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Chapter 4: Magic Talent

"Uhhhhh… my name… is… p-ar-bar-ga-vi-re…" The creature couldn't think up any name that she liked.

"How do you pronounce that? Could you repeat it?" The swordsman asked with a smile.

"Oh, sorry that isn't my name, I accidentally muttered a phrase from my native language. How about I tell you my name after I hear yours." The creature got the idea that it could come up with a fitting name after hearing the names of people in this world.

"I'm Rennad." The swordsman immediately responded.

"I'm Farvan." The bowman answered a second later.

"Yes, I'm Gerbi." The fisherman walked in the clinic with 4 fish just when the other two were introducing themselves so he followed.

"And I'm Savlen." The doctor added on to the end, the four of them smiled happily.

"Well then, I'm Lamna." The creature spoke out with a smile after finally coming up with a name. Smiles are contagious.


Somewhere else in a special building that cost a fortune to the kingdom of humans, but successfully keeps away all monsters.

"Could I ask what reason the fourth prince has for coming here?"

"I do not need a reason to go anywhere, but if it will humor you then I will gladly tell you that I came here in regards to the potential calamity." Their faces and their actions did not match their words at all. The prince was standing with a kind of anxious presence, while the man he spoke to was sitting down and clearly did not care one bit about the person in front of him.

"Ah, that incident. You must've come here because of the string of missing people coming near here from the last sighting of the calamity." The man grabbed a small stack of papers from his desk next to him. "Did you want my more detailed information on the nearby cases?"

"Yes, I am willing to do you a f-favour if you hand them over." He clearly knew that this wasn't going to be a small favour. The man smiled and quickly handed them over before the prince could change his mind.

"As for a favour, how about you return that later, and I will only ask for some information on another incident."

"Yes! What information do you want?"

"There was a small town where everyone died except for one person who wasn't even a known resident. I would like to know more about that incident."

"About that incident, we don't have much information. Are you sure you wouldn't like something else?" The prince seemed a bit flustered.

"It's fine so long as there is a description of the survivor, or something else I can locate them with."

"I am pretty sure there was a description, it said they were a tall man with a long well kept gray beard, blue eyes, and a crooked nose."

"Alright thanks for visiting, and make sure to return the papers within 2 months." The man quickly shooed the prince out once he got what he wanted.


In the village there were many empty houses left behind by people who left the village as soon as they grew up to go to the larger towns and cities. Lamna was welcomed and given a place to stay by the villagers with the condition that she needed to learn how to do something that will help the village out. The options given to a young girl, who they assumed knew how to take care of herself due to how she arrived, was first repairing clothes for the villagers or making new clothes to sell. Second she could make food, and lastly she could assist the professional toilet manufacturers with either management or support such as bringing them water or lunch. Lamna tried all the options hoping that she would have some experience in her previous life with one of them. She was disappointed to find that not only did she have no experience, but she was also quite bad for beginners.

With sewing she would constantly prick her finger with the sewing needle. With cooking she could not handle even the simplest of tasks such as waiting 5 minutes. With managing the toilet workers, she could not even manage her own time well enough let alone help others be more efficient. The issue with supporting the toilet workers was the same, being late and actually getting in the way instead of helping them. During this time where she tried all the jobs she met many of the villagers including an old lady who offered to teach her how to sew, and she saw it as the opportunity to be useful and immediately accepted.

"Granny, why do I keep pricking my finger?"

"Don't worry, being clumsy is cute!" The old lady never actually helped or gave advice to Lamna, she just smiled and talked about how cute she was. Lamna had actually already noticed this behavior in many of the villagers. It seemed that all the villagers were trying to win her over and spend time with her because all the other children either grew up or left the village, and they were all missed dearly. Lamna enjoyed spending time in the village, whether it be her short time as a monster or the memories that slowly came back, just happily chatting and working with these villagers was quite enjoyable and relaxing.

Even without the old lady's help Lamna could sew decently well after doing it for a month straight, in this time she got to know all of the villagers better including the first 3 she met at the river. All the villagers had fun things to talk about especially the ones that moved to the village after they felt like they had enough danger and excitement. Some of these villagers were wizards, this phrase brought out excitement from some of Lamna's unrecovered memories and she started to remember what a wizard was.

[Bloodline Acquired]

(common): 100%

Even the most magical species has members who lack the talent of magic, while humans, the least magical species even had members who excel in magic talent. This bloodline is proof that your magic talent is little to none.


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