of the nightly hours. There would be lights and buzzing people both rich and poor out of there homes to satisfy there hungry desires of corruption and lust. Hiroshi looked around himself, drunk people were scattered everywhere, some had already lost there consciousness, while others had lost any sense of self that there was to them, a group of men even whistled while going past him, showing how,even men weren't safe in such an unruly environment, so after experiencing his first bout of cat-calling he decided to go inside the motel. At the front desk, there was a lady, sitting, ever so flamboyantly that it almost seemed she was radiating an aura of gold, when she saw the young man enter, she tilted her head to one side and smiled so brightly that it seemed as if her life depended on it but Hiroshi on the other hand couldn't return the smile. He had been pretending for the last 5 hours, with that plastered fake smile that he that perfected to the t with practice but right now, he was too tired, he couldn't put up with that anymore, seeing the guest's seemingly uninterested attitude, the host was a bit taken aback, in the end she lost all her wits and passed the room rent charge sheet to the youngster standing in front of her with an expressionless face, he looked through the rent chart and found it pretty economical, even a lot cheaper then he had originally thought of. These people surprisingly also let people rent rooms for months which was a good thing, if he could only acquire the money then he could stay here for a month or two as well, in the end he booked the cheapest room available for two days, that would cover up the entire of his weekend, he paid for the room cost and was almost ready to retire for the night but he still didn't move up to his room,immediately. The lady found this young man quite amusing as well,he didn't show any interest in her but was staring at her with those nonchalant brown eyes for more then 10 minutes now,it seemed as if he was looking past her, he seemed to be in a completely different world at that moment ,when the young man finally came back to himself, she yet again smiled one of her brightest smiles at her guest while passing the key of the booked room. The youngster directly made eye contact with the lady, he wanted to get a good look at her face the moment he had entered not because he was interested in her or something but her hair colour had really bewildered the young man. The lady seemed to be in her early 40s, she had brown eyes, a pretty face but the only thing out of place with her appearance was her bright red hair, Hiroshi could not understand the reason behind it but then he also had this annoying habit of always trying to find reason to everything and anything there was. He was just about to take the key to his room and move up the staircase when a guy about his age taunted from the side, " She's doesn't do kids".

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